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/lit/ - Literature

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15478299 No.15478299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some good swedish books?

>> No.15478320


>> No.15478354

born and raised in sweden with swedish parents. she share more culture relations than any black african or american.

>> No.15478380

of course she is not swedish.
nationality is not a piece of paper or believing in democracy.

>> No.15478403
File: 43 KB, 1024x576, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is nationality to you? if you speak swedish, parents are swedish . BORN AND RAISED IN SWEDEN. you are that swedish .

Your probably one of those american that say
>I got 25% Irish so I'm part Irish
>all asian and blacks are genetically the same

>> No.15478405

nationality is an abstraction, it just means you're a part of the national game that everyone else is playing. Nationality isn't race either numbfuck

>> No.15478416

>what are some good swedish books?
Yung Lean hasnt published any yet

>> No.15478419

Yes it is. And these people are Americans, because they're libtarded, retarded, fucktarded. Most countries are American colonies. You can tell how Americanized a country is by the percentage of english speakers. Letting your population know english and letting them use the internet is prepping them for unceasing american propaganda. The converted are traitors, undermining the nation that bore them. Niggerlicious

>> No.15478423

why did this board have to become little-/pol/?
I want my old slow as fuck /lit/ back....

>> No.15478434
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nah they are here to stay

>> No.15478446

Based as fuck drainchads we out here

>> No.15478463

society is not a highway one just employs after having paid a ticket. society is what defines your own individuality. most of what you deem individual, most of your inner thoughts and feelings are actually social. the fixation of a society's culture is the law, and the state. law is never neutral, it is pure utopia believing it just consists in a set of coexistence rules.
race is a prerequisite and an essential part of any culture. that woman is not a swedish, she is a syncretic product of her original culture (her parents' culture, but even her dna) and her enviromental culture.
do you think the way an european looks is casual? then you are a simpleton.

>> No.15478472

You're the type of person who has a dildo perpetually stuck up his ass, reality isn't black and white there's actually a lot of complexity surrounding human culture

>> No.15478492

> , reality isn't black and white
nice common place you have got there. if only you knew what you said actually means.

>> No.15478508

I know exactly what I said and I mean it sincerely. You seem to have this notion that reality is based on rigid eternal and universal archetypes, real life isn't what exists in your autistic head as things tend to be a lot messier and complicated

>> No.15478514






obviously thats a nigger not a Swede. The Vikigns wouldnt even bother bringing her back to Gotland to Rape.

>> No.15478522

Let's see, gate kept by angry nobodies on 4chan but accepted by actual Swedish people, hmmm..

>> No.15478524

/lit/ is "racist" since ever. all 4chan is, except for non-thinking boards like /an/ or /x/. even /tv/ has become very racist lately (it was obvious since european history and sagas are being re-written over and over in order to fit the globalist commercial agenda)

>> No.15478529
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>only have buzzword

>> No.15478530

/lit/ is less of an echo chamber than other boards, I've been on this site for years and I've seen first hand the attempts of stormfags desperately shilling on all boards after their site got shut down

>> No.15478532

Can we all at least agree that niggers are ugly nonhumans?

>> No.15478533

She isnt Swedish, whatever. Name some Swedish authors then you obese burger fuckers.

>> No.15478537


>> No.15478545
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So what about books?

>> No.15478551

i never said a race is rigid or eternal. all humanity came from the same primate sub-species, therefore a race is a product of the normal patterns of evolution and natural selection. this applies to han people, youruba people and swedish people. simple as that. but you are hinding behind meaningless words like "rigid" and "eternal" becuse what you would really like to say is that
> race is a social construct
then just say it.

>> No.15478556

* hiding yourself

>> No.15478565

This is a bait thread, don't count on literature discussion

>> No.15478570

>what are some good swedish books
>bait image
Great thread OP.

Anyway, The Emigrants, The Long Ships, Aniara and The Serious Game are a couple of my favorites that should be quite readable in translation and does not depend on understanding Swedish culture or history.

>> No.15478572

>race is a social construct
It is though, and it's always changing.

>> No.15478610

> It is though
how do you explain different clusters on PCAs then? how do you explain clear phenotypical differences such as blood values, bone density, cranial shape, muscle % mass, iq performances, and so on?
> and it's always changing
that might be true. changing is not bad btw, as i said the european race itself is a "change". are they social constructs too?

>> No.15478621

Fuck you

>> No.15478633

race doesn't exist ontologically that's all I'm saying, not that there aren't different genetic traits and features throughout all of humanity. Ethnicity itself has never been as purist as internet armchair racialists on 4chan imagine it to be, outsiders being accepted and people migrating from different groups has always occurred since the dawn of man. Racial gate keeping is pretty cruel and autistic, if swedes accept a black person who is mind you culturally Swedish that's all that matters

>> No.15478643


>> No.15478655

You did it OP - you made a successful bait thread.

>> No.15478695
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honestly jannies should ban all the racist replies to improve the quality of the board. but no they will target op

>> No.15478803

> exist ontologically
nothing exists "onologically". we are talking about empirical, phenomenal differences. the only differences that actually exist.
> Ethnicity itself has never been as purist as internet armchair racialists on 4chan imagine it to be
racism exists since the dawn of societies. you can find egyptian racism against asians, you can find many examples of racism against the indian indigenous populations in the rgveda, you can find greeks calling barbarian whoever wasn't greek, you can find juvenal mocking blacks just for being blacks, you can find arabs geographers (e.g. al-muqaddasi) clearly theorizing blacks being less intelligent than arabs, you can find spaniards in the 16th century talking about "limpieza de sangre" (blood cleanness), so on. point is, either you believe in a soul, or you suspect that biology has a decisive impact on what you are.
> outsiders being accepted and people migrating from different groups has always occurred since the dawn of man.
of course that's not true. relationships among peoples (eg invasions) have always been mostly conflictual. pacific mass migration in european countries is a contemporary phenomenon.
> Racial gate keeping is pretty cruel
that would be, even if true, an irrelevant detail.
> if swedes accept a black person
that goes without saying. to me they are accepting the fact that anyone in the world can be a swede - and that being a swede is just a pathetic piece of paper - because they lost their identity under pressure of the american commercialization of culture. when your urban landscape is mcdonalds and starbucks, when your spectacles are netflix series and the nba, when this new american "culture" indifferently covers half of the world, than i understand how easily one can lose his own identity and memory.

>> No.15478833

Nationality is literally believing in something that doesn't really exist.

>> No.15478854


I know a swedish girl and she finds niggers disgusting. I was pleasantly surprised by her racism desu, but sadly she went back to stockholm for work.

>> No.15478869

I'm an honorary Norwegian (1%) and I'm black lol.

You're right. It is shared culture. Ethnos is something different.

>> No.15478872


Nationality stems from tribal identiy, which is based on common DNA.
Hence a pure nation is a good nation.

>> No.15478876


>> No.15478881

This is a very pathetic post. LOL

>> No.15478885

Can jannies actually do that? I don't know how that works, but hypothetically could a janny ban a bunch of people at once?

>> No.15478892

Sadly, 4chan /lit/ is predominantly invaded by racebait neckbeard virgins who don't read at all, little kitty.

>> No.15478901

>Ugg! Ug! Pure nation, good nation! Ooga! Booga!
>trots about wielding club

>> No.15478906

>doesn't realize tribal identity and ethnicity are not synonymous
>Ooga! Booga!

>> No.15478947

culture is deeply connected with ethnicity. you can't learn a culture if you don't share its genetical enviroment, you can just ape it. and yet, after a few generations you see how different a learned culture becomes from the original. have you ever been in a parisian banlieue? that is something different from france, that is not even europe. it's a globalized syncretic "culture". these areas could be in paris as well as in south africa or new york or turkey. and from what i see london is the same, completely identity-less.
ethnicity is the prerequisite and the guarantor of a certain cultural profile.

>> No.15478954
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im gonna bite
for children's books (of which sweden has a good tradition), the must reads are Astrid Lindgren, mostly the books about Pippi. Also read Nils Holgersson by Selma Lagerlöf, its very comfy.
For traditional swedish lit, read Strindberg. He is basically the father of the modern swedish language and a very enjoyable read, kind of sweden's schopenhauer but a socialist. Also Pär Lagerkvist and Hjalmar Söderberg, they are very good. As for poetry, I would recommend Karin Boye, Gustaf Fröding and Tomas Tranströmer.
Finally, for some light reading, the essential Nordic Noir. Crime novels are a very big export in the nordic countries and Sweden isnt an exception. Camilla Läckberg, Leif GW Persson, Håkan Nesser are just a few of the most popular crime authors, although i would really recommend Stieg Larsson's Millennium series. They are the best selling Swedish books of all time. Hope that helps!

>> No.15478969


>gets angry when girls dont want to get "blacked"

>> No.15478982

Dirty water sloshing lazily around a drain.

>> No.15478991


What do you mean? Franks, Lombards, Goths, Vandals, Saxons etc. were all germanic tribes, as were the Danes, Swedes and Rus.

>> No.15478994

It's horrible isn't it?
My theory is that they don't get enough discourse on their containment board since everyone just cirklejerks each other about jews and black people, that they emigrate to other boards to atleast try to have a discussion. Unfortunately their brainjuices have dried up long ago and they can only spout things they read on pol infographics while repeating the fact that they look at "statistics"

>> No.15479001

Women want any ethnicity of man under the right circumstances, but no, that isn't it. You're reply was just so brainless compared to the response you were commenting on. As if a single Swedish woman was enough evidence, and then rambling mindlessly on about your own sense of loss without conveying any value in the woman other than Swedish and Racist. It was just so painfully idiotic.

>> No.15479005


The same tranny samefagging over and over again. Just 50% yourself man, you will never be a real woman.

Hating niggers and jews is common sense ofcourse, aswell as academically supported.

>> No.15479006

Indeed...and yet you still don't understand? Fascinating.

>> No.15479007

based Tegnell poster

>> No.15479013


>Women want any ethnicity of man under the right circumstances

Um no sweety. Outside of your bubble everyone hates niggers and chinks have too smol pipi's

>> No.15479017

> be me
> Bergman fanboy
> thread about Swedish books
> 50 posts
> 1 post with books and 49 bitching about a fucking thumbnail

Images are a mistake

>> No.15479024


So you are saying they are synomynous?

>> No.15479032
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>> No.15479036


Racism is /lit/

>> No.15479047
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you are sad, your parents must hate you.

>> No.15479060


Well they say they dont like my racism and that i should say "nigger" but then again my mom tells me to have many white babies so im getting mixed messages desu.

>> No.15479063



>> No.15479065

yes they can /vr/ has the best jannies that take no shit

>> No.15479074

The woman in OP’s pic is more Swedish than you white boys will ever be. She was born in Sweden (you weren’t), she speaks Swedish (you don’t), she’s experienced and assimilated Swedish culture (you haven’t), she was brought up among Swedes and went to Swedish schools (you didn’t), she could tell you where are the best places to go in Sweden, what foods are good, what bars are cheap, what cafes have nice coffee, and all that (you couldn’t). In all departments apart from skin colour she is more Swedish than you. No matter how much you try, even if you move to Sweden, she will always be more Swedish than you because she has spent her entire life there. Skin colour is utterly fucking irrelevant in determining one’s nationality, you retarded American plebs.

>> No.15479084
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>> No.15479095

Thanks! This Strindberg explains a lot of cool things. And it is probably what I was looking for.

>> No.15479099
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I have an intellectual rebuttal
That is all .

>> No.15479117

Screaming into a void. Pissing in a sea of piss. A deaf-blind chorus sings in praise of the colors of the rainbow.

>> No.15479119

>swedes accept her as swedish
>amerimutts on 4chan think they are the final authority on the matter
stay in your own lane

>> No.15479146

>swedes accept her as swedish

>> No.15479149

of course i'm not swedish, and i don't want to. i as a french share with sweden a common broad culture and ethnicity and history, so that even if i don't know specific bars, discos, markets, and even the language, i still can understand swedish-ness, as long as it is organic to european-ness, better than any nu-swede, whose past and identity beyond half a a generation gets lost in the depths of africa.
> skin colour
that has nothing to do with ethnicity. an african albino is not an european.

>> No.15479155

also, i as a french can't help caring about swedes.

>> No.15479166

Mate its likely you arent any older than her so how would you know any more about sweden.

>> No.15479177

The irony of putting an American flag on that point of view. The uneducated of America, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.15479191

Ormens väg på hälleberget

>> No.15479204

doktor glas, the emigrants by Moberg

>> No.15479210

my point is that nationality is not a set of notions. it is an intellectual function, an instinct, an "how" you do anything. and that applies even if you can't read and write. you have a mechanical understanding of nationality, you think that you learn it a school or within the language. but that's delusional. nationality is an infinite set of little gestures, sensibilities, preferences, reflexes, it is learned from parents to children and requires a genetical basis as well as softwares needs its proper hardware/s (sorry for the ugly metaphor, but it's just a metaphor).

>> No.15479220

what are some good swedish poetry?

>> No.15479224

If you haven't read Sture Dahlström you haven't lived

>> No.15479234

>nationality is an infinite set of little gestures, sensibilities, preferences, reflexes, it is learned from parents to children
also learned from every aspect of childhood. looking out of the stroller, preschool, kids books, tv etc..
it is delusional to think these things are genetic and not entirely influenced by surroundings. a 'native' child removed from sweden and thrown into russia at age 2 will retain nothing of swedish culture.

>> No.15479260

> stroller, preschool, kids books, tv etc
these can't compare at all to parenthood.
also a culture is both genetic and enviromental. enviroment, ultimately, is a product of genetics, and vice versa. you can't just arbitrarly decide that your DNA doesn't matter, because that's obvious nonsense to anyone who doesn't believe in a soul.
also, ethnicity is a continuum. a congolese born and raised in sweden will never be a swede, a russian or a spaniard born and raised in sweden can become a swede. the main criterion is : europan vs non-european.

>> No.15479263

fact is she is a swedish citizen and you fuck frogs, and stink lol

>> No.15479281

> citizen
that, as i said, has more to do with being given a piece of toilet paper, than with being a swede.

>> No.15479282
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is it a pol or american where they hyper focus on color.
you know your ideal hitler did not believe russian are white.
you guys hurt me.

>> No.15479297

> color
im not focusing on color at all. chinese are pink and they are not european. african albinos are pink and they are not chinese. it seems that paleolithic europeans were darker skinned and yet they are clearly recognizable as europeans on genetic PCAs and reconstuctions.

>> No.15479316
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you are saying that a person that lived all there lives in Europe. with parents and grandparents that live in Europe. never interacted with non European of there country of birth.

Can not be European because the don't have the right "genetics" and color.

do you honestly believe she has more in common with some random African because they share a superficial trait?

>> No.15479326
File: 52 KB, 460x577, sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15479340

You dont get to set the standards for who's swedish, I dont even think you're swedish which makes this even more ridiculous. Not everyone shares your amerifart pan European larp sentiment

>> No.15479345

>seems that paleolithic europeans were darker skinned and yet they are clearly recognizable as europeans on genetic PCAs and reconstuctions.
Yep you're completely retarded

>> No.15479347

> one's DNA
> superficial trait
honestly i have nothing to reply to this. there is just no space for discussion.

>> No.15479353

The problem is that you're conflating superficial traits and behaviors with dna, and worse nationality and culture as if it's that simple.

>> No.15479377
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so you think she has more culturally in common with some random African. thanks for outings yourself as a retarded.

go to the poor south,rural Russia or any other pure white country and see how well you fit in.

accept defeat and knell

>> No.15479381

ethnicity is defined by your DNA and subsequently by your phenotype. it's very simple, actually.
about the strict realtionship betwenn DNA and behaviour/culture i have answered many times ITT.

>> No.15479392

Bruh this board is supposed to be about literature but this thread says otherwise, yeah I understand that she isn't Swedish nor could she ever be due to her ancestry but still come on.

>> No.15479396

> so you think she has more culturally in common with some random African.
superficially speaking (bars, disco, political opinion, mother language, etc) she has more to do with the swedes, on a deeper level she has nothing to do with them and, yes, a lot to do with africans.

>> No.15479404

I'm swedish and niggers that were adopted by swedish parents behave like your average ethnic swede.

>> No.15479406
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>George orwell
>born in India
>is he just as Indian as say Gandhi?
>libs btfod

>> No.15479409

Human ethnicities aren't bound to primordial phenotypes, people have been migrating, mixing, intermingling for millennium. A black person actually can assimilate into another group and adapt, because human beings are like that

>> No.15479411

how so? what are the deeper traits since
>(bars, disco, political opinion, mother language, etc)
are superficial.

>> No.15479416

People on here get really frusterated when blacks dont act like stereotypical nignogs

>> No.15479418

>on a deeper level
What a bunch of psuede nonsense, I thought you didn't believe in souls but now you think that people have some invisible deeper essence based on their racial phenotype?

>> No.15479419

to be honest it mostly American blacks

>> No.15479422

Worth pointing out is thar typical Nignog behavior is an american thing. Actual africans and non-european blacks are more civil than americans, due to the fact that they haven't been polluted by american culture.

>> No.15479430

on /int/ they have a Walmart and redneck thread where American are being American and disgusting. HOLY SHIT I HATE AMERICAN

>> No.15479435

Yeah that's right. An ethnicity or nation requires a common history and blood, so black people cannot be Swedish. To say otherwise is outrageous.

>> No.15479436

>Human ethnicities aren't bound to primordial phenotypes
of course they are. they aren't "primordial" though, whatever you meant by that. they are evolutionary, selective.
> people have been migrating, mixing, intermingling for millennium
that's absolutely not true, at least not in europe. mass migrations involving different races are an absolute novelty in the history of this continent.
> A black person actually can assimilate into another group and adapt, because human beings are like that
no, a black can in europe learn a set of notions/values/symbols/rules. not a culture. a culture, in its deepest meaning (see >>15479210 ), is transmitted form parents to children only.

>> No.15479442

This thread proves that lit is indeed based and is heading in the right direction

>> No.15479451
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This thread turned stupid real quick.

Doktor Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg.

>> No.15479465

They also say Islam is peaceful so they're not the best judge of things. If the Swedish people claimed to be green men from Mars would we be wrong to disagree with them?

>> No.15479474

We're essentially arguing over semantical abstractions, you believe that culture and nationality has some magical essence rooted in dna. I dont agree at all, and it doesn't really matter because what we're arguing over is not decided by you ultimately. You have all tr these mental binaries and categorizations on how you think reality should operate, but it's not how reality actually operates

>> No.15479487

one example is one's canon of beauty. negroes' ideal of beauty is clearly different from the european one. will a negro accpet that very precise european ideal, thus forgetting how he/she looks when reflected in a mirror, or will he/she try to merge these two conflicting ideals of beauty and make something new. will be this european? will it be necessarly better?
so, "deeper level" means just the specific way something is done so that you say, even before knowing who made it, "that's definitely swedish/french/english". you are probably uttely ignorant of islamic art, and yet if i showed you a bunch of pictures of different monuments from every corner of the world, you would recognize the islamic ones with no exitation, and you couldn't explain why. the reason is that all of they have a "quidditas" that prescinds form this or that attribute.

>> No.15479488

What a world we live in where the supposition of culture and nationality having a basis in DNA is seen as "magical" thinking. People like you are either very dumb or very dishonest.

>> No.15479489

>stay in your own lane
Exactly, Americans act as if the entire caucasian world is their own hivemind

>> No.15479496

We all share the same dna fundamentally, the essence is the same across the board.

>> No.15479504

> you believe that culture and nationality has some magical essence rooted in dna
i know that EVERYTHING about humans is ultimately rooted in the DNA.
you practically believe we have a soul compared to wich your body is a worthless appendix. you show to believe that your body is somwthing like a machine controlled by a ghost inside it. this is primitive and nonsensical.
thought is secreted by brain exactley as bile is from liver.

>> No.15479506

>Look at me

>> No.15479514

Yeah, sure dude. haplogroups are imaginary.

>> No.15479520

not true. i as a white man have a set of genetic mutations that you as black man haven't (and vice versa).

>> No.15479524

You still steer your own ship, dna is always fluctuating and evolving, nothing is in a state of total stasis. Someone having African dna doesn't really mean as much as you think it does, you're just a bigot

>> No.15479527

even spoons are "fluctuating and evolving", and yet a spoon is a spoon and a fork is a fork. an african is an african, a european is a european, period

>> No.15479528

the word "mankurt" is used to refer to a person who has lost touch with his historical, national roots, who has forgotten about his kinship.

>> No.15479532

>also somehow a DNA expert now
it’s always funny when ‘not-being-a-racist’ is the point at which one begins to presume they are some enlightened super genius charged with educating the masses.

You have no fucking clue what you’re HINTING at because you sure as shit aren’t saying anything. go suck a nigger dick, you half assed 4chan white knight faggot

>> No.15479533

Wait a minute, everyone has fundamentally the same DNA but DNA is always evolving and changing. That really makes me think.

>> No.15479534
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you literally just responded with
>she is a nigger and niggers are ugly
but wordy
I can't believe you think looks is deep trait.