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/lit/ - Literature

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15473656 No.15473656 [Reply] [Original]

What is the purpose of self development through reading and understanding things throughout your life if not attaining the true knowledge that transcends ages, schools, movements and genres? That sort of final truth that in bits and little hints enriches the wisdom of great thinkers from Socrates to Schopenhauer, but it was never fully attained except perhaps by some of the figures nowadays considered to be holy or gods, like Pythagoras or Parmenides in their time.

Which one of you is consciously on the path of discovery, realization of nature of reality and experiences that border with/are spiritual? I hope you're not reading and understanding things to appear smart, but to at the very least be the best version of you that you can be.

I know that literature can help attain some of wisdom and provoke us to think, but our own figuring out of some things is far more valuable. Reading about things too much is just like reading a manual on how to ride a bike, but never doing it. Knowing things for real is riding a bike. Truth has never been more out in the open to those opened to it and its never been more arcane and hidden to those seeking it at the wrong places.

>> No.15473677

I'm going to steal your post and write it into my book to be dialogue for the character everyone bullies.

>> No.15473798


>> No.15473844

I don't know how else to be perfectly clear. I am going to highlight the text of your post, hit ctrl and c sequentially. Paste it into a word document. Type quotes around it. And proceed to write a scene where that character discusses the things in your post while everyone around him makes fun of trying to be sincere and deep without achieving either of those goals.

>> No.15473899

I made this thread for discussion. I am not here for dick waving.

>> No.15473924

That's another line I'm gonna have that character say

>> No.15473959
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>great thinkers from Socrates to Schopenhauer
Wait. Oh no.
> I hope you're not reading and understanding things to appear smart
Oh no. In fact, anonymous calls me stupid all the time.
> Which one of you is consciously on the path of discovery
I took the path. Camped out near a lovely dell with a tiny waterfall. Made my way up along a mossy scented forest along some hills. Now I’m stay in a cozy cottage where I have a view of the mountains from my window. All the calls I make to anon have been Ignored.

Currently reading

>> No.15473971

based chad bullying

>> No.15473988

This whole post itself is your attempt to appear smart.

>> No.15475169

do you listen to a song to hear the ending of it?

>> No.15475188


>> No.15476184

knowing is more like remembering, so in a sense "knowing" is like an action itself. but i agree with your main point. oftentimes i come back here but i dont find much useful, because once you go through the canon and take a couple years to internalize all that you've learned, it's much better to just focus on applying all these old guys' thoughts into whatever your objective is in real life. maybe it's just to pass the time... but at the end of the day the information that appears on my screen for the most part is just unuseful, and even the ironic hate gets tiring too. i think and hope that the best of us don't post here, stick and write to themselves, and never really mention philosophy or literature ever again.

obviously by posting i indict myself, and maybe im just bored. but seeing all these seething, dismissive, and virulent comments on a post that was for the most part hopeful and wholesome kind of makes me sad. you dont need to post here again, your life without spooky boogeymen pointing their letters at you would be better off

>> No.15476209

Double dubs. The digits have spoken. Bullying OP is not only based, but encouraged.
>insert Hyde sketch on bullying