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/lit/ - Literature

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15495127 No.15495127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I find it difficult to take readers of Stephen King seriously.

>> No.15495159

I don't even consider '''''readers''''''' of Stephen King or such philistine '''"literature"''' as readers at all.

>> No.15495201

Objectively correct opinion.

>> No.15495240
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I don't even consider them humans. lol

>> No.15495851

This is the fat pig that made her cuck boyfriend buy, transport and then assemble her new stupid ikea shelves. And then she complained about him not doing an excellent job.

>> No.15495904

I'm glad my way of speaking is impacting other users.

>> No.15496038
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I try to judge people based on their character and actions rather than their taste in media. Yeah, I'm a real nutter, I tell ya. I'm also crazy enough to use /lit/ for literary discussion and not as a means of alleviating my inferiority complex.

>> No.15496079

anyone who's read Stephen King knows he has moments of greatness but they are few and far between. when he tries he can take on a mccarthy-like tone. it's just not sustainable for him. also his plots tend to start off amazing (part of his popularity), plateau for most of the novel and then end very disappointingly. but by that point you don't care because you're so invested in these characters he built for you. anyone who wants to be a writer people read should study what he does.

>> No.15496093
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Stephen King's strength is that his coke-addicted mind sometimes produces interesting ideas, even though he never fleshes them out and they always get lost in a maelstrom of insanisty and child rape that just peters out. But other people can take those ideas and make something great with it, mostly as movies.

>> No.15496307

A handful of his books are good. If someone told me they only read his books, then I'd question their taste.

>> No.15496691

Yes but his characterization is infantile.

>> No.15496699

the fact that for some reason you invested time of your life to learn that information makes you even a bigger cuck than her bf

>> No.15497504

There's no beauty in his prose. How can you read something like that?

>> No.15497516

ouch he fucked you up, anon

>> No.15497556
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My cute pale short 30 yo (back then) lefty teacher made my read The Lord of The Rings as a highschool Junior. Of course I didn't, in fact only 1 girl read this shit and the rest just read some online resume. Honestly she was a cunt. Nobody is dumb enough to read 2000 pages of kiddy fairy tale. She was butthurt tho and failed all the class lmao.

>> No.15497745

This. Except he only has a tiny handful of character types that he constantly reuses. If he only wrote about 20 books this would be far less obvious and more in line with a theme than an enormous flaw and lack of imagination.

>> No.15497767
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>the rest just read some online resume.

So this is what you niggas been reading? Why?

>> No.15497773

We got stand by me, the shining, cujo, Carrie, the Shawshank redemption, and Tim Robbins as penny wise. Net gain

>> No.15497832

yes and he's turning us all into cucks as proxies since we are now learning about the fact as well

>> No.15497885
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If someone told me that, I would go "yeah, he's a Redditor straight out of Redditville."

>> No.15497895

I find it fascinating she has a book channel yet she never reads any of the books she receives. Her reviews are uninformative shit like 99% of BookTube.

>> No.15497908

No wonder you turned out retarded

>> No.15497926

I only judge based on the media if they excitedly avow for a significant enough amount of media that is harmful to good culture

>> No.15497951

Good one, anon

>> No.15497971

Pet Semetary is pure horror. King is not a great writer but there is something in him that lends to capturing a primal sort of terror that resonates despite his limited facility in writing. There are moments in his books where I forget I'm reading "genre fiction" and am truly horrified at what is expressed on the page. That has to account for something, and it's why I don't totally discount Stephen King as an author.

>> No.15499716

at least I don't read Stephen King

>> No.15499751

Stephen King is the reason I stopped reading at 19 and decided to pick it up again at 23/24. I was under the impression that the point of literature is being dull and prattle on about every little thing.
I'm glad I returned back. Even on the genre of horror itself there's much better literature than King's books
(also a Bag of Bones and the last 300 pages of the Stand are some of the shittiest books I've read)

>> No.15499922

>and am truly horrified at what is expressed on the page.
Why? Are you a father?

>> No.15500015

Someone's taste in media is deeply reflective of their character, stop whiteknighting for consumerist retards. You type like a redditor.

>> No.15500123

His fault for being a bitch.

>> No.15500143

The shining is the only good book he has ever wrote, the rest can go suck a fuck