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15485443 No.15485443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The meaning of life is to get pussy. The more pussy you get, the more meaningful your life is. Only those who get no pussy disagree with this.

>> No.15485951

I'm unironically happier now that I don't get pussy than when I used to have sex. There is no purpose in life, do what makes you happy and fulfilled and die like the rest of humans.

>> No.15485970

Only if you get them all pregnant and they bear your children, anon, in the modern world that can be tricky and ideally you'd raise your children anyway because children are better when they have a good father in their lives

>> No.15486044

I get pussy and still think that destroying some fucking losers in Halo 2 Swat is better than sex
Reading the right book can also be better than sex
Lastly, sex is more meaningful and fulfilling if you're having it with someone you're close to and know well, seeking out pussy for the sake of pussy makes you no better than a dog

>> No.15486053

Swat is such an autistic game mode lmao, kys brether

>> No.15486072

What do I do if I can't see anything that makes or would make me happy?

>> No.15486129

what about bussy

>> No.15486191

I mix it in with slayer, flag&bomb, and action sack bro, I'm not a swautist I just like getting headshots on lockout

>> No.15486207
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I don't disagree, but I don't aim to agree to disagree, so I think you're a faggot otherwise for not trying hard enough and taking the easy way out.

>> No.15486234

How does someone with a small penis get pussy? I have always been rejected once I dropped my pants in front of a girl. Reading is my only cope at this point.

>> No.15486261

How small we talking? Most girls won't actually care unless you're below 5"

>> No.15486268

Plato would never agree with such a plebeian statement.

>> No.15486278

What's the meaning of life for those who own a pussy, dick? Ancient betilos are actually meaningful of life

>> No.15486281

5.5" in length but only 4" in girth. What bothers me is that I cannot even fit regular-sized condoms due to my penis being so thin. Girls always talk about how they want a thick cock.

>> No.15486318


>> No.15486325

Hmm, a tough situation
I'd say get really good at finger-fucking them to compensate for lacking in girth, finger first fuck after
Also I don't think it'll change size, but maybe do kegels? It'll help you get harder and last longer, and if you do that then maybe your dick'll be able to do something for them still

>> No.15486329

The Platonics hated coomers.

>> No.15486336

Cumbrain chimp

>> No.15486410


>> No.15486460

make it up i think

>> No.15486480

Take the Schopenhauer pill and realize dissatisfaction and unhappiness are the default of the human condition and 'happiness' as it's talked about in the modern world is a complete joke. You're going to be unhappy, bored or dissatisfied most of your life as your default mode, so you must cherish those fleeting moments of pleasure that take away some of that suffering.

>> No.15486488

But sex itself is only a means to an end: pleasure, children, ego, security, and/or bonding. So it would be more accurate to say that the meaning of life is one of these things, but I think in most people's experience, these things are themselves only means to an end; pleasure, a fleeting distraction; children, a biological imperative, but also a lesser form of immortality, or at least semi-permanence; ego, an enlargement of the self; security, a chance at stability and prosperity; bonding, a strengthening of love, intimacy, and commitment. And each of these ends are themselves easily divided into two categories of further ends; those that serve the self, and those that create relationships.
So, really, when you say that the meaning of life is to get pussy, you're really saying either a) life is about the self, or b) life is about relationships.

>> No.15486517


>> No.15486939

Thats for losers and nerds

>> No.15487056

Plato said we should have sex with philosophy so that we may be impregnated with wisdom

>> No.15487061

No, it really isn't. :3

And this is coming from the guy who converted Butterfly's lesbianism. Obviously, pussy is not the meaning of life.

>> No.15487679

Said either a totally empty headed chad or an incel who is obsessed with what they dont have.

>> No.15487702

does she have grey pubes?

>> No.15488417

Halo 2, good shit

>> No.15488447

Sex only takes 20 minutes. What are you gonna do with the rest of the day?

>> No.15488698
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