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15488427 No.15488427 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find good undergraduate level philosophy essays?

I'm thinking of studying philosophy at university and want to first see what kind of stuff gets written about.

>> No.15488464

You posted that fucking redditfaggot comic that I've been forced to see 100000 times, so fuck you, I'm not telling you

>> No.15488470
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>Don't participate in the societal behaviors you are opposed to.

I'm sorry. Why is this a memeworthy idea?

>> No.15488482

True non-participation is impossible

>> No.15488496

Of all the reddit newfag memes his is not very bad

Just look at the required readings for one of your university's introductory philosophy courses.

>> No.15488497

You're falling for it again
Don't respond to coffee posts anon

>> No.15488510

You've never studied philosophy in your life.

>> No.15488520

The message is the exact opposite of what you wrote, mongoloid.

>> No.15488521

It is not that not participating is ridiculous, but rather unfeasible. Which is why people calling, socialists iphone users, hypocrites is nonsense.

>> No.15488530

"Western Philosophy: An Anthology" (2nd Edition) by John Cottingham.

>> No.15488543

>not buying the latest iphone is "unfeasible"
Absolute state of commies.

>> No.15488550

How else will you post class conscious facebook memes comrade

>> No.15488559

I'm looking for undergraduate level essays... meaning written by students.

>> No.15488590
File: 48 KB, 553x640, asian_spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not read that drivel. Articles are churned out at industry rate, and all of them are trivial. They are just there to keep your standing. They are worthless, they are worth less than worthless things..
Better read primary works. You could try Bergson's Essay on the immediate data of consciousness. I remember liking it. It is rewarding and comparatively simple. I also enjoyed Group agency of Pettit and List. I think it is also good for a beginner, and the area is of interest.
Good luck.
t. philosophy student

>> No.15488596

The only thing you need to read is Wittgenstein and give up pursuing philosophy.

>> No.15488598

Yes I'm doing that as well but I also want to see what philosophy at degree level actually entails. Where can I find a sample essay written by a student? Wanna share one of yours?

>> No.15488622

Why would you want to look at error-ridden trash? Would you also study the math exam answer of a C student? Read papers by professional philosophers in journals like the Journal of Philosophy. Set your standards high, and do your best to meet them.

>> No.15488650

Unfortunately, I do not know where you can find them. I would give you one of mine, but they are not written in English. My thoughts are that basic reading comprehension and, much more importantly, reading, is sufficient to get by. You would not believe how many students refuse to read.
For the most part, what passed you through the gymnasium, will also pass you through the philosophy faculty.

>> No.15488657

>this picture

jesus why do leftoids have such poor critical thinking skills, the peasent is a slave to his master, the iphone funko pop buyer is a slave to their own bugman brain

>> No.15488679

Yes goy you are free

>> No.15488699

Never said I am free you retard, but I can think for myself and am aware that there is no jewish master forcing me to buy a funko pop or an iphone.

>> No.15488708

The cartoon never mentioned "funko pop", you pathetic cumguzzling bugman.

>> No.15488727

It mentions Iphone you retarded /pol/ subhuman.

use the tiny fucking reptilian brain you have and read funkopop as blind consumerism

>> No.15488734

>It mentions Iphone

>> No.15488750

the original comic is contrasting the iphone meme to the serfs

>> No.15488751

You can participate in society without participating in 'blind consumerism', you godforsaken moron.

>> No.15488957

lmao cunt Im three years into my degree

>> No.15489163

I'm about to write a 2000 word essay on Wollstonecraft's essentialism, I'll post it in this thread tomorrow when I'm done

>> No.15489204

if you want i can send you some of the stuff i wrote, I'm a first-year in a top 10 uni for philosophy averaging 72% right now

>> No.15489380

Yes goy you can think for yourself

>> No.15489413
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Email your local philosophy department, or one you want to apply to, and tell them you're interested and ask do they have any showcase of undergraduate work.

>> No.15489572

Hi Max

>> No.15489607

>modern society
>an improvement upon any society before it
loving every laugh

>> No.15489663

At the undergraduate level, you'll be writing precis or bog standard argumentative essays, maybe a synthesis of the two.

>> No.15489681

They can't share student work without the student's permission. There may be an undergraduate research journal, but it likely won't just include philosophy work. The department might produce a research journal, but this is unlikely.

>> No.15489742
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>> No.15489747

Then you agree that the comic is retarded you retard.
The comic makes the point that blind consumerism is equivalent to that of serfdom

Unless you are such a bugman that participating in society means having to consume

>> No.15489753
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>> No.15489779
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>> No.15489782

You are clearly an illiterate moron.

>> No.15489907

This is the real one.

>> No.15489964

She doesn't need an iphone. She could have bought another company's phone so I don't get this

>> No.15490072

Stop crying and actually refute the point you pathetic basedbrain

>> No.15490087

Il explain as simply as I can.

>square are killing triangles and this is bad
>yes I do support squares financially, but I still disagree

All in all it's the concept of a Champaign socalist, rich, white and liberal, they want to take and shut down, but will never give.

>> No.15490118

What "point"?

>> No.15490124

>things I don't like are reddit
Check out this reddit comment ;^)

>> No.15490131

We're all killing the triangles, brainlet. The point is that we don't have to. Let's think of a way not to do that.

>> No.15490136

You get the iPhone represents cellphones in general right?

>> No.15490156

Let me explain this a simply as I can
>so buy circles then!
>but circles are doing the same thing as squares and also killing triangles
>none of this means people can't comment on things

>> No.15490163

What a glib comment.

>> No.15490166

Wait, how am I funding apple?
I have no apple products retard.
And if your point is about that of the abhorrent slave labour used in china blame the communist government.

The government has allowed for a period, for property to be owned privately and goods and services to be exchanged for a profit, and only in special administrative regions. China is still fundamentally communist in the authoritarian manor. The creator of the comic is a communist.

This is no different to complaining about climate change while driving a fucking ww2 as your daily driver.

>> No.15490180

You have to buy a smart phone you pathetic bugman?

Jesus christ you basedbrains are so fucked. Thank allah I can at least think for myself and avoid this faggotry consumerist culture.
Try r*ddit, they have a whole board dedicated to funkopops you will like it more

>> No.15490205

>You have to buy a smart phone you pathetic bugman?
Do you not have one? I have to have one, if not me others have to have them with how society functions. I'm not a massive consumer of them though, I'm on my second smartphone ever and this is one I repaired.

>> No.15490209

>Wait, how am I funding apple?
Did I mention Apple, fuckwit? Whatever machine you are using to post in this thread was assembled from parts manufactured in a third-world country under suicide-inducing conditions. Wanting to improve those conditions is not somehow a form of hypocrisy.

>> No.15490216

All I derive from this is that society is stuck in an endless cycle of attempting to improve itself but never actually becoming good enough.

>> No.15490218
File: 395 KB, 1160x984, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a leftist you don't belong on 4chan, this is libertarian website.
Go to r*ddit instead

>> No.15490223

Wow, you have no idea what state capitalism is.

>> No.15490232 [DELETED] 

He is the Chris Chan of the right, fucking hell.

>> No.15490239

>a plucky lolbertarian chimes in!
awww, how cute

>> No.15490241

The comic is about apple yo ADHD autist, can you only think of one thing at a time?
And once again this comes down to china, oppose that of communism and other authoritarianism and do some critical thinking before going out into the world and pretending you are some woke hero.

Also nokia has their components produced in the western world. Use your basedbrain as fucked as it is with marvel and harry potter garbage.

>> No.15490247

I have no idea what this comic is trying to say. Not in a way that im calling it shit but I genuinely have no clue. I can't even tell which side of the right/left divide it's on

>> No.15490249

>The comic is about apple yo ADHD autist
Again, Apple is a stand in for a number of companies and products. You could say the same thing in the same way about Samsung or Sony or...

>> No.15490250

I like freedom of speech, that's why I am here and not r*ddit.

Why else would you come here? I genuinely don't get why leftoid tourists think they fit in when they oppose the founding principles of this website

>> No.15490256

Okay, you are either retarded or autistic. What did I just say about nokia you spastic
Leftists hate guns

>> No.15490258

You can't have been here very long. Also there's no wordfilter for reddit, r*ddit is the most reddit meme I can imagine.

>> No.15490276

There is a spam filter, now answer the question you r*dditoid
Why come here when you oppose the principle that sets this website apart from others.
Or are you too far gone?

>> No.15490280

>Also nokia has their components produced in the western world.
>What did I just say about nokia you spastic
I ignore stuff if it's plain dumb
They manufacture in Finland, Brazil, China and India. Why did you think otherwise?

>> No.15490290

>There is a spam filter
??? No, there isn't. However, with why you claim to be posting here, why are you when you think there's a spamfilter over posting a word which you in turn self censor? It's retarded.

>> No.15490302

being a participant in the society is not relevant to the validity of a critique of society.
being a consumerist is not relevant to the validity of a critique of society.
being the literal ruler of the society is not relevant to the validity of a critique of society.

what is the common denominator

>> No.15490347
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There is a retard, it shows up on dynamic IPs
now answer the question you faggot.
alright I concede, I remember reading about it a few years ago, I suppose they gave up on that idea, never the less, it's not imposibble to live without a smartphone, I use a motorolla flipup because I disagree with china and the smartphone market so.
while yes the comonents for the majority of the stuff I use is made in china the extent of showing effort goes a long way in order to win ground for an argument.
None likes a hypocrit.

>> No.15490367

>There is a retard, it shows up on dynamic IPs
I'm using a dynamic IP and I can post the word reddit to my heart's content. Are you confusing your post one time being flagged as spam and thinking it was because you said reddit? Or is it something to do with not understanding the r9k filter?

>> No.15490372

I have no clue then, I get a "our system thinks your post is spam" if I post reddit or leddit

>> No.15490411

don't study philosophy. the educational system is crashing, and if you end up with a philosophy degree, tens of thousands in student loan debt, and no career path, you will feel fucking stupid.

if you like philosophy, read it on your own time.

>> No.15490420

>it's not imposibble to live without a smartphone, I use a motorolla flipup because I disagree with china and the smartphone market so.
1. You think Motorola isn't using unethical labor to make your phone?
2. Again, if not me then someone else, some people need to have smartphones now and my role in society makes me one of them. If i ducked out, someone else would have to get one
3. I like most people limit how many we buy, I had my last phone for nearly a decade

None of this matters anyway, even if I bought every new one every year it wouldn't change that a company operates unethically and there's no reason why I couldn't comment on that.

If you post just reddit and nothing else it might get flagged, like spamming desu

>> No.15490470

The people being satirised are not making critiques of society but simply stating their opposition to it—lip service

>> No.15490481

go back to _____ was filtered as spam years ago

>> No.15490488

they are opposed to it because they don't like it
it is valid to dislike things and not do anything about them. it is valid to dislike things and not do anything about them even if you are the person that created the thing you dislike. mental illness are sometimes like this. society could be mentally ill and producing people that create problems and also dislike the problems and also are unable to solve the problems, because they are mentally ill. this is a bad situation, valid to dislike.

>> No.15490489

Is it lip service?

>> No.15490494

>If you post just reddit and nothing else it might get flagged, like spamming desu
4chan doesn't collect cookies other than for location, and for ads.
>None of this matters anyway, even if I bought every new one every year it wouldn't change that a company operates unethically and there's no reason why I couldn't comment on that.
The point still stands, you can make the effort of showing you do not wish to abide by consumerist culture. and when critising it and the issues of explotivive labour your voice will be givin greater credence.
The best way I can explain this is the benshapiro thing, "facts don't care about your feelings" when in reality people do use their feelings when debating and apprecating ideas.
thats the hill il die on, I am unreasonable, as are all sane men.
and even more so for the sake of argument, one can take the view of elevated markets, a penny to a rustbelt worker is a thousand dollars for an american consumer. Though it may seem they are unfaily paid, in effect, they are paid way above the average of their nation, that all being said, somone needs to nuke silicon vally.
you still haven't answered my question.
why would a leftist come here.
ah, thanks.

>> No.15490497


>> No.15490509

Philosophy isn't literature. You can't learn it on your own.

>> No.15490533

of course you can.

>> No.15490537

>The best way I can explain this is the benshapiro thing, "facts don't care about your feelings" when in reality people do use their feelings when debating and apprecating ideas.
I don't understand what you're saying here.
>thats the hill il die on, I am unreasonable, as are all sane men.
>and even more so for the sake of argument, one can take the view of elevated markets, a penny to a rustbelt worker is a thousand dollars for an american consumer. Though it may seem they are unfaily paid, in effect, they are paid way above the average of their nation, that all being said, somone needs to nuke silicon vally.
I'm not 100% sure what you're saying here, but I'll make the point I was probably going to make here >>15490489
In the comic the consumer is an everyman, but individual consumer is powerless in the market, at least in this case. Consumers as an entire group have power, yes, but individuals do not.

>> No.15490553

The proposition that a given aspect of society has room for improvement is not refuted by pointing to an advocate for the proposition, and remarking that he somehow enables the contested aspect.

>> No.15490578

very sad post :(

>> No.15490597

>I don't understand what you're saying here.
I am saying that being consumerist, while having no large impact on the being of the world, has an impact on how people see you thus helps you win the argument you are making.

and I disagree, the consumer can as I just said, make the effort of not buying into the new cycle of Itoys and shit. even if it makes no large diffrence, it's the outward image of saying "no" to the current bugman culture.
i've had a bit too much to drink

>> No.15490603

Do you not have a low-cost community college near you?

>> No.15490633

i do but it doesn't teach philosophy or linguistics, only boring stuff that helps you make money like accounting or business management

>> No.15490638

Descartes disagrees.

>has an impact on how people see you
Sure, there's almost a tribalism now to brands. I enjoyed Klein's take on this in No Logo. However, I think being able to express displeasure at a brand or company is important. What the other guy should be saying isn't "don't comment", rather something more constructive like "improve your consumer habits". As it is it's like going "no, you're apple now, just be brainwashed and say nothing" and that's just shitty.

>> No.15490640

>and I disagree, the consumer can as I just said, make the effort of not buying into the new cycle of Itoys and shit.
Sure, but the tougher the standards you impose on people sympathetic to your cause, the fewer political allies you will gain. Values change first, then behavior. You're like the staunch vegan who spergs out when someone eats something with a mote of gelatin among the ingredients. If you make it impossible to be your friend, don't complain when you're alone and powerless.

>> No.15490680
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I agree.
>You're like the staunch vegan who spergs out when someone eats something with a mote of gelatin among the ingredients. If you make it impossible to be your friend, don't complain when you're alone and powerless.
Maybe you are right, but I feel that the BARE MINIMUM is not engaging with the cycle of consumerist electronic crap, not everyone should feel obligated to have a flip phone, but I should, and will hold people to a standard if they want to be respected.

>> No.15490687

business management is a lot of philopsphy

>> No.15491255

nice strawman nigger

>> No.15491446


>> No.15491483


>> No.15491700

>You dislike paying the gabelle, but you use salt to preserve all your food.
>Why are you taking me to the guillotine?

>> No.15491910

Check out course hero
Go to the Harvard page
Under philosophy select the page you want
Congratulations you have unlocked better essays than 99% of 4chan

>> No.15492006

The joke would work if the socialists weren't high middle class whites with a white saviour complex. The peasant in the image is not a valid representation of the common people.

>> No.15492560

Literally the only socialists like this are anglos and even then most of them are revisionists or trots.

>> No.15492643
File: 131 KB, 1304x745, EY2c9HaXkAEBZjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I don't see lower class people like black folk in America reciting Marx and Kropotkin. What you will see most of the time are white boyos that make plenty of bucks off the capitalist system complaining how absolutely immoral it is yet they fully benefit from it and participate in it.

>> No.15492708

Read the comment again. I jumped to your conclusion immediately as well. There's some cosmic irony at work here.

>> No.15492721

Living without money or social security number is difficult, anon. You're very, very integrated into this matrix from birth, and it seeks to control you. The necessary choices, even if possible, are obscured by an ocean of lies and deceit.
We're social animals, humans. There's a limit to how far you can go from the others.

>> No.15492727

The Borg must infest new places. Creative venues of human expression? UNACCEPTABLE, it must conform, CONFORM

>> No.15494348

Yes, it's not very clear (and not at all funny), but the white dudes seem to be the villains, so obviously left wing then

>> No.15494646
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not op but thanks. it's actually pretty entertaining to see what harvard students are capable of

>> No.15494731

I know but it's a shame that most of these essays are behind a paywall. I am thinking about making a thread on essays by Ivy League students and we rate which is the best one.

>> No.15494746

Kek, i use an iPhone 6 my boy. Don’t know what you are talking about.

>> No.15494753

Jfc! That is his woman! Blegh. I mean Vaush is a fag for other reasons, but this, this is just terrifying. FUCK!

>> No.15494763

Class consciousness is a hard thing to grasp when literally every thing you learn from is telling you it isn’t there. Though, I would socialism as an idea in America is a huge stratified group, and the white bro aspect of it is something that liberals will use against us to no end.

>> No.15494792
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>Where can I find good undergraduate level philosophy essays?

it goes something like this

"I’m a citizen of the world echos of citizen of world [Learnsturbation] Charles: I went to film camp. I’ve read Sartre. I’ve read Thomas Pynchon. I’ve read Ayn Rand. I’ve been to Italy. I’ve been to France. I speak French. I’ve been to Spain. I’ve been to South America. I’ve been to Kenya. I’ve been to China. I backpacked across Europe. I prefer tea to coffee. I’ve been to Greece. I love Greek food. I’m a foodie. I’m always on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast. I sometimes go to Barnes and Noble and lose track of the time. The black people that I’ve met said I have a lot of flavor. I love my MacBook but I also love my MacBook Pro, because it has the word Pro on it, short for prolapsed. echos of prolapsed I drive an ancient Volvo that barely starts. The Matrix and..and Inception are the first movies in the last ten years that made me really think. Yeah I paint, no big deal, I think conventional painting rules are…stogy, archaic. To bend the spoon, you have to realize there is no spoon. Think outside the box. Coexist. Coexist, and one more thing, If you don’t know the difference between your, and you’re and you’re and your, you’re a fucking idiot, get the fuck off my Facebook wall."

>> No.15494812

can any philosophyfags tell me where I can dl/read Carlo Michelstaedter for free in english? thnx and much appreciated

>> No.15494822

>t. has no idea what philosophy is

>> No.15494850
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Muh KaaaaLLL3$E


try me out bitch nigga

>> No.15494885

Other phones are just as bad only the software and the design sucks as well. Enjoy your Java laden chink trash I guess.

>> No.15494886

sounds cool anon I'm in

>> No.15494929


Consent does not exist under a coercive system.

>> No.15494936

Philo is a kind of pastry and Sophy is the name of a pastry chef :^)

>> No.15495029

read the fucking sticky.

>> No.15495194

thank you SOOOO fucking much <3

>> No.15495945

It's an attempt to handwave the criticism without adressing it. "But I-I-I need my iPhone!!" They describe existence in terms of ideology as a way of removing all agency from themselves. Not surprising that redditors endorse an explicitly cucked identity.