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15487494 No.15487494[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe this image in your finest prose.

>> No.15487515

white fragility

>> No.15487539

That pussy be poppin on civilization doe

>> No.15487541

Why bother writing the myth of Sodom again? It's no like we learned anything from it

>> No.15487560

One must imagine Sisyphus black

>> No.15487565

and then Raquanda performed a rain dance to put out the fires.

>> No.15487570

Violence is an indication of a hollow mind

>> No.15487574

A diseased whore dances around the destroyed work of her betters. The black spirit personified, like living, breathing gutter oil, a filthy product of waste and pollutants fished out by immoral, opportunistic businessmen, to be shoved down the greasy gullets of the ignorant masses. This here is nothing other than a grease fire on which geriatric old women have poured water on, still believing they did the right thing as the flame engulf the centuries old homes they have lived in all their life.

>> No.15487575

what music is she twerking to? Stupid Hoe?

>> No.15487576

America! Fuck yeah!

>> No.15487577


>> No.15487586

Imagine how much different and better the world would be if blacks just never existed
Degenerate shit

>> No.15487594

Why bother? There's a book about this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Decline_of_the_West

>> No.15487645

this is from barcelona btw

>> No.15487655

il futuro

>> No.15487663

I thought this only happened on July 4th.

>> No.15487669

And she danced. She danced by the light of the fire. She danced to her heart's desire. And as she twirled, she dazzled. As she skipped, she smiled. And she danced by the light of the fire. She danced to her heart's desire.

>> No.15487732

She makes her arse bop like the flames behind her semi-naked savaged body: announcing worse times to the primitive melody of destructive and unquenchable fire, to the sparkly rhythm of crepitation of what there was left.

>> No.15487750
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black woman dancing
cars burning

>> No.15487763


>> No.15487786


>> No.15487794
File: 360 KB, 506x344, burgerpunk revolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Describe this image in your finest prose.

>> No.15487811

dat ass
makes me(n) coom buckets
extinguishing the flames of desire

>> No.15487812
File: 31 KB, 368x346, 1590272166839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

>> No.15487813

Her ass cheeks bounced like basketballs, thighs shining in the flames burning across the intersection where subsidized housing met gas stations. Her ass clapped, and the noise sounded like a confession that said:

A nigger is a title for fools with a talent for crafting clubs. With a large ass they can crush society, with big black hands with fingers like chicken tenders they can break white women like turkey necks.

Only, nigger engineering being what it is the message loops to the beginning before it's finished, so with each clap it is instead:

A nigger a nigger a nigger a nigger a nigger a nigger

>> No.15487822
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fire rages
>smoke rises
>imagine the smell

>> No.15487861

Shaquan Johnson's EBT has been declined, such blatant injustice, discrimination, oppression, racism, anti-blackness, bigotry, racism,colonialism,segregation, gentrification,chauvinism, white supremacism, and bigotry must be avenged, it must be payed for in blood. The next day Shaquan, Daquan, Tyrone, Da'Quande, La'trees and Dexter robbed a liqour store for purely economic reasons. They then walked into the Micky D's, jumped the counter and made themselves a burger. The 55 year old shift manager tried to stop them, they in turn beat him to death and raped the homeless woman that was flipping the patties. Their ancestor built this country, it was their right to satiate their hunger.

>> No.15487898

Sherry bounced and danced and jived as hard as she could. She was loving it. All the men's eyes were focused on her. She imagined their lusty glances and revelled in their desire. The heat from the flames furnished her VOLUPTOUS arse with a coat of sticky sweat, while the smell of burning rubber filled every hair of her wide nostrils. The effect of the smell, the heat, and the gaze of her admirers all combined to produce a heady ecstasy. This was her purpose. The cheerleader of righteous destruction.

>> No.15487915

Whore of Babylon.

>> No.15487945

Upon the last dying embers of an arrogant civilization, the hedons danced. Not only ignorant of their fate, but not caring either way. The cries of those in tune with their ancestors fell upon deaf ears.

>> No.15488054

very good

>> No.15488061

Anyone have a webm of the other nigger trannies from that stream, the ones systematically starting fires and knocking over streetsigns and shit? They started tranny twerking on a random trashcan (????) and screaming CHECK ME OUT ON FACEBOOK, JARNELL DOLLAR-TREE!

They were wearing anime cosplay wigs and smashing windows. God bless America.

>> No.15488078

this webm is not the american riots going on right now. OP is a jew trying to further divide us and increase our desire for violence and rage.

>> No.15488104

i hope the daily mail didn't pay cash for that video
you can see it online for free

>> No.15488116

We aren't in the decline yet according to Spengler

>> No.15488136

Bien. Esta sociedad tiene que colapsar tambien, no puede ser que tengamos una de las tazas mas altas de desempleo en Europa, joder

>> No.15488706


>> No.15488729

She says that she will never die.

>> No.15488739

I'm not a racist, but it certainly seems undeniable that negroes possess a certain animalism. Are there any books on the subject?

>> No.15488748

It says to me; rebuild it, but better.

>> No.15488755

Study poverty throughout the ages and see what that does to people.

>> No.15488787

Russia went from de facto feudalism to having a space program in two generations.

>> No.15488816

Probably some African anthropology lit would be your best bet.
Talking about negroes in the the West in that way is taboo.

>> No.15488819

So we really ought to try socialism is what you’re saying?
I think so too.

Also, fuck putting white supremacist cops from the suburbs into black neighborhoods. All security should be super localized and accountable to those residents

>> No.15488830

lol. Please do that. Please let them police themselves

>> No.15488844

Black wall street was a thing.
The Harlem Renaissance was a thing.
Socialism would bring something like that all back. If only I could make it happen on my wish.

>> No.15488850

>if you don't like your civilizations being burned to the ground you just have a case of white fragility

>> No.15488855

A Chinese and a Russian meet on the street. They stop and look each other. The Chinese say "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah-aahahahahahahahahahah" and the Russian replies "hahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahhhahhahahahahahah-hahahahhahaahhahhah". They say goodbye and leave.

>> No.15488858

Why random murder though?

>> No.15488860

>your civilizations being burned to the ground
sounds like fragility to me

>> No.15488864
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There are asian Russians of course

>> No.15488913

>your civilizations being burned to the ground
by fragile whites, yes
has been for decades, anon

>> No.15488940

by niggers*
easy mistake to make anon

>> No.15488964

>being so fragile that a bunch of niggers destroy your civilization
yep, that's white fragility alright

>> No.15488973

holy KEK

>> No.15488991

they're very destructive entities, it will come to a head though

>> No.15489002
File: 278 KB, 896x896, 1579778768733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CDC estimates that blacks have more than twice the average incidence rate of genital herpes, in some states like New York this figure rises to nearly 60% of the population aged 14-49. Fire follows the nigger-herpes, but it has no power to cleanse it.

>> No.15489007

why dont you ask the race that's responsible for over 50% of it

>> No.15489017
File: 38 KB, 750x646, 1590675788123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know how right you are.

>> No.15489020


>> No.15489021

Triggering /pol/ just by dancing. based

>> No.15489028

>Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed and said "too much ass".

>> No.15489034

I know why that is~. Not always so random.
But I do also know why cops randomly murder people (whites too) and get away with it.

>> No.15489076

sex sex sex

>> No.15489089

Blacks already tried socialism. It's called Zimbabwe.

>> No.15489103
File: 44 KB, 388x600, 1F606B7A-7085-45E0-AF2C-5E59148374D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was called Burkina Faso, and the liberals killed it before too much good came of it

>> No.15489114

I don't understand. The "poverty" deflect is really a weak argument. And even if it wasn't, it's easily disprovable. They're a hominid that branched off the human line 400 000 years ago, anon. Everyone knows this, but everyone feels like a good person for denying it. I just feel bad for the children of the people who took the denial to the all-or-nothing level.

>> No.15489118

Communist and anarchist sentiments are fairly widespread in Africa. I had a massive crush on this Ugandan comrade in my twenties.

>> No.15489132

The quality of a society hinges on the quality of the collectives DNA

>> No.15489139
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, 1590524818822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don't want to get all pol in here, but they're the ultimate biological and psy-op weapon. Since their dna was introduced to us by the civil rights subversion: we've gone from a spacefaring species to pathetic bickering overpopulated attention-seeking little YouTubers.

>> No.15489155

Damn she hot.

>> No.15489166

Appealing to evolution and doing it wrong. Damn, poltard. Get your act together and read some shit.

Obviously not. It’s always economics. Material prosperity.

>> No.15489175

>s economics. Material prosperity.
largely a result of the dna apart from getting lucky with oil reserves and stuff

>> No.15489176

>Obviously not. It’s always economics. Material prosperity.
Money doesn't grow on trees, retard. You literally have surface level understanding of human prosperity, try reduce your argument down to the very core next time

>> No.15489182

Everything is sad. Why do I feel so sad. What happened to the people here, they used to be so pretty. Get this thing away from me.

>> No.15489187 [DELETED] 

>getting lucky with oil reserves and stuff
Even that hinges on DNA, goat fucking Arabs could never extract their own oil without Western tech and know-how

>> No.15489191


>> No.15489201

most basedest infographic I've seen in a long time

>> No.15489210

Yeah but it explains why eg. Norway is so much richer than Sweden. And there are obviously factors that impede development as well, extremely bad government for example. The overall trend is obvious but you have to look at each instance.

>> No.15489212

>Since their dna was introduced to us by the civil rights subversion: we've gone from a spacefaring species to pathetic bickering overpopulated attention-seeking little YouTubers.

how are niggers the cause of that, though?

>> No.15489220

The new left is all about black and transexuality, baby.

>> No.15489224

>without Western tech
It was made by a Yugoslav, not a Westerner.

>> No.15489225
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>> No.15489228

have sex

>> No.15489229


>> No.15489239

I agree, but we can all agree that DNA is at the very foundation of societal development, and by that I mean; if you don't have good genes you can never, in a million years, build a good civilization

don't know if trolling, Slavs are white dude

>> No.15489243

This is wholly besides the point made. But, yeah. Money is literally printed up, actually just adding 0s in a computer now, it comes from thin air, anon.
I know what actual and virtual prosperity comes from, and if this country had the economic prosperity of the 1950s, the social safety nets of Europe and the racial progressiveness of now (for lack of a better example) we would not see riots, shootings, thefts, etc. that we see today in the twilight of this stupid country. Material comforts make a whole lot of difference. Not perfection, but certainly not this.

>> No.15489244
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>> No.15489247

>Slavs are white dude
Haha, you are very funny. We are better than white.

>> No.15489260

Based McCarthy.

>> No.15489267

>but we can all agree that DNA is at the very foundation of societal development
Nope. This isn’t a factor. And your standards for a “good civilization” are dubious

>> No.15489274

Your hatred of the US government and EU is fully justified brother, but don't blame their misstakes on the White race as a collective. You will always be White, whether you want it or not

>> No.15489278

Now that you mention it, it's EXACTLY what happened to the Yellow Vests in France.
I'm outta here, I respect this board and I don't want to bring my /pol/ into it.

>> No.15489281

>And your standards for a “good civilization” are dubious
Okey, fair enough. Let me clarify: Non-Western people can never perpetuate Western civilization and vice versa.

>> No.15489289

>Nope. This isn’t a factor.
imagine thinking this lmao

>> No.15489319

Ghost hominid can also be found in Han Chinese and ironically, Utah residents with Northern and Western European heritage.

>> No.15489334

>bickering overpopulated attention-seeking little YouTubers
i mean that was inevitable, minorities or not

>> No.15489340

The disgust I feel is infinite.

>> No.15489343

>You will always be White, whether you want it or not
American ideology.

>> No.15489392
File: 116 KB, 640x480, CFEF006C-04DA-4339-B4F0-F44315BC2070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’ve emulated it just fine. China is helping them become just as bourgeois nowadays. Not saying selling them cars is such a good idea, ut that’s your western “civilization”

I don’t have to imagine it. We live it.

>> No.15489482

>a race that is responsible for 5x the amount of murder it should be if it were proportional is apparently not murdering people at random

you are a midwit

>> No.15489493


>> No.15489524

China is colonizing Africa, just much less efficiently than they could be if they didn't have to pretend they weren't. They de facto govern many regions in which they've set up shop anyway.

>> No.15489534

not the heckin knee on the throaterino

>> No.15489551

When did America become the human zoo laughing stock of the world? It's kind of amazing that such a rich country with one of the strongest military forces on the planet governs almost no respect or admiration in the average non-america man.

>> No.15489556
File: 38 KB, 640x481, 53055122-5F99-4774-A435-96705A092817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s ALLL genetics!!
>Look at my cherry picked graphs!!
You are the dimmest of wits if you don’t understand the causes of these stats you’re fond of spouting.

That’s the thing though, they aren’t governing them. With China its strictly business. The western colonial period and neocolonialism have always sought to control their governments and force them into sweatshop labor. Socialists can be harsh, but they’re not inherently racist

>> No.15489564
File: 370 KB, 828x901, 1590873215331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15489567

There isn't even a word in English to describe the degree of naivety necessary to think Chinese people aren't racist against Africans.

>> No.15489576

fuck it nigga he we go: shibbity bop do burger king burnt to ash load it in the joint take the cash bash whitey say goodnighty yo an won mo thing imma fuck dat broad in op pic

>> No.15489578

the ebonics on stream last night were fucking intense, the blacks have degenerated their own patois even more since i last checked in on them, they are just grumbling and mumbling now. have to repeat the same fucking sentence three times to get one piece of information out.

>> No.15489579


>> No.15489593

yuh my nigga spittin' fax n' dem whities bout to get got we ou' her gettin' smacked and lootin'