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15474876 No.15474876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some indicators you're talking to a brainlet? For me it's
>occam'z razor
>burden of proof

>> No.15474884


>> No.15474887

"Prove me wrong"

>> No.15474889

And you wonder why people think you're difficult?

>> No.15474904
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Shit thread posters.
Can't fucking stand them

>> No.15474906

What are some indicators you're talking to a brainlet? For me it's
>What are some indicators you're talking to a brainlet? For me it's
>>occam'z razor
>>burden of proof

>> No.15474913

making threads on /lit/ not about literature


>> No.15474921

normally it's not what they say but how they say it, if I find myself getting interrupted a lot, that's a huge red flag

>> No.15475120

The concepts are not bad per se, but they're misused so much that you can almost guarantee they are being misused if you encounter them.

>> No.15475133

How does it feel knowing you can never prove your retarded beliefs :-)

>> No.15475255

I'm in love

>> No.15475802

Lately a friend of mine has been asking me to source every single thing that I say, and he's not trying to be a dick but I don't remember where I first read every damn statistic that's in my head. This shit annoys me because if I'm bothering to engage you in the first place you should take it in good faith that I'm not pulling statistics out my ass.

>> No.15475827
File: 438 KB, 1080x843, 1583766412657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply send him this pic every single time he does it

>> No.15475828

The only one of those that's actually stupid is Occam's razor.

>> No.15475841

Occam’s razor and hitchens razor are so useless. So many people assert them thinking it means anything when it’s actually just a way to shut down an argument when you realize neither claims have any meaningful substance to them.

>> No.15475954

>the thing is
>people don't realize
>if people would only just _____
>devil's advocate

>> No.15475961

You're probably just stupid and your friend is trying to get you to do more research so he doesn't have to intellectually dunk on you.

>> No.15475978

The problem with burden of proof is which ever idea gets put in place first never has to prove itself, and so it could be as unreasonable as all the other ideas but because it was there first people accept it as the standard that needs to have something more provable come along to displace it.

I think all ideas should be required to provide proof of their validity each and every time they are invoked. No taking anything for granted.

>> No.15475982

Not comfortable of even thinking about anything outside of his own carefully constructed materialist worldview. Can only respond with ridicule because he is always in over his head.

>> No.15475998

Probably true.
Imagine wasting time on fables and the dronings on off second rate idealist hucksters.

>> No.15476291

For me it's
>For me it's

>> No.15476294

If you're talking to me, that's a pretty good sign.

>> No.15476316

Magnificent shitpost, ironically.

>> No.15476355
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>> No.15476556
File: 12 KB, 480x247, hq2geHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when he doesn't know his modus ponens from his modus tollens

>> No.15476600

"prove your position on X"
"its the LEFT"
"its the RIGHT"
"it's the Dems"
"but Trump"
people who watch 3-hour "debates" and of ecelebs and think their side "won"

>> No.15476800

except the stuff he's asking me about is stuff that I went to grad school for, so I'd have to say no, unless by doing more research you mean ignoring my education in favor of random internet articles

>> No.15476871

But it's on the Internet. You really think people would do that?, go on the Internet and tell lies?

>> No.15478437

>>occam'z razor
>>burden of proof
Absolute trash with no value whatsoever.
This one is legitimate in its domain.

>> No.15478450

What are some indicators you're talking to a brainlet? For me it's
>What are some indicators you're talking to a brainlet? For me it's
>>What are some indicators you're talking to a brainlet? For me it's
>>>occam'z razor
>>>burden of proof

>> No.15478579


How old is your friend asking you for sources? My retarded brother in law does this. He recently got a BA from some shitty school. I think retards who are in school (or just out of it) do so because they lack the ability to acquire information themselves, let alone to make inferences. College has taught them
>Prove what was said in class
>Confirm all your thoughts with studies, use study's when you have any thought that isn't your own.
> paper gets A

I told him how the expanding deserts in Africa and increased dust storms are displacing people and having an impact on terrorism (my field of expertise for over a decade) and he wanted studies proving the link. If he had any prior knowledge he would be able to infer how the environment affects economy's and governments, how terrorism is tied to economics and governments, how African desert = bad, etc. For new phenomena there are not always studies, but college at the lower levels doesn't discuss specific and new topics, you go over long well established information. I also think professors undersell the replication crisis (if they even mention it) which makes most studies in certain fields complete horse shit. Students don't understand this or that a study might have bias, so they get a deluded sense of security in what they know.

Basically retards don't learn to think critically in school and don't independently acquire information. This leads to them being cunts in casual conversations, like I'm a walking fucking JSTOR.

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/in-niger-rising-temperatures-mean-barren-fields-but-fertile-ground-for-terrorism example of the impacts

>> No.15478586

>intellectually honest

>> No.15478592

But can you prove that?

>> No.15480321

Citation of informal fallacies as if they were arguments.

>> No.15480327


>> No.15480471

That's a good one, in forums it indicates the person is underage or retarded. I haven't heard anyone say it in real life as a personal accusation, just a description.

>> No.15480646

Probably having criteria to judge people's intelligence instead of evaluating them in context of what their day to day interactions require.

>> No.15481111

we already made that observation retard

>> No.15481737

>surplus value

>> No.15481770

>correlation is not causation

>> No.15481895


>> No.15483294

>Common sense

>> No.15483479

>my truth
>lived experience
>late stage capitalism

>> No.15484588

>pointing out seeming contradictions
>straw man
>resorting to personal attacks/ad hominem
>referring to anything as "objective"
>thinking their perspective is "reality"
>referring to liberals as leftists

>> No.15484622

>expanding deserts

I mean thats a pretty bold claim with no proof to back it up, can you at least post some secondary source?

>> No.15484639

>>referring to liberals as leftists
Look americans have different labels

>> No.15484654

I instantly ignore any adult that spends a significant amount of time playing video games. There's a guy at work that regularly talks about Twitch streamers and it's unbelievably pathetic.

>> No.15484668

White women truly are superior