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15483189 No.15483189 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever feel like youre living in a thomas pynchon rough draft???
>the guy killed in minneapolis buy former co-worker whos a cop, in the past moonlighted as pornstar
>every DNC candidate going on the "breakfast club", run by a swarthy man named charlegmegne who asks very normal reasonable questions an actual person would ask and has political candidates have autistic meltdowns harder than asking about magazines or the price of milk
>all during a mass international pandemic hitting the US the most with the virus spread around by yuppies and leisure class idiots on cruise ships and traveling around
>virus family happens to share name with best selling mexican beer

>> No.15483212

His full name is charlamagne tha god thank you

>> No.15483304

>mass protests happen during a qurantine
>with mass unemployment, people from outside the city and nearby states flock to the area
> they start looting and starting arson
>the first 2 stores they loot are literally "Target" and "cub foods" cub being an acronym for consumers united for buying
>on the THIRD day, the fires and looting spreads to its twin city, St paul (named after paul the apostle, and incidentally before that the area was called pigs eye, named after a local bar owner blind in one eye)
>minneapolis- a literal lakota/greek hodgpodge of waters/city
>minnesota translates from lakota to either cloudy/hazy waters or dead waters
this is all during a time with donald trump as president
either im developing schizophrenia or some asshole is just fucking with people with this simulation at this point

>> No.15483326

It's just the news hyping things up. One city got riots, and coronavirus is barely more deadly than the flu. Stop acting like your special for noticing minor world events.

>> No.15483328

>charlegmegne who asks very normal reasonable question
Has he changed recently? I remember back when I lived in NYC he would freak out every week for no reason. I remember Shkreli dabbing on him pretty hard and Charlemagne raging.

>> No.15483344

he was pretty calm with liz warren on his show
"so you were a republican and you 'thought' you were indian in the 80s?"

>> No.15483366

Because it was all literally written up before it happened.

>> No.15483446

Don't forget

>bad guy is literally named Chauvin

>> No.15483986

>TFW you realize it's actually a Neal Stephenson advance copy

>> No.15484043

you could do this for lots of periods in the past, the difference is that we spend all our time online documenting it

>> No.15484062

>Because it was all literally written up before it happened.
And its a crappy poorly thought out script as well, with confusing motives and meandering plot.

>> No.15484079

>implying those niggers weren't already unemployed to begin with

>> No.15484095
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>and has political candidates have autistic meltdowns harder than asking about magazines or the price of milk

what does this mean

>> No.15484100

What's the charlamagne reference to, did something happen?

>> No.15484115

It's way worse than the flu.
That being said, ironically the lockdown has had an incredible effect on the spread of the flu, so the numbers of deaths have gone way down in both departments.

>> No.15484120

Can't blame him for raging at Shkreli, what an insufferable cunt that guy was.

>> No.15484140

back to reeddit with you

>> No.15484172

Worst take i've seen on /lit/.

>> No.15484210

Joe Biden went on his show and had a pretty bad moment near the end. Not bad enough to sink his election chances, but he probably threw out a lot of good will he had with the black community, which could be pretty unfortunate for him given that there are states like Michigan that Trump barely carried who have enough black voters that them turning out could very easily make or break the whole election.

>> No.15484243

lol, Trump is gonna win in a fucking landslide, considering liberals are all afraid to fucking go outside without a hazmat suit, let alone go into a voting booth that a thousand other people just went in. meanwhile trumptards are seething about "muh just a flu," and don't give a fuck. i really don't care either way, buts its obvious that trump is gonna win, so who cares

>> No.15484326

I like New Vegas memes
we all experienced this world separately and silently agree that it's something good and meaningful to us, only communicating that in meme references
it holds a similar status to Blade Runner 2049

>> No.15484328

Only if you don't know the whole story.

>> No.15484559

It went from 5% to 25%. Your statement is factually wrong. Go to the corner and think about what you’ve done, /pol/tard

>> No.15484758



>> No.15484778

>half the looters are white

>> No.15484791

sarah palin interview that was "oh so terrible" yet every DNC interview besides bernie is like watching a train crash and the newsmedias idea of questions relative to normal people is "do you know what a gallon of milk costs?" which no one but number crunching jackass pays attention to outside of getting the store brand because its ten cents cheaper

>> No.15484802


>> No.15484803

>do you feel like you take black votes for granted?
>lol ive always gotten 99% of the black vote
>if you dont vote for a corporate delaware senator you aint black jack

>> No.15485238

>Sarah palin
Don’t forget this https://youtu.be/nnzKzHKUKoo

>> No.15485267

fuck shit up and start a riot

>> No.15485301

simulation within a simulation

>> No.15485324

>but he probably threw out a lot of good will he had with the black community
Didn't Biden say something like "poor uneducated people can do just as good as whites" awhile ago, like when Bernie was still running against him? Honestly it would probably be pretty hard for him to lose the black vote at this point considering who he's up against.

>> No.15485334

>charlamagne asking reasonable questions
The answer is yes, because you are living in a reality separate from everyone else

>> No.15485353

That’s a more like a statement than a question. It’s presupposing premises that they haven’t even established (see: fallacy of multiple questions). Just because you politically agree with the premise doesn’t mean it’s any more reasonable. It’s not conducive to fruitful discussion. Charlamagne basically has brain damage and it would take brain damage not to recognize it

>> No.15486466
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We are experiencing 『ENDLESS CALAMITY』as karmic retribution for our misdeeds, our manifest destiny finally brought into the light of consciousness only to recoil in horror at the mirror that is its self


>> No.15486866

Smoke some weed drop some acid and get cozy bro. If you really want to go over the deep end abuse DPH for a bit.
Then you'll REALLY know what schizophrenia is and will better appreciate your sober mind.