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15482682 No.15482682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book to understand why men are inherently violent?

>> No.15482691

Read Sade My Neighbour by Klossowski

>> No.15482709

Probably Dostoyevsky

>> No.15482886


>> No.15482893
File: 107 KB, 828x1792, ABFB5F59-224B-4993-9234-B4FD750BBDA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are violent

>> No.15482995
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>> No.15483627

Just something about the sound of another man's cranium crunching beneath your iron fist

>> No.15483633


>> No.15483750

men are more violent than women in part due to higher testosterone. same reason black men are more violent than white men. and why black women are more violent than white women. :)

>> No.15483829

That explains how, but not why. Learn to read.
Really nigger?
>Can't gather his own knowledge from studying the world

>> No.15483987


"On the intelligence spectrum, it’s been shown again and again that women occupy the great middle of the IQ spectrum. But with men you have them turning up at the opposite extremes. You have male geniuses and you have male psychotics. That’s why one of my great sentences is that “There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.”

>> No.15484957
File: 31 KB, 269x430, 9781508491620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15484994

Yes, why is the smaller population of the death toll responsible for 80% of its crime rate?

>> No.15484995

Considering the population differences between blacks and whites, this data still shows blacks being targeted even though their numbers are less. Do the math.

>> No.15485000

We care about things, not just for show, and we get shit done.

>> No.15485001

now consider the rates at which the two races commit crimes

>> No.15485002

It’s 50% and that data does not represent the CRIME rate, it represents the arrests. You have the data, but you clearly do not know how to interpret it.

>> No.15485003

We are bare honest about it. It’s like fight club, except a lot cooler

>> No.15485011
File: 162 KB, 1068x1064, 1590269615029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15485013

For example, blacks and whites smoke weed at about the same rate. But blacks are multiple times more likely to go to jail for it and they’re also given longer sentences.

>> No.15485022

data, information, knowledge, wisdom

>> No.15485033

Link to POwerPoint or it didn’t happen

>> No.15485114

because it's what what women are attracted too. there. mystery solved.

>> No.15485116

>women are attracted to violence

Uhhhhhhh no? :3