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1548435 No.1548435 [Reply] [Original]

Atlas Shrugged

Can somebody tell me about John Galt and what the fuck was the moral of this book

Capitalism = good
Rich people = better than everyone else
Sex = good
Violence = bad

does this pretty much sum it up?

>> No.1548438

it's a book about weak faggots who were born into rich households, and are scared of fighting, so they threaten to stop working if somebody hits them

>> No.1548441

fuckin movie comes out and so many ayn rand threads

>> No.1548446

book about selfishness and spoiled brats

>> No.1548453

> movie


>> No.1548467

are you shitting me, the trailer to the new atlas shrugges is out and it looks retarded

>> No.1548492


I didn't know that, sorry

>> No.1548497

sorry, I probably shouldn't have been sharp with you with there have been more ayn rand threads than usual and I can only assume it has to do with the trailer coming out


>> No.1548503

goddamit, i thought I copied and pasted the youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W07bFa4TzM

>> No.1548515


It looks really bad, but a part of me is relieved that it doesn't have Michael Cera in it

>> No.1548518

michael cera rapefucking the chick like roarke does in the book would have been absolutley hilarious. They should have made the film with cera, jack black and amy pohler.It would have been amazing

>> No.1548519


"Who are you?"
"Someone who knows what it's like to work for himself, and not let others feed off the profit of his energy."

instant facepalm

>> No.1548528

my favorite bit was we can't let a company make too much, should have been bill murray

>> No.1548551

Is it wrong that I think both Atlas Shrugged and Fahrenheit 451 are on equal levels of shit face retardation?

Both are praised as classics, but they are such derpy hypothetical situations of "the govment sapprassin us" that it makes me laugh

to top it off, both books resort to turning into action thrillers to move the narrative along

>> No.1548554


Looks SO fucking boring. I mean it worked slightly as a book if you put your political views aside, but as a movie? Shit will suck.

>> No.1548564
File: 134 KB, 413x395, draper laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Atlus Shrugged movie
> d-list stars talking about Rearden metal and continental railroads
> Talking about government and expansion of companies
> fucking boring as hell, but they add intense dramatic music to make the boring events seem exciting
> soooooo forced and awkward

I can't stop laughing

>> No.1548566

if you put your political opinions to one side? What's left, its a political rant in novel form

>> No.1548574

Ayn Rand's world:
"Who is John Galt?"
"My god, I don't know, let us unravel this surpreme mystery!"

Real world:
"who's that john guy"
"I don't know, who cares"

>> No.1548586
File: 9 KB, 300x240, bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Part 1
> there will be multiple parts

>> No.1548590

its the one with the 50 page rant at the end isn't it. That will work in cinema so well

>> No.1548599


I've read it and I honestly don't remember jack shit about the rant

>> No.1548607

it is a forgettable book

>> No.1548609

Because it'll be a whole three hour movie itself

>> No.1548620

we get it ayn capitalism is the best, ok ayn we fucking got it already, jesus fuck

>> No.1548622


I couldn't read the whole thing. In the version I had John Galt's speech was over 70 pages... about 71 or so.

Either way, too fucking long to be a believable speech at all. Ayn Rand didn't understand fuck.

>> No.1548657


It's one of the few books that I had to stop reading out of boredom

>> No.1548680

Me either, the repetition is what made me skip it

>> No.1548823

atlas shrugged is shit-fuck herp derp hurr durr retarded.

The actual message of F-451 isn't about 'dat gubmint suprassen' uss' but about how too many people are giving up books and critical thinking for mindless entertainment and consumerism

>> No.1548826

More like

'Who's john Galt'
'I dunno lol; google it'
'says he's a fag libertard'