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/lit/ - Literature

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15495925 No.15495925 [Reply] [Original]

If the literature isn't centered around darkness or light, speaking metaphorically here, I can't read it with sincerity. Almost everything outside of horror and children's literature feels disingenuous to me. I don't know why, but it started happening after my past-life recollection, which genetic testing afterwards verified. I feel stories that center around a simple good or evil dichotomy, or one side at the expense of the other, are superior to those who try to deal with ambiguities.
Does anyone else have this preference?

>> No.15495933
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What horror and children's fiction do you particularly read that interests you?

>> No.15495960

>my past-life recollection, which genetic testing afterwards verified
are you saying you remembered being someone else in a past life, and then somehow tested the DNA of you and that person... and it was a match? what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.15495962

For children's literature it's works like The Secret Garden, Wind in the Willows, and a lot of picture books.
For horror it's works like Ligotti, Aickman, Les Chants de Maldoror, and a couple of others.
I also had one horror story published, and I am a picture book artist. My mind cannot take anything outside of duality seriously.

>> No.15495980

I was an Assyrian Nestorian Christian who converted to Zoroastrianism during Sassanian times after losing an argument with a mobed. I also personally met some of Shahanshahs. My paternal haplogroup is very common among Assyrians and Armenians of Sasun rather than Persians.

>> No.15496117

Unironically interested in reading your work, in case you are not schizolarping

>> No.15496144

Based and Ashapilled

>> No.15496160

What are your favorite books? Almost all I read is horror.

>> No.15496169

Since I became interested in religion I have felt similarly. It just seems obvious that a sort of Empedoclean dualism of good and bad is the basis of our reality. I've read quite a few Monist perspectives and they have never made sense to me.