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15469587 No.15469587 [Reply] [Original]

Was Thomas Hobbes right?

>> No.15469589

Jimmy Dore was right.
Cops are just a bunch of thugs

>> No.15469590

damn, is america ok?

>> No.15469623

Turns out the pigs were the fascists the whole time

>> No.15469641

America genuinely disgusts me more and more as time goes one.
There was a time in my naïve past when I thought America was a bastion of liberty and democracy.
I'm continually saddened to know how wrong I was.

>> No.15469661 [DELETED] 

We are certainly living in interesting times.
What happens next in 2020?
I hope we don't go to war. I am scared that we will go to war.

>Turning and turning in the widening gyre
>The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
>Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
>Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
>The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
>The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
>The best lack all conviction, while the worst
>Are full of passionate intensity.

>Surely some revelation is at hand;
>Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
>The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
>When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
>Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
>A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
>A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
>Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
>Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
>The darkness drops again; but now I know
>That twenty centuries of stony sleep
>Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
>And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
>Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

>> No.15469664
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Marx was right. This is praxis. Rise up, fight back.

>> No.15469667

No, ironically in this case the rioters are the ones wanting to enforce justice and lawfulness while the state is on the side of barbarism.

Actually most riots break out only because someone at the top of the hierarchy breaks a law and people are pissed that the rules are not enforced enough. They do not represent the inherently violent and caothic human nature or whatever.

>> No.15469670
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I don't give a shit about bl*ck people

>> No.15469674
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Are you unfamiliar with the distinction between white on black, and black on white crime? And furthermore how rare such a scenario of this killing is?

Besides, the cop was dumb but the black man was a criminal and tried to runaway. It was merely an accident.

>> No.15469684

If this was the old days they would strip that police faggot naked and tar and feather him.

>> No.15469687

fucking epic

>> No.15469688

>never read hobbes

>> No.15469713

I doubt you’d call nine minutes of some fat pigs knee on your windpipe an accident if it happened to you.
General callousness of police is systemic. I don’t give a fuck about color statistics.
Looting comes from systemic poverty. It’s all a very unfortunate situation, but very predictable. The powers that be have set this up to happen elsewhere

>> No.15469734

Police bad
Black people bad
White people bad
Hobbes bad
Republicans bad
Democrats bad

>> No.15469746

I thoughts blacks were superior race

>> No.15469756

They are. This is the culmination of a centuries long dialectic between black people and white masters. Read Mao, this was inevitable and will not end well for the white man.

>> No.15469763

This isn't even an issue that only affects blacks. Even if you're a racist motherfucker, you need to recognize how incompetent and reckless trigger happy American Police are.
Watch the video of Daniel Shaver's murder and you'll see just how fucked up this shit really is.

>> No.15469770

Yes, about everything.

>> No.15469772

Why? Will the white man have to drop another bomb on another inferior race again?

>> No.15469779

Superior at what? Basketball?

>> No.15469789

If you defend the police you might be retarded and need your head caved in.

>> No.15469790 [DELETED] 

Why are niggers so stupid?

>we are upset about a social issue
>lets loot and destroy our own city harming only ourselves in any meaningful way

>> No.15469794

try it and i'll call the cops

>> No.15469796
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>> No.15469805

I mean there's nothing wrong with police in theory. This is a uniquely American issue. Most places in the world, police don't behave like that.

>> No.15469824

>This is a uniquely American issue. Most places in the world, police don't behave like that.

Police push their behaviour to the very limits of what they're allowed to get away with in every country. In Europe, they may not have guns and a right to murder people on the street, but they can get away with harassment and unlawful arrests so long as it serves the purpose of keeping the peace amongst the natives and muslims in areas where white girls are systematically groomed.

>> No.15469884

The government comes from the people. The quality of the people determines the type of government and the orderliness of the society.
Strong government is not needed when the society is made up of good people, and such government is useless when the people are violent apes.

>> No.15469889

Doesn't it kinda seem like not only are the police also violent apes, but that their actions are only making it worse? Perhaps a nonviolent, or at least non-lethal approach might be better.

>> No.15469921

It's probably more to do with black people breaking the law first causing the police to take more drastic actions than the police being violent because of for some reason.

>> No.15469957

You mean serving the state is fashy?

>> No.15469992

Answering the question in the OP, real change happens from the inside out, not outside in.

Without real change, police will naturally oppress, citizens will naturally commit crimes, governments will naturally be corrupt, corporations will naturally exploit, etc.

>> No.15469997
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Literally ALL these problems could be avoided if there were no multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a disease to any society.

>> No.15469998

This would be the case if the systems were transparent and not hidden behind closed doors and secret meetings.

>> No.15470004

>police corruption, brutality and totalitarianism doesnt exist without multiculturalism
I refer you to Victoria, Australia during the gold rush.

>> No.15470006

The system IS the people. It comes from the people and is supported by the people. A tyrannical despot is only allowed to be a tyrannical despot because the common people give her power.

>> No.15470021

I take back what I said. I think multiculturalism always creates more problems than solutions but it is definitely not the sole source of societal problems (as any rational person would agree).

>> No.15470026

The thought that i share this board with such a massive brainlet has removed every single last shred of hope i had for this fucking site

>> No.15470041

Well yea it certainly leads to many issues.
Say if there were no blacks, the typical police brutality and profiling would stop. But then it may just switch to people getting $100 fines for each mile over the speed limit they get clocked. Idk really..

>> No.15470042
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Name one (1) benefit of living in a multicultural/multiethnic society that is not food.

>> No.15470058

If the police were all from the same culture/same ethnicity as the person who was killed there wouldn't be any riots right now. It all comes from racial friction.
>But then it may just switch to people getting $100 fines for each mile over the speed limit they get clocked
How is that related to anything?
Also my point is that it's not the blacks themselves that is the problem, it's the multiculturalism.

>> No.15470059

yellow bitches brown bitches black bitches

>> No.15470065

you have no genuine response

>> No.15470069

None of which you'll ever be able to touch

>> No.15470074

excuse me bro but why not i finesse not i only i be pulling up in foreign i be not pulling out of foreign yknow

>> No.15470370

>police corruption, brutality and totalitarianism doesnt exist without multiculturalism
>I refer you to Victoria, Australia during the gold rush.

What about the Chinese?

>> No.15471787

shut up you fucking nigger

>> No.15472119


>> No.15472133

Not an argument, soiyum

>> No.15472284

he was accused of using a fraudulent check, that's why the clerk called the cops. and, it turned out the check was perfectly legal!

go fuck yourself

>> No.15472288

how is lootting a target harming themselves lmao

target literally funded hundreds of millions of surveillance in downtown minneapolis to help the cops. if anything, burning down target helps these communities

>> No.15472346

your talking hogwash mate

>> No.15473328

what book is this?

>> No.15473347

It helps them to hinder the ability of the cops to police their community, allowing even more crime to happen, and everything to further deteriorate?

>> No.15473367
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Guys a serious question:

Does Hobbes call man man's wolf because man will act hyperrational to his best means to beat any other man
does man have the nature that enables him to act like wolf (can be perceived as irrational and able to inflict greatest brutality and cruelty).

>> No.15473387

>blacks burn and loot unconcerned bystanders whenever a member of their racial group was wronged
>but police are thugs
as always is the case with liberals (yes, that’s what you are, don’t give me that whole “muh leftism is not liberal” shit you love to cop out with) your naivety is a side effect of your inexperience. follow a cop for 1 day and you’ll realize what makes someone act like a ‘thug’

>> No.15473398

No; srs nigger problem; pls halp

>> No.15473409

wanna know how I know you neither employ others or have been the victim of a crime?

>> No.15473420

>less surveillance
Is this just a tacit admission that all negros do is commit crime? Otherwise should t the surveillance serve to curb police brutality? Lol it’s the same nonsense with body cams— you morons are unsaitifable

>> No.15473430

At least he’s full of an argument, cunt

>> No.15473456

so he's full of a hogwash argument then

>> No.15473461

and the cop is fired and probably going to be charged for with manslughter, what justifies the destruction of property of unconcerned innocents when the city actually is trying to fix the problem?

>> No.15473465

lol, some IQ you have there

>> No.15473492

Knee wasn’t on the windpipe. He misplaced it on the back of his neck. should’ve been lower towards the shoulder blades. That’s why the cop was dumb.
People really shouldn’t resist arrest. I understand they think they have rights etc and they do but once you resist and keep resisting the cops’ gloves come off and they’ll manhandle you which can have fatal results. If you’re being detained or even stopped by cops take a second and chill the fuck out. You’re not Jackie Chan, you can’t escape em. You’re not going to win them over spouting your ACLU interpretation of the constitution. If they’re wrong, then fight the fight legally or just get over it.

>> No.15473578

Latinos don’t do this
There is no shortage of conflict between police and Latinos in southern CA (where I live) but this kind of this would be unthinkable
If Latinos took to the streets burning and looting stores the other Latinos working in those stores would get them to stop.
Srsly: why the fuck are blacks like this? Like, the whole fucking globe recognizes blacks shit deal in America and wants things to get better, why are the blacks themselves constantly the only ones preventing their own advancement?

>> No.15473598

It's mostly cuckold White liberals who are allowing (and promoting) this to happen

>> No.15473603

go read t*itter. they think it's their right to riot, destroy and steal. it makes sense desu, they didnt build any of it so they dont have any attachment to it.