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/lit/ - Literature

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15490193 No.15490193 [Reply] [Original]

What books challenge you but also make you feel good or are enjoyable to read?

>> No.15490215

Moby Dick.

>> No.15490769

If they make you feel good, were they ever really challenging you to begin with.

>> No.15490780

yes you stinky rat

>> No.15490785
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Kanbaru a cute.

>> No.15490821

longhaired tomboys > shorthaired tomboys

>> No.15490838

Unironically The Ego and Its Own.

>> No.15490920

The Banality of Evil is very ironic and dense.
Kanbaru a shit
Hanekawa dekai oppai sex cat

>> No.15491005

The idea that difficulty is inimical to pleasure is such a stupid concept touted only by snobs who are secretly masochists. They see the act of reading as nothing but a Sisyphean task of suffering to gain knowledge, all in order suffer even more. To them, a library must be a torture chamber, and authors must be inquisitors of the soul, strapping them to the breaking-wheel of their own Ignorance. They fear satisfaction because they cannot imagine a world removed from the bounds of their own mind. Their thoughts are constantly self-denigrating, egoistic in its appeal to egolessness. They are abhorrent. They wallow in libraries and ideas like swine wallows in mud. They deserve to have the skin and flesh scraped of their bones. They might even enjoy it.

>> No.15491093

>They see the act of reading as nothing but a Sisyphean task of suffering to gain knowledge
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
One must imagine you retarded for not acknowledging that they're both great.

>> No.15491102

Always felt this way about The Good Earth or any of Steinbeck's works.

>> No.15491133


>> No.15491266
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My man!

>> No.15491272
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Finnegans Wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mason and Dixon
In Search of Lost Time
>Finnegans Wake

>> No.15491601


This dumb author has a silly short hair fetish, a quite adolescent one, from what I've seen, transformation/growth for him means to cut her character's hair, lol.

>> No.15491935

you suck at writing lmao

>> No.15492079


>> No.15492125

Crab>Monkey my dude

>> No.15492138

Disgusting. *punches the girl in the face*

>> No.15492149


>> No.15492176
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It's snake not cat that is the most /lit/ of them all
Also snake > monkey > cat > crab > snail

>> No.15493205

>doesn't have monkey-brain

>> No.15493359

I snorted.
Lifting the mind is inimical to base desires for material possession and distraction. Netflix and traditional social media are addicting and so are the wrong books (YA, most fiction texts). Additionally, to suffer is to know suffering. Most people know the feeling of ease, but few know pain. All will not know death, for it is the complement of baing.

>> No.15493596

What a shitty fucking taste
Bat a best

>> No.15493603

anything by marx

>> No.15493604
File: 233 KB, 500x304, iu[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree on snake
i disagree on your other takes
Snake and Snail are contenders for best girl, although Snake takes the edge

>> No.15493639


I mean, it's not like it's subtle.
And anyway, the novels started from jokes and wordplay, it's not a big mature analysis of the human spirit.

Imagine this much shittaste.

>> No.15494116
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>> No.15494344

What is supposed to be good about Monogatari? Strangely enough I like every Shaft anime except their flagship one it seems.

>> No.15494357
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it's overrated, but its not garbage
i thought it was okay, but admittedly only kept trucking on because everyone else was singing it praises
by the end of the second season, i dropped it completely
at least we got Renai Circulation from it

>> No.15494379

Yeah I only watched bakemonogatari, I thought the girls were cute and Renai Circulation was based but that was about it. I've heard it's better if you're fluent in Japanese but idk. Anytime it tried to be funny or emotional it fell flat on its face for me. 3-gatsu and Madoka are the far superior Shaft animus.

>> No.15494726
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Here’s there actual best show though.

>> No.15494736

Blood Meridian

>> No.15494740

Didn't get around to it before I mostly fell out of love with anime and in love with lit. Now i'll only watch things i'm extremely interested in.

>> No.15494931
File: 34 KB, 728x455, 29C81A78-93F1-4E8B-9B15-054A150EFE19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same desu. I still watch the occasional anime (and art films) that friends recommend from time to time though. Still, it’s hard to go back to those frankly pleb mediums when you have been /lit/ up.

>> No.15494984
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I've been watching a lot of shit recently and the only things that seem to move me are old movies. Everything modern that attempts to be smart or artistic seems like shallow mental masturbation. After watching 3 Sorkin films, which were fun but got annoying real fast and after they were over I haven't really thought much about them, but then I watched Stalker and Ikiru which both were very moving, deep, and beautiful. Those two keep popping into my head, thinking of their meanings and themes. And with television It seems like it's even fewer and further between to find something that really sticks beyond simply setting up an episode to keep the person watching. I know not everything can be The Wire or Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I've watched so many terrible TV shows on netflix and amazon recently. I'm not sure why I keep watching them other than it's easy. The only thing that was even a little moving recently was Avatar, and I think my intense emotional reaction to that show was probably something to do with the fact that I watched it 15 years ago and didn't know how it ended, the extreme sincerity pierced my meta ironic armor, but does that make it good, just because a show made me cry? Do we define art by it's ability to make one think or by its ability to elicit emotion? If I hate a show or a book, is it doing it's job? Is this the difference between the objective and subjective analysis of something?

>> No.15495005

I'm scared of rewatching any favorites because I might find them cringe now.
Nigga jus stop consooming and fill your life with more productive things lmao.

>> No.15495065

Am I just chasing the high of great artistic merit and sacrificing too much time trying to find that again?

>> No.15495078
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Proust is both a joy to read in the moment and intellectually challenging. Not only in the philosophical ideas and elaborate psychological studies he puts forth, but also in the way he uses his great knowledge of art and music to infuse the text with highly relevant references; enough to send me digging among the works of certain artists or composers.

>> No.15495080

I think if you lessen your time spent on it you'll appreciate it more because when you consoom a lot you're constantly comparing and thinking about technical things and number ratings and the novelty of everything will have worn off.
At least that's how it was with me when I was an animesoomer.

>> No.15495155
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That's an interesting point. But what exactly isn't consumption? If, lets say, I'm trapped in my house because there's some sort of plague and also riots going on outside, and I am left to my own devices, what things aren't consumption? Posting on 4chan? Social media? Watching you tube, television, movies? Reading books? Working outside of 9-5 on projects? Cooking? Working out? Should I be writing something just for others to consume? Does this post count as consumption because I read your post or does it count as creation because I am replying to it? Or is your definition of consumption more the Active vs passive consumption duality? If I am destined to be surrounded by things to consume and subsequently consumes my time, are you telling me to be critical of the things I consume and make that arbitrary value judgement of active and engaging consumption as better?

>> No.15495182

Not to be mean but I despise this postmodern weaseling of "bro what even is x?" You know damn well sitting and passively absorbing entertainment until your dopamine receptors go to an early grave is different from real deep social connections, achieving goals and working out your brain and body the way they're meant to be worked out. It's not arbitrary, we know what is good for the mind and body and what is not, literally just take all those things you listed, write the pros and cons of each under them and you'll see what is consooming and what is not.

>> No.15495195
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>> No.15495232


>> No.15495245

>t. never read copr

>> No.15495247

Anything by Deleuze.

>> No.15495309

the bible, you disgusting fucking weeb

>> No.15495321

Good point. Thanks anon.

>> No.15495348

you're just consooming "real deep social connections, achieving goals and working out your brain and body "

nice delusion, faggot

>> No.15495349

snake = bat > snail > cat > crab > others

>> No.15495356

even more based

>> No.15495372
File: 35 KB, 635x357, DopamineVsSerotonin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np. I would also like to know what copr is.
Cope seethe and dilate nihilist faggot.

>> No.15495396

I'm currently completing Monogatari, would you say SZS is a good/better Shaft anime?

>> No.15495425

dopamine is pleasure, serotonine is also pleasure, in a different way
getting high on serotonine isn't much different than getting high on dopamine. there is no legitimate reason to value one above the other.

>> No.15495427
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Not him, but I've seen both anime and I think Monogatari is better overall, even though I like SZS more.

>> No.15495431

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

>> No.15495648

Films used to be made by artists who knew how to express said art beyond just basic thrills and emotions. The actual artistry was lost is what I’m trying to say. Film and television are still young mediums when compared to the likes of music, paintings, sculpting, etc. Those who were there early on in film and TV’s inception were fully open to the true capabilities and what they wanted to express. It hadn’t been commodified and water down yet. I’m sure music, painting, and sculpture went through its passionless phase, made by passionless artists. Perhaps film and TV will bounce back, someday...

>> No.15495672
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If that's ever to happen then pic related has to be fixed.
Also as media reaches lower and lower IQ segments of the population it has to be made dumber to make the most money. Those other things you listed are only appreciated by "elitists"

>> No.15495681
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>> No.15495771
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I was mostly kidding. I like Monogatari and SZS about the same and I think they’re equally good. Try it out when you are done with Monogatari.

Oh shit, never mine. R.I.P. Art.

>> No.15496034

The right looks better desu. Dumbass boomers and their “muh black and white cinematography” the world doesn’t look like that! XD

>> No.15496308

snake is shit

>> No.15496352
File: 109 KB, 850x1115, HRTTRHRTHG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat is the best.

>> No.15496434

Remembrance of things past

>> No.15496655

Big tits are disgusting.

>> No.15496732
File: 114 KB, 1125x1280, Snakeisnotforplebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor and read the SZS manga or at least the last 15 chapters or so. It has the best ending this medium has to offer, very kafkaesque and disturbing.

Monagatari novels are pretty based. I had your fear too but after deciding on a whim that I want some light read last week, I try the second bakemonogatari book and damn it's glorious. Kinda cringy prose in the first few pages (much is lost in the translation) but then came a 50 pages long of nonsensical but witty conversation. Feel like a vulgar version of The Important of being earnest, but with cute girls and pun.

>> No.15496888

I recently watched Second Season and it was great. Might have to read the novels.

>> No.15496917

Critique of Pure Reason, I guess

>> No.15496924

>Disney owns a Military History channel
How, why?
Just when I thought Disney couldn't surprise me anymore

>> No.15496932

read this without any background knowledge if you want to feel truly miserable