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File: 44 KB, 720x405, dfw bandana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15491819 No.15491819 [Reply] [Original]

"Why does he wear the bandana?" Edition

>> No.15491888

Living in Chicago and hearing gunshots outside at night. Why has everything gone to shit so fast? Why is everything happening so quickly? I felt the same way when my university had suddenly closed down in March due to corona.

>> No.15491959

Political killings are justified when they serve my cause.

>> No.15491973

I'm tired of being a no-one and living in obscurity, I want to go down in history, I want to do something worth remembering, yet I lack self-discipline and motivation.

>> No.15491988

I won't amount to anything and I couldn't anyways

>> No.15492132

It's odd. As bad as it was, Ferguson was mostly contained to Missouri in terms of looting and violence. These riots are happening everywhere, from LA to DC, and they're just as intense as the ones in Minneapolis. I live in Ohio and our two biggest cities (Cleveland and Columbus) are seeing huge protests and major unrest as well. Worsened racial relations are obviously a part of it, but it seems like more people than ever are ready to find an outlet for their repressed rage and this is as good of an opportunity as ever. (Nice trips btw)

>> No.15492133

what do you want to do?

>> No.15492158

coronavirus spurred high unemployment in the types of jobs that men of that age typically have. there's also a lot of racial diversity in these riots. multiple videos of white dudes breaking and burning shit while black activists tell them to stop.

these kinds of riots are seldom about what they're supposedly about. these cross-racial demonstrations reflect a lot of anger at the police but also a lot of anger at the conditions people are forced to live in. insane student loans, no health insurance, the inability to support a family on a meager income, gentrificaiton.... there's a lot happening in the American city. And the corporate media class tries its hardest to ignore it.

>> No.15492160

hate myself forever and always

>> No.15492195

are you the u.s. government?

>> No.15492201

Twitter and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.15492211

Everyone who goes down in history is forgotten soon enough, nobody weeps over them or mourns over them forever. Even the Caesar/Napoleon/Hitler types will be small footnotes on a long enough span of time. If you aren't forgotten in a few years, then you will be in a few centuries. Certainly after a millennia or two. Besides, there's no point in trying to go down as a heroic figure these days, even the best men have their reputation dragged through the mud by those whose moral standards they no longer fit. Even if you truly become a major historical figure, you will be respected by some and hated/forgotten by the rest eventually.

>> No.15492250

You're probably right, that explains a lot. So many of my white, upper-middle class friends who never mention politics have been taking part in the protests and posting anti-racism/pro-BLM posts on Instagram. Just from the news footage I can tell the crowds are far more diverse than the BLM protestors back in 2014 and all. I guess it goes back to what I said about disenfranchised men (and the middle class in general) desperately seeking an outlet for their brewing rage, and they've now found one.

>> No.15492355

I honestly struggle to see the effort of trying in anything. Time will erase my efforts and death is the end of me as an individual so i wont care what happens on this earth anyway. I wish i could be a genius who doesnt live long but makes and the impact he's making. Sadly im just less than an average man who feels hes here by sheer mistake.

>> No.15492359

where did all these people get it through their head they have to fight for someone with different color skin and coin it "black lives matter"? at what point in growing up do you just have something to tell you this is important in you career and upbringing

>> No.15492391
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I wish the riots were something that could be talked about more freely. I don't even have a very hot take, but that's what's so weird about it; I can throw out plenty of far edgier takes just fine, but I know this one won't fly. Really I just think "The Rioters" is a term that should be dropped entirely.

>> No.15492422

Same reason why I loved my blankie.

>> No.15492437

Now more than ever I want to move somewhere quiet, limit my internet consumption, and not own cable

>> No.15492446

amen to that bro

>> No.15492539

you seem more like a coward. you were put here by a cosmic joke, sure-- but will you let that limit your reach? why not try to make shit better despite this all?

>> No.15492572

Yes, i am a coward. I just dont see anything that i would feel worth pursuing.

>> No.15492591

I feel like I don't have the self assurance it takes to make great art.

or maybe its the fact that I'm already thinking about the greatness of something before I've even put my hands in the clay.

I'm starting to even admire bad artists who commit fully to their aesthetic - At least they BELIEVE they have something of value to contribute.

how fucked is it that I identify more with some miles davis record vs my own work?

>> No.15492594

He wore the bandana because he sweat a lot

>> No.15492612
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Seeing everyone trying to justify unironic "gibsmedat" looting as if it's some noble protest is fucking mind boggling.

Then again i might live in a liberal bubble.

>> No.15492641
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Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home?

>> No.15492871

Hi Vaush.

>> No.15492885

>moving company lost my box of family photos

Literally anything else could have been replaced. Why can't people just do their jobs properly?

>> No.15492906


Corporate media talks about these issues all the time. Algorithms feed you what you prefer to see, you are likely trapped in a media bubble.

>> No.15492909


I'm sorry to hear that, how fucking enraging. I learned from moving a lot for work to keep all personal documents and photos on my person during any move. They can ruin the couch and steal the TV, but those things? Fuck off.

>> No.15492944

Yeah, important things like that I would usually take with me. These were being sent to me by my uncle with a bunch of furniture and other things. I wish I had just left them with him and gotten them myself later on.

>> No.15492955

Im supposed to sit here quietly while im fucking boiling on the inside because of something outside my control but directly related to me so there's no way to escape it. I really cant take it, my mind just shut down for days and its not getting better

>> No.15492969

No matter what i do, i can go for a walk ill be thinking about it, play games still thinking about it, lie in bed at night same thing. I just wish i never realized so i could live in ignorance but at least i wouldnt be in this state every other day

>> No.15493113

Too much guilt to have enough self worth to allow myself to enjoy anything, causing me to do more harmful stuff that causes more guilt, until im in bed all day

>> No.15493218

That spiral is something ive gone through so many times, but due to current circumstance it often takes only a few sentences to fall into it again. Is it self harm i dont know, but when i realize others get drawn into it as well it becomes too much. I know itll make me feel awful, but i still do it. Im throwing away my early twenties on a forum of people who couldnt care if im alive or dead

>> No.15493234

>only hear about this author on /lit/ nowhere else
is his publisher shilling for the book or something?

>> No.15493246

He's the most overrated author of this century.

>> No.15493248

I like reading and watching videos about Silent Hill lore but i'd never play those games.

>> No.15493567
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My depression has been consuming me these past few days. I had something of a breakdown Thursday and started taking medication (Lexapro) that I had been putting off.

Three years ago I thought I met the love of my life, an older religious girl at a local Christian university...

Last year I found a box of photos and police reports regarding a guy (that looked a lot like me) that she had apparently been stalking and harassing for years along with an ASPD diagnosis.

After this, her true colors began to show. She started threatening to commit suicide if I leave her and blackmailing me with threats toward my family.

>> No.15493649

My job is shit and I only have it for the resume experience but fuck if I know what I’ll do next. I need a new place to live but I can’t afford to live by myself and I have no friends in the world and never have. I invested half of my life in a medium I’ve grown up to realize is full of philistines and only cares about social clout, I should’ve invested in something with either literature or film though I’d probably suck at that as much as I suck at what I do now because I’m always just off with everything I do. People are fucking faggots today and everyone needs to make shitty jokes or polite isms of some kind and I’m so fucking tired of pussyfooting, and I say this and I probably do this all the time but my ego doesn’t let me see this. My city fucking sucks. I can’t make anything at all. Social media is terrible And I keep attempting it and each time I do I remember I suck at it and nobody cares about me so it’s not something I can do without embarrassing myself. I’m in a conspiracy I’ve created with a dumb inevitable ending that will obviously be some kind of nothing and at this point I want to drop it but I doubt I will. I can’t tell if I’m writing this here of my own accord or not. I have nothing to live for and everyone is better than me. And I’ve barely read anything and never actually want to read until I’ve already started, I have no productive habits or ability to take care of myself, all I want to do is nothing. I will always be entirely alone because intimacy is terrifying, and everybody pisses me off and I will never have any good friends because I never had any already. I don’t want polite normie shit (I only say normie because I’m anonymous online, people say that irl now for some reason) I want contrarian friends that hate the same things I do, I can’t stop hating myself and everything and people that are phony positive piss me off. And I know I just said “phony” but that’s literally the most apt word I can think to use.

>> No.15493698

I don't think you were on the launchpad, Anon. You were most likely being miserable on the internet, like you are every day. Funny how you can't point to yourself as a prime example of the "master race."

>> No.15493721

just sounds like your typical woman desu

>> No.15493748

I'm getting sick of race consciousness, race pathology, and race baiting. There's been too much attention towards mass identities, and not enough on anything of substance, it feels as if so many peoples consciousness are dimming and the world is having its soul sucked out.

>> No.15493867

Imagine marrying a girl who dosen't have her hymen intact and thinking it won't end in divorce.

>> No.15493888
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>in any way affected by COVID unemployment

You all know these niggers didn't have jobs. This is media, mayors, and governors giving them free reign to do what they love.

>> No.15494096

I am constantly overcome by a feeling of crushing helplessness. I have no control over my life and I cannot exert my will on others or the world around me, or even myself. Any choices I make are at best illusory, presented to me by the universe which I am completely subservient to. It's like being in a room and they give you a door to open and walk through, and they call that choice.

I feel completely helpless in everything I do, I fail at the most fundamental aspects of the human experience. As I walked home today I saw students lying in the grass together - tanning in the sun, reading books, chatting - and I realised I had none of that. I was on my way home to my student room filled with books and dried out chicken carcasses that I haven't had the energy to toss out. I want to have friends and have a social life, not spend every fucking day alone, but I cannot will such a change into the world. Every time I try it's as though the universe "pushes back", like I'm violating the rules of the game; having friends is not a choice I'm "allowed" to make, not a door that has been presented to me, and so it's an insurmountable unachievable task. I feel so trapped, like I'm not actually alive because I'm just walking down a corridor.

>> No.15494179

Sounds like shit bro. I’ve felt helpless too and still do to some extent, but something that helped me was lifting weights. Might sound like a meme but becoming physically strong makes me feel like I at least have the ability to move more objects in the environment around me, giving me more power in the physical realm. This to my surprise made me mentally tougher too. Honestly it only takes about a year of lifting to be stronger than 90% of people out there, another thing that’s made me feel less helpless. When gyms open up you might want to consider it if you are physically able. Literally changed my life and cured my suicidal thoughts.

>> No.15494257

im going to die alone. My (single)mother fucked me up and refuses to admit it. I push everyone away because I was emotionally neglected and physically abused. I keep getting told that I'm smart and capable but that just bothers me more because I would rather be stupid and normal and be able to relate to regular people at a bar than have to find people with my obscure hobbies and interests.

I'm 26 and have never had a girlfriend because I had an insanely overbearing family that forced me to be home rather than being out socializing. I have an 8 inch wiener and no where to put it because I'm very isolated. My whole life sucks and I need to get out of it.

>> No.15494290

Yeah this is exactly how I'm feeling at the moment, even down to the chicken. You're not alone man.

>> No.15494301


Yeah it's really, really shit. I'm a black hole of charisma so the usuals strategy of just going up to talk to people doesn't work for me, at best I get two minutes of small talk about the weather or corona and then they make an excuse and leave. People know I'm looking to socialise and so they intentionally avoid topics that pertain to it, like the planning of parties or dinners or spending time together. Whenever such subjects are broached in my presence they literally lower their voices to a whisper, hoping I won't hear. I don't blame them as I'm a boring piece of shit, but that does not take away the frustration.

I worked out quite a lot for 2-3 years many years ago. I think my self confidence plummeted further because I became obsessed by how much I hated my body and how weak I was; even at the peak of my gym-hobby, when I worked out 4 times a week, I couldn't even bench my own weight. I cried in the gym bathroom a few times.

I've started working out again, the gyms are open in my country, so we'll see where it goes.

>> No.15494308


Yep. You die two times: first, the physical death. Then, the death that happens when no one remembers you anymore. And no one can escape from this. Unless 'muh transhumanism' fixes mortality.

>> No.15494334

I didn't kiss a girl until I was 29, it's never too late.

>> No.15494341

I loved reading 1-2 years ago and then I got into manga and was pretty much only reading that. Then during quarantine I visited this board and got back into reading. I’m really happy having found this board because there isn’t a shit upvote downvote system and people don’t censor their opinion about an author or his work. And I think thread here are pleasant, especially the one with charts, get to discover new stuff.

>> No.15494377

It's definitely too late. I cant make up for a decade of missed experiences. I might as well just kill myself because I will always be playing at a disadvantage in life because i didnt have the social foundations of a normal, regular person.

>> No.15494384

I literally didn't touch a girl until I was 29. Why would it be too late for you?

>> No.15494389

Why only at 29?

>> No.15494431

Because of a plethora of personal and physical shortcomings. I have no charisma or self-esteem, I'm extremely self-conscious, I'm goofy looking and not funny or interesting. I was also deathly afraid of going outside my comfort zone.

>> No.15494469

So how did it happen? She made a first move?

>> No.15494481

I was at a party and we were both very drunk and she communicated very clearly that she wanted me to kiss her, so I just went for it.

>> No.15494504

Don’t be a retard. Public opinion doesn’t govern your worth. Do something you can be proud of, it doesn’t matter what others think of it.

>> No.15494508

maybe if you were 36 but even then, you can turn things around. don't lose hope friend. 26 is nothing.

>> No.15494547
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Nah people say this but it's over. 26 too and life has been consistently getting worse so i don't see how it will suddenly get better. I was thinking the same things 10 years and ago and it was the same 'you're still young time for things to change'.

>> No.15494579

>tfw I've read all of DFW except Oblivion

I'm scared bros. I don't want to know there's nothing else to read

>> No.15494607

>unironic "gibsmedat" looting
The problem is that it can't be generalized. There is footage of some black "rioters" making rings to protect police from others, and similarly footage of police (Jacob Peterson) posing as rioters to smash windows and torch an auto zone. If you aren't talking about the particulars, there is nothing to say.

>> No.15494608

aah, yes the valley of broken dreams and the up-hill of low expectations

>> No.15494611

That's nice, being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.15494644

I dont know if im going to be around by the end of next month

>> No.15494684

where you goin'? /out/?

>> No.15494716
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another week of wagie life to look forward to from tomorrow with another wasted weekend

>> No.15494730

Uhh does blank verse poetry have to be in pentameters? I like the iambic meter but it feels much more expressive when there are 2-3-4 in a line, instead of 5.
But every definition of blank verse I see says pentameters

>> No.15494761

this chart depresses me. so its only going to get worse from here? fuck

>> No.15494765

have you read anything by shakesberry?

>> No.15494768

Yeah, but not on earth. I think the other world is kinda cozy this time of year. Not sure though. Kinda hope I can loop back around and say hi to everyone once im gone, dont know.

>> No.15494770

Guys, I know I should control my anger but come the fuck on. All of you, read some books and talk about them. I do not come here for the nonsense and harassment. Next time I see a thread on something YOU like I will shit it up and we'll see how you like it.

>> No.15494782

got some book money. recommed me something and we'll talk about it here.

>> No.15494806

normies are complacent retards and would rather rot slowly in misery until they end up with dementia than take appropriate measures to improve their lives. don't be one of them.

>> No.15494811

Yes but he wrote mainly in pentameters too, no ?

>> No.15494831

What the hell happens at 82?

>> No.15494838

you die

>> No.15494877

mainly yes, marginally no.

>> No.15494901

I'm guessing serious health problems begin, people start realizing that every day is a gift and what not.

>> No.15495045


>> No.15495513


>> No.15495657

Having read all works of an author you love. Bittersweet feel.

>> No.15495719
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bandanas are cool

>> No.15495812

The current situation made me think about something that was at the back of my mind - the weird, schizophrenic relationship the mainstream American "left" has with law enforcement. You have redditors demanding the blood of police officers, one-upping each other about how anti-police they are, when these are also the same people whose first action is to run to the Daddy State and cry about the people who offended them the moment they come up against something they find unsavory - "racists", "nazis", "white supremacists", basically any sort of ready-made group the narrative weaved by the American media conglomerate tells them are the enemies of the common man.

I also never find it anything short of weird how the mainstream "left" likes to think of itself as the underdog, as the counter-culture to some mass-hallucinated far-right nazi state, when they are actively supported by the establishment, by the government, by various groups with vested interests, etc. as useful foot soldiers to fight the actual underdogs. You're not some romantic revolutionary fighting from a subaltern position if corporations support you and fucking Twitter of all things are your main base of operations. Actual revolutionaries never got positive media attention in history by the state they are revolting against, not ever.

I'm a Europoor so my view onto this topic may not be perfect, but I certainly found it to be an apt example of just how much of an artificial, schizophrenic circus American society is.

>> No.15496107


>> No.15496132

I know that i've wasted my life so far and i want to be very sad about but i feel nothing. Any books for this feel?

>> No.15496665

Ah these Americans, so political. Very strange that they can't just settle for having a laugh that their politicians are incompetent, instead everything political is treated as some matter of life and death. Look at Britain, you don't have brexiteers and remoaners throttling each other in the streets because at the end of the day the general public realises that polticial affairs are just a load of self-wankery for the Eton-elite. And elsewhere in Europe, for example Germany, the Netherlands, you vote for your government and then let them do their job because they're generally competent people. I've been very mystified by this today looking at the race riots in the US, they should learn to just smoke a fag and go for a quiet walk instead of constantly needing to talk about what's going on. Also my editing of the Coronameron is in its last few pages if any of the authors happen to be reading this, I'll make a proper thread for it tomorrow.

>> No.15496793

watch Un Homme Qui Dort/read A Man Asleep (the original)

its both an excellent depressing film and one that is very redpilled on the nature and futility of depression, rather than glamorizing it as some exceptional thing like Taxi Driver et
al do

>> No.15496819

Corporations own the government, the government owns the police. Police protect corporate interests. Supporting the police is supporting the private ownership of the world. But instead of capitalists, you could just say jews and we could stand side by side brother.

>> No.15496872

There was a time in my life when people would constantly lecture me on the real world and their lives within it. I listened because I was trying to be empathetic, good. At some point it would have been best to tell them to shut up, but I never did. Before I reached that point and was listening to the story of their lives, I felt so far away. And like I was receiving payment in a foreign currency; receiving something I would never use. It was futile, but I listened regardless.

I've got to start telling people to shut the fuck up when it's appropriate. I think I'll feel more real that way. I'm not real. I'm not a real person. This is as close as I get.

>> No.15496933
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The stories of DFW's stalkig, harassing, and abusing women are quite interesting desu. I wish I could read more about them, both his biographer and the annoying "victim" only share tiny bits of it.

Anyone know where I can find more info about it ?

>> No.15496956

Im basically only reading genre fiction right now. It is a mistake to do what I did and think you’re going to find the answer to your mental health problems (which is 90% of what the “literary lifestyle” is) by reading literature and philosophy. You are wasting time you could be using on actual convalescence and risk making your problems worse by throwing philosophic wrenches into your already out of whack mind. Instead I will treat reading as a simple pleasurable activity, at least until I stand on more stable mental footing.

>> No.15496962

No please don't. They tell you their stories because they pick up on you being a good listener. Nothing wrong with being empathetic

>> No.15496981

I hate people who come to these threads to chit chat and contribute zero insightful content and just derail these threads

>> No.15497421

I feel too stupid to talk about books because I'm too stupid to understand them on any deeper level than superficial. I've read the sticky and I'll be looking into the self help books listed on how to read, but I'm worried my (assumed) low IQ will still hinder me afterwards.

I know this is just a mongolian shitposting site but I'm so indebted to /lit/ making me discover a love of reading - but by my own fault, it's not beyond a casual level.

Any other anons know this feel? Do longtime e/lit/ists still retain that first love feeling they had when they realised how much they enjoy reading? Am I just too much of a casualfag for this board?

>> No.15497463

You don't think that the far right isn't also supported by shady interest groups? You're very naive if you genuinely think you're the underdog for being a bigot

>> No.15497470

Part of the reason to read both fiction and philosophy or academic texts is that the non-fiction can give you ways to analyse fiction. If you are smart enough to do math, but were never given the concept of multiplication, you wouldn't be able to multiply. You just gotta keep going, you'll eventually start seeing things that weren't there before. Chew on it. Let it stew.

>> No.15497484

Something really fucked up that will be remembered for like at least a few decades will happen due to these protests right now.

>> No.15497529

alternate methods of reaching heaven:
1 get naked. run screaming into the sunset. maintain boner while running and screaming till you reach heaven.
2 go swimming in the ocean. swim downward. keep swimming downward till you reach heaven.
3 spread that pain and fear out over ~80 years.
4 ?

>> No.15497595

forgive me father for i have coomed

>> No.15497664

I don't want to talk as much now that the glowies are here. And this is the time to talk. To say something. To plan and try one's damnedest to resolve things. To do that job you never get paid for. The job that ran you into poverty. And once again indulge the delusion that's very real. I'm in a very precarious position and I can't do my job. I have no hope, no energy, just a slim thread of resolve for myself.

>> No.15497670

Dostoevsky was right about miracles

>> No.15497696

Sometimes people refer to Roadside Picnic as an enbodiment of the absent hope typical of the end of the soviet era in the USSR. I can't see how life could be worse than right now even in such a setting.

>> No.15497699

Read the book instead. Way more comfy.

>> No.15497713

Thank you, anon.

>> No.15497747

I dedicated 5 years of my early 20s to law school and not passing the bar exam feels like another unrequited love so much that shunned me away from my passion. Now I am back to my parents house unenployed, despressed and restarting with the greeks.

>> No.15497777
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Gonna start NoFap tomorrow for a week, my fetish is annoying the hell out of me.

>> No.15497784

What's your fetish?

>> No.15497790

>absolute territory

Based. Good luck anon

>> No.15497829
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Thanks, I'll need it

>> No.15497855

I have psychosis and I have this delusion that when I read a book the author of the book judges me and how I've lived my life.

>> No.15497892


>> No.15498021

I wish those of us who want literature discussion would migrate to another board that is moderated properly. I want my promised land of belles-lettres and based opinions.

>> No.15498035

Using the word based should exclude you from entering

>> No.15498165

Bait, but I'll bite.

There's a significant difference between what your average American considers "far right" and the actual far right. The former group is completely made up of controlled opposition (even the wignats) and glowniggers.

>> No.15498166


This anon gets it. A good student of history will note what sociologists understand, which is the single event which triggers social unrest is usually a pretext to unload on other pent up grievances. Usually there are other hidden variables that are real causes.

Did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand strictly cause WW1? Or was it merely one event out of a set of possible events which would have done the same thing, which merely served as a catalyst that activated underlying political and historical potentialities searching for the right moment?

Or consider Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire because of abuse inflicted on him by local officials. Normally it would have been in any other time a regional tragedy. Another microscopic instance of senseless institutional cruelty that come and pass unremarked, business as usual. Instead there was something about the state of the world at that time that made it different. What exactly causes these moments "self-organizing criticality" (the straw that broke the camel's back) in the sociological sphere is an outstanding question of great importance. In this case the price of bread had in the Middle East had skyrocketed because of finance capitalist speculation, but what interest me is the larger point. I will offer this one datum. When you drill in a racial and class identity into a group of people over centuries, eventually the mirror neuron system will start reacting in many when one of that class is harmed, so that the whole group perceives itself as under threat. This creates an intense unified collective response. The microscopic instance becomes emblematic of a systematic pattern of mistreatment, and it hits a nerve.

The screes have been coming loose on America for quite some time and now the wheels are starting to fall off. Ostensibly about a police killing of a black man George Floyd, in the broad scheme of things this is about the death of the American Dream.

To feel like you have a steak in a society it helps to own land. Nothing makes you a more responsible citizen than having a piece of a country be yours. Increasingly this is a less realistic proposition for young people, who live in a controlled, borrowed or rented environment, never developing a sense of responsibility and possession that comes with healthy property ownership. Instead, more and more ownership concentrates in the hands of the very few, who have more than they will ever need or appreciate. Some make tens of millions in a matter of days while the same amounts of people go jobless.

African Americans are as a class, a concentrated and distilled expression of this disenfranchisement which is now spreading to young people regardless of color. This is what is really motivating people . If you don't own anything, if you are structurally disallowed from ownership, why should you appreciate the stuff you burn down? I hope this answers your question.

>> No.15498173

>Or consider Mohamed Bouazizi,
I forgot to add that his death was ostensibly what "caused" the Arab Spring

>> No.15498204
File: 384 KB, 1325x1990, 1583171503405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just no end to the mental gymnastics people like you are willing to pull yourself through in order to convince yourself that those poor negros dindu nuffin.

>> No.15498274

There's very little difference between glowniggers and the actual far right

>> No.15498297

Feel free to refute at any time.

>> No.15498405

I'm real fucking tired of Amazon trying to get me to buy ebooks instead of actual books. They don't even provide a way of filtering ebooks out, you have to choose a specific binding. Fuck Bezos.

>> No.15498729

Read Spengler's Decline of the West man. He perfectly explains how monied interests and media collude to put a stranglehold on democracy and the way the media deflects economic/class issues by focusing all attention on social issues. That's precisely where you get these "redditors" you mention who think the far right is the greatest existential threat to this country. Notice how mainstream cable media almost exclusively invites supposed experts on their panels to discuss issues related to race, gender, LGBTQ rights, "equality/unity," etc. but never anything related to class inequality or the plight of the working class. Because conservatives are still very heavily invested in the culture wars it's very easy to use them as boogeymen to give the left a sense of purpose to fight back against them as if they are the true source of tyranny. I think this is a self-fulfilling feedback loop that cannot be broken so long as democracy and freedom of press co-exist.

>> No.15498871

There's something on my mind but I think I will wait until the riots and political discussion are over to discuss it

>> No.15498874

Don't be such a tease

>> No.15498951

how so?

>> No.15498986

For months, I've been back in my shitty hometown, in my childhood home, and right now, I fantasize about running away to one of those cities that's currently on fire just so I can say I did something crazy, knowing full well that I'm far too impotent to ever consider such a thing.

>> No.15499072

Great post, and the last paragraph is what really hits the nail on the head. The same systems that handicapped African Americans into becoming a disenfranchised class is now becoming increasingly colorblind. It used to be that racial issues and tensions obscured class-based struggles. Now, the two are becoming interwoven. This is no Ferguson, that's for sure.

>> No.15499884


>> No.15499901

I don't know, I've been led to believe that race riots occur in the US every several years. Is this not just business as usual?

>> No.15500956

I saw the movie but nothing changed.

>> No.15501790

life is kino

>> No.15502119
File: 210 KB, 404x419, 1590417452424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many physical books in my personal library to sift through and all the time in the world, but only a limited amount of energy. It's very frustrating since as it stands right now I am overcrowded with books. My plan is first to go through my fiction and poetry collection before my non-fiction collection, since I don't feel compelled to take notes on fiction or poetry, per se. I feel very impatient with this whole process though, I always feel like if I get rid of something it'll come back to bite me in the ass. Is there a way to fuck this process up or am I just being overly neurotic about it?

>> No.15502282


>> No.15502297

There are feeling of blissfulness and pleasure in finding oneself reading at home although lingering anxiety derived from external cause persists in these times.

>> No.15502424

It seems like everyone forgot there was a pandemic going on and have just returned to their normal lives.

>> No.15502784 [DELETED] 

Was thinking at work today, who would win in a fight? Homura or a VERY angry Joe Pesci?


>> No.15502800
File: 847 KB, 1214x733, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking at work today, who would win in a fight? Homura or a VERY angry Joe Pesci?


>> No.15503051

Well considering that Homura has time travel powers and guns, I think the answer is clear, anon.

>> No.15503127

How many more birds there are for just leaving them be! How strange and beautiful their songs become when they have no car noises nor alarms clocks to teach them mechanical things to sing! How bold and wonderful they can be, perching in the open and calling to all and sundry, LOOK AT ME!, if their constraints on freedom are just given a moment's peace! We could have their songs more readily and see the whole milky way if only we were not so cocooned in technology like overstuffed pupae! This can't just be only me.

>> No.15503151

Cheers to the Anon that recommended Atomic Habits a few threads back. Read it over the weekend and started today with some habits. Had a good day today thanks to the habit stacking idea.

>> No.15503221

But he's just so goddamn ANGRY. Homura is just angsty about Madoka.

>> No.15503401

Gained some weight over the SAH stuff and decided I wanted to make what I call Food 1.4. It has variations which involve different numbers but for 1.4 it requires potatoes, (fresh, not tinned) salmon, peas, corn, and butter. The potatoes are mashed, salmon and peas/corn added, and then the butter. I make it in large quantities for a week and eat it for supper. Oatmeal is eaten in the morning with a bit of brown sugar. Water is imbibed with each meal. This is how I lost weight before and how I will do it again. The diet has everything you need for sustainability and flavour and all you do is cook it, sort it, heat it, and eat it.

>> No.15503467

It’s compounded. There’s so many things people are mad about compared to previous race riots. Economic inequality, corona, racism, fascism, government bloat, do nothing congresses, the president, etc. before it was more concrete. It was just police brutality or just the civil rights bill. Now it’s everything.

>> No.15503492

Good post. Thank you.
Retard that doesn’t read books on a literature board.

>> No.15503514

so but bone before tea?

>> No.15503746
File: 140 KB, 960x958, chadgarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't read it but can highly recommend it

>> No.15503968

Telecom, rather

>> No.15503987

I have no desire to coom. Haven't coomed in two weeks and I don't feel horny. However, I'm extremely lonely and want to hold a girl against my chest.

>> No.15504003

I’m a fucking autist and an open book and I fee pathetic and I need to you tel me outright “No stop” because I am going crazy and I think I’m becoming a schizo

>> No.15504106

I think my friend has accidentally infiltrated a new age cult composed almost entirely of boomers

>> No.15504120

Embrace it.
Write a novel while you’re at it.

>> No.15504139

the rioters are ok in my book

>> No.15504145

I just want to be forgotten
What a dream! To be truly indifferent to the world. That is the only hope that keeps me going

>> No.15504150

Anon, everything will eventually be forgotten by humanity but what has happened will always have happened.

>> No.15504155

>will always have happened
but is it relevant when nobody is around to acknowledge it?

>> No.15504157

I've tried to use it as fuel forever now, it's all I've ever done, but it's not going anywhere, the thing I'm supposedly decent at I suck at and I should've learned to write a long long time ago since that's more in line with my nature, and now it feels too late. I need to be made to feel pathetic and desperate as I know I am so that I feel bad and I can move onto some other kind of trainwreck of my creation. I just keep pushing and pushing for some unreal fantasy and I'm only a rat.

>> No.15504166

he wears it because he sweats alot, but he also has long hair so fuck him the idiot should have shaved his head. and whats with him complaining about using before rather than prior to to save time but writes a whole chapter about sitting waiting for mr weed dealer?

>> No.15504179

What do I care for humanity?
My fear is that those who do remember have to live with the memories I forced on them
The fact that we can't live life without making an impression on someone makes me feel so damn powerless

>> No.15504182

Yes. It is an irreversible event, its influence on the world can never be undone.
Just because something is not acknowledged or remembered does not mean that it didn’t exist.

>> No.15504191

My fingerprints are too much on everything I do, my words are unnatural, and my ideas are like ingrown hairs. I can't do anything.

>> No.15504195

but does it really matter? and what sort of influence does earth hold over the universe?

>> No.15504461
File: 54 KB, 387x500, 51ezAX9-pTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah isn't this a thing here?
Isn't "Roberto Pinchas" some person?

>> No.15504495

Why did I save this image? What does it mean?

>> No.15504502

A whirring and a whirling and upon a hundred bars, singleton return

>> No.15504505

Let's bully the glowniggers.

>> No.15504508

I'm 100% sure now, I'm a retard. No way I can ever make it.

>> No.15504513

You need to spread glowie cheeks and rim that ass, anon. That's how you make it.

>> No.15504520

Give it a good, thick lick. And poke it in a little.

>> No.15504526

That's how you advance in the real world.

>> No.15504541

Listen, glowies are real fucking people, anon. Holy fuck, they are so real. So fucking verifiably real in a way you'll never understand. They are on another plane, man. One you'll never truly occupy, maybe as set dressing at best. Maybe what you need to do - what you need to do, is crack em open and get all that realness. And you'll be real too.

>> No.15504548
File: 747 KB, 500x373, iu[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tell myself i just shitpost for fun, but secretly i wish buttercunt would read my shitposts

>> No.15504555

I'm just here for the glowies, man. I'm so glad they follow me everywhere while talking like teenage girls.

>> No.15504575

Hey anon, god called, he said you were a mistake and you should fucking kill yourself.

>> No.15504580

He said you were holding humanity back from true greatness. He said it's okay to eat you.

>> No.15504613

Do you think the NSA jacks off to all the wet shits they hear?

>> No.15504614

There must be some way outta here

>> No.15504651

No way out but through.

Hey, guess what shit dick! Nazis helped us get to the moon! Ain't that great? They would've helped Russia too, but we snagged them first.

>> No.15504663

WTF, that is not how it goes. You ruined a decent thing, we could be cool for a moment. You messed everything D:

>> No.15504672


WE GOT TO SPACE THROUGH THE MAGIC OF NAZIS. All we have to do is learn that Elon fucks three year olds and our identity is complete.

>> No.15504677

KEK Leave him alone, he is messed up but definitely not that much.

>> No.15505578
File: 178 KB, 1440x1794, EVZbOHwXgAQ67YZ-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i were to write what was on my mind it'd end up being too long for anybody to care and i'd get called a faggot. if i do try to talk about how i feel, i always get all tangled up in trying to fully express myself and just end up really saying nothing.

i just want to write my stories in peace without worrying about what other people will think, if it sucks etc etc. it's the one thing i know that will make me feel at least a little bit better with myself. at the end of the day this is for me, my own happiness.

on that note, this is what's been on my mind the most lately: i wish there was more happiness. i don't want people to purposefully go out of their way to tear each other down like savages. i don't want people to kill themselves. it just upsets me so much.

sorry if this sounds too naive. i've been bottling stuff up for a very long time.

>> No.15505598

Why Hegel is the devil now?

>> No.15505612

It is cool, bro. I'm a savage, but I don't tear anyone apart.

>> No.15505623

please help name this chink elf where tineye couldnt. i might help you summarise your faggot thoughts in return. although you could do that yourself desu, just journal.

>> No.15505641

That bandana is cringe as fuck.

>> No.15505650
File: 43 KB, 500x557, chimp out gandalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor fuck. You gotta move away from them chimps!
I live in a 95% White town, it's great, no crime to speak of, I can leave stuff out on my porch without it getting stolen, and no rioting. My pal from overseas called to see if I was okay, asked if there was rioting where I was. I had to laugh. "Nope, wrong demographics for that where I am!"

>> No.15505670
File: 983 KB, 400x300, 6e5M.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like doing a jig on some nigger's grave. Too bad there's not a single nigger grave in this town.

>> No.15505729
File: 18 KB, 575x512, 1588219252747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Zapffe talks about a deer whose antlers are so big and heavy they pin it to the ground and kill it, making an analogy to how consciousness makes us absolutely miserable, he's right. However, what stops us, intelligent deer, from cutting off our own antlers? What keeps us from giving them a shape that is useful for our survival?
The first time I read The Last Messiah I felt nothing short of despair, but now I see it as a guide to life, as an explanation on how to be happy.
Isolation, anchoring, distraction, sublimation. The four remedies to the horror of being alive, and what good remedies they are. Having a good time is not an automatic process, is something you must constantly seek and fight for.
I believe I have suffered from deep depressive episodes, and never during those episodes did I think of trying my hardest to take control of my own thoughts, to really investing energy and time to control the feelings that went through my mind. It is absolutely possible to pull yourself into a beneficial direction, but it takes dedication and willpower.

All my life I have suffered of different kinds of anxieties that have crippled me. I experience incredible amounts of anxiety that delve into terror when I get high, it always happens when I let the trip take control. But through this panic attacks I discovered that the mind is a powerful, powerful thing, and if we are intelligent about it we can take the fucking reins of it and have a fucking blast.
I'm yet to try this process on harder drugs like LSD or DMT, but so far, it seems to me that "being positive" means taking control of your thoughts and focusing them on achieving a good result, making use of the 4 methods to keep the bad thoughts away.

>> No.15505754

Probably to hold his hair still while he writes things.

>> No.15505859

Thanks for your explanation. You sound a bit like one of my history professors.

>> No.15506282

Oblivion's great, albeit a bit hit or miss. But (as I'm sure you know is par for the course) when he hits his mark, it's dead not-one-quark-off center. Discovering DFW's been my favorite thing about 2020; I started with IJ at the recommendation of one of the /lit/ charts (got back into reading late last year after a 6-7 year hiatus to careermax), taking breaks to read a few of his essays from CtL and ASFTINDA, then read Oblivion and just started BotS the other day.

Without any spoilers, what did you think of The Pale King? I think I'm going to go chronological the rest of the way (I'll probably even be arsed to try Signifying Rappers since I already found a copy for cheap) and I'm sure I'll be as hesitant to open that one up as you are for Oblivion.

>> No.15506745
File: 103 KB, 640x640, charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically hope for nearly all the people that currently identify as rightwing.
I am so tired of having no political party, no group, fucking nothing because the only opposition to the secularized form of Christianity favored by the left is done by fucking brainlets that care about the dumbest shit. Muh race and muh traditional values. Holy fuck. Can we please delete these people already? They're literally a bunch of retarded cockroaches capable only of living in delusion with one another and refusing to engage with anything. Leftists have hundreds of competent theorists and philosophers, and what does the right have? Roger Scruton? And some other dumb fucks writing like they never lived past the 19th century that are completely incapable of combating Marxists beyond cheap rhetoric that barely touches on any of the arguments made and just generalizes everything for their braindead audience that probably think Plato and Aristotle's works are full of so much wisdom.
These people are vestiges of the past that need to fucking burn and die and let a new generation take over. You are all complete and utter fucking failures and dumb as fuck to boot.

>> No.15506823

i feel out of place with my friends - they are chasing girls and dont really talk with me about that. i come of as a comic relief of sorts cuz i constantly joke abt myself. all i do is read, be depressed, eat hot chip and lie.
i feel like im wasting my youth

>> No.15507689

My mind is not as fluid as before and I blame it on fuckin' 4chan(nel). This shit's rot my brain on regular exposure. I'm leaving.
>inb4 see you tomorrow
No, fuck you.

>> No.15507703


rioters are like 70% black


>> No.15507722

see you in a week

>> No.15507758

Language is the true culprit

>> No.15507934

I am faced with societal pressure. "I must work", everyone subliminally tells me. The idea of going into the sheep factory that is university, all to get a mediocre salary in a soul-crushing nine to five is deterring me. Either that or avoid uni, and instead get something akin to slavery out of life.
It's easy to muster up the will to work out, or to quit nicotine, because these are truly things to look forward to. However, no motivation for making money can be found. I can only look at it as an obligation.

>> No.15508721 [DELETED] 

Does anyone know if Spotify still works? Apple Music only lets you stream one radio station that just plays leftwing rap songs on a loop.

I guess it's like a free preview of communism.

>> No.15508928

>shit dick
Ask me how I know you're a faggot

>> No.15508987

I had my final presentation today and have completed my studies. My time in school is over and now I will be forced to enter the life I have postponed for all these years.
Strange feeling, like an extended childhood. I will not fare well in the real world.

>> No.15509111

Because shit is still shit after you put a rose on top of it.

>> No.15509128

I did that two years ago and since then I stayed at home doing nothing and I don't think this will change any time soon. The real world is too frightening for me.

>> No.15509142

It must be nice to be young...

>> No.15509259

God I hate people like you. You realize that in ten years you'll be saying the exact same thing? "abuhhoo hoo hoo if only I started turning things around when I was 26 now it's overrrr abluh hoo hoo." If you can't get your head out your ass and at least make some attempt at living your life because some chart you found on the internet told you not to, then at least do SOME good by shutting the fuck up and not dragging others down you. You soppy wet cunt, fuck you. You belong on a street corner.

>> No.15509612

God I hate people like you. You have hope? I hope you fucking die in a street corner. You motherfucking piece of crap. I have no words. People with hope are like people who think that life is good, has something good to offer, the life is a piece of cake, that life is like eating ice cream. God damn I hate you so fucking much I can't describe it with words. Man, there is no words to express this feeling, contempt has always been somethings that should not be put into words. Reading your post made me remember that people out there still think something is bright, life is good. The delusion won't fully enter my mind but a little bit is there and it's enough to make me go insane, which someone like you would enjoy, because you thrive of the fact that people are suffering. You can neither comprehend the suffering of other people nor can you do simething to make it go away. God fucking damnit, this is not worth it, yet, when I see a post like this it's too much,. I really wish you the best and all, because I am not that cruel guy one might imagine, but hell, I hope you burng in hell, like we all do, and wi9th hell I mean actually earth, because life is hell, not death, which we don't know nothing about. For Gods sake, I hope your post will vanish in the void, without causing damage, maybe it will, maybe it won't, who really knows, we have no scientific resource to tell, anyhow, common sense tells me this is not good, and yeah, like, whatever, fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Fuck... Fuck. God fucking damint. Why this does exist. Making me mad, without reason, with reason, to be mad, other than that I think you little green beginners are making me react for no reason, othen than that the reason to react to something stupid like this is a natural given, from Homer to Poseid to Homer back now right again and they all see the bullshit you created which you are, which you won't deny because what you are you can't deny but try to regret and as you won't, as you won't be bothered to but laugh internally, as much I can see you pathetic little being, drowning your head in water which you don't notice, slowly dropping dead, but never fully, because that's what the devil thrives of, that's what makes him going, feeling as if bu tnaver really commiting, because commiting to something would make it clear that the devil is farce. With one fucking word:

You are a fraud. You will see in a few months, years, whatever. You will see and you will regret. Not even the devil is free from that. Have fun.

>> No.15509713

Oh and btw. I am currently drunk but there is some truth to this. Someone on /lit/, it was maybe 6 years ago, told me that I am a fraud to a comment which was the most serious, well thought-out and honest comment I have ever made on an image board to this date. And he the fuck was right. We are all frauds. We just didn't realize yet. Wish you the best despite everything.

>> No.15509727

Hey look it’s literally me

>> No.15509801

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the bandana

>> No.15509911

If you and your idiot friends can stalk me everyday then yeah, you can help fix my car and get a better job. I am nice to you and for what? For fucking nothing at all. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Think I want to kiss up to a dimwit like alyssa or fran? Think I want to bend over backwards for those peabrained troglodytes?? Get some fucking morals and kindness for once.

>> No.15509944

You sound like a neurotic goofball, and I hope you get over that. Work on that, will you? Wish you the best too, buddy.

>> No.15510098

Reads like the forum posting of some edgy teenager with no friends, emabrassing.

Get a routine and lay off the internet buddy

>> No.15511284

This right here is the worst part of DFW. In every forum or thread about him, there's always pseud edgelord talking about how idiotic views on life just because an author he idoloize offed himself

>> No.15512094

I am losing my mind

>> No.15512371 [DELETED] 

I think the "I yield my time" guy is actually Jake Gyllenhaal. Sounds just like his monologues in Nightcrawler, and the call is from Beverly Hills.

>> No.15512864

I cam here to write this.

>> No.15513429

What separates mentally ill from genius if they're both aberrance from normal? Wheres the line?

>> No.15513435


>> No.15513545
File: 2.92 MB, 360x640, 1575178254380.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakdown of riot content I've seen this week:

50% - black people looting stores
10% - black people committing unnecessary violence on innocent bystanders
10% - black people destroying small local businesses
10% - white people defending this
10% - white people calling women "karen"
5% - pepper spraying incidents
5% - peaceful protesting

>> No.15513731

>all those people posting about blm just to not get backlash

>> No.15513744

Everything happening is easily understood once you realize that 75% of the people participating have an iq under 105 with the remaining organizers and peaceful protesters rarely exceeding 115. This is me being generous. There is no logic or political ideology behind any of it. The retards can be easily controlled but midwits are dangerous.

>> No.15513811

I remember reading that samurai used to make peace with death every morning. I'd like to read more about but i dont remember where i've read it.

>> No.15513885

Not sure if I'm straight or gay anymore. Things are changing for me. Images don't do anything for me anymore, actually masterbated to a written story last night. Guys are giving me tingles they never have before

>> No.15513912

My doctor told me to exercise for depression. Want to go for a bike ride, but my normal route is blocked by a huge area of construction that I have no idea how to get around. Thinking I'm just not going to go.

>> No.15513914

How old are you?

>> No.15514208
File: 37 KB, 800x600, npm-0_052985_251b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the prevention of the spread of fomites.

>> No.15514220

Overcome your inertia and go for a walk, anon. It will do you good.

>> No.15514230

This is the power of pornography. It is as destructive, psychology, as toxins poured into the drinking supply.

>> No.15514295


>> No.15514507 [DELETED] 

Apple Music has now declared June is "Black Music Month". Excuse me, but June is Pride Month. They're supposed to be promoting queer artists right now not homophobic rap music.

>> No.15514542
File: 84 KB, 499x435, farout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15514642
File: 79 KB, 500x500, resincerity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15514771

getting my medical school entrance exam results in just over a week, my second time taking it, i really really really hope i get in this time. i'm starting to doubt it, i would be distraught if i don't get it this time because i spent well over 6 months studying for it, i sacrificed a lot of time and sanity working towards it but feel like i underperformed on the big day, when it mattered the most. i couldn't even sleep properly the night before because of how anxious i was.

i've never really been religious or believed there's a higher entity we can reach out to but times like these have me trying to ask for help

i hope i make it.. i worked hard but i know life isn't all fair and doesn't give everyone what they think they deserve.

i've been thinking about suicide recently, resigning to the situation and the cards i've been dealt brought a newfound feeling of numbness over me, knowing that there's always a sweet escape from this perpetual stress and suffering

i'm always like this. i can't remember a time in my life past childhood that i've truly lived in the moment and been satisfied, i'm always after something, always stressed, i just want it to be over. i told myself when i was studying for the exam how good and free i'll be after taking it, that's what sort of drove me but that's not the case at all

>> No.15514853

Yea and with the latter two five-percents entirely overlapping.

Good. Look, even if we do suppose you end up with a woman in a monogamous relationship down the line, do you want to have picked her simply because men weren't an option? To default to your wife? To halve your sample space? Would you trust someone allergic to half the world's ingredients to give their opinions on food? No? So, why restrain yourself from half the world's people?

>> No.15514867

I think this is a bit different, and I don't think the Jews are behind it. Feels like a revolution, to be honest.

>> No.15514870
File: 490 KB, 449x401, GirlsLaughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw finally lost my virginity and I had no idea what to do and fucked it up and I feel even more like a pathetic loser than before.
It's truly over for those who didn't develop in the correct timeframe.

>> No.15514878

Good to know, great
Maybe start finding different things to fuck/love? Like objects maybe?

>> No.15514879

I think it's because he had a sweating problem. In one his later interviews, he isn't wearing a bandanna, and he's sweating like fuck.

>> No.15514887

This has been the deadliest one since 1992, is spread all across the USA and with mass unemployment and the recession it could easily just continue in bursts throughout the whole summer.

>> No.15514911

Reminder that the US is experiencing:
>one of the worst market crashes in history
>the worst pandemic in over 100 years
>the worst rioting in nearly 30 years
All at once. Can they recover?

>> No.15514916

Outside of the stay-at-home order shit, it's hardly making a dent in the lives of the majority of Americans. They'll recover just fine.

>> No.15514934

It's OK anon. First time I had sex it was over in like 2 seconds (I put my penis in her and came immediately). Was pathetic but funny and just laughed it off. It gets better and you will get better at it with time. Don't let it worry you.

>> No.15514940

To what extent are these just describing generational differences as opposed to a change per-individual as they age? Not to mention disadvantaged demographics dying earlier and therefore the end of the graph inevitability shooting up.

>trend lines are scaled to a common minimum and maximum range
lol, so this could all be between 80 and 90% in theory anyways

>> No.15514979

Other people responding to you are wrong. The dip you see between 80 and 85 on all the lines is associated with the death of your spouse.

>> No.15515011

Jesus so whenever anyone would say "High School sucks for everyone" it really was a fucking lie. It only gets a billion times worse from here. I'm 22 and i'm going to blow my brains out before I ever get to the middle age valley.
How about no.
I mean, i'm pretty sure she's not gonna let me try again (I don't think you realise how cringe it was, even if it was also pretty great) So now i've been returned to inceldom and won't be getting the chance to practice anytime soon it seems.

>> No.15515049

>it's hardly making a dent in the lives of the majority of Americans.
Over 100K dead bro.

>> No.15515055

2.8 million Americans die every year.

>> No.15515070

With the rate things are going you might be hitting 3.5M this year.

>> No.15515101

I wish rimming wasn't considered taboo because if you really think about it, it's the most beautiful form of sex. Just a guy sticking his tongue down a girl's clean, hairless, pink asshole.

>> No.15515121

>I wish rimming wasn't considered taboo
It really isnt, atleast in first world. It's as much of a taboo as anal by this time.

>> No.15515149

because of Israel + China + Russia.
Really simple.
Collapse the US, expand Israeli territory, become new dominant world power, global big brother communist police state, moving towards entirely digital financial system. We will be getting federal crypto currency soon enough. If you want to know what's going on, then go read about this shit.

>> No.15515150

I do not know whether to be miserable because I hate my job or because they are going to fire me

>> No.15515237

People say this but it's still not common at all. People will joke about it a lot, but they don't do it.

>> No.15515238

what's your job?

>> No.15515247


>> No.15515256

100,000 dead out of a population of 328,200,000 That is 0.03% of the population. Big whoop.

>> No.15515260
File: 318 KB, 1316x1137, 11274422756_e50ca7ef0b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister said I "looked like an incel sometimes, browing the dark web for bad things". I feigned ignorance, since I wasn't even saying anything polemic, just how you can scare cats away from your garden using popping balloons traps, but damn... It's so frustrating.
The SJW meme is old news by now, but it still irks me, knowing that I can't step out of the "accepted narrative" near her without getting some shit, and knowing that any discussion with her would be fruitless anyway, since she is completely brainwashed and gets mainstream support on her beliefs.
Fuck this shit.

>> No.15515270

You'll be using this same argument whether its .3%, maybe even if it got as bad as 3%. If it got as bad as 30% and you tried it I guess at least that would be funny in a way.

>> No.15515273

Stick up for your beliefs anyway. Staying silent and letting her punk you like that is for cucks.

>> No.15515276

There is a massive difference between 0.03%, 3%, and 30%. GTFO with your lamebrain strawman bs.

>> No.15515279

The difference had a pattern, it was a factor of 10 each time. That's mathematics.

>> No.15515286

His argument is sound, though. Even if the current amount of deaths tripled, it would still be less than 1% of the population.

Even if we take into account all COVID deaths compared to the overall population, it's not even a blip.

The deaths aren't making an impact on lives: the governments enacting lockdowns is.

>> No.15515287

Your point being...?

>> No.15515292

I'd consider it significant if it were a full percentage point, considering about that many die every year anyway.
Also, you have to realise, basically everyone dying from it are fatties and boomers so it's not like we're losing the cream of the crop.

>> No.15515327

Meh, it's not like I have solid arguments either, I'm just more cynical and not empathetic enough to accept the "cis white male" pasta. Arguing with her just makes me sounds like a looney, the village idiot perharps, since I'm such a dumb clueless outlier in her eyes, lol. She's deep into this shit, I doubt the algorithms even let her see anything beyond the "lib left" truisms.

>> No.15515328

Can a non-racist, non-retarded American describe what's going on in America right now? Has your fascism actually been put to the test and certain things may improve for you over there now? Have Americans finally got tired of licking the boot?

I've been watching some of the protests and a lot of them are thanking the police or doing their job for them. Not letting any real insurrection happen. Can Americans explain why your "left" is acting like a bunch of liberals instead of actual leftists?

>> No.15515330

>I'd consider it significant if it were a full percentage point, considering about that many die every year anyway.
So if the amount of deaths over the last 3 months or so had been enough to double the death rate for the entire year (so roughly 8x the normal average rate), that's where you'd draw the line of significant?

>> No.15515388

>steak in a society

but yea, great points. but this is nothing new, This is Yank Materialism eating itself. If only there was a chance of it ending any time soon.

>> No.15515401

>Did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand strictly cause WW1?
As a proud Serb, I say yes!

>> No.15515430

Look at the 20th century, boatloads of wars, famines, pandemics, genocides. democides etc killed more than that in percentage terms in every country multiple times.
The 21st century hasn't even had a noteworthy mass loss of life event worthy of comparison to those horrors yet.
People really don't know how good they have it being alive at this time.

>> No.15515573

>Deaths in World War II
>In total, over 405,000 Americans gave their lives in the conflict.
>Just between June 1944 and May 8, 1945, there were 552,117 U.S. casualties in the European theater of operations. Of those, 104,812 were killed in action.
Nah, those deaths were pitifully insignificant.

>> No.15515581

Every day since I was diagnosed with mental illness feels like one day closer to suicide even though my life looks peachy to everyone else.

>> No.15515602

what diagnosis?

>> No.15515624

There has never been a genuine fascist or socialist movement in mainstream American politics. European political parties on the Tory / Whig / Socialist / whatever model don't really apply to the United States.

Once in awhile you see populist third party movements that gain a fair amount of support, such as the Know Nothings, the Free Soilers, and so on, but they don't ever gain as much traction as the big two. They can push the parties into certain directions, such as the Tea Party movement did for Republicans, but overall Democrats and Republicans aren't terribly different.

>> No.15515636

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

>> No.15515657

>European political parties on the Tory / Whig / Socialist / whatever model don't really apply to the United States.
That's really a British model, not a European one.

>> No.15515680

What does your average day look like?

>> No.15515712

>USA population in 1945: 138.4 million.
WW2 was leagues worse than this in proportional deaths for America

>> No.15515729

Well OK then mister 0.00000000305 percenter, I guess it's okay if I kill you and take your Nikes.

>See? We locked down and noone died.
>So we don't need lockdown.
Americans should not only be in lockdown but also play the fucking quiet game for a couple years time.

>> No.15515732

Also, these were young men, lives cut short before they even started, meanwhile around half of Covid deaths are 85+ (at least, in the UK)

I do not care about boomers.

>> No.15515821
File: 23 KB, 220x220, 220px-Viper_You'll_Cowards_Don't_Even_Smoke_Crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When someone's chief role in society is to shop and shopping is then denied them, a shop-lifter is what they naturally become. It is not a black panther movement so much as the crackhead's vengeance on a dealer who abstains from the very product they trade. The tragedy is not that it is happening, but that it is entirely justified.

>> No.15515834

I have a quite ordinary humdrum life. My OCD is more mental than physical, so others don't really know about the time I spend doing my mental rituals.

>> No.15515863

>meanwhile around half of Covid deaths are 85+
Just under half of the 65+ age group deaths from covid are 85+, you misread the stats for the UK.

>> No.15515876

Tell me about the mental rituals bro.

>> No.15515967

Hmmmm. Well one minor example of one is if I say hello to someone on the street I might replay how I said hello to them and overanalyze the type of face I made or my tone of voice. I will do the same thing with conversations, even if they were pleasant. But that's just one of several rituals. I notice my mental rituals tend to ruin everything I enjoy, but they tend not to bother me about stuff I am apathetic about.

>> No.15515976

it is not so easy to describe briefly, but it is mostly just office monkey work

>> No.15515980

Oh shit, my bad.
Still, over 80% are 65+, it really isn't a big deal to me.

>> No.15516023

Can someone help word this elegantly?

I'm applying to something, but I want to say that my background is very unconventional, and that probably nobody with my credentials applies to this position.

This will be the first line so I want to make it snappy, something stating that this will be an unorthodox entry.

>> No.15516030

>I want to say that my background is very unconventional, and that probably nobody with my credentials applies to this position.
This is fine on its own

>> No.15516038

It's for a research position so I need something a bit better than this. I mean, my work experience is actually completely adequate, but it's just not traditional.

>> No.15516065

do you have intrusive thoughts?

>> No.15516079

Joke's on you, I don't own any nikes.

>> No.15516088

It's going to be problematic in the US because of how many cases there's going to be, it isn't only a disease that kills grandma unfortunately. I've also been in two calls (passively) recently with some experts on these bat zoonotic diseases and they've strongly suggested that the evidence is pointing towards this being a disease that isn't getting less lethal, but also one that we're unlikely to have lasting immunity to (I'm not totally convinced on either point, but I'm less unconvinced).

It might not be so bad as this, but I wouldn't like to be in the country that is the experimental petri dish either.

>> No.15516146

while I imagine my background is unconventional from the majority of the applicants, I trust you will find not only that I am well qualified for the position, but also that I would be able to provide a unique perspective that may not exist in your organization

it is clunky but maybe you can clean it up

>> No.15516193

Americans are pretty damn fascist. Just in denial about it for some reason.

>> No.15516266

You never know when you'll need an image that basically says "I am not sure what I am doing but I'll figure it out soon". Also, Tails Gets Trolled is genuine entertainment and a masterpiece of outsider art.

>> No.15516326
File: 298 KB, 482x347, 6A1597DF-709B-455D-B4F9-AB852B53BC81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m excited, my hobby set comes in tomorrow, going to spend all day building and painting.

On a completely different note, I have this romanced nostalgia of when I worked blue collar compared to my current white collar work. I definitely don’t have any I’ll feelings or did towards the blue collar stuff I did, but I’m just about positive I’m remembering it a bit better then it actually was. White collar work saps the life out of me mentally, I’d rather be physically tired than mentally tired. Maybe I’ll go back when I finish paying off my loans.

>> No.15516347

>Guys are giving me tingles they never have before
The plot twist is that this is a girl discovering that she's not actually a lesbian.

>> No.15516369

What is your background and what position are you applying for?

>> No.15516420

anon all girls are lesbians

>> No.15516423

I have a bunch of oxy pills. Should I take them?

>> No.15516455

I have a bunch too from some surgeries I had last year. We should take them together anon and fly high on an opiate cloud of happiness.

>> No.15516477

Don’t overdose

>> No.15516522

I won't. But I do miss the feeling I had going home after my first surgery - I was feeling a little pain so they gave me some intravenous oxy I think, and then on the way home I felt as peaceful and happy as I have in many years (possibly in my entire life) - just a wonderful feeling that everything was OK and was everything was going to turn out well and happily. It was amazing and I haven't felt that way since. I wish I could get back to it - just warm happy contentedness. The oxy pills they gave me weren't able to reproduce that effect, though I never had a bunch of them at once.

>> No.15516701

All girls are bi, not lesbians.

>> No.15516817

Research in philosophy but I'm mathematics graduate student. Obviously I want to research philosophy of mathematics but still all my philosophy is self-taught.

>> No.15516835

>philosophy of mathematics
who wants to break it to him?

>> No.15516850

I can't wait for whatever cringe post you'll make.

>> No.15516863

Research in philosophy but I'm mathematics graduate student. Obviously I want to research philosophy of mathematics but still all my philosophy is self-taught.

>> No.15516919

Early America has shit tonnes of socialists and they persist in strange first amendment based forms. The place was practically founded on hippy socialist Christian cults. Philadelphia PA, Oneida NY, arguably even Battle Creek MI. Shakers, Quakers, Jim Jones, Mormons and Scientology all had a better chance of pushing communal property on their followers there than in the rest of the world. The thing is that if you say "socialist" to an American they immediately think of Stalin and Mao, and none of them know that Breakfast in Schools was an idea the Black Panthers came up with. Now you have second amendment nuts who don't know the Black Panthers wanted open carry, and "socialists" who think Marx was a socialist.

>> No.15516999

Haven't been able to focus on writing for the past week. Today I decided to drive somewhere remote with my laptop and write without the distractions of the internet. Ended up writing 1500 words about a man in an insane asylum who finds an insect in his cell and thinks the insect knows the secret of how to escape, so he traps it in a water bottle and begins interrogating it. They have a discussion in Shakespearean verse where the insect attempts to convince the crazy man that he cannot help him escape as he is just an insect. The crazy man then threatens to keep the insect in the bottle until it starves to death if it does not give up the secret of escape. The whole story is about the insect trying to prove rationally that an insect cannot help him escape, and the insane man being convinced by the insect's ethical arguments as to why he should not starve him to death. I don't know if this is a good idea. I don't know why I can't just write normal things.

>> No.15517048

Checking trips and telling you I'd probably read it. Go for the Jostein Gaarder market.

>> No.15517098

The past 2 decades, more so the past 4 years, have been something of a powder keg, and the George Floyd incident is just the event attributed to its explosion. The anger pot has been at a simmer for quite a while now, further heated by reasons already listed ITT, and now it's boiled over. Things always get worse before they get better.

>> No.15517122

I thought the trick would be that the insect's capacity for sane arguments is seen as only further evidence he must know how to escape from the prison. You are very few steps away from making good real-world commentary.

>> No.15517153

Sounds good

>> No.15517183

In what manner are Americans fascist in denial?

None of those groups were ever part of mainstream U.S. politics. I'm not denying the validity of what you're saying, but none of their ideas were ever mainstream. I'm aware that sometime around the turn of the century there was an election where a socialist candidate (Eugene Debs I think), got 15% of the vote. But little communities such as at Brooks Farm or elsewhere have never been adapted on a large scale. If anything that's just a testament to how diverse the United States are.

>> No.15517284

More I think about it the more I want to steal the idea
>The crazy man then threatens to keep the insect in the bottle until it starves to death if it does not give up the secret of escape.
>The insect makes articulate arguments as to why this should not be done.
>These serve as further evidence he must be intelligent enough to escape.
>The insect eventually learns to act like a bug, starts chirping.
>Obvious allegory for riots; causes the conflict to be more apparent, and yet less easy to solve; room for cliffhanger ending.

>> No.15517754

I keep telling my mom to prepare for the happening but she keeps going, "it's silly to get [x] because" when not two months ago she was saying she should have listened to me. What a frustrating situation.

>> No.15517797

I want to live. How do I do that? What does living even mean to me? All I know is that right now, I'm not doing it. I wonder if somebody else would enjoy the kind of life I have right now, or if it is deficient in a way that no person could enjoy. Regardless, it's not what I want.

>> No.15518044

what do you want ano?

>> No.15518061

No it wasn't. Over a period of 5 years 400k died, in a period of 3 months over 100k have died now. The population today is not even 2.5x the size and the rate of death is about 4x, and there's still a long way to go with a higher death rate with covid. If you get to 1M dead, which is possible by the end of the year with how things are going, it will be proportionally worse after only 9 months.

>> No.15518718 [DELETED] 

You have to compare QALY not just "deaths". 18 year old kids blown apart in a war is not the same as an 85 year old smoker dying in a nursing home.