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/lit/ - Literature

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15469416 No.15469416 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently reading Dorian Gray and Wilde calls the theater owner a filthy Jew. I fell in love instantly, and I would like to bash jews in the novel I'm working on, very offhand, it has nothing to do with anything the book is about. I have also seen Hemingway use the word kike, and he thrashes the Jewish character in TSAR.

Obviously no one will take my novel seriously if I use the term filthy jew or, even worse, kike. What I'm thinking is to have an outside character say something bad about jews, and be corrected by a more important character. That character would go on to defend jews in a way that appears sincere, but is actually extremely flimsy and fails to hold up to the most modest scrutiny. This way I will look like a jew defender, while in reality, sneakily being antisemitic under everyone's noses.

What sort of poor fallacious arguments can I use in defense of Jews?

>> No.15469505

Play the "Jews are hated because they're smarter than most people" card

>> No.15469526

just publish it in a muslim country. they love books that bash jews there.

>> No.15469815

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Dorian Gray call the theatre owner a "filthy jew" and Lord Wotton defended him? I always thought it was meant to be that Dorian was so obsessed with image and vanity that the first thing he noticed was that the man was ugly and jewish. I haven't read it in a while so there's a possibility I was wrong, and I don't know much about Oscar Wilde so maybe he was just antisemitic. I thought he was trying to make a point.