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15493060 No.15493060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15493065

They also torched the Uncle Edgar's Mystery store next to it.

>> No.15493079

based, fuck g*nre fiction

>> No.15493089

A shame. How many lives have been destroyed by these "social warriors"? I also read that two a three died during the riots.

>> No.15493100
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>> No.15493104

Did they at least loot it first to save the books?

>> No.15493117

You're kidding, right?

>> No.15493127

so that we don't go through the same points we went through last thread, here are th points we concured as facts:
>it being science fiction, mystery focused makes this not as bad as it could be
>glow niggers certainly are playing a part in these pyroattacks
>niggers are niggers and looted even before GITD instigation yet increased their subhuman efforts after
>insurance doesn't cover riot
>America's racial issues are a result of their diversity and it is as minimal as possible to such a diverse populance yet it can never disappear without collapsing to a failed state status
>fuck jannies

>> No.15493188

People assume the cop was racist because they have an anti-white prejudice. These protests are essentially anti-white no matter what rhetoric about justice they use to cover it up. They don't care that the officer was arrested and charged. This is the black community feeling like they were attacked by white people so they're going on the offense to damage the system businesses which they identify with white people.

>> No.15493191
File: 5 KB, 1541x78, Screenshot_2020-05-31 Uncle Hugo's and Uncle Edgar's have been burned by rioters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot plebbit take:
>Hopefully this will motivate people to hold our leaders responsible for racism and these riots will never need to happen again
Yeah we just need to do... stuff... and blacks won't mau-mau anymore, right guys?
Then we can have nice things?

>> No.15493195
File: 68 KB, 1299x692, Screenshot_2020-05-30 People shot to death by U S police, by race 2020 Statista.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially this.

>> No.15493197
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And noting of value was lost

>> No.15493201

highlights of last thread about this

>perfectly normal posts getting memoryholed by jannies
>butterfly posting in defense of the rioters without her trip

what else. hey butterfly, hang yourself you disgusting old unwanted pig.

>> No.15493215

Wow, that meme takes me back.

>> No.15493223

You keep trying to pose as one of us, but insist on using impenetrable jargon. Are you autistic?

>> No.15493225
File: 20 KB, 460x306, v4-460px-Catch-Small-Food-Objects-in-Your-Mouth-Step-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boohoo not the genre fiction paperbacks! My outrage is palpable.

>> No.15493228

This should have been a "heckin" nujak.

>> No.15493233
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If you care more about books than racial injustice then you have no place on my /lit/. Black lives matter. Workers of all countries unite!

>> No.15493242

Do not larp. It is unseemly.
If you are not larping, then do not do what you do. It is unseemly.

>> No.15493243
File: 296 KB, 515x510, whycontainit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh. so it looks like when you progressively drive your lower-class population insane with no job security, no prospects, no education, no health care, life-ruining debt, constant threat of gun death and a little magic box in everyone's pocket that constantly tries to indoctrinate them in seventeen directions at once, they might at one point become desperate enough to disrupt even that most noble past-time of collecting paperbacks about rocket ships that go pew-pew.

maybe just try shooting at them? i'm sure the threat of violent death at the hands of a hostile paramilitary organization dressed up in civil servant uniforms is the one thing they're missing. oh wait

>> No.15493245
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>If you care more about books than racial injustice then you have no place on my /lit/. Black lives matter. Workers of all countries unite!
Or just bring back segregation.
Problem solved.

>> No.15493253

Is Uncle Sneeds okay?

>> No.15493258

>maybe just try shooting at them?
It is very important at a time like this not to shoot anyone, but to chill out and listen to the Clash.

>> No.15493259

yeah, this is a grass roots rebellion of disenfranchised young spunky rebels against the tyrannical capitalist police. down with the evil government! i need free nikes!

go watch v for vendetta and let adults talk about things in more than one-dimensional terms.

>> No.15493263

No, no! You can't say that, you elitist pseud! Not all of us like philosophy! The words are too big and make my brain hurty hurty!

>> No.15493272

She was nearly another statistic
i cri errytime

>> No.15493273

>genre fiction

>> No.15493280

>yeah, this is a grass roots rebellion of disenfranchised young spunky rebels against the tyrannical capitalist police.
no, that's not what i wrote.

>> No.15493285

The fag jogger told her to keep her dog on a leash or something might happen to it, probably literally meaning it's dangerous for the dog to be unleashed. (I've seen little dogs almost get run over in NYC.)
She freaked out, either misperceiving it as a threat, or just was a cunt and decided she wasn't going be told to leash her dog. (a lot of "dog parents" are like this)
Literally just a misunderstanding that in a sane world, never would have been national news.

>> No.15493291
File: 601 KB, 729x713, wellalwayshavemars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paperbacks about rocket ships that go pew-pew.
Is there a more important kind of book?

>> No.15493296

>She freaked out
And threatened to make up a story about him attacking her while aggressively marching towards him and choking her dog. Stop being a slave to ideology, just because she's white doesn't make her noble.

>> No.15493300

ghostwritten autobiographies of reality show starlets come close

>> No.15493303


>> No.15493306

>Workers of all countries unite
>burn down the store of a working man who was employing people

>> No.15493309
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>let adults talk about things in more than one-dimensional terms.
when i read these threads, my head just spins from all the dimensions. such adulthood

>> No.15493311

>the store
>of a working man
>who was employing people
Yes, what is more proletariat than the petit bourgeois?

>> No.15493312

Fuck people who raise dogs as if they're human children. I got a raging justice boner when this happened

>> No.15493313

Just like Nightfall

>> No.15493325
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Please, go to gulag

>> No.15493326

your ass would probably end up in hohenschönhausen you delusional westerner

>> No.15493334

Stop giving him (you)s, guys. He's just baiting.

>> No.15493337

I agree with the other guy, but do you realize blacks are a much smaller ethnic group than whites?

>> No.15493340

You alright mate?

>> No.15493360

>scifi/fantasy book store
and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.15493374

I checked it against arrests for violent crimes. White/white+black there was 0.6 for 2017. This is also the ratio for killings here, so there is no difference.
Of course, this is nothing that can really be generalised from, but it goes against the statement that blacks are killed significantly more often. I wonder if there is an actual article about this, comparing it for many years.

>> No.15493392

What's that?

>> No.15493495


They view work as slavery and exploitation so it's an act of liberation from their perspective to destroy these jobs and business. T

To understand the race angle read "white awareness" by Katz. This is what most educated whites use as a reference (and works derivative of this one if they haven't read Katz). While some people just follow the herd, others wish to have consistent frameworks to understand the world. There's a lot of literature that these people have read that allows them to figure out the world. It's important to read these works to understand their actual premises and epistemology.

You may have rational thoughts on why looting is retarded and how this is a farce, but they argue logic is not sufficient to understand race issues. To quote from the book I recommended

‘‘it is not enough to deal
with racism solely on a cognitive level. If participants are not touched personally—if
their emotional base does not change at this point—they are unlikely to change their
attitudes and behaviors’’

Basically they only care about Pathos. So if you try to argue the negative impacts of looting, or anything with statistics, it's irrelevant. They need whites and capitalists to suffer to help understand blacks.

Granted most are not read in any of this shit, they just see twitter/social media feeds and regurgitate thoughtless horseshit, but that's true of any political topic.

>> No.15493499

>petit bourgeois
it stings a little bit every time I hear one of you pampered anglo use these terms of used in my mother's tongue. (and wrongly to add to the injure)
If only you knew how ridiculous you sound.

>> No.15493538

>and wrongly
If you think a shop owner is not petty bourgeoisie you don't know what petty bourgeoisie is.

>> No.15493541

imagine being french and accusing others of being "pampered" and "sounding ridiculous". go check if ahmed is done with your girlfriend yet, maybe he needs a towel?

>> No.15493550

le propriétaire d'un petit magasin est tout sauf bourgeois.
Don't take it personally, it's his kind of people my post was directed to, pampered idiots that happen to be Anglophone. I don't see other language use bourgeois in that manner.

>> No.15493560

I wish you nothing but the worst.

>> No.15493628

Stupidest fucking post on this website

>> No.15493652

>le propriétaire d'un petit magasin est tout sauf bourgeois.
what the hell are you talking about? the petite bourgeoisie is not the bourgeoisie but the transitional group between them and the proletariat. small business owners are the archetype of this class. who cares if you know the language the term comes from if you don't understand the term?

>> No.15493673
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>Watching my beloved city smashed and burned for nothing
Am I becoming a fascist guys? Is this what it feels like?

>> No.15493688

Hardcore Nazis were a minority. Most people voted for the Nazis as the law and order party.

>Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin.

>> No.15493691

White people better wise up because the police have nothing to do with this. They're destroying the city because they hate you. They see themselves as a group, they see you as part of a group, but white leftists are the only people in the world that not only don't have an in-group preference, but actively hate their own people. To insist on being an individual in the face of a group is a losing strategy. Losing means death.

>> No.15493695

how are you going to be a fascist if you're too delicate to even watch public violence? what do you think the brownshirts did all day, crocheting?

>> No.15493697

source so I can read more please?

>> No.15493710

...huh why are you all looking at me like that? Did I say anything weird? I've been having these blackouts lately.
Anyway, it's a real shame this book store got pillaged, this riot is really burning out of control.

>> No.15493720

Being sickened and feeling queasy from this casual degeneracy is exactly why someone would be more likely to get into a far right movement. The blacks, hispanics, and white trash in these riots are totally dehumanized already and equate rioting and looting with partying, it's one big street festival to them. The rich kids coming out to "show solidarity" are completely inured to the degraded state of the blacks, they see them as pets and freaks to patronize, because they don't have to live in the burned down filthy neighborhoods afterwards. The greasy anarchists committing arson and mobbing people like honorless animals are the cherry on top.

If you don't feel sickened at a spiritual level when watching this bullshit, something is wrong with you. You should feel like you're staring into a manifestation of evil. The worst parts of humanity are on full display and there is nothing to restrain them. No values except rich college kids ruining leftism by claiming that this is leftism.

>> No.15493724

I would kill every single nigger before letting them torch my golden age scifi collection. Disgusting worthless apes

>> No.15493731

>Nazis as the law and order party.
oh yeah that law and order party that has to repeatedly distance itself from its own members because they're getting into giant violent brawls in public. normal people who voted nazi voted that way despite them being associated with extreme disorder and public violence because they bought hitler's pr about cleaning the party of the criminal element, not because the party was in any way seen as peaceful and orderly.

>> No.15493755

Looked up and it's Stefan Zweig.

>> No.15493779

Some of the posts itt are amazing and really show the mask slipping on internet commies and how shark-like they are when there is blood in the water. If there were communist show trials tomorrow, the majority of leftists browsing this board would likely gulag you for disagreeing with an indie bookstore being burned down because certain behavior aligns with their hyper-specific theoretical categorizations about who is a capitalist or not. I understand many here don't like genre fiction like scifi and fantasy, but these people will MURDER you for your board hobby if it happens to intersect with their political norms. That's how far gone they are.

>> No.15493787

Internet anime/tranny communists have such a specific streak of viciousness that I always wonder if they all have the same mental illness, and they are only anime/tranny communists because it's such a perfect "fit" for it.

>> No.15493789

Vox Day was behind this.

>> No.15493799

what do these words mean in america

>> No.15493803

The % of arrests of white people that end up in a fatal shooting in 2017 (according to both of your sources) was 0,0081% ([457/5626140] x100). The same % for black people was 0,010% ([223/2221697] x100). As you can probably see, 0,0081 < 0,01. Hence blacks arrested end up dying in a fatal shooting with the police at much higher rates. Don't know what you're trying to prove here.

>> No.15493807

casual public violence of the economically desperate isn't what the far right opposes but what it originates from. you should look up those nazis you like so much because they really weren't compatible with your fainty housewife mentality at all.

>> No.15493813

>feeling sickened and queasy
>muh spiritual level (aka womanly bullshit)

Lmao you absolute fucking pussy

>> No.15493824

I think DFW touches on this in one of his essays. It's quite tragic, but America as a society has decided to embrace irony and disingenuous-ness wholesale. This leads to a vast majority of people simply being adrift with nothing to believe in but wishing they could find something. Believe in religion (christianity) get laughed at, believe in government get laughed at, believe in sports get laughed at, believe in family values get laughed at, believe in america get laughed at. Suddenly they're given a chance to be a part of something, some cause they can believe in fully and seriously and they jump at it. We need to kill the culutural malaise in this god forsaken country.

>> No.15493825

>Internet anime/tranny communists have such a specific streak of viciousness
>I would kill every single nigger before letting them torch my golden age scifi collection. Disgusting worthless apes

>> No.15493831
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>deus vault bruders we must ride the tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>no no no! not like that!!! riots make me queasy!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15493835

Wow, you make some great points. Where is the closet Fascists For Walmart chapter? I would like to join!

>> No.15493845

I never said that dumbass. I'm watching it but a stone's throw away in real time, and it's making me want to bash antifa's skull in.

>> No.15493847

Sure they were. Most of the books devoted to figuring out why Nazism happened are about figuring out why ordinary middle classes voted for Nazis and people like the Nazis.

I don't want to talk about your watered down pseudo-marxism though. Marx would be disgusted by these pathetic riots. You should read him for real instead of twitter summaries of him.

Yes, that schizo larping is a good example of what I mean.

>> No.15493850

You don't have the stomach for it. Stop larping and find some more pearls to clutch.

>> No.15493852

Am I white?

I'm eastern european and I don't know any black people irl because there are no black people irl, but I always thought I was person color and they weren't. But then I heard some anglos on this board comment that slavs aren't white.
If I moved to America would I be considered white? Caucausian? Something else?
Can I claim systemic racism there?
Because if so I am willing to move to America and say I am opressed.

>> No.15493856

the owner was probably white so i don't really see what the problem is

>> No.15493862

This is the mental illness we're talking about, what is its name though? My in-law is one of these Antifa protestors and she's diagnosed bi-polar and some type of schizodal thing. I doubt the mentally ill commie trannys all share this diagnosis, but who knows?

>> No.15493870

Na buddy, forget about it. Even hispanics with brown skin are sometimes considered whites depending on certain facial features, behavior, etc. Do you think a blonde and blue eyed slavic wouldn't be considered white just because he has some slightly mongolian facial feature or something like that? Hell there was a lot of slav immigration to the US and they're pretty much as white as you can get them in the US.

>> No.15493877

I hate to use leftist neologisms but you would be what is called "white-passing" until you opened your mouth and people heard your accent

>> No.15493887

Do you remember what essay?

>> No.15493890

>burned for nothing
For nothing? Do you not even know that it was a protest against police brutality? Read a newspaper, kid.

>> No.15493895

He might be referring to E Unibus Pluram?

>> No.15493899

Yes, racism will end next week. Just like after the Watts riots, and the LA riots, and the Ferguson riots, and the Baltimore riots...

>> No.15493914

It's all or nothing with you autists, isn't it? WWII didn't end the idea of fascism so it wasn't successful, etc. This may come as a shock to you, but there is never a definite final battle like in your beloved genre fiction and comic books.

>> No.15493919

This. I'm white but I understand that every last white person must be held accountable for our crimes and the structural ways we've benefited from the capitalist imperio-patriarchy our skin colour enforces to the neglect of POC, LGBT, gender non-conforming and other individuals. The only reason 'we' can 'build' these stores is by utilising the structures of a system that directly (and indirectly) opresses minorities and forces them into a dynamic of master-slave the only way out of which is the re-appropriation of tyranical slurs ('why can't white people say the n word?') and the burning of the physical manifestations of the symbols of said tyranical regimes. It's not a surprise that this comes at the expense of the master in the master-slave dynamic, it is the ignorance of the master in this dynamic (and the realisation of his impending demise) that forces him into reactionary fascistic views to cement imperial capitalism. If you're white you're either on the side of the oppresed or the oppresor.

>> No.15493921

Ok where are the protests against nigger brutality

>> No.15493924

Lmao are you retarded? WWII quite literally ended nazism as a political regime with relevance in western politics. How did these riots ended the supposed racism?

>> No.15493925

E Unibus Pluram - television and U.S. Fiction (A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again, 2nd essay)

A relevant quote from the essay:

""Irony has only emergency use. Carried over time, it is the voice of the trapped who have come to enjoy their cage". This is because irony, entertaining as it is, serves an almost exclusively negative function. It's critical and destructive, a ground-clearing. Surely this is the way our postmodern fathers saw it. But irony's singularly unuseful when it comes to constructing anything to replace the hypocrisies it debunks."
(pg. 67)

>> No.15493937

i didn't really read most of that but i just want you to know that i would like to unironically murder you in real life

>> No.15493947

I would be more interested in comparing per capita rates of violent crime to the rate of arrests that end up in a fatal shooting. I think it's reasonable to assume more violent criminals implies more violent encounters with police which implies more fatal officer-involved shootings.

>> No.15493956

>impenetrable jargon
Some of us know what a memory hole is.

>> No.15493957

Imagine being this clueless about history.

>> No.15493963
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OOГA БOOГA Гдe бeлыe жeнщины?

>> No.15493965

>I think it's reasonable to assume more violent criminals implies more violent encounters with police which implies more fatal officer-involved shootings.
Considering Americans have a whole ritual to not get shot when they're merely pulled over, doubtful.

>> No.15493967

Yes, it would be necessary to somehow discriminate how many of these fatal shootings with the police are in fact police brutality (that is, unjustified murders, where the arrested didn't posed a threat to the policemen, etc.)

>> No.15493970

Because you're tourists.

>> No.15493973

I suppose you believe nazis are secretly ruling the world from the White House right? Imagine being so clueless about, everything...

>> No.15493976
File: 274 KB, 1211x642, 2020-05-31_1712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least when our wogs rioted they left the bookshops alone

>> No.15493980

You're just uninformed, maybe you should read more.

>> No.15493983

enjoy your brief stay here, keep trying to make a nuisance of yourself like this

>> No.15493988

There's no need to get so mad about being called autistic dude.

>> No.15493989
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1567627616683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English wogs are illiterate.

>> No.15493990

This is some god tier bait dude; I'm impressed

>> No.15493996

Isn't the point of bait to trick people into thinking you actually hold the view?

>> No.15494000


Are the Dead Kennedy's also acceptable? Holiday in Cambodia and the scenes with the white college chicks from Fritz the Cat occur to me regularly these days.

>> No.15494005

you are white, retard

>> No.15494010

Name a country where you can publicly identify as a nazi without public shame; you can't. nazism isn't bubbling just beneath the surface; it's been stuffed deep underground and out of relevancy. That is unless you actually think anyone who votes republican or tory is a Nazi-sympathizer

>> No.15494011


I'm of Franco-Irish Catholic stock, don't lump me in with you disgusting Anglo-Protestants. White is every bit the social construct that progressives claim black is, if not moreso. What a wonderful tool to allow Italians and Scandinavians and Irish and so-on to be saddled with the crimes of dead Anglos and Scots (upper class, mind you, not working class).

>> No.15494012

Did they at least steal the books before burning it down?

>> No.15494015

There's no need to get so mad about not knowing a word dude.

>> No.15494016

Niggers can't read.

>> No.15494018

but I don't want to be, it really looks like whites are getting major black penis up their ass recently in America from where I'm standing. I would like to apply to not being considered white anymore. I never felt white anyhow and everyone from the west always looked down on me like I was black or something.

>> No.15494023

go the post-structural route and simply identify as whatever you want to be

>> No.15494037

Italian Fascism and Shōwa Statism were not a form of Nazism, you embarrassing moron.