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15472655 No.15472655 [Reply] [Original]

Is philosophy a waste of time?

>> No.15472674

like everything else its just elaborate cope

>> No.15472678

What's not a waste of time?

>> No.15472705


But with philosophy, with the past 2000 and more years of history, how do you explain that?


Who’s NOT the biggest cope?

>> No.15472732
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Was philosophy ever reputable to begin with?

>> No.15472814

Maybe. But "wasting" time as opposed to what? Ask anyone what a productive use of their time might be and you will get different answers. Rolling around in the philosophical thickets gives you the authority to pronounce it a waste of time. Otherwise you're just a pseud.

>> No.15472879

More importantly, "what should I do with my life?" sounds like...a philosophical question.

>> No.15472884

For the most part yes. They ask a lot of questions, but none of them really bring forth any answers. The just give the simplest answers to shit and then exaggerate its complexity when you could have came up the same answer but much simpler yourself.

>> No.15472916

modern philosophy, yes. all the subjects that could be expanded on into rigourous fields and practical uses grew out of the realm of philosophy into real mathematics, natural sciences, or social sciences. whats left in philosophy is largely a waste of time in which everyone builds endless frameworks and interpretations that all make sense but none can ever actually be right because they are all imaginary constructs. its worth knowing some philosophy and everyone will have their own philosophy, but its not worth obsessing over.

>> No.15472936

Philosophy is the only thing that's not a waste of time.

>> No.15472956

I think it better to ask the deepest and most important of questions and never receive an answer then to pretend that they and their respective subjects do not exist. Blissful ignorance is a facade that presents faux-meaning and prevents the development of anything real. And nihilism is the philosophy of the dead.

>> No.15472972

Unironically yes. Einstein btfo'd kant and showed that philosophy was for chumps while the real shit was done by scientists

>> No.15473311

honestly yeah. you're better off just pursuing money and women.

>> No.15473533

Name one thing that isn't a waste of time?

>> No.15473595

Einstein was one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century, dumbfuck.

>> No.15473610

nothing is a waste of time, it's just time passing, fuck time

>> No.15473632


Analytic, probably.


>> No.15473636

yet all we remember is his science because philosophy is useless.

>> No.15473692

Wrong. Clearly you know neither physics nor philosophy.

>> No.15473758


>> No.15473776

cope doesn't exist on a gradient. its a binary system; something is either cope or not cope, and all philosophy is cope

>> No.15473815

Cope is a spook.

>> No.15474039

dude, you skipped everyone on that list from aristotle to kant. Add plotinus, augustine, pseudo dionysus the ariopogite, aquinas, peter abilard, and occam.

>> No.15474054

They are unoriginal except Plotinus

>> No.15474057

the concept of spooks is cope

>> No.15474275


>> No.15474289

Depends on your social standing. As a image board incel...

>trying to reform metaphysics in science useful?

>finding ethical ways to live?
Yes but you can just watch YouTube videos for these. Reading primary source is only for high IQs & scholars

>> No.15474304


If you're cynical enough you could argue that everything besides stuffing your facehole and cooming into sloots is a waste of time.
Who cares?

>> No.15474326
File: 1019 KB, 3840x2160, 209889-Arthur-Schopenhauer-Quote-If-a-man-wants-to-read-good-books-he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention I've never felt any more redpilled than Unabomber, and since then nothing could replicate that not even Marx. You can almost say some books are just rehashes of others and if you are midwit level it's almost a waste of time reading everything

>> No.15474601

>Not to mention I've never felt any more redpilled than Unabomber, and since then nothing could replicate that not even Marx.
literal pseud, get off this board

>> No.15474750


As a former philosophy major I can confirm these anons are on the right track.

To explain why philosophy is useless you must do philosophy, to that extent what isn't philosophy and what is usefulness?

A professor of mine stated multiple reasons to study philosophy:

1) so you can be the most interesting person at the cocktail party/ water cooler
2) so you can say "hey I study philosophy, just let me know when all the big philosophy companies are hiring"
3)so you can realize all conversations are just philosophising in between factual observations.
4) so you can unironically begin to question yourself, and be less butthurt when you lose an argument.
5)so you can realize everyone makes an appeal to their authority in arguments.

if man were a computer, then philosophy is basically the Operating system or OS

>> No.15474770

Yes, sure it is. Let's go back to the myth. Who needs concepts anyway, law is also stupid, we need to bring back the elders court.

>> No.15474810
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hey, philosophy major here! as a philosophy major i can say that we all use philosophy in our daily lives! its kind of like computers! (epic, huh?) my professor would always say: study philosophy if you want to increase your potential reddit gold earnings :D

thanks for attending my TED talk

>> No.15474872

lmao bodied

>> No.15474896
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Geez anon

>> No.15474905


I'm 27 and I never got on the Reddit train. Is it the new cancer?

>> No.15474971
File: 601 KB, 1600x806, hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Another fellow philosophy-head on this sub! Whatcha readin? For me, you cannot go wrong with Aristotle, or Kant (the modern aristotle). honestly i got into it watching the good place, love that show soo much!! hopefully switching my major to history & english next semeter (:

>> No.15475339

just fucking lol at this sperg crying. They both come to the same conclusion: shit constantly changing, also government bad. To the average person stupid details about how dialectics work is literally fucking useless, you're better off learning how to be a better person and learning skills. Give the 4D chess to those who are smarter and have money to lay back on. All a midwit needs to learn is how to be a good person

>> No.15475350

Cope of what?

>> No.15475359

That's not what was meant, Ted is just for pseuds

>> No.15475366

>Unironically yes. Einstein btfo'd kant
No he didn't, why would you think this?

>> No.15475395

ted writes in clear concise language yet delivers the job right. marx writes like a fuckin dumbazz charlartan with ye olde english. Just makes people hate reading and attaining knowledge

>> No.15475523

philosophy of science is different from the philosophy that the pseuds this board obsesses over talk about. einstein didn't waste his time whining about muh nihilism.

>> No.15475711

Not interested in how either author writes (and I am not bothered at all with what Marx wrote, so I'm still confused as to why you keep bringing him up) I'm interested in what Ted wrote, and what he wrote was shit. How he wrote was, yes, quite "clear" and "concise" as you say, what he wrote was clear and concise shit. A pseud.

>> No.15475740

4chan is a waste of time.

>> No.15476025

correct answer

>> No.15476084

you need to go through it to transcend it

>> No.15476340
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Depends who's asking and what they intend to use philosophy for? in'nt?
yup, and yet I'll still be here for another 15-50 minutes probably

>> No.15477026

It's literally the only reason why science and morals exist. How is it not reputable? Only midwit modern scientists would think otherwise

>> No.15477253


Einstein sought truth, you complete failure.

>> No.15477282

stale word maps of unwordable territory. better than no map, maybe

>> No.15478167

I'm typing this for anyone who will pick this up. Until 19th it was considered that only truth can be known and only truth can be considered as knowledge. But then outta nowhere "people" realised(after how many ages of civilization ?) that they are and humanity in general are practical beings that can't exist outside of practical activity of changing the world, so VALUES were accustomed to knowledge too. Values unlike the factual truth about nature talks not about "what is" but about what "must be". So peeps understood that you can KNOW not only the truth, but the good and beautiful and etc. which can't and never will be reduced to the truth.Ah fuck it this board is dead, I'm not gonna type the rest to get soijak replies and one word inductive ad hominem based on nothing. fuck yall

>> No.15478436

The concept of copes is a cope.

>> No.15478439

Ha. This made me chuckle. Thanks for this.

>> No.15478441

What the fuck?

>> No.15478661

Marx only discovered half of what's going on. Ted nailed it right

>> No.15479802

don't get angry anon.
any readings for getting a taste of what you're saying? I'm not well versed in 19th phil

>> No.15480433

I think it definitely can be and I’m able to say this because I fell into the trap. The danger of philosophy is that people tend to dive into it looking for some sort of answers, whether it’s what comprises reality, how to live a good life, why we’re here, or how to deal with suffering. The problem with that is it often leads us down a rabbit hole. We keep going deeper and deeper and we do these mental-linguistic tricks on ourselves to convince us that we’re getting close to an answer until it leads to misery, burnout, and even feelings of deeper despair. The irony is that the answers we needed were possibly in front of our faces all along. The simply is no playbook on life and the more we try to follow rigid guidelines, the more confused and lost we often become.

On a personal note, I became seriously interested in philosophy after suffering some traumatic experiences and failing to reach transformative catharsis after a troubled adolescence. It ultimately led me nowhere. I suffered and I suffered and I suffered and I came up with all sorts of intellectual arguments for this idea or that idea but in the end, it never saved me. I only experienced relief when I finally got burnt out on it all and decided to abandon it all in favor of simply being in the world and reflecting on myself. Suddenly, the answer became clear and I’ve started to figure out what I need to find meaning and why it was necessary for me to deal with what I did. For the first time in a very long time, I accept that I don’t have the answers but nonetheless I feel that’s okay and I feel I’ve started to make sense of everything.

>> No.15480450

Based. I went through a similar realization recently