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15474310 No.15474310 [Reply] [Original]

>Average IQ of Ivy League students is 122


Any books that will help me understand this data?

>> No.15474322

Arts and humanities students don't need a high iq

>> No.15474327

Im exactly 122, so close to not being a midwit baka

>> No.15474344

I hope you study something in the humanities. You won't be good at anything STEM related.
I can become a web dev and at least be paid decently with some luck.

>> No.15474355

there's an abnormal amount of pedos in the ivy league i wonder why

>> No.15474365
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This ought to satisfy a midwit such as yourself.

>> No.15474366

Depends on whether you're better at verbal or mathematical reasoning desu wa

>> No.15474379

IQ is a good measure of g and ones verbal intelligence is most likely within one standard deviation of one's IQ in a WAIS test for males and closer still for females.

>> No.15474385

Meant for >>15474366
Not >>15474355

>> No.15474403

Is this supposed to contradict the assertion that a person with an IQ of ~120 could do well in STEM depending on whether they're better at verbal or mathematical reasoning?

>> No.15474410

(I'd say maybe you should have an IQ of at least like 110 before you go and become an engineer, 120 isn't necessary)

>> No.15474414

IQ is analytical ability, you can't be good at math with a low IQ.
If you have a high verbal intelligence it does not raise IQ, it raises g which is not directly measured.
IQ was already known and my assertion was that 122 IQ is not enough to excel at STEM.

>> No.15474424

>You won't be good at anything STEM related.
engineers are borderline retarded
he'll be fine with a 122

t. 97 IQ controls engineer

>> No.15474428

No successful student needs a high IQ.

>> No.15474448

Excellence isn't a determining factor in whether you graduate with a STEM degree or attain a lucrative position with that degree. Plenty of engineering students get Ds.

>> No.15474449

I never said one couldn't do stem with an IQ of 122, I said one wouldn't excel.
Any bachelor degree is within reach with an IQ of 122.

>> No.15474479

write yourself a program in java that will analyze it dummy

>> No.15474486


>> No.15474521

Excelling is different from being competent. Not every programmer needs to be a Google engineer. Also IQ is a test score, one which is strongly correlated with a theorized underlying general analytical ability g, a subcomponent of which is verbal reasoning; neither g-VPR nor the 3 stratum model explicitly look for mathematical ability so it's hard to say more on that subject, I wouldn't say it's just synonymous with g though

>> No.15474533

That’s not what you said at all. What’s your IQ again?

>> No.15474558

Why is everyone on /lit/ so obsessed with IQ?

>> No.15474583

IQ is absolutely horseshit tho

>> No.15474590

>controls engineer.
That's not real engineering

>> No.15474728

We had a cross board IQ test and came out on top years and years ago. That attracted people who are obsessed with IQ that on some level think that posting here means they then have a high IQ.

>> No.15474772

>tfw 131 iq and in a shitty college

>> No.15474784

What even is the threshold for being accepted for a masters program at an Ivy league school in the humanities such as lit or phil?
Do they really put a far greater focus on forming an ideal class each year rather than just picking the highest grade applciants from the most prestigious universities?
It would make it easier to get in perhaps but also reduce the appeal of the place.

>> No.15474786

So use your heightened analytical ability to deduce the steps necessary to achieve success in spite of this handicap

>> No.15474791

iq is a pseudoscience
only insecure faggots take it seriously

>> No.15474800
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>ivy leagues are for smart people

>> No.15474808

IQ is pretty strongly correlated with various measures of life success like income, marital status, home ownership, health, etc.

>> No.15474814

I heard that IQ is strongly correlated with the SAT. What does it mean if I consistently and effortlessly scored around 700/800 on the Reading section, but also consistently scored like 400 - 500 on the Math?

>> No.15474815

Use of the term 'STEM' is indicative of low IQ.

>> No.15474820

This, Ivy League is full of deathnics gommunists and trannys

>> No.15474821

t. insecure because of low IQ

>> No.15474841
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What does it feel like to be average iq? It’s so weird to me people can go about life living like this

>> No.15474854

there was a annoyingly retarded tripfag on /p/ with an iq of 155. that fag was one of the most dumb and autistic person on the board.

>> No.15474860

80 iq checking in here. Life is good. I play ball with the bros, get shitfaced, and chase skirts while I make business connections.

>> No.15474868

Sub 85 iq is honestly based, I respect you. 100 iq on the other hand...

>> No.15474938
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>128 IQ
>Graduated from a shitty public school that no one has ever heard of

>> No.15474973

I don't see why an anecdote is relevant in any way
or if his IQ was actually verified

>anecdote of you being a lazy fuck is relevant in any way

>business connections with the IQ of a nigger

>> No.15474983

That you should brush up on your algebra, because it is statistically highly unlikely that a person who scores in the top percentiles of verbal analytical ability would score in the lower percentiles of mathematical analytical ability, absent some extenuating circumstance - like not being familiar enough with elementary math skills.

>> No.15474989

>>business connections with the IQ of a nigger
haha this place is too funny. building social relationships only takes a charming smile

>> No.15475005

Germanon here, I read a paper on the IQ's of the top students in high school a couple of years ago and the average was apparently 117.

>> No.15475007

who are you quoting

>> No.15475033

At about 115 you are capable of having a successful career in 95% of "cognitively demanding" jobs. Higher than that certainly helps, but isn't absolutely necessary unless you want to become like a STEM professor or a C-suite executive

>> No.15475038


>> No.15475055
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are any of you study at prestigious/ivy league schools? I am at one and feel like the standard of intelligence is pretty high here. you just have to find the right people (theyre usually not uk home students)

>> No.15475230

Imperial reporting in

>> No.15475242

what do you study? i applied for theoretical physics and they rejected me!

>> No.15475257

The Evidence Based Reading section of the SAT is probably heavily based on innate intelligence. The grammar and math sections depends on how much you actually studied

>> No.15475266

ChemE. Were you invited for an interview? Also, are you an international student?

>> No.15475423

Cornell, data science. The college scene is for retards tho, it’s full of professors stoking their own egos, dumb leftists who think they got the world figured out that put “spookbuster” stickers on their laptops and argue red fish blue fish, and alphabet soup people

>> No.15475533


This one is a classic. Absolute classic. Your chances of being in an elite profession go DOWN once you get past ~133 in IQ

>> No.15475565

I was in the 400s for writing 5 or 600 for reading and perfect score for math

>> No.15475579

Writing is total bullshit, 600's is middle tier which is not unheard of being paired with high ability in other categories

>> No.15475590

this is no surprise to me at all, the smarter you are the less you think about solving other people's problems

>> No.15475709

Verbal reasoning is a meme. To be a great writer you need high spatial reasoning, It's what causes work to be "intelligent and thought provoking".

>> No.15475713

Big if true

>> No.15475723


>> No.15475732

Academia is mostly for midwits.

>> No.15475759

Spatial IQ determine the level of audience you're appealing to, Verbal only decorate the content and realizations and make it somewhat more interesting, 135+ Verbal with 100-115 Spatial aim should be writing a popular children book and nothing else.

>> No.15475769

UNC. Only school I applied to

>> No.15475771


>> No.15475779

Got a Phd in Maths with just a slightly above average IQ. OP doesn't know what he's talking about. With hard work and dedication almost anyone can make it in STEM. And IQ is just showing you are good at taking IQ tests. When it comes to real higher order learning, it's irrelevant. Like I said, OP is probably larping in his life as someone with a high IQ, but in reality he's most likely just average or slightly under the average population.

>> No.15475825

>10-15% of the student body are legacy students
>Brown #3 major is Biology
>Columbia #2 and #3 are Pol Sci and Psych
>Cornell #2 Business #3 Biology
>Dartmouth #2 Government #3 History
>Harvard #2 Government
>Penn #3 Nursing
>Yale #2 Pol Sci #3 History

Probably something to do with that.
122 is fine for any of the easier engineering degrees, most sciences. The only things that would be likely to filter a sufficiently dedicated person of that IQ would be Math/Physics/Philosophy. Some of the most rigorous engineering disciplines are on the edge of what such a person could accomplish, and economics would be a little hard too, but really only the three I mentioned first should be discarded out of hand at that intelligence.

>> No.15475848

Anons link good free IQ online tests

>> No.15475857

100 is fine for any STEM undergrad. You overestimate how difficult it is.

>> No.15475862


Scores here are usually even lower than official IQ tests. It's also harder than most of them.

>> No.15475871

Don't bother, they only make you good at taking IQ tests

>> No.15475883

>I said one wouldn't excel.
And that's good thing. Most scientific "progress" has brought the world nothing but pain.

>> No.15475898
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i've loved the ivy league, you get your stream of dolts but also some real gems; it seems pretty self-selecting, ultimately.

where do you go, friend?

anyone from harvard/MIT here?

>> No.15475900
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>> No.15475921

I'm assuming the person in question plans to do reasonably well and get a job afterwards. Accomplishing a BA for almost any subject doesn't require an above average IQ.

>> No.15475923

>tfw now aware I almost certainly could have attended an Ivy League school
>attended low-tier STEM-focused state university for financial reasons instead
>got two toilet paper humanities degrees
It's a very surreal feeling knowing that the choices I made in the last few years utterly ruined the rest of my life.

>> No.15475940

On 4chan everyone has at least a 135 IQ. In fact I don't think I have ever seen someone on 4chan report an IQ between 110 and 120.

>> No.15475943

Literally incel reasoning

>> No.15475963

I got 115 when tested by a psych.

I did intentionally fucks some up though to make sure I got an adhd diagnosis

>> No.15475969

What do you mean?

>> No.15475975

"my life is over because of something unfortunate that happened to me in the past" (subtext: yay now I don't have to try and can just wallow in self-pity)

>> No.15475984

I was being somewhat facetious and don't intend to let this actually ruin my life. That said, there can be no denying that I made things more difficult for myself.

>> No.15476005

Did you take the SAT? If so what did you score?

>> No.15476232

I graduated from UF. Is that prestigious?

>> No.15476409

I was tested at a 98 iq when I was a kid, mechanical engineer now though. I will say one can gain valuable insight from being retarded.

>> No.15476488

Anybody who has actually taken both knows this is retarded. Iq tests ask you things about patterns and shit like folding a paper then cutting a hole than unfolding. The biggest thing is you don’t study for an iq test

Sat is just standard reading/math shit you are encouraged to study and take classes for

>> No.15476505


>there can be no denying that I made things more difficult for myself.

good. sounds like fun, anon

>> No.15476506

my iq is 118 and i got a phd in information theory and now work at a national research lab

>> No.15476515

1370, only took it once and didn’t study for it. I was super depressed at that time

>> No.15476522

stability theory literally keeps the world and society from falling apart. it is also extremely mathematically ugly and complicated

>> No.15476621
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“The statistical method shows the facts in the light of the ideal average but does not give us a picture of their empirical reality. While reflecting an indisputable aspect of reality, it can falsify the actual truth in a most misleading way. This is particularly true of theories which are based on statistics. The distinctive thing about real facts, however, is their individuality. Not to put too fine a point on it, once could say that the real picture consists of nothing but exceptions to the rule, and that, in consequence, absolute reality has predominantly the character of irregularity.”
C.G. Jung, The Undiscovered Self

>> No.15476692

You're wrong. IQs in that range are not common. 120 is good enough for most high caste jobs in the technoindustrial system. Feynman tested very close to the 120 range. The average engineer is well within that range as well.

>> No.15476694

it's a subset of EE which is the most rigorous engineering major

fucking retard

>> No.15476765
File: 17 KB, 529x174, cambridge iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's slightly higher for STEM fields in ivy league

>> No.15476791
File: 48 KB, 804x307, sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read wrong. Current sats correlation is less than 0.65 which leave gigantic room for "error", A person with even 100IQ can score in the top 1%.

>> No.15476911

"nasim taleb IQ." google that, and read it

>> No.15477031

>you won’t be good in STEM
Richard Feynman had an iq of like 125 yet got the highest entrance exam score of all time at his ivy and won national math competitions

>> No.15477043

You are dumb as fuck. It’s the ONLY sub discipline of engineering that is an extremely integral part of all other disciplines (mech, chem, nuke, electrical&electronic, civil). It’s one of the newest and most difficult

>> No.15477239

Literally this. Ivy league schools are only for incredibly wealthy students or affirmative actions cases. Trust me I got denied at every top school despite having perfect grades and standardized test scores. If you are a white male forget about them entirely.

>> No.15477464

Holy smokes, I smoked dem Ivies bois an I'm black, so take dat. Roll it up in ur bell curve and smoke it.

>> No.15477482

relatedly i read that faulkner had an iq of 103

>> No.15477492
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It gave me 133.
Apparently it's a pretty accurate for the matrix problem portion of an administered iq test, and although that's not enough to really judge you, it's still fun. The only one that stumped me was the last one, but I must have gotten some others wrong as well.
I'm curious to see how others score, and when the test became impossibly difficult for you.
And no taking it twice.
They said it was a good test "especially the Danish one", so that's the one I took, you can translate it in Google when you finish.

>> No.15477527

Nonsense. I have a white male friend who went to Princeton and two others, one white, one half white, who were accepted, and we come from nowhere special in Texas.

>> No.15477533

There needs to be an "effects of fapping on IQ test scores" continuous thread study on this site, lol. We may get some fascinating data.

>> No.15477817
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>130 IQ
>dropped out of public school in grade 11 to sit in my room and smoke weed

>> No.15477854
File: 315 KB, 1487x644, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the answer to the mickey mouse one?

>> No.15477903

The dots inside the circle can be thought of as -1, so the first two columns add together into the 3rd column, and the first two rows into the 3rd row, which would give you +2 -2 +2 -2 equals 0 so it's A.

>> No.15477914

I see now, thanks.

>> No.15477924

Feynman had an IQ of 125

>> No.15477929

It's not absolute horseshit, but it's not the say all tell all that we've been led to believe by some people.

Not to mention affirmative action

>> No.15478362

That test was hard and never fucking ended
I fell between 121-132

>> No.15478505

I'm unironically 93 iq. I don't mind it too much, kind of wish i was a bit more intelligent.

>> No.15478619

If Ivies were really smart, they should count for statistical deviation. I.e. you score perfect one time on one test and bad on the next. You are within the top 5% of test takers and this is without studying. "Scholastic Aptitude Testing" is a joke.
Richard Feyman was an Ivy prep-kiddo from the get go. Feynman never did anything of worth and the thing he got the Nobel for was some symbolic shorthand of some equation.
White people (who make up 72% of Americans) are represented by no more than 50% in most Ivies. That means American nationals are being passed over for international or foreign exchanges.

>> No.15478802

>That means American nationals are being passed over for international or foreign exchanges.
Of course. How do you think we maintain such global power? We use these institutions as a culturising and networking facility of sorts. A percentage of these bright foreigners choose to stay, and those who leave, leave with ties and friendships to our country, giving us foreign influence. Don't cry about it, you're reaping the rewards as well as the drawbacks.

>> No.15478836


As long as you do internships and aren't a retard you can get a well paying job with any field of study. People need to do college properly. High IQ not needed for any field, work ethic and communication skills needed. People are too lazy to do a multi-page proof, it's less effort to write your opinion and search google scholar for studies that affirm what you're saying. An above average IQ is irrelevant unless you're a top professional.

>> No.15479232

You sound like your typical machivellian so I'm going to assume your argument was made in bad faith.

First, let's disseminate your argument. It is essentially, "it's okay to discriminate against white American citizens on the condition it benefits Americans" which boils down to "the ends justify the means". This is a terrible argument, not only does it not affect America but it hurts American individuals. Not only that, but you have failed to support your case with any meaningful statistics.

>> No.15479265

Bury your head in the sand and cry then, pleb. It won't change anything you idiot. Did you really think that answer would get me to do research on your behalf? Hah! Get real kid.

>> No.15479301

Sub 90 IQ is preferable to 100-120 IQ.

>> No.15479306

I go to Harvard

>> No.15479307

Grouped by major?
Sportsballs and diversity selects aren't maximizing. Legacies could also be a regression to the mean.

>> No.15479317

>"it's okay to discriminate against lower class American citizens on the condition it benefits higher class Americans citizens"
Fixed that for you. Any state anywhere everywhen is a personal property of several dozen families run to the benefit of several hundred affiliated client families. You should have guessed as much when thinking about the leet colleges.

>> No.15479412

is that the official midwit zone?

>> No.15479683

Got a 125 on that online danish test. Guess i'm better than an ivy league faggot
t. software engineer

>> No.15479721

>you're reaping the rewards

there are no rewards in being middle or lower class in this negrified shithole

>> No.15480124

Online tests are inaccurate. First, because they don't use enough different subtests, and tend to use "learnable" tasks that test crystallized intelligence. Second, because a score of 100 usually corresponds to the average of people who take the test, not the mean white score, as in real IQ tests. So. If the average person who takes online IQ tests is probably around 115, you might have to add as much as what, a full standard deviation to your score?

>> No.15480203

WashU. Any Jews here? :)

>> No.15480868

Harvard AM alum here...living in Europe now. I miss a good IPA at the John Harvard and a slide at Pinocchio's...

>> No.15480982
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I used to shitpost about IQ on 4chan before I went to college, now that i've graduated I think it's a load of garbage and the most important factor in college success is time spent studying.

But people (particularly Americans because they are so sheltered) don't want to hear that they actually have to put in effort to accomplish things.

>> No.15481020

what the heck is this thread? 122 seems too high. why are people acting like it's low?

>> No.15481040

Then leave, spoiled brat.

>> No.15481042

black and based

>> No.15481506

>A percentage of these bright foreigners choose to stay, and those who leave, leave with ties and friendships to our country
top kek, as they say

>> No.15481574
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, EIUXEPAXsAEc168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving us foreign influence.
giving Israel foreign influence*
Fixed that for you. Modern USA is a colony of Israel.

>> No.15481582

Columbia, yeah most people here are smart in some way but usually it's poorly rounded
The smartest people here are actually the NYC jews which is weird to say, since they're the ones most likely to be from wealth and therefore buy their way in, but nah they're definitely smarter than the millions of autistic chinese stem students here
Bruh I'm in data science too
Come down to NYC some time

>> No.15481586

do you come to the boston lit meetups (precovid)

>> No.15481617

like ivy leagues arent just for trust fund babies and rich spergs

>> No.15481623

>shitty college
>1370 SAT
there you go, anon

>> No.15481631

they said prestigious

>> No.15481684

Is it really a test of intelligence to be able to see that? I feel like most people could learn to recognise these patterns and get higher scores.

>> No.15481694

woah it's literally me

>> No.15481730

I’ve taken various online IQ tests, with results ranging from 94-133. I get around 112-121 on the supposedly accurate tests like Mensa Norway and others. Do you think I should forget about going for a philosophy/linguistics degree? It is my passion but if it’s out of my reach I’d prefer to just teach it to myself.
On the other hand, maybe I should just kill myself? There honestly doesn’t seem to be much to live for with a brain like mine. I will never go down in history or achieve anything. I won’t even be able to understand the works of people who did go down in history and did achieve something. So what’s the point? I wish I had never taken the tests so I wouldn’t have to worry about it, but it is what it is. Been thinking about it a long time and it seems like suicide is really the best choice.

>> No.15481736

What do you study? You’re a student there now?

>> No.15481740

sounds to me like you're making excuses, anon

>> No.15481896

Just like people on this site act like 7x5 is small and 6'1 is manlet

>> No.15481903

Yeah, let's give China 60% of our university admissions and let them go back to their home country, what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15481986

Don't let some online test dictate your life. Pursue your goals and try for yourself. I was also scared of uni and was under the false impression that it's infinitely harder than high school, but it turned out just fine in the end. Don't give up, anon.

>> No.15482294

Ah like princeton caltech and mit for da mafs i dont know the others but they look shite

>> No.15482499
File: 324 KB, 1024x1024, 1564696131155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 145+ and the smartest poster on /biz/.
I don't read and only watch shounen anime. Please get on my level, plebs.