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15490170 No.15490170 [Reply] [Original]

>Islam bad
>dies due to alcoholism
Many such cases

>> No.15490186

>non islam world bad
>dies due to perpetual neverending war
many such cases

>> No.15490199

>umm religion bad for society, science gooderer.

>> No.15490210

>Speaks foul words against Allah and his prophet
>dies esophageal cancer

that's how it is, habibi

>> No.15490214

>implying that Muslims wouldn't be on the moon right now if it wasn't for us military intervention.

>> No.15490230

Imagine if scientism was seperated from liberalism and merged with religion. Imagine having an advanced trad society. It would be so beautiful mashallah.

>> No.15490254
File: 147 KB, 1000x562, k0z5oIhqvr_2017041313392899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day inshallah....

>> No.15490401

yes thats exactly what im implying the middle east has been a battlefield for far longer than america or even islam has existed. America makes a good scapegoat but dont blame them.

>imagine if my ideals merged surely everything would be good and right and there would be no problems if there would be problems it would be easily solved.

>> No.15490586

europe, india, china, the middle east and asia have all been battlefields for thousands of years.

>> No.15491037

just because europe and asia have had wars doest mean it makes them on par with the perpetual tribal combat plaguing the middle east. Youre just too ignorant to accept it just like youre too ignorant to accept the fact that islam since its very conception was used as a tool to conquer the middle east bloodily slaughtering countless civilians and for what? The profit of the warmongering ruling class at the time and nothing else.

>> No.15491920

Advanced trad society.... huge cope, everything about islam is als lie.

>> No.15492027
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Christopher was really smart. He used his smartness to be really stupid. SAD! Many such cases.

>> No.15492065

If Islam got as many chances to kill him as alcohol he would have died far sooner.

>> No.15492103

i really do wonder what he would think of trump

>> No.15492173
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The better brother survived.

>> No.15492505
File: 70 KB, 647x659, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15492629

Arabs were fighting as mercenaries before Islam, just like vikings

Both were trotskyites like blair and other neocons

>> No.15492634

The difference is that the vikings became civilized. The Middle East level of violence has been stuck in the dark ages.

>> No.15492651

Impossible because technology is inherently degenerate. It's putting the desires and designs of man before God. And it's done with such arrogance too, scientists literally think they are going to become like Gods.