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File: 44 KB, 260x367, 260px-Achilles_fighting_against_Memnon_Leiden_Rijksmuseum_voor_Oudheden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15492087 No.15492087 [Reply] [Original]

Was it the best piece of all Greek mythology?

Did Achilles do nothing wrong?

>> No.15492102

I prefer the Odyssey, personally.

>> No.15492104

broke - "achilles did nothing wrong"
woke - "hector did nothing wrong"
bespoke - "agamemnon did nothing wrong"

>> No.15492112

Paris just wanted to coom in Helen for the entirety of the war. He let his dad and brother deal with most of the war.

>> No.15492120

Odyssey is better

>> No.15492139

my nigga ajax didn't deserve that shit

>> No.15492150
File: 265 KB, 589x590, 1568743656379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touches on the greatest question of what gives a human life meaning.
>Unravels the shallow significance of honor, glory, and war when compared to a wholesome family life.
>Visualizes the extent and diversity that rage can attain in a person, from indignancy to grief.
>Perfectly illustrates the complexity of humanity when Achilles spares Priam and they share lunch together.

>haha epic story bro :D
>he like beat big cyclops and gods help him hes so clever and cool also big fart bag wind haha :9
>he slay and bash coool! pbbrbrrt adventure hack slash!!!
>oh and he shoot arrow impossibly to get wife back and be honored!!! yay hero fun time epic story!!!

>> No.15492153


>> No.15492165

virgin analyser vs chad greek simpleton who wants an entertaining story

>> No.15492171

Yes. The Odyssey is better, thanks for agreeing.

>> No.15492179


>> No.15492855

The Odyssey did nothing for me. Just a bunch of adventures and people starring in the Bachelorette.

>> No.15492879

Iliad > Metamorphoses > Odyssey > Aeneid

>> No.15492883

Jason is the argonauts is as good as greece gets
don't @ me

>> No.15493003

achilles did everything wrong
agamemnon was neutral
paris did wrong before the start, but nothing wrong during
hector was the good guy

>> No.15494246

Helen did nothing wrong

>> No.15494269

Paradise regained > Odyssey > Paradise Lost > Iliad > faerie Queene

I don't read L*tins. I cannot forgive AD.1204.

>> No.15494319

Yeah The Odyssey doesn't have themes at all right?

>> No.15494332
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I there a bigger cuck in literature than Menelaus?

>> No.15495070

9th grade opinion desu

>> No.15495082

Odyssey has the Telemachyiad, only for that is good enough.

>> No.15495136


>> No.15495233

DBZ did it better imho

>> No.15495261

Homer did nothing wrong.

>> No.15495285

So if we keep going back, the true villain is whoever decided not to invite Eris to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus? But why not go further? Why was Thetis even marrying Peleus? Becuase Zeus and Poseidon were afraid of her. There was a prophecy that any son Thetis gave birth to would be greater than her father. At first they wanted to bang her into infinity, but after hearing the prophecy they wanted to avoid any chance of a new generation of gods usurping their power. Sot hey forced her to marry Peleus. So in the end, the person who is at fault is Zeus.

>> No.15495296

Agreed. Assuming you are talking about Ajax son of Telemon and not the manlet Ajax who raped Cassandra. Fuck that guy.

>> No.15495318

Depends on your interpretation. Also he was cheating on Helen when she was stolen/left with Paris. His hands were tied in terms of getting Helen back. If the marriage between Paris and Helen was recognized as legitimate he would have lost his kingship of Sparta.

>> No.15495361

Good mature reply.

Annoying childish reply.

>> No.15496085

not caring about helen would've been even more cuck somehow

>> No.15496103

>implying the blood of humans, rage, wars, despair and chaos isn't tasty
zeus did nothing wrong, what a good theatre to the god's pleasure!

>> No.15496596
File: 18 KB, 338x338, (b)eter 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Thetis Married Peleus and they forbade Eris entering the wedding so she made the Golden Apple, the goddesses were fighting over it so Zeus give the choice so a Royale Prince that was meant to die, Paris Prince himself choose Aphrodite, which angered the other godesses, Paris witht the help of Aphrodite charmed Helen and took her from Mainland Greece to live with her which eventually paved the way for the Trojan War, in which Troy felt into ruins and most of their citizens were killed or sold into slavery with the exception of Aeneas who with his people escaped and eventually settled in central italy which paved the way for the establishment of the roman kingdom, which became republic, which became Empire, later on they partitioned the empire into two, the Eastern Part of the Empire eventually fell and because of it, the european kingdoms eventually search west, they discover America Continent and settle there, and after X centuries said colonies rebelled against their metropolis and founded the first republics, one of the former colonies who rebelled would eventually became the sole modern superpower 200 years later

>> No.15496600

Achilles was a cunt

>> No.15496629

I prefer Ovid and the Odyssey.

>> No.15496636

No, he was angry.

>> No.15496678

Imagine training your entire life to be a warrior, hoping beyond hope that your valiant deeds go on to be known for eons, and against all odds they do - but posterity literally calls you The Lesser Ajax

>> No.15496696

He was a cuck. Achaeans call him out for not fighting in the front lines.

>> No.15496715

Which is funny because during the war Helen calls out Paris for being less manly than Menelaus and Aphrodite basically has to force Helen to comfort Paris.

>> No.15496723

It's deserved though

>> No.15496755

Cronus did nothing wrong except losing to the big coomer in the sky

>> No.15496764

>you will never be teleported off the battlefield as you are about to die to go fuck your mistress

>> No.15496822

If he didn't eat his children he might have avoided the whole war.

>> No.15496826

Zeus cannot do wrong.

>> No.15496844

>tfw Grey-eyed Athena doesn't watch over and protect you
Why is every god (other than Athena) in Illiad such a shitdisturber

>> No.15496848
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, raughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask the Oracle at Delphi if your name will go down in history
>"hahaha yeah Ajax it totally will"

>> No.15497518

>implying Athena wasn't part of the Judgement of Paris

>> No.15497535

Griffith Did Nothing Wrong

>> No.15498923

Easily Agamemnon.

>> No.15498952

I really liked Diomedes hurting that bitch Aphrodite. How immensely based can a man be.

>> No.15499081


>> No.15499110

Iliad is like the SW prequels, and Odyssey is the OT. The latter is casual fun for plebs, whilst the former filters them at the catalogue of ships, and has much deeper themes.

>> No.15499528

Kill yourself.

>> No.15499571

Are you okay?

>> No.15501121

Diomedes was definitely the MVP of the war
>the Achaean side was almost plunged to the shitter because of Achilles' and Agamemnon's feud
>Diomedes steps up and leads the Achaeans himself
>has the highest kill streak out of all the heroes that participated in the war
>injured two Gods, one who was sent crying to Zeus who made fun of him
>struck fear into the Trojans
>only managed to be taken out of action because Paris injured him without Diomedes expecting it
And unlike the rest of the Achaean kings he didn't have divine ancestry and was marked by his father's reputation of being a kinslayer. It feels like everything was against him and yet he still struggled hard to succeed.

>> No.15501553
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>> No.15502049
File: 216 KB, 640x793, black pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was Black Pill

>> No.15502475

Shoulda pay your debts

>> No.15502488

Scrooge McDuck did nothing wrong

>> No.15502511

seethe more, Venetians are the niggers of Europe and you will never be called Roman.

>> No.15502667
File: 506 KB, 1252x737, 1536355382807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a man this morning
Who did not wish to die
I ask, and cannot answer,
If otherwise wish I.

Fair broke the day this morning
Against the Dardanelles;
The breeze blew soft, the morn's cheeks
Were cold as cold sea-shells.

But other shells are waiting
Across the Aegean sea,
Shrapnel and high explosive,
Shells and hells for me.

O hell of ships and cities,
Hell of men like me,
Fatal second Helen,
Why must I follow thee?

Achilles came to Troyland
And I to Chersonese:
He turned from wrath to battle,
And I from three days' peace.

Was it so hard, Achilles,
So very hard to die?
Thou knewest and I know not—
So much the happier I.

I will go back this morning
From Imbros over the sea;
Stand in the trench, Achilles,
Flame-capped, and shout for me.

>> No.15502854

I don't care about Venetians at all. I just love greek buthurt. Two thousand and half years have passed from roman conquest of Latium and yet you still call them Latin while not a single man will call you roman these days :) And you are missing out on Divine Comedy

>> No.15503180

I'm Turkish, not Greek

>> No.15503204

Daily reminder Hector is /ourguy/