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/lit/ - Literature

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15487143 No.15487143 [Reply] [Original]

Post your stories and what they're about and reply to others' with constructive criticism.

TRAP HOUSE - an erotic comedy about having a cute boy as a roommate.

>> No.15487337

so are you gonna post it or am I gonna have to cum to myself in the mirror again

>> No.15487600

Shit lmao here it is

>> No.15487967

At The Edge of Char Forest.

Its a novel about a newly founded shanty town which revolves around three wizard's towers which sit at the edge of a cursed forest. The goblins, humans, elves, ogres, and halflings are all blatant metaphors for people of different mannerism, political opinions and habits. The ogres are flaming homosexuals, the halflings are reddit cucks, the elves are antifa types, the orcs listen to sargon of akkad type retards, etc.

>> No.15488246

There's so much wrong with this in so many ways.

>> No.15488264

Kill yourself tranny.

>> No.15488710
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It's quite a comfy lit.

>> No.15488947

straight traps are patrish

>> No.15489152

>I’m hoping she doesn’t recognize the smell of masturbation over the phone

>> No.15489259

Care to explain?

>> No.15489291

So what angle is this gonna be? Is it going to be serious comedy or drama or what?

>> No.15489305


>"Are we…like…in a relationship now or something?"
>"N-nah," I reply coolly, pausing from my analysis of the mysterious sweet scent of Sam's hair. >"We're just roommates still. We're bros."
>"...Right." Sam places her hands on my arms, which are wrapped securely around her. "Bros."

Coomed reading that

>> No.15489337

It isn't an erotic comedy. It's just self-insert fapfiction.
No, I don't care to explain because it isn't worth my time and it wouldn't be of any help because it'd require fundamental changes.

>> No.15489433
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My fav was What a Wonderful World playing in slow-mo.

>> No.15489481

>It's just self-insert fapfiction.
Are you fucking retarded? It's written like that on purpose. That's the whole fucking point. If there was a Venn Diagram between me and the main character, it'd look almost like two separate circles, with one tiny overlap being that we're both humanoid living creatures. He's not written to be anything like me. How the fuck do you not notice that? You DO know how to read, right?

>> No.15490284


>> No.15490753
File: 28 KB, 460x564, aN0KD5b_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half an hour passes. I still haven’t cum.
>tfw a virgin can jerk off for 28 more minutes than me and still can't cum

>> No.15490927

Is the experience of working in a fast food restaurant in the US really like how it is depicted in this story?