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/lit/ - Literature

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15467815 No.15467815 [Reply] [Original]

>What’s the practical impact of hundreds of millions lost to pirated book sales on an annual basis? Authors are regularly unable to complete a book series that isn’t turning a profit, and ebook piracy is a big contributing factor to lost income.


This has to stop.

>> No.15467828

They don't make money in the second hand market anyway.

>> No.15467841

>and ebook piracy is a big contributing factor to lost income.
Publishers are deathly afraid of ebooks because they earn 90% of their revenue from traditional hardbacks and then paperbacks. Ebooks are added on at the tail-end of the publishing process because the flexibility of the format would endanger sales otherwise, and for every publisher there is a separate set of DRM software needed to read the files and a different set of terms of use. If you've ever had to deal with e-book publishers you would also know that they charge absolutely horrendous prices. I'm not paying 200$ for a broken and hamstrung version of a printed book privately, and I'm not paying 200$ so that the e-book I have already purchased can be loaned out once to a neighbouring library.

>> No.15467846

Who is the MILF?

>> No.15467851

Me on the left

>> No.15467853

>piracy=lost sale

>> No.15467857

Seriously? Why not take the music industry approach? Do people really need to think everything over and over again. Amazon already did that.

>> No.15467858

his mom

>> No.15467859

Do Asians get time outside of homework

>> No.15467862

most publishers are run by kikes and women who only publish anti-white propaganda, so fuck them and their profits

>> No.15467863

I can asses from this picture only that this kid will be a total loser

>> No.15467868

How do you know he’s on 4chan?

>> No.15467869
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>> No.15467876

This gave me a stiffy.
All praise libgen!
The pirate's life for me arrrrrrrrrrgh

>> No.15467950

Piracy is a non-issue. It's a scapegoat to explain poor sales. Hollywood does the same thing. They claim piracy is a real issue as they make money hand over foot. Any claim of lost revenue is a guess pulled straight from their ass because they're certainly not monitoring the pirate bay and counting each download.

>authors are unable to complete book series
No. Authors could complete a book series regardless of sales, they choose not to because they don't have any integrity and only care about profit. And who cares? Oh no, bodice ripper number 40582 will never get a sequel! Oh no, Sherlock Holmes ripoff 869273 will never get a sequel! How will I cope?

If I were an author I would be happy people were reading my book, pirated or not.

>> No.15467973

You know what actually kills sales? Shit like 50 shades, the hunger games, harry potter, etc... and annoying authors like Stephen King and Dan Brown. They flood the market, which means that these are the books that most people buy (my guess is that they're bought as gifts for relatives who like reading, but don't read that trash). I say this because most people I encounter don't read many books. I know English teachers that read maybe one or two books a year, I feel embarrassed for them when I know more about literature than they do, and I know very little (though I am well versed in maths).

If you want to make money from writing, you need to write book after book, quantity over quality, which aligns with the consumerist model. Cookbooks that repeat the same old recipes, "self-help", that kind of shit. No one writes good literature for money, I don't think. In the internet age, it's easier than ever to write and self-publish a pdf of a book, just set up a donation process of sorts and you're good. I laugh at the 300 million lost in sales, because I know that the authors who cry over it are already living above their means, and if they aren't, they are dishonourable fools nonetheless.

I admittedly have read books without paying, for example, I read "the subtle art of not giving a fuck" from a pdf I found online. I would be too ashamed to be caught carrying the book in public (seems I do give a fuck after all huh?), and I only read it because I was sick of people mentioning it and acting all smug like "hu hu hur the book title says fuck". I wanted to know what exactly it said so that I could shit on it in confidence. I can safely say that the book is a money grab, as I always suspected. I rarely buy books from book stores, the main reason is that I am not much a fan of most modern 'literature'. Buying a book second hand, or borrowing it from the library, doesn't really hurt the author in my case, since the author is likely dead. Otherwise, the author is already wealthy from other ventures (in the case of the biographies I have loaned), and so to pay for the book with money seems a wasted sum when I am already paying them with my time.

I agree with the philosophy of >>15467950, though I make music, not books (I hope one day to write something good). I have made a little from my music, enough for a few coffees. The fact that people have listened to my album make me happy enough. The little purchases feed my ego more than my stomach, they make me happy that someone appreciated my music enough to buy it, but I have also openly stated that I have no qualms with people using mp3 converters to get my music for free.

>> No.15468033

>If I were an author I would be happy people were reading my book, pirated or not.
That's because you have low standards as an uncreative consoomer.
I'm sure you would do ungodly things to publish even a mediocre book.

>> No.15468061
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>I can assess
>I can asses

>> No.15468068

>publishers most affected

>> No.15468078

Write something that vibes with the popular culture and get millions from movie or tv deals.

>> No.15468079

I don't understand your argument.

Are you saying only creative books are published? Are you saying I'm uncreative? Are you saying mediocre books are never published? Or am I mediocre? Or are you saying that only authors with "high standards" care about piracy? High standards for what?

>> No.15468087

If I had a SERIES of books that PEOPLE WANTED TO READ, nothing could fucking stop me from writing that shit. I'd write that shit on my bathroom breaks at the Amazon warehouse. Talk about %0.001 people problems.

>> No.15468138

english is my third language and I have the biggest trouble with double letters. Sometimes it is a double letter sometimes it isnt. For some words this seems completely arbitrary

>> No.15468146

His gf is hot

>> No.15468231

>you're not a creative if your thinking isn't occupied by making shekels out of your work
Just how.

>> No.15468245


>> No.15468248

This is why we must transition to universal basic income. Piracy is inevitable, we can't ever fight it, but we can make sure it won't stop authors from writing by guaranteeing their income.

>> No.15468307

lil nigga living the dream

>> No.15468323 [DELETED] 

Everyone secretly despises successful solo authors and artists. Why should they be paid to be creative and express themselves when everyone else slaves away at menial work? When I make art, I will hide behind a company name and pretend to be a "team."

>> No.15468356

find a way to get paid or die.

>> No.15468395

>What’s the practical impact of hundreds of millions lost to pirated book sales on an annual basis?
Zero because a pirated copy isn't a lost sale and anyone claiming it is is a big fat liar

>> No.15468404

why do filipinos do this?

>> No.15468415

I don't know, it seems like he's already got it all figured out.

>> No.15468428

i wanto to stick my tongue down her throat and rub my balls on her forehead and cum in her hair

>> No.15468437

what the fuck is the difference between pirating a book and borrowing it from a library?

>> No.15468445

call me square, but i only pirate older (> 10 years old) books b/c i think by that point it is no longer reasonable to expect income from something you wrote. for stuff that's newer, than that, i do try to buy new b/c i do think that authors deserve to be rewarded in some way

>> No.15468464
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information wants to be free
juden want to be gassed

>> No.15468520

This is a good thing. Books which are written to turn a profit are not worth reading. It is dishonest to put the literary equivalent of a video game on the same shelf as the great authors of our time. Valuable literature and value-contributing authors will remain, buoyed by academia. Anything else will, and should, perish. Imagine a world with no Harry Potter, no Game of Thrones, no bargain bin fantasy schlock. No more lazy, greedy, uninspired writers pushing out shit worth less than the paper it's printed on.

>>15467973 is right

>> No.15468748

It makes me happy to know that books like Lord of the flies were written as a satire of popular island adventure books of the time, and it outlives them all. I hope the same happens to shit like Harry Potter and Game of Thrones.

>> No.15468769

Authors are retarded. They should just get a patreon.

>> No.15468810

patreon is literally the cult of personality commodified

>> No.15468837

"juden" already have homes to stocks to collect rent off of, they don't need authorship royalties

the only ones getting hurt by this are artists who might expect financial compensation proportional to how influential/widespread their work ends up becoming

>> No.15468849

There are a number of motivations to write books, self expression, prestige, and by far the worst is to make money. Pirating is a positive by lessening that motive. Also, starving artists are good artists.

>> No.15469108

Don't care!

>> No.15469174

I do

>> No.15469205

>Why not take the music industry approach?
By installing spyware rootkits on your customers' devices?

>> No.15469223

Read "Fatal Subtraction" for a glimpse at how the Jew keeps from ever paying what he owes in the entertainment industry. I am sure publishing is similar.

>> No.15469230

Whys this pic kinda popular on here?

>> No.15469239

English is retarded like that, don't worry about it.

>> No.15469305


>> No.15469313

square ass motherfucker

>> No.15469317

how did this asian faggot manage to get a mommy gf?

>> No.15469335

Me on the right

>> No.15469336

not asian, he's hispanic, the mother is also hispanic, her hair is dyed

>> No.15469341

>but she has a white body
I've never seen a hispanic girl with a mommy body like that.

>> No.15469351

we come in various shades, my man
>never seen a hispanic girl with a mommy body
nigga please

>> No.15469356

>all cultural industries, from books to vidya and film, are doing great
>muh piracy
These retards I swear. Anyway, I highly doubt some YA no-name will be much affected by me pirating Hegel.

>> No.15470170
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Artists don't know their own power because they were still in diapers when the Cluetrain Manifesto came out

>> No.15470709

Kikes getting a fraction less of your money.

>> No.15470907
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I set a rasperry pi to copy and delete the harry potter series endessly.
I am bringing the publishing industry down single handed

>> No.15470980


>> No.15470989

Isn't it funny how the publishing industry is so far behind the cultural times they're having their whole mid 80s tape-deck recorder discussion a quarter of a century too late?

>> No.15471034

based accelerationist

>> No.15471089

You are doing literally nothing. Congrats on being edgy

>> No.15471094

correct post

>> No.15471111

Thats, literally the point absolute smoothbrain.

>> No.15471231

>piracy is a non-issue
>*changes tab*
>gawd why is modern culture so shit

>> No.15471925

Why do I see 60+ replies after this psot?

>> No.15471980

...all at the same time?

>> No.15472314

>can't finish a series
if you can't tell your story in one book you don't deserve to profit from it

>> No.15472390

I worked in the industry as a financial employee. Piracy was a complete non-issue, all the big publishers brag about how well the “digital disruption” worked out for them versus the Music industry.
The whole ebook boom increased gross sales as well as shifting the proportions of sales. The only time it got uncomfortable was in 2015 (i think it was 2015, it could have been 2014) when ebook sales contracted and it caused gross sales to hit below projections.
Ebooks are significantly cheaper than Hardcover books to produce and distribute. Publishers are also liable for returns on physical copies which is irrelevant with digital.
Audiobooks have also exploded

>they earn 90% of their revenue from traditional hardbacks and then paperbacks
That’s not true at all, a typical release has anywhere from 40%-60% of sales budgeted for digital depending on the audience
The only way I can imagine this being true is if you’re looking at a specific imprint that specializes in like cookbooks or coffee-table books that don’t translate at all to digital

If anything they’re scared of Amazon controlling the industry, especially since audio sales keep making up a bigger percentage of revenue.

>> No.15472497

>if people couldn't download then surely they would pay full price for a hardback copy of the sugar-coated scrotum

>> No.15472516 [DELETED] 

My uni supports piracy by having scanners in the library lmfao
Corps can chock on this cheesy dick

>> No.15472533

all books and all information should be free, as should freedom of speech here is my MAC address: 001A3FF14CC6

>> No.15472546

because their books are shit
People are happy to pay for things they love.
But no one actually loves what publishers are shitting out.

>> No.15472590

If you were unable to finish that book series, it wasn't because pirates were stealing the profit.
>He can't spin free advertising for profit
Never going to make it, anywhere.

>> No.15472592

fiction is a waste of time anyways. let the pirate tards cull the trash by destroying their sales

>> No.15472627

There’s literally no reason an author can’t finish a series unless it just isn’t going to make enough money to be worth his time.
Advances and production costs are a function of projected sales.
If the big publisher of books 1-3 won’t do it then take it to a smaller one.
That scenario would have to be that the author refuses to do it because the advance isn’t big enough or maybe because he can’t get them to spend a certain amount in marketing.
It would have to be greed or ego

>> No.15472650
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>pirating something you never would have bought anyway gets considered lost income
i don't understand this at all. i seriously never pirated anything i'd have bought if i couldn't pirate it. i feel that's what most people are like

>> No.15472668

I wish I had a hot white step mom.

>> No.15472669

You can release trilogies for free without worrying about profit.
If your life depends on you pulling off three multi-month projects, you're not going to make it. Don't write to make profits or you'll find an excuse like "No agent wants the first book in this series I've been working on since highschool, so I won't ever finish the series!"
Just write it anyway.

>> No.15472677
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absolutely checked

>> No.15472738

>I’m too smart for fiction

>> No.15472748
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>reading books made by currently living authors

>> No.15472819

retard cope
writing books takes time and you need money to live.

>> No.15472910

>you need money to live.
Also you don't have to make that money writing. Just write, it doesn't have to make money for one to want to make a book and then make another.

>> No.15472919

You’d have to be pulling like 60 hour weeks at your day job before you couldn’t write anymore

>> No.15472922

unless you got extremely lucky, you will have a hard time writing anything good in any reasonable amount of time while also wageslaving.

>> No.15472934

I would rather pirate a book then give $5 to the author than buy a book so the author gets ¢50 or less.
The music industry corporations are just about clinging on, there is no value added from a publisher; let them burn.

>> No.15472935
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Not going to make it.

>> No.15472943

American High School teachers have like 40 hour work weeks and 2 months off a year
You just don’t to admit that there’s got to be a financial sacrifice to pursue a passion

>> No.15472985

Oh well, but you see, in this modern digital economy writers do not write for money anymore except for some clear tryhards. Writers write for attention and the rest just comes along, therefore piracy is not hurting sales piracy is actually giving attention to authors that wouldn't get any otherwise, but they do not understand this, they only understand that if you want to access something you have to pay and anything else is clutter.

But there is no need to worry, by not adapting they are going the way of the dodo anyway.

>> No.15473051

>Not worrying about the profitability of a craft/hobby means you don't get paid for writing.
See >>15472935

>> No.15473340

And so, suddenly all the niggas became writers for dem gimmedats.
We need to go back to the dilettantes. Only the rich people should write while the poor people bleed.

>> No.15473385

>Those who write to eat do not write nor eat
> Francisco de Quevedo

This is not new at all anon

>> No.15473399

The Cluetrain manifesto is a walmart neoliberal manifesto. I wonder if the parallel between the Martin Luther's 95 theses and Cluetrain is intended given that modern day capitalism functions largely as a secularized protestantism. Or is it, as I suspect, a coincidence?

>> No.15473415

Fuck you and die.

>> No.15473462

>What’s the practical impact of hundreds of millions lost to pirated book sales on an annual basis?
a fuck ton of people get to read without restriction

>> No.15473567

>The Egyptian Publishers Union found last year that piracy cost Egypt's publishers $16.8 million annually
Seriously? Egyptian?
>ebook piracy found $315 million in US book sales was lost annually due to piracy
Good, but not enough.

1 Never buy books that you can pirate.
2 Buy books that you cannot pirate and then pirate them.
3 If the publisher says that he will close the series due to piracy - this publisher should not exist.
4 If you want to thank / support the author of the work - send him money. If the author does not have an account for a quick (and preferably anonymous) money transfer, this is his problem.

(Sincerely yours, active russian torrent-pirate with many years of experience.)

>> No.15473601

even more based
reaching dangerously high based levels, fuck series and all garbage fiction

>> No.15473625

The only people who don’t agree with this are people who entertain hopes of being not only a successful writer, but of the even smaller percentage that makes a living off of it

>> No.15473645

Ebooks deserve to be pirated. They are such a fucking scummy businesses and the publishers deserve everything for their ridiculous greed.
If you want to fuck over people with ridiculous DRM and insane prices, then go ahead, I am not buying your garbage.

>> No.15473651

i'd probably kys myself if I ever hope to be in it for the money desu, I'm having my first book published this fall (allegedly) and the moment it's available as epub I'll upload it to libgen
fuck entitled "artists"

>> No.15473659

>kys myself

>> No.15473662

You need money, bro. Bills don't pay for themselves.

>> No.15473688

So based that I feel deep in my soul how somewhere a semite publisher whimpers in pain as he dies.
I wish I was you.

>> No.15473698

You don't have to worry about bills if you commit suicide. Read Sartre for Further information.

>> No.15473710

i have a job bro