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/lit/ - Literature

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15491028 No.15491028 [Reply] [Original]

Is Writer's block actually real, /lit/?

>> No.15491044

Yes, but these idiots don't know that Writer's Block simply comes from insufficient mental models for narrative writing. The answer to solve writer's block is to read more until you receive enough narrative fodder to continue.

>> No.15491135

Interesting. What do you mean by "insufficient mental models for narrative writing"? Are you just talking about grist for the mill or something deeper?

Reminds of something I read in McKee's book, where he says the same thing--no such thing as writer's block, just an empty fuel tank.

>> No.15491226
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Yes and No.
I can write thousands of words in a couple of hours, no problem, I don't have a fear of the blank page.
Will any of that be any good? Hell no. It'll probably just be something I've written before differently, maybe even less elegantly styled.
The problem is 99% of the advice you hear to deal with writer's block is
>just write!
Thanks Nike.
Which is a pointless exercise since I know I'm not going to write anything good.
But obviously there is something 'blocking' the flowing of new ideas, ideas that even if bad or have plot holes or logical inconsistencies can act as skyhooks for future development.
I don't see much writer's block advice about that.
Perhaps the solution is not dissimilar to >>15491044 this anon, using Dionysian Imitatio, not just reading other authors though. But actively trying to rewrite what they wrote. Understanding the 'mechanics' of it. And then applying those mechanics to your own work.

>> No.15491235

This is very interesting. Is this an idea you came up with yourself or did you read it somewhere?

>> No.15491257

>That famous writer’s block is a myth as far as I’m concerned. I think bad writers must have a great difficulty writing. They don’t want to do it. They have become writers out of reasons of ambition. It must be a great strain to them to make marks on a page when they really have nothing much to say, and don’t enjoy doing it. I’m not so sure what I have to say but I certainly enjoy making sentences.

>> No.15491533

Writers Block is anxiety by another name. Take the example of this anon >>15491226. He's so preoccupied with this idea of 'good' that he isn't doing any writing. You guys seem to have internalized the culture you live in; art is not a goal oriented activity, and people who act out a tug of war between making their art and making their product to sell are holding themselves back.
If you want to write, write. If you don't want to write, don't. It's as simple as that.
This is useful because it gives you ideas which give you enough confidence to help you work thorugh the anxiety. But that anxiety still needs to be recognized.

>> No.15491715

>He's so preoccupied with this idea of 'good' that he isn't doing any writing.
Then I'll keep posting, and you're going to believe it has value right? This post right now is worth writing, because I'm just writing - not worrying about if it's good? Right?
What's wrong with a "preoocupation" with good? Why shouldn't you self-censor?
>If you want to write, write. If you don't want to write, don't. It's as simple as that.
But I want to write stuff I'll enjoy later.
Why should I write something if I'll cringe at it later.
I'm not even talking about getting praise from peers, I'm talking about myself being the audience.
But it doesn't matter - because I wrote this post right? So that justifies it. I felt like writing it.
I should keep posting yes?

>> No.15491735

>He's so preoccupied with this idea of 'good' that he isn't doing any writing
I didn't say I wasn't doing any writing, but all my writing is good. Unlike yours.

>> No.15491770

What determines your enjoyment of what you write later? You wrote the words. Why do you hate them? What is there to love or hate in a set of words? You can only come to love or hate a text in creating its meaning as its reader.

What ideal do you use to compare your work against? Why is that the ideal and not something else? What determines good and bad, and more presciently, why do you believe that it determines good and bad?

Yes you should keep posting, and it will have value, so long as you are willing to go to the text and find it. In saying these things are you not revealing yourself to me? Are you note revealing yourself to yourself? Am I not doing the same?

>> No.15491796

Yes, but you have to sit and write despite it. Write every day. Write pages and pages of bullshit. Make a habit of writing. Writer's block is mostly an excuse people use because no one can always be writing at their best, and writing a bunch of crap is painful. Acclimate to writing crap.

>> No.15491817 [DELETED] 


Behind the Curtain is a great channel

They interview big name screenwriters about their own. Shows how midwit most of them really are

>> No.15491825


Behind the Curtain is a great channel

They interview big name screenwriters about their work. Shows how midwit most of them really are

>> No.15491908

if youre a hack it is

>> No.15492490

Literature is dead. Noone cares about new books. Go be productive. Learn a trade. Become a useful member of the society. Become a technician, a farmer, a plumber, a carpenter. Nobody cares about intellectualism. Intellectualism is the death of a society.

>> No.15493744


>> No.15494054

No, you've just engorged and masturbated whatever idea you've had and couldn't fill in the gaps.
When you get an idea it's big and blurry, low resolution. Then your mind compresses it even more for you to understand it. Processing the idea becomes a challenge all on its own.
You don't have writers block, you're just confusing a pile of wooden logs as a log cabin.
Get to work.

>> No.15494069

Not the OP, but thanks.

>> No.15494088

You either got it or you don't. A lot of 19th ce writers didn't have the amount of distractions we have today so they wrote for many hours everyday like Balzac and Dickens.

>> No.15494089

A lot of folks are perfectionists, who believe that it all must come out perfectly, and in order. But you gotta just write and write and write and you can clean it up as much as you want afterward.

>> No.15494109

Not really. It presumes everyone has something to write all the time and must be constantly productive and 'writers block' stops this somehow.

>> No.15494114
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writers block isn't real. It's a cope for uncreative people.

>> No.15494122

>Become a useful member of the society.
>Become a technician, a farmer, a plumber, a carpenter.
>a carpenter
You're either a jesusfag or a carpenter.
Do you also smoke the ganja while making handmade tables?
How much does a wooden chair cost and why is it too much?
Give me one reason i shouldn't just by the means and the materials to mass produce furniture instead of buying one of your chairs.
Does inhaling sawdust and the naturally musky smell of wood increase your T levels?
Do callouses encourage masculine personality traits?
Do you axe your own wood for your fireplace?
How do i build an internet modem and keyboard from pine?
Can willow be used to transmit data?

>> No.15494795

>buying one of your chairs
Do you even know what a carpenter does?

>> No.15494807
