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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 1200x628, fb-immanuel-kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15470722 No.15470722 [Reply] [Original]

most overrated philosopher of all time.
complete hack.

>> No.15470748

Kant? More like Cunt.

>> No.15470749

This isnt Descartes

>> No.15470750

Kant? More like Cunt.

>> No.15470751


>> No.15470780

In awe at this lad's perception

>> No.15470784

Isn't this Joseph Goebbles?
Atleast he got some mad pusy in his prime

>> No.15470819

all of you kill yourselves. Day Kart is based and you are just too stupid to get on his level

>> No.15470829

I'm a bigger fan of Night Kart my self.

>> No.15470834

> tripcode
god damn cross board posting. removed.

edgy atheists are the absolute worst look-at-me-i'm-so-smart pseudointellectuals who are actually average/ sub average IQ retards who can not understand subtle, abstract or advanced reason

>> No.15470841

And the most overrated philosopher of all time has to be Rosseau, the absolute piece of shit

If he were alive today I would seriously consider slitting that disgusting subhuman's throat. Then if he died I would wish for resurrection powers just to kill him again. Absolutely reprehensible monster that he was.

>> No.15470887
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I wonder who's behind this post

>> No.15471003
File: 65 KB, 517x482, 3qyneu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, so you know about that huh? I disagree with Voltaire on a lot of things, but nothing like I fucking fucking FUCKING HATE LOATHE DESPISE Rousseau the dumb gay completely retarded FAGGOT

yes I mad, the mere thought of Rosseau fucking trolls me. Reading his shit, and realizing he was basically the father of all modern shitty collectivist thought (though that's only one example of a hundred that fucking piss me off about that CUNT), was one of the most enraging experiences.

I am literally mad just typing this out

>> No.15471006
File: 132 KB, 1877x303, 1587947447344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thread exhibiting the plain fact that nobody here reads.

>> No.15471012
File: 17 KB, 480x360, ikantbelieveyouvedonethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you underestimate the power of the two a priori sensible intuitions of space and time

>> No.15471017

another post exhibiting that you're a projecting retard

>> No.15471024
File: 137 KB, 800x800, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being filtered by /lit/ kek.

>> No.15471027

> still mad
...so I'm going to keep raging. Reading a translation of that fucking subhuman going on about how social morality can be reduced to a mathematics/ science.. reading him talking about the collective loss of stealing which roundabout hurts you and therefore you have an incentive not to steal (lmao), reading everything he wrote

I am so mad I am double posting.

Nobody read this fucking monster's drivel. Read some sociopolitical thought which should be more popular instead, like Paine who was extremely based and red pilled until he started going down the socialist rabbit hole, or Bastiat the extremely based and red pill gentleman

>> No.15471060

>social morality can be reduced to a mathematics/ science
he was right about that though

>> No.15471088

No, he didn't posit it in the way you think he did. He was a legitimate retard man.

>> No.15471109

Out of all the philosophers in the world, You got filtered by Rousseau ? You know he was just doing the 18th century version of shitposting, right ?

>> No.15471122

Considering this board status it is definitely Stirner. He has a lot of historic value, but I can't see how people in here even bother reading the whole thing, for sure there are way better works derived of it.

>> No.15471127


I can see his book being a really good read, but in a whole different manner than most of the anons in here are able to read.

>> No.15471133

Sitner's meme potential is only rivalled by Hegel though, and even that happens rarely

>> No.15471153


Oh how could I forget that. The meme is all and all must be meme. Feels Marx

>> No.15471175

how is Hegel meme tier?

>> No.15471192
File: 206 KB, 549x395, 1565834678067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read his work and ask me this question again

>> No.15471198


This is Marxism

>> No.15471278

I didn't say I agreed with him lol, I just thought you meant something else. I read Philosophy Of Right when I was trawling all the major philosophers, and thought he was incoherent and obviously hypocritical. The absolute worst example is his critique of conscience. Honestly I hate him and think he was a bad man.

Nevertheless I thought you meant like... "he walked right into that joke!" kind of thing

>> No.15471928

book hard

>> No.15471936

Hume is the most overrated

>> No.15471954

You just got filtered.

>> No.15472502


Hume is based and underrated

>> No.15472759

Stirner, Guenon, Evola etc. can’t even be considered overrated because they’re only rated highly at all by the abject memers on this board. Stirner probably had the most influence out of that bunch, but as >>15471122 said his influence is largely historical and subsequent philosophers have used his ideas to more influential ends. Genuinely most overrated might be Adam Smith (his ideas ≠ what he’s actually known for), or perhaps Voltaire (glorified funposter) or Bergson (the phenomenology of time was handled much better by other people like Husserl and Heidegger)

>> No.15472784

Such a negative dude. After all, you don't know what you Kan do until you try.

>> No.15472821

Nietzsche or Schopenhauer

>> No.15472831

look at this doooooood ahahahaha oh nononononono look at the size of his heeeeeeeeeeeeeadhfgfdahahahaha oh nononono

>> No.15472845

23 non french anons must have talked about Bergson in the entire history of /lit/, can't really say he's overrated.

>> No.15472851

Huh. I didn't know this is what Searle looks like.

>> No.15472858

Stirner isn't actually that well known outside of here and Marxist academics though.

>> No.15472947

Don't know if hegel is overated or underated because i don't understand it and i am convinced that no one else does

>> No.15472963

Nah mates.

>> No.15472984

I appreciate his ambition, but he ultimately assumes in the Metaphysics of Morals that the law must exist because we must be accountable because reasons. If you don't buy this underlying assumption his ethics crumble.

>> No.15472988

Oh I wasn’t talking about overrated on /lit/, I meant amongst philosophers and in the academy more generally. Bergson was huge in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; people flocked to hear him and he even won a Nobel Prize (lol). He probably isn’t the most overrated in history, but he’s certainly in contention within the past 150 years or so

>> No.15473058

Objective reality is not represented by our perceptions. We have no direct knowledge of what is "out there". Don't you realize how significant that is?

>> No.15473069

He is both overrated and underrated. You are correct about the last part.

>> No.15473084
File: 334 KB, 703x757, donald duck gatekeeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15473086
File: 176 KB, 1228x991, Lisa Canon (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like a shittier person than Rousseau.

>> No.15473140


>> No.15473230

>needs to assume beforehand the existance of god for all of his system to make sense

>> No.15473260

His epistemology was pretty based but his ethics is garbage.

>> No.15473631

Not really. At least not however you think of God. In fact, it's not an uncommon view that Kant was a closeted atheist.

>> No.15473716

I realized that when I was 10.

>> No.15473739
File: 21 KB, 314x499, Kant's Search for the Supreme Principle of Morality by Samuel J. Kerstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethics is garbage
Literally the most important, strongest, and enduring part of his oeuvre. Read pic-related.

>> No.15474041

But our perceptions objectively exist no? How come our representations themselves be things-in-themselves.

>> No.15475173

It is morally justified to destroy incorrigible monsters, anon. Righteous even.

>> No.15475204

yeah right? fuck the object of the moral act, the only thing that matters is following the perfect formula of ought found at the limit practical reason so that I, a good boy, aint doing the bad thing, even if immediately after bad things happen. Is the kingdom of ends here already?

>> No.15475270

Sorry m8 didn't realise you weren't talking about the board. He's still relatively well known in France because he's a really useful tool when doing philosophy of life and time. I'd say s*rtre is more overrated : everyone sucks his dick but he's completely forgottenby academia

>> No.15475274

dont u realize the consequence of such a stupid statement? first: truth is a matter of universably possible experience, a.k.a. mere opinion
second, the agent of causality is the subject, so fuck the big bang, or even the emergence of life, that shit didnt happen because time space causality and any disctinction of one object to another are categories of the mind, and with no mind no causal chain of events led to the creation of life (and subjects) or the universe. So right here and now i tell you, either Kant or Darwin, the both of them are not compatible, choose wisely
third: negation on any relation between phenomena and noumena. Is it really that crazy to believe that, since our mind is always already there and directed at something, that when we see that something we are actually percieving qualities based upon that same thing-in-itself? I do not claim that we can know the whole thing, i just claim that things have properties and we can know some of them, and that our immanent world is not mutilated from reality as a whole but in fact something included in it, like the images of a pc we see in a monitor in relation to all reality.

>> No.15475291

Confirmed for retard.
Correct answer is Hegel.

>> No.15475297

hegel is superior to kant in any possible way

>> No.15475378
File: 1.48 MB, 1232x1251, 456n7465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is just too stupid to understand Kant.