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/lit/ - Literature

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15487445 No.15487445 [Reply] [Original]

Post a book you've read and want to talk about. See if anyone has read the same book. Talk about the book.

>> No.15487529

I read this as a student I can't remember much so I don't know what to comment on it. I can recommend reading Paintings in Proust: A Visual Companion to in Search of Lost Time by Eric Karpeles.

>> No.15487557
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I remember the best when he was talking about eating in a restaurant and Proust figured out that the dimmed lights and the aroma of the food were was important as the food itself. Anything else from that, I don't remember. Except for the butter cookies like the one on the cover.

A recommendation, eh? I can't read like I could before highschool but I do like reading about Proust.

Time for a new book I read. This is literally, L I T E R A L L Y my favorite book of all time.

>> No.15487632
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I know some of you have read this.

>> No.15487653

Yes I remember about the cookie as well. The Professor was specialized in memory psychology and focused on that. I will look into your recommendation thank you. The one I recommended shows every painting Proust references with a short accompanying passage from his work. It is great if you are like me and only read Swan's Way as it depicts the rest of the work through his paintings.

>> No.15487661

I read this one it was recommend by an economics professor. It is highly readable the connection I remember most is the relation between Roe vs Wade outcome and crime a both subjects I don't know much about.

>> No.15487672
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>> No.15487686
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Yeah Freakonomics was my bible for a while and then I read about the leaded gas thing so I don't know any more.

This book is good for Japanophiles. The Ink Trilogy. (I only read the first one so far).

>> No.15487696
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A REALLY good thriller. Came out pretty recently.

>> No.15487713

I finished Jude the Obscure recently and it was quite a ride.
Everyone deserves revulsion, and I am sincerely uncertain if it was Hardy's attempt to correlate his life autobiographically or him penancing for that exact life.
Just desserts were repaid at the end of the book, but was that the goal? Or a byproduct of the characters actions?

>> No.15487735
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The original GOAT.

>> No.15487747

i read this a long time ago, so perhaps my opinion of it would change if i read it now.
i liked it very much when i read it like 10 years ago. it is very beginner friendly, which i guess, in a sense, may make it what one would call "pop economics." but i think the ease of reading it, and the authors ability to apply economics in a way that isnt just graphs, stats, and numbers is actually its core strength.
very enjoyable, and would recommend because it may likely change the way you see things, which in turn unlocks the whole "well, what else have i been wrong about, or have had an incomplete assessment about?"
if there is one gripe, its the authors unwillingness to be more edgy. they tie the whole decline in crime to the decision of Roe v Wade, but then somehow fail to acknowledge or address the advent and proliferation of birth control.

>> No.15487754
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If you're interested in technology and it's impact on future society you should definitely read this book

>> No.15487765
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is this really as good as some claim?
i attempted to read it (very lighthearted attempt) and then never resumed reading it after like 5 pages.
part of the reason is because i first checked it out on the train, and my stop arrived. another is because physical copies are hard to obtain.
and for some reason, i just find reading much more enjoyable with a hard copy.
but the fact that i havent been bothered to resume reading it may be an indicator that i just wasnt that drawn into it.
is this book overrated?

>> No.15487789
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I've read passages about creative destruction but have been really curious to read the whole thing since it purports to cover so much more. How did you come to it? What did you think?

I read this. I remember liking it at a lot but being a little annoyed with the nature of it's popularity, since a bunch of people who had never studied or read about economics before suddenly fancied themselves way more informed economically than they were.

>> No.15487798
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Got this today, only read the first 50pgs so far but I have been passed out for the past like 2 hours, so yeh. Definitely enjoying it though. Some chapters were pretty fuckin hard to read, the Vardaman one were he runs off from the house was an absolute madness. Anyone else who's reading it, or recently read it, what you saying?

>> No.15487810

Depends on your temperament. I loved it, but I understand that not all share that belief. Read and find out for yourself, it's a short read. Mishima is not someone you can understand intellectually, it is on a visceral level that his siren song can be heard.

>> No.15487848

Yes it is more about the use of language then a motivator to become a body builder.

>> No.15487853

Not even a hundred pages anon. It is worshipped as a statement made by an author with a very clear idea on nationalism and in a very particular moment of Japan's history. His glorification of the body, a rigid sense of Japan and an understanding of violence as reason punctuates this work.Mishima is a true master of aesthetics and his books are excellent in general. I don't feel like it is overrated, just praised for where it doesn't excel.

>> No.15487857

is this just tranferring a bunch of classic philosophical observations about proust into neurobabble scientism?
If so, gay.

>> No.15487858

>Post a book you've read

>> No.15487870

Yeah so stop doing that. Most people just think about 'popular terms' when they discuss philosophers. Schumpeter had really a lot of complex, intricate points to make and some historical lessons to give to the readers. I literally cannot even summarize it, just read the damn book.


>> No.15487883
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Yeah yeah I know its scholastic but its still wicked good.

>> No.15487892
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Oh My God I never knew Nancy Farmer also wrote "House of the Scorpion".

>> No.15487939
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>> No.15488052

This book was enormously foundational for me as a lad.

>> No.15488131

i read that and all i have to say is the cover perfectly reflects the content.

>> No.15488150
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One of my favorite novels, anon. I found it as one of Faulkner’s easier reads from his early decade. I love his associative psychology he builds, the free-flowing of each characters own language, and the story itself is a rather remarkable tragedy; certainly as well constructed as any biblical or Shakespearean one at that. Though I do like The Sound and The Fury more, for even greater explorations of the ideas I mentioned beforehand. Can’t go wrong with him, really he had a matchless decade in literary achievement.

>> No.15488183

Im reading it right now, southern view through a very academic prose lens is something i've never seen thats cool. Your mom is a fish and a horse so godamn you and go back to your hoein

>> No.15488239

If you don't mind me saying: the way you write flows so easily over my eyes. Time to read Faulkner I guess.

>> No.15488273
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I liked also, his other work from a book about snow with a collection of other authors.

>> No.15488854

I would say that, together with Absalom, As I Lay Dying is his hardest, or at least his hardest to read. TSatF is harder to understand, but mostly because so many important plot points are omitted or only ever hinted at. Other than that, if you just let it flow, it reads rather nicely, imo. As I Lay Dying makes you feel like your brain is melting during certain parts, mostly the ones where Darl is unhinged or the Vardaman chapters.

>> No.15488863
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This book doesn't seem to affect other people like it did me

>> No.15488955

I knew I should have finished reading this but I got busy.

>> No.15489044

God damn you to hell, this book should've transformed the way you view literature

>> No.15489081

God bless this based thread actually about literature.

>> No.15489122
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Anyone read this? I'm not really sure what it all means. Is my iq too low for this book?
I forgot most of what I read in this. He dosen't like lawns, right? And... something about free will and self driving cars? I think I'll just read the singularity is near

>> No.15489174
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From Candide I remember some people hiding next to a river and someone got "ravished".

>> No.15489379

Reread it about three months ago; it was far better than I recollected it as having been but then I read it last when I was eighteen--
What aspects stick with you, anon?