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15493466 No.15493466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>but religion has caused so much war and stifled man's progress!

>> No.15493489

imagine how much worse things would have been if we didnt have religion

>> No.15493507

I don't have to imagine, I'm watching it live streaming right now.

>> No.15493543

brainlet argument

>> No.15494135

riots rebellions revolts and uprisings are nothing new

>> No.15494180
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>> No.15494196

>T. Thinks like this because of Christian eschatology

>> No.15494327
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Is there a curt turn of phrase that can shut this down? Historically it's easy to btfo of people who cry 'muh dark age' but I have no idea how to engage with people who think religions are the cause of all wars.

>> No.15494346


>> No.15494352
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Religions are the cope of all wars

>> No.15494369

I imagine most ape insurgents are probably christians or at least identify as such

>> No.15494378

>or at least identify as such
no true scotsman
Christians are christians, regardless of niggerhood.
If a jew is ethiopian are the any less jewish?

>> No.15494394

There isn't, because it's not wrong. The opposite is also not wrong. The notion that "religion has caused x" is based in a crude way of thinking about the causal mechanisms of history, and if your response to it is to negate the notion instead of to negating its basis then you are just as bad. You will contradict anon, then anon will contradict you, and the whole dialectic will take place at a low level of resolution. You're also an idiot just in general for being unable to articulate your thoughts and asking to be spoonfed.

>> No.15494417
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just remind them about the colonial wars, the american revolution, the mexican-american war, the civil war, the spanish-american war, the french revolutionary wars, the napoleonic wars, the russian civil war, the chinese civil war, ww1 and ww2, the korean war, the algerian war, the cuban revolution, the vietnam war, the cold war, the soviet-afghanistan war, the gulf war, the yugoslav wars, the war in afghanistan, the iraq war

>> No.15494422

Jesus himself was staunchly anti-war and advocated uncompromising pacifism. Of course, that didn't stop his self-described followers from becoming egregious war mongers centuries later.

>> No.15494425

To say that religion is essential is to say that most people are too stupid for the truth.
Which is correct, obviously

>> No.15494429

>uncompromising pacifism
>fashioned a whip and drove the money-changers out of the temple
>told soldiers to be content with their pay but not that they shouldn't fight at all

>> No.15494436

All of Julius Caesar's conquests, the Peloponnesian war, Alexander the Great's campaigns.

>> No.15494449

t. never read the gospels

>> No.15494453

Its to western centric, plenty of places were religious/superstitious and progressed fine.

>> No.15494460

shut up heretic.

>> No.15494463 [DELETED] 

>If a jew is ethiopian are the any less jewish?
what if i told you that universals do not exist and that properties are nothing more then clusters of associated connections between phenomenal experiences/neurons that tend to activate each other when stimulated, and that they constantly decay and regrow in response to stimulation with no persistent nature over time, and that metaphysicians must use fuzzy logic and poetry in order to account for how jewishenss is associated with whiteness of skin but whiteness is associated with lack of jewishness
what if i told you that analytical philosophers are already doing this

>> No.15494467

>thou shalt no steal
yeah, they seem very "Christian" to me, right guys?

>> No.15494471

You think crusaders didn't plunder shit?

>> No.15494472

>But muh war and stifling is character building
This is what degeneracy looks like.

Hard to imagine. A rational people, interested in science and hard philosophies only? What amazing feats we’d have risen to in the years 2000BC. 200AD we’d surely have colonized Europa and Triton, developed fusion energy and set ourselves a course of self evolution.
Ah, but no hail Mary’s? No Crusades? Tsk

>> No.15494482

That's Jewish, not Christian. Jesus lived among the robbers.

>> No.15494493

no, they literally took vows of chastity and poverty and had no personal possessions.

>> No.15494501
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>Hard to imagine. A rational people, interested in science and hard philosophies only? What amazing feats we’d have risen to in the years 2000BC. 200AD we’d surely have colonized Europa and Triton, developed fusion energy and set ourselves a course of self evolution.
>Ah, but no hail Mary’s? No Crusades? Tsk

>> No.15494503

What are commandments?

>> No.15494518

Major kek.
They raped and pillages just like everyone else.

>> No.15494537

>Thou shalt nit protest the authorities

“Turn the other cheek” is Jesus talk, anon. Or at least it was once the Romans edited your stupid scriptures

>> No.15494538

they literally weren't even allowed to kiss their own mothers. but some low test faggot 1000 years later said they were rapists so it must be true.

>> No.15494549

There were a lot of them, anon. Some didn’t kiss girls, some raped and pillaged. Muslims and Christians alike. Your picture book lied to you.

>> No.15494550

Your mom allows me to kiss her though.

>> No.15494586


>> No.15494596

Was being religious actually a chance for us?

Did it have an positive impact on nations?

I really want to know since I’m not educated on that subject! Thanks!!

>> No.15494626

>Everyone but the supporters of my belief are liars
>History isn't real unless it's about how based christians are
>Le testosterone kek
>I'm the smardest
My shit has more neurons than you.

>> No.15494640

>Was being religious actually a chance for us?
Yes, perfect opportunities to molest children and get away with it because the children were the ones who sinned.
>Did it have an positive impact on nations?
Yes, it restricted the pedophiles to molesting retards who refused to think for themselves.
>I really want to know since I’m not educated on that subject
I have enlightened you. Off you go to church.

>> No.15494649

i trust Christian men who took vows and fought for their beliefs over some fag on the internet who wasn't even there.

>> No.15494660


>> No.15494676

people blindly believing in things instead of thinking critically have caused much war and stifled man's progress. You can believe in religion, political ideology, philosophy, soccer or any other thing for what matters. If the modality of your belief does not include the possibility that you are wrong and the willfullness to change your opinion in case this ever becomes manifest, you are a zealot, a fundamentalist and, useless to say, a brainlet.

>> No.15494757
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>> No.15494779
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>> No.15494784

>ignores all history
>le internet fag
The crusaders were pre-emptively pardoned for their coming sins.
Very few required celibacy(usually orders) and those who did turned into userers or heretics.
Try christ again.
>Muh crusades wuz noble
>Proceeds to argue christians never warred
Why don't you take a vow not to be a faggot for once in your life? Is that too much to ask?

>> No.15494810

seethe harder

>> No.15494897

Your chaste crusaders did some raping and pillaging. Cope.

>> No.15494907

no they didn't.

>> No.15494918 [DELETED] 
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you're looking at it...

>> No.15494934
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>> No.15494940

Yes, no shit

>> No.15495012

They also sodomized each other and fucked horses whenever they couldn't get some strugglesnuggles.

>> No.15495098

So the crusaders are now the benchmark for what counts as Christian?

>> No.15495121

The point seems lost by you

>> No.15495154

Religions have an analytic statement cultures or cultures decide their religions. A religious historicism would never have a crusade against the orthodox or it would at least attack them last. Protestants prefer Judaist cultures over Catholic cultures. This being said it's not determined by the culture as the culture is determined by something else

>> No.15495165

Also maybe the fact that religion is ever present doesn't mean you can blame all wars on them?
Also there are plenty of wars which aren't religious at all such as Persian or roman empires. Rome invaded greece while taking their gods.

>> No.15495174
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>> No.15495267

>muh crusaders
>christians never warred

>> No.15495295

>but marxism has caused so much war and stifled man's progress!
>but but hitlerism has caused so much war and stifled man's progress!

>> No.15495327


AMERICANS have caused so much war and stifled mans progress

>> No.15495353

>“Turn the other cheek” is Jesus talk, anon.
Where did I say otherwise?

>> No.15495354

They are the heir to the Abrahamic tradition and it’s pomo neo-new testament. All evil spooks

>> No.15495359

The five commandments of Jesus includes nothing about "stealing", son.

>> No.15495377
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>what? speak up! i can't here you from up on this fucking moon!

>> No.15495399

most crusaders were just Norman chads who wanted to plunder with the lads

>> No.15495451

That's not true. Most of the knights actually went into massive debt in order to fund their trip. Crusading wasn't cheap and these people had to pay their own way.

>> No.15495457

>we invented fried butter on a stick, color televisions (with remote control), flew to tha moon, Rock and rodeo!
>Eat yer heart out yooropoor