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File: 63 KB, 480x608, 1581218565221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15463125 No.15463125 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a deeper philosophical utterance than pic rel?

>> No.15463376

Yeah, that pic says "don't be nihilistic"; not deep at all.

>> No.15463420

How can he prove that something is based on something unproven?

>> No.15463465

Nihilism is for 17 year olds

>> No.15463494

Donald claims that all phaenomena of consciousness are unrelated to truth.
Mickey points to this as insincere, as, if that were to be true, Donald's statement would also be unrelated to the truth.

>> No.15463656
File: 196 KB, 640x652, ddabc78f-9723-4625-a950-c151089453b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea. heres the full pic though

>> No.15463687
File: 238 KB, 942x960, EUOIJ3iXQAAX7oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a size for non-twinks.

>> No.15463688

nice I didn't know there was more, thanks

>> No.15464755

How does one unironically argue with a person who speaks like Donald does.
Too many of my """""friends""""" and cousins my age pretend to suffer under this ficxation of depression that through the period of their visits to clinics and psychiatrists leads them to the point where they describe their day as effects from one personality disorder to the next.
I struggle to get dressed since my depersonalization and then I couldn't cross the road because of my anxiety and I couldnt stay in the subway to my uni because of the schizophrenic paranoia I felt off the people around me.
Imagine actually saying this unironcially.
I usually try to go through some platonic method of helping them show that their words are not certain to them as clearly as they think they are but this is with examples from like Theitetos and such and then usually I would use Hume's examples and some Philosophy of Language.
but not just do I feel pathetic and more inept than I would have felt otherwise but I strongly doubt it has any impact on them as it had on me, who never was that deep in the rabbithole of scientism for my emotional issues but still had issues I struggled to deal with.
All they want is the phsychiatry answers (of today) that explain everything in means that no natural scientist would feel the need to object to.
When so many of these people are more content being impotent and unhappy while on drugs indefinitely than even considering overcoming their issues that are not uncommonly described as being surmountable without ever needing to imbibe any medication then why even bother.
I notice my vanity in my "knowledge" from philosophy more stronger everytime and in the end my efforts always seem futile eventhough it is them that bring up the topic and with some even asking me how I "overcame my depression" phase. Yet when they hear my beliefs they do not consider them realistic.
I wish I had something manifest that I could show that I am not jsut speaking nonsense and personal beliefs but that I have some answers by reputable people that had the same issues as they did that led them to becoming drug-drones.
Whats wrong with being a twink?

>> No.15464847

>Whats wrong with being a twink?

>> No.15464867

>that whole blogpost
>is a fucking twink

>> No.15464878

Hatred of "twinks" is usually only jealousy by ugly guys who started balding by freshman year college.
The notion that a boy can be beautiful is something for them only imaginable in ancient poetry.
Their notion of the male body is as ugly and hideous as their body is.
Antinous was a real boi and one of the greatest roman emperors made the entire empire build temples and shrines for him and immortalize him as a deity.

>> No.15464887

Literally one step away from a tranny

>> No.15464906

No. At some point the juvenile beauty because more manly and loses the sublime aspect it once had. At which point the now late 20s ex-twink will have to resort to a girl and only have the memories of having been beautiful. Trannies are mentally deranged and deserve hanging.

>> No.15464917

Rejecting the philosophy of minors is not particularly profound

>> No.15464921

it is here

>> No.15464925

This type of argument is ages old, it's deep if you have never read philosophy. It's a good image, but you'll find equally if not greater mind-expansions on every fifth page of the Critique of Pure Reason or something.

>> No.15464929
File: 41 KB, 500x363, kurukshetra_war_32_bc_krishna_and_arjuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?
>I shall trust in God and fight without attachment to the fruits of my actions

>> No.15464933

You should probably set higher standards for yourself

>> No.15465313

what a stupid fucking image that not only contradicts itself but also says nothing at all
read kant

>> No.15465339

>the male form is only beautiful when it poorly imitates the female form
Cringe and trannypilled

>> No.15465354

what a stupid fucking post that not only contradicts itself but also says nothing at all
read nietzsche

>> No.15465478
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1567207521948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look outside of your window. Just look, whether there be green trees full of life, or grey concrete. Can you see them? Or do you see ideas, memories, emotions...? Your absurd chemicals are nowhere to be found. The world around you is animated, alive - spirited. It is spirit.

You are not a set of chemicals, even if you reduce everything to materialism. Each chemical that you are made up of could be replaced, and is replaced over your lifetime. Your brain could be replaced by something completely different that would have the same function, i.e. sustaining, or channeling your consciousnesses. You emerge out of a collection of atoms, but you are not the atoms themselves.

>> No.15465504


>> No.15465517

I just refuted it in the post above yours

>> No.15465530

Yeah, but by not trusting the chemicals/physical. Mickey isn’t fighting, he’s running like a dog.

Ah, but Donald is the more pathetic

>> No.15465610

>Your absurd chemicals are nowhere
They’re in my head and eyes. Refuted
> The world around you is animated, alive - spirited. It is spirit.
They indeed move, but the term “spirited” doesn’t conjure up the ghosts you are seeking.
> even if you reduce everything to materialism
Debunking magic doesn’t reduce the world of the stories you first heard of them in, my child.
> Your brain could be replaced by something completely different that would have the same function
Indeed an interesting concept to the challenge of attaining immortality (so to speak) a mind/body that can be perpetuated for many millions of years would lose sight of its youthful age, memories perfectly stored may just be cleaned out to bring that freshness back, but the past is past, and the new child this immortal makes itself will be someone new.
You are only Now.


>> No.15465621


>> No.15465672
File: 289 KB, 422x590, 1235544567868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well your understanding of twink is exactly what I called "twink".
You mean a boy who is so malnurished he really has a prepubescent female body type.
I mean twink as a boy with the virility and form of a youth before he reaches the brute male form.
A boi who is so weak his arms are twigs or his voice is artificially high is not beautiful. It is degenerate and truly one step from going tranny. That is not the only twink.
pic related is still a twink before his face is covered in constant facial hair or his hairline starts receding. No excess muscle growth from over exercising and taking (lite)roids.
The whole thing I am talking about is not imitating something else, but fully embracing the sublime form of male beauty from like 17 - ~24 neither femanizing or falling into the ageing form of full adult manhood.
Too many who were never beautiful (not everyone is) fail to even see this as a true stage, but rather try to force it into the two categories they know of brute male or female.

>> No.15465697

Holy shit you're a faggot

>> No.15465721

I don't have windows

>> No.15465730

Physicalism is irrefutable. Level up

>> No.15465743

And enjoying being so.
Seethe about losing the gene lottery and never experiencing the purest love a male youth can feel.

>> No.15465756

based fellow basement dweller

>> No.15465787

no, I'm in Prison.

>> No.15465791


>> No.15465967

thanks m8

>> No.15466084

What you're valuing here is an inferior male form. You're the male equivalent of a lolifag. Virility without experience is inferior to virility with experience, which you get in the peak male form of the late 20s-early 30s before the body starts to fall apart. You're doing exactly what you're claiming not to do and valuing twinks based on female characteristics. It shows through when you're deciding muscle mass. Physically immature men are inferior to physically mature women and men full stop. Tldr you're a faggot trying to justify your faggotry with sophistry

>> No.15466090

deriding not deciding

>> No.15466094

I've been told I look like a twink. I have a youthful attractive face, slender hairless body, and I'm aging very gracefully. I'm straight and smart enough not to fall for the tranny meme, but women keep breaking my heart and I'm losing faith in woman's love. Should I try to find my Kaworu?

>> No.15466105

>everyone who doesnt get their ass pounded is ugly
Faggot cope. You even bitch like a girl too

>> No.15466123
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

males peak around age 22-24 if we're talking pure physicality and facial attractiveness. Even if you mean muscle mass Arnold won the Olympia at age 23, and you can't tell me you need to be bulkier than that

>> No.15466160

>males peak around age 22-24
lel 40 more like it

>> No.15466212

I don't want to shut you down, but imo Kaworu-love is only for the youth. Any other form such as a youth with someone older or two older ones who are "gracefully aging" lack the sublimity I mention and veer into the region of degeneracy.
You shouldn't have gotten to fond of women anyways while young, since if you did, you won't be able to experience the pure innocent youth love for ebautiful guys.
I would say this is objective but if you feel otherwise I won't shut you down.
Mate, I agree with what you say.
Any dude who is approaching the peak male (manhood) form should not be messing around being "beautiful" but is at the prime for relationship with women instead and ought to be preoccupied with what manhood actually entails.
I am staunchly against the exploitation of "twinks" by old slobs, but I am also against sublime beautiful boys wasting their peak on roasties or others who are incapable of being reciprocal in that sublime aspect.
I am also very explicit that only a small minority get to be beautiful and some for shorter time than others.
>males peak around age 22-24
Using an Übermensch freak like Arnold as the norm is retarded. Most won't be able to reach peak virility before 26 some not before 30, and I assume it can hold on for a while from that point forward.
Peak male is later than that anyway since one would include cerebral ability and experience part of the whole, so average Navy Seal age is probably more representative of the absolute peak for a man (if they were properly educated as well).
But none of this is what I am talking about since none of these forms would be considered sublime beautiful, but something else firstly.

>> No.15466228
File: 40 KB, 901x510, yY58MX3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also won Mr. Olympia the next 6 times he competed when he was 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 33 you retard. Funny enough the only time he competed and didn't win was when he was 22, he came in second to a 26 year old. Your own retarded example refutes your argument.

>> No.15466241

Mr olympia is not about male beauty, I only included the pic of Arnold to point out that you can go well beyond a reasonable amount of muscle by that age

>> No.15466253

No. All humans peak at 20 to 25. They stop growing up and start to grow old.
You just have a fetish for grandpas

>> No.15466256

>implying he didn't peak during Conan the barbarian anyway and he was like 35 at that point

>> No.15466261

>All humans peak at 20 to 25
Nah women peaks at like 16-19. Men peaks around 40.

>> No.15466265

Dangerously Based

>> No.15466266

He's clearly not indicative of the average body builder faggot. The time-frame you gave was 17-24 as peak and even Arnold, one of the most exceptional examples of bodybuilding to ever exist, couldn't win at 22. 17-24 was not his prime by any measure, even the most extraordinary example you could come up with goes against your claim.

>> No.15466303

>The time-frame you gave was 17-24 as peak a
nigger it was like 3 posts ago, how can you already have mangled it. I said 22-24. The reason I said that is that after this age the vast majority of men's faces start deteriorating. Wrinkles, sagging, eyes, lips, skin get less bright, balding, accumulation of fat, often hardened expressions set in, etc. Maybe for some guys it's as late as 28 or something, it's not in their 30s.

you guys are mistaking the fact that girls will go after older men for a variety of reason with their actual physical attractiveness.

>> No.15466304

Again, you’re using your sexual fetishes talk here.
Youth is very nice, but it isn’t *peak*

>> No.15466311

It is about aesthetics. It's about symmetry.

>> No.15466324

>My fetishes are about aesthetics and symmetry
We’re discussing “peak”

>> No.15466332

>We’re discussing “peak”
Yes. Women peak in their teens. Men peak in their late 30s or early 40s.

>> No.15466338

Are you fucking dumb, you said it right here
>The whole thing I am talking about is not imitating something else, but fully embracing the sublime form of male beauty from like 17 - ~24 neither femanizing or falling into the ageing form of full adult manhood.
Now you're trying to change your story around. I don't understand it, we can all scroll up and see what you wrote. Just admit that you're both wrong and a faggot or stop replying. Your entire argument was based on valuing feminine characteristics in men, and as soon as you brought up an example of an actual man you proved yourself wrong.

>> No.15466340

You just admitted to be talking about your personal aesthetics. They’re not peak.

>> No.15466344

meant for >>15466303

>> No.15466348

>You just admitted to be talking about your personal aesthetics.
I did not.

>> No.15466357

That is not my post, I made the post that said 22-24. And I just gave you my reasons to do with the face, and the Arnold picture, once again doesn't contradict me because Olympia levels of muscularity are well beyond what could be considered ideal male physique. That is why I posted it in the first place.

>> No.15466365

>e can all scroll up and see what you wrote.
absolute retard, quote a single line in my posts that say i valued the "feminine" characteristics of men.
ugly retard, you are so retarded you cant keep posters apart.

>> No.15466384

>that's not my post
Then why the fuck are you responding to me? I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm arguing with the faggot who thinks feminine skinny 17 year olds are the peak of masculinity.

Respond to me here >>15466084 or admit that you can't faggot.

>> No.15466391

my first post was the Arnold post which you then responded to. It should have been obvious that I was not the previous poster but a new one based on what I said.

>> No.15466398

are you an unironic boomer who is failing to following what is being posted and by whom? lol you are actually retarded.
this >>15466212 was my reply to you, you retard.
need anything else that is obvious pointed out to you?

>> No.15466408

Twink is an extremely ugly word and you’re doing your people a disservice by using it

>> No.15466421

>failing to following
to follow
it is unironically used to name what I described, and it was mentioned before I first used it.

>> No.15466429
File: 36 KB, 565x575, 1279011586367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-y-you're a boomer doomer coomer based cringe cope have sex dilate!
I'll accept your lack of an argument as admission of your defeat.

>> No.15466440

i agree with anon that the image actually contradicts itself, it's just not a buzzword insult against the image.

in spite of his speech bubble containing more philosophical jargon than mouse's, duck is not complicated.
1. duck has beliefs about chemicals
2. duck is now having a nervous breakdown because he starts thinking everything he (thought he) knows and loves might turn out to be wrong.
that's basically duck.

mouse responds with a twist - he tells duck that duck did not question his ability to acquire true beliefs back when he first acquired his beliefs about chemicals. if now duck questions everything he thought he knew in light of what he thinks he knows about chemicals, then he's not really questioning everything he thinks he knows, he just says that he does without following through - duck is a hypocrite for inconsistently following his own advice. he then reminds duck that there are many other things duck does unquestionably, like fight to survive.

mouse's implied argument can be paraphrased in multiple ways, but the gist of it is that duck's beliefs about values undermine his beliefs about chemicals, so his position is self defeating.

there are multiple problems with this situation. the most substantive problem is that mouse is misreading duck's mood. duck is not *arguing* that there is no value in order to assert his power over mouse.. duck is compelled by the force of his own reasons into *questioning* value, and he presents his reasons because he wants help. duck is suffering. look at how scared he is. he's pleading for help. mouse is not helping. duck openly admits (via body language) that nihilism is not a livable philosophy, and there is no greater form of refutation for a theory than it being unlivable. it's a defect far worse than a logical contradiction or incoherence. given this, mouse should not feel the least bit threat from duck. but mouse isn't doing any better if this is the best response mouse has to offer to duck's existential angst. mouse is not happy. he's just reacting differently to the pain. perhaps the creator of this image is also suffering. there are better ways of helping people in duck's situation.

the second most substantive problem is that mouse's implied reductio doesn't refute duck's "argument". a logical argument can only demonstrate that a conjunction of proposition are mutually inconsistent, but it doesn't tell you which one you need to give up. if you believe the premises more than the falsity of the conclusion you might choose accept the conclusion on the strength of the premises, but if the conclusion is repulsive to you then you just need to reject one premise to avoid admitting it. mouse's reductio doesn't make clear what duck should reject. if duck's argument is a paradox, then uncontroversial premises (chemistry) lead to a repulsive conclusion(nihilism). rejecting chemistry is repulsive, but so is the alternative.

there are minor nitpicks beyond those two points.

>> No.15466446

coping this hard
just get off the internet for the day idiot, you have humiliated yourself enough today.

>> No.15466471
File: 122 KB, 862x720, 1353749598345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tranny cant say anything that isnt predictable

>> No.15466482

Twink is the scientific terminology tho.

>> No.15466488

ok this is just pathetic now

>> No.15466523

But the perseption we have is the only reality we`ll ever have. I don't think this reality is devalidated by the structure of its inner workings.

It deserves to be explored and experienced for I am alive and able to explore this - my - reality.

>> No.15466534

Is saying "Hypocrite that you are, for you" instead of "You are a hypocrite, for you" a common literary device? Does it have a name?

>> No.15466579

I eat twinks for breakfast

>> No.15466652

I remember thinking this is a really complicated idea i couldn't understand the first time I saw this meme, around 16. but after even a minimal reading of philosophy you realise it is pseudo-intellectual at best, much like any 'intelligent' meme this website comes up with.

>> No.15466661

this poster will absolutely not say anything of value about the subject, watch

>> No.15466673

everything of value I could have said about it was already said in this thread before I saw it. I read the replies and made my post.

>> No.15466692


>> No.15466997

wow that's my longest ever thread I think

>> No.15467004

well done anon :-)

>> No.15467014

oh yeah? come on throw some mind expansion packs at me man.

>> No.15467025

explain yourself (I agree that >>15465354 is a faggot)

>> No.15467046

It's interesting how we all have had our mind distorted by the video games we played when we were young to entertain the idea of a 'level' that we can have. I mean I understand the idea but it's scary, in a pavlovian way, how often I find myself implicitly thinking about my intellectual development as if I were a wizard leveling up.

>> No.15467053

i messed up. 4chan random kindness is one of the greats things about our civilizati

>> No.15467605
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x3024, 7793E3B0-C27A-49B2-A5D5-85EF668DEA04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I spent the entire day doing yard work, raking out loam as I get ready to plant a new spring lawn. Then I jumped in the lake. I am tired of deep philosophies, I want to rest my soul and live simply.

>> No.15467647

just kill yourself then
stupid opinion

>> No.15467681

donald's conclusion doesn't follow from his hypothesis, why would us being made of chemicals and atoms necessarily follow that nothing matters? he then goes about using circular reasoning (i'm a duck made of chemicals and atoms, and he knows this because he is a duck made of chemicals and atoms). mickey then rightly points out that he is a hypocrite, but then goes on to agree with him regardless of this revelation. mickey doesn't even provide any critique of either of donald's claims, but only goes on to accept it, and tells donald to simply get over it. mickey is simply restating what donald said with an aura of refutation that doesn't exist.

>> No.15467692

Good for you.

>> No.15468241
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>> No.15468256
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>> No.15468269

androgyny is its own form of beauty, personally I find tomboys hot and wish that we could go back to the 90s when the middle path was accepted and embraced by hot teens instead of ftm and mtf

>> No.15468766

TLDR shut up faggot
Read moby dick

>> No.15469548

You're arguing with a woman who is past her peak. Spare yourself.

>> No.15469650

>How does one unironically argue with a person who speaks like Donald does.
>a person
Thy aren't Persons anymore.

>> No.15469658
File: 286 KB, 900x1142, 1583719430715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personally I find tomboys hot and wish that we could go back to the 90s when the middle path was accepted and embraced by hot teens instead of ftm and mtf

>> No.15469672

when will people wake up and realize this? when caitlyn jenner kills itself? it's okay to be a faggy guy. no one's going to arrest you, but youre not a fucking woman jfc

>> No.15469832

Man mickey comics got deep fast

>> No.15469869

Castratos would be beautiful until their old age and death. A lot still had working dicks as well just no sperm.

>> No.15470104

Very informative. Exactly what happens when you lose sight of what really matters.

>> No.15470184

Literally tranny tier.
stop mutilating your body.