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15457809 No.15457809 [Reply] [Original]

I used to be into Sam Harris. I got bored of it, and I got into Jordan Peterson, because he made the world seem more exciting. Then I realised Peterson was probably bullshit, and was having a negative effect on my mental health. Then I got into Contrapoints and PhilosophyTube, which seemed amazing at the time. Now, I'm realising they're only good when they're deconstructing someone like Peterson. I can't actually retain their ideas. I couldn't explain the ideas in a conversation to someone.

Now, I'm thinking that Sam, and someone like Steven Pinker, was probably just right all along.

Anyone else been on a similar journey since about 2016ish?

Also, if you think I sound like an idiot, you're right. I'm just trying to be honest, and to see if anyone feels the same way.

>> No.15457837

I know what you mean. Life makes no sense, basically

>> No.15458023


>> No.15458049

Sam Harris is something of a simpleton. Stop reading and paying attention to meme "thinkers" on youtube and educate yourself properly.

>> No.15458070

I don't understand. How would you recommend I start this process, on a practical level?

>> No.15458076

Some people are just really upset that you can solve ethics with secularism

>> No.15458081

He is definitely not a simpleton. Fame tends to bring out all the contrarians.

>> No.15458085

>le meme thinker
Dude just read some of the books these fucking socialites read. All Peterson does is misquote Solzhenitsyn, fucking read some of these classic yourself.

I'd recommend Jay Dyer if you like just idolizing "le smart person" he is an Orthodox thinker and tackles a lot of conspiracy theories.

>> No.15458087

Read Sean Carroll's "The Big Picture".

>> No.15458091


His video defending Antifa was embarrassing and intellectually dishonest.

>We need to think less about Kant because he was a racist!

>> No.15458098

With the Greeks. No great good without great exertion.

>> No.15458104


Dunno, I like Jordan Peterson. Mainly because he makes sense, I kinda get now why people like him think like him. Have you read that book maps of meaning? It is not an easy read not too hard either, definitely worth checking out the first 3 chapters. Would definitely make my relationship with older people throughout my life easier if I had read that sooner.

I need to read Sam Harris books, I mainly read some random stuff and listened to his podcast.

Need to read that Steven Pinker book about writing and get back into writing.

>> No.15458142
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Your comment made me angry as hell.
Read serious works, not Peterson, Harris, Pinker.

>> No.15458169

Over time everyone becomes boring because you know their take on everything before it comes out of their mouth.
Keep moving anon. Never settle.

>> No.15458179

This is the average lit poster.

>> No.15458190

>I used to be into Sam Harris. I got bored of it, and I got into Jordan Peterson
>Contrapoints and PhilosophyTube
Kill yourself

>> No.15458198

imagine reading contemporary hacks

>> No.15458199

Sam Harris, among his other problems, just keeps bringing up the same points over and over. Doesn't matter who is the guest, he's going to bring the cessation back to one of his favorite hobby horses, like Islam is most evil or one of the others.

>> No.15458207

stop watching youtube. stop watching youtube celebrities. start reading books.

>> No.15458210

bring the *conversation*
Sorry, for being phoneposter.

>> No.15458213

Please leave this board

>> No.15458220

I did go from science-oriented liberalism to gradually more far out right wing and reactionary ideas, and now I'm pretty much back to where I started ideologically. I was never into leftism. And I started in 2014 when I realized that the media and the mainstream had been completely lying about islam.

>> No.15458224

Liberalism is leftism. You motherfuckers don't know anything.

>> No.15458245

there's a big difference between chapo people and someone like sam harris.

>> No.15458258

He is a complete idiot. Even his discussions on Neuroscience are pleb-tiered and wrong. He doesn't have a proper understanding of how to frame brain activity.

>> No.15458274

When it comes to first principles, no there really isn't. These are liberals with different conceptions of liberty.

>> No.15458286
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>> No.15458305

If you can make the jump from jbp to contrapoints that easily, you probably don't have anything you actually believe.

>> No.15458309


You are not the first person who gets triggered when I say something like that. Tell me then, which book should your drug addict f crazy degenerate read to understand the motivations behind the conservative mind?

>> No.15458318

"leftists" like to talk about how they're socialist or anarchist or communist or whatever the fuck, but at the end of the day they act exactly like middle of the road liberals. they don't rebel against the system in any meaningful way; all they do is show up on election day and vote for which ever faggot has a D next to their name. Its the same thing as the "far right nationalists" and "neo nazis" who do nothing other than vote for Trump. You've been duped if you think that the political spectrum in American politics is a wide array of different beliefs. Everyone is, pragmatically speaking, one of a few different shades of neoliberal.

>> No.15458345

Read some actual books. Read Plato and the Organon by Aristotle. At least read How to read a book by Adler. Stop filling yourself up with nonsense.

>> No.15458351

Take Slavoj and Bloom off that list, they're not psuds. Also take Alex Jones off; he's a performance artist who doesn't pretend to be intelligent. Everyone else can stay.

>> No.15458403

I would say Bergson's Essay on the immediate data of consciousness. It is accessible to a layman and quite interesting, although it is not really an introduction to philosophy. And, it is classic to start with Parmenides, Heraclites and then read Plato's dialogues.
Or you could try starting with Spinoza's Ethics, if you can collect the effort.

>> No.15458414

so everyone is the same because there are two parties in america, cool, deep insight dude.

>> No.15458418

I'm glad he's stretching his wings, but he still has a lot of growing to do.

>> No.15458492

You’re getting bogged down in the minutiae, anon. Be intellectually honest with yourself and really dig into the bedrock of scientism.

>> No.15458512

alex jones was right about atrazine and to this day the critics are silent.

>> No.15458543

No, what I said is that in practice most radicals act exactly like the moderates that they despise. Why don't you learn to read, you brain dead fucking nigger?

>> No.15458554

Bergson and Spinoza are just Peterson and Harris for trannies

>> No.15458564
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You would have said that for any two people I listed.
How embarrassing.

>> No.15458678

your main problem is, as others have outlined in this thread, you are relying on e-celebs and bouncing around between modern "intellectuals" to decide your view.

There was a poster about a week or few weeks ago who talked about having gone from atheist, christian, buddhist, egoist, some more bs and back around again in the last few years because each time he read a book he agreed with it, then got disillusioned and moved to next book etc. Which seems a lot like whats going on with you.

Turns out he didn't follow any reading order or put any effort outside of just reading/watching the big meme book of whoever then bouncing to the next.

The answer is to unironically start with the goddam Greeks, do things in order and understand them, write your own thoughts about it (in the margins for ex) before moving on. Also, Adler's how to read a book has good advice in regards to categorizing what you read in your head, aka think about what kind of book it is, what its saying, and where those things fall in relation to other books.

that's how you start on a practical level. (use charts they're helpful)

>> No.15458687

don't just read Peterson when you can read Jung and Campbell

>> No.15458710

you won't gain anything special by reading people who didn't know you thought with your brain, or that the earth went around the sun. historical reading order is a massive fucking meme, so is start with the greeks. it's funny when retards like yourself actually take it seriously.

>> No.15458744

Just because Plato didn't understand the finest points of modern physics or some nerd thought the earth was flat doesn't mean they have nothing to contribute to ethics, at the very least it will help this anon learn how to formulate an opinion that he won't lose five minutes later when someone more "based" and less "cringe" comes along. Besides plenty of people with totally incorrect ideas about w/e bullshit have contributed to science.

If you're such a genius for ignoring any thinker/writer/scientist who didn't agree with everything you already agree with about science what is your suggestion to stop OP from latching on to every e-celeb he hears about?

>> No.15458747

Same but I never went back. I just enjoy what I'm reading, stay out of politics, develop my career. I do still watch Contrapoint videos when they come out because they're interesting and check up on Sam, Joe Rogan, and JBP from time to time. I should stop doing this.

>> No.15458759

Glad to see George Carlin here.
>i’m a cranky old man who swears and by the way america is run by corporations fuck the system this has never been said before
No shit. Fuck you and your retarded seal audiences who lapped that shit up like it was so profound.

>> No.15458781

>I need to read Sam Harris books, I mainly read some random stuff and listened to his podcast.
Don't fucking bother. I read Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Waking Up, and Lying. They're all garbage. Lying was probably the best, but only because it's short and unambiguously just like his opinion man.

>> No.15458784

Yeah, you’re retarded.
>inb4 go Bach 2 pole

>> No.15458972

I honesty always thought that Harris and Pinker are smarter and more tactful than Jordan Peterson. I don't know what Contrapoints or PhilosophyTube are.

Just to add to what others have said: I don't think you need to start with the Greeks but just recognize that hearing Sam Harris debate or discuss something with someone isn't the same as becoming informed on something. On the one had, you're becoming more informed (and likely better informed than a lot of the mouth-breathers roaming the streets). It's also the beginning or part of a process of learning about a topic. I don't think his book The Moral Landscape (one my least favorites and one where I disagree with him a good deal) is a bad book. I would just sincerely hope if you're going to read it, you're going to study more about ethics before you start confidently saying what moral ideology who identify with. It's like the difference between considering Joe Rogan an expert on nutrition because he talked to scientists who study nutrition for a few hours and considering Dr. Rhonda Patrick an expert on nutrition. One's an expert. One's just an intellectually curious dude.

>> No.15459064

I tried listening to one episode of his podcast and gave up because he spent 80% of the time blabbering meaningless conjecture and never making a point while also being annoying to his guest.
So yeah fuck this guy.

>> No.15459112
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>> No.15459200

the only bearable """philosophy""" youtube channel is cuck philosophy

>> No.15459467

Um maybe look into other philosophers? If you found Harris and Peterson to be boring you're probably smart enough for real philosophers. What areas or topics are you into?

>> No.15459575

Why do you insist on basing your life on the prescriptions of these glorified e-celebs

Read a lot of shit and come to your own conclusions, like every “philosopher “ or modern charlatan that claims to be one

>> No.15459581

This. Think for yourself or you'll end up clutching their books in a signature line on opening day while having no actual perspective of your own.

>> No.15459619

Natural Motivation. Like desire to protect Kin, Reproduce, be with Kin, umm.. Not be stomped out by the state all the time.

>> No.15459630

Start with Anekantavada

>> No.15459633

The live conversation between Sam Harris and Sean Carroll is all the evidence you need that no, Harris was not "right all along"

>> No.15459637

You're now ready for the works of David Bentley Hart. That's the next and final phase of your development.

>> No.15459640

>Then I realised Peterson was probably bullshit, and was having a negative effect on my mental health.
>Now, I'm thinking that Sam, and someone like Steven Pinker, was probably just right all along.
Nope. Read Vox Day, he BTFO out of both Harris and JBP

>> No.15459649

Elaborate. I haven't heard the conversation.

>> No.15459651

He's a midwit

>> No.15459658

>live conversation between Sam Harris and Sean Carroll
Link? I'd like to watch that.

>> No.15459661

I might be an idiot, but I'm not brain damaged enough to buy into racism and sexism, what a waste of time

>> No.15459670

Stop reading garbage.

>> No.15459682

>still trusting le fedora jews

>> No.15459705

Based 2013-style /lit/poster not falling for that shit

>> No.15459719

He's tri-racial (Mexican, Injun, & Anglo/Irish).
And neither of those books discuss race or women.

>> No.15459759

>Also, if you think I sound like an idiot, you're right. I'm just trying to be honest, and to see if anyone feels the same way.
at least you got one thing right op
>A fool who knows his foolishness is wise at least to that extent, but a fool who thinks himself wise is a fool indeed.

>> No.15459769

You are a fool indeed.

>> No.15459795

>this anon gets it

>> No.15459806


Take Piero off this list. He is not a psuedo-intellectual but a professional list-maker. I love the man.

Also, Harold Bloom, Slavoj, and Chomsky deserve better than this.

>> No.15459828

Remove Bane

>> No.15459829

What specifically are you looking for? An author of pop science books that don't suck? A philosopher that writes in an accessible way? A political theorist? A social commentator? An ethicist?

The popular jack-of-all-trades types with simplistic, all-encompassing worldviews tend not to be worth listening to -- a truth which it sounds like you are discovering.

>> No.15459851

You really think there are no gods?

I have bad news for you.

>> No.15459853

It's Xenu, isn't it? FUCK !!!

>> No.15460011

Take mike off, now.

>> No.15460068

I watched Sargon and Peterson from maybe 2016, dropping Sargon (and adjacents) around 2017 and finally Peterson in 2018. I read 12 Rules for Life at some point, realized it's basically the same as his lectures and not really applicable to 16-17 year old me, and after than I basically stopped watching.
Never got into lefties like you, just basically dropped all political YouTube. Continued to watch Styx and Tim Pool for a while because they seem sane but I haven't really watched them in ages now.
Found /lit/ end of last year having lurked /mu/ and /g/ for years and gotten bored. Already had some interest in philosophy due to Peterson but no idea where to start or look. Now I've finally started reading properly I feel like for the first time I'm moving out of pseudhood. Wish I had started earlier.

>> No.15460086

Stop focusing on these celebrities and read dead people instead.

>> No.15460092

"our ignorant ancestors" is my favourite line.

>> No.15460119

he should keep reading, but also learn concrete knowledge and not just speculation. changing ones mind is good. the only way that "starting with the greeks" would "help" with this "problem" is that it would make him stuck up and think he's wiser than he really is just for having read lots of old stuff.

>> No.15460161

>muh marxism

>> No.15460193

Have you ever read his stuff on politics?
Scaruffi is a cringe hack

>> No.15460213

Watch this and then tell me if you still think he's bearable.

>> No.15460229

I followed a similar journey from the right wing. I'd recommend reading some feser. He gives a more of less coherent view of the world.

>> No.15460320
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I get what you mean, I used to be really into Shapiro, read Pure Allegiance and The Right Side of History, thought it was the shit. But I started watching more Tucker Carlson and reading some Peterson, some Dawkins and started to see flaws in Shapiro's thinking, specifically in terms of religious belief. Now I have turned full circle, you could say the Petersonian thought overcame my Dawkinsian skepticism, and I am quite the firm believer in Judeo-Christian tradition.

>> No.15460352
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>Steven Pinker
Reconsider his motivations and then reconsider his argument. Then read Carl Schmitt.

>> No.15460358

I hope this post is satire. Hard to tell these days.

>> No.15460402
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>I used to like atheist brainlet
>then I moved to benzo brainlet
>then I got to tranny brainlet
>now I'm thinking brainlet and someone like brainlet was right all along

Just read the classics, OP. Amongst our contemporaries, only read people like Bloom and Steiner, or erudites like Taleb, or genuine scientist and philosophers like Francis Crick, Roger Penrose, or John Searle.
Ignore all the rest, outside of literature.

>> No.15460441
File: 371 KB, 694x691, 1ECF19B4-F30F-43E8-AE15-4925F61D6BE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I didn't have such monstrous levels of testosterone, maybe then nofap would be easier. Is there a compromise between the emasculated basedcuck and the Michelangelo-jawline gigachad? Perhaps this is the final question men must pose to themselves. Is it worth sacrificing some of your manliness in exchange of not being a sex machine?

>> No.15460817

Sam Harris is an intuition-let and as a result can never be a good philosopher.

>> No.15460825

>because he made the world seem more exciting
You're a fucking plen chasing plen sensations.

>> No.15460829

>I don't think you need to start with the Greeks
Fuck you.

>> No.15460867

DONT READ. There is nothing you have to do. Just learn to exist naturally. You can’t “get” this from an outside source. You must experience life for yourself, not through the lens of other people’s thoughts and beliefs. Stop looking for other people’s answers. Nobody became great from “reading the Greeks”. It’s just some bullshit repeated by people who want to feel superior for doing “smart things”

>> No.15460879

>“Which is recorded of Socrates, that he was able both to abstain from, and to enjoy, those things which many are too weak to abstain from, and cannot enjoy without excess. But to be strong enough both to bear the one and to be sober in the other is the mark of a man who has a perfect and invincible soul.”
- Marcus Aurelius
Everything in moderation.

>> No.15460972

>Petersonian thought

>> No.15460981

So I guess the first step is leaving /lit/ and never coming back.

>> No.15461099

Modern day Candide

>> No.15461175
File: 338 KB, 1496x1880, Taylor-Swift-Feet-1139043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I think of Sam Harris and start feeling that there is no God, I just think of Taylor Swift's feet.

>> No.15461216

Did this anon finally crack the code? Is this the answer we've been searching for since the dawn of man?

>> No.15461232

take Hyde, Peter Hitchens, yuri, that ortho guy RLM off there.
Better take Alex Jones, h3h3, icke, syrian girl, the gamergate girls, mrrepzion, that TV presenter and Lindy off of there as no one thinks they are intellectuals.

>> No.15461254


Dunno, bro. I honestly embraced the doubt. Feels fucking crazy, but at least I'm legit with myself.

>> No.15461545

Why don’t you just read books and source material instead of fellating public Intellectuals so you feel good about yourself

>> No.15461589

exactly, whats so hard about admitting that Sam, Peterson, Dostoevsky, Einstein, etc etc are wrong about something and right about something else? Whats important is their ideas. If my dog suddenly reveals to me the reality of the universe, does that make it wrong?

>> No.15461602

stanford encyclopedia of philosophy

>> No.15461895

true knowledge comes from experience, not the second-hand bullshit you're trying to get it through with these meme masters.

>> No.15463226

So retarded it's funny

>> No.15463243

Sam Harris -> Jordan Peterson -> Contrapoints -> PhilosophyTube

Yes, I've been there, it's the midwit journey to Mount Stupid. Here's the rest

Stephen Pinker -> Ben Shaprio -> Eric Weinstein -> Zizek -> etc etc

Just stop now. This is the male equivalent of reading gossip magazines and posting selfies on Instagram. Go read a serious book.

>> No.15463250



>> No.15463273

I’m sure Sam has a high IQ, but if someone comes at him from an odd angle he breaks down. He spent two hours trying to wrap his head around basic bitch utilitarianism during a talk with Peterson.

>> No.15463686

Based and God-pilled

>> No.15463708

Sam Harris' clash with Chomsky is still a hilarious read:


>> No.15464055
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I don't think there is any better way to spot a Reddit dimwit simpleton than asking if they read Sam Harris. What a poor, shallow, low resolution thinker he is. There is a reason why Lucifer cast down from Heaven was the smartest of all the Angels.

>> No.15464229
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>Take Slavoj and Bloom off that list, they're not psuds.

>> No.15464274

it sounds like your problem is that you're kind of dumb.

I'd suggest learning a useful skill and practicing it in exchange for money. You might also take up model shipbuilding.

>> No.15464311

Take Sam Hyde off

>> No.15464316

I can respect what both Peterson and Contrapoints do in that they seem to act as voices of reason to the right and left extremes respectively. I think people who're radicalised can use them as stepping stones to deradicalisation.
They have a purpose, essentially.

I just found myself really bored by the whole...deconstructing somebody elses argument for an hour while they're not able to respond shtick. All these types feel like they thrive when talking to themselves, or people who aren't as educated.
The ideas they put forth also never seem to go anywhere, they just linger. I don't know, there's a lot of minor issues that you'd need to make a whole fucking video essay on if you want to get the whole point across, and I'm so fucking tired of video essays.

I'm not the intended audience, I guess.

>> No.15464324

but what if i don't want to be a pompous asshole?

>> No.15464359

Take Bloom off there.

>> No.15464383

>I think people who're radicalised can use them as stepping stones to deradicalisation.
Pretty sure it mostly works the other way around.

>> No.15464427

This. OP just moved from one cringe farm to another.
If you're moving from one extreme of beliefs to another, you really ought to question your mental stability. It's entirely natural and good for beliefs to shift over time, but if you're just flailing all over the place, you need to educate yourself a little more and be more patient.
Yuri and Hitchens. Get fucked.

>> No.15464428

Nah. I have seen people use these video essays to support their own bullshit, but when I've seen it happen it's because they've missed the point entirely. A lot of those people are too far gone.

Contrapoints has gotten worse over time, but going down this rabbit hole doesn't seem worth it approximately 5 seconds after I start going down it.

>> No.15464453

Why did Sam publish that? Was he really that upset by a 30 second aside directed at the new-atheist scene in general?

>> No.15464470

Fuck it, while eveybody's here what do you think Of Sam Harris' book Free Will?

It looks like a load of minimalistic, cherry picked studies were provided to make his point so I stopped half way.

>> No.15464489

There is some truth to this. I have met some elders who were certainly not educated or well read, but that possessed extraordinary wisdom based upon experience.
This does not imply that experience automatically equal wisdom. You need to possess the critical thought, introspection and memory to create a coherent worldview and see connections between pieces of data.

I said coherent intentionally - as a younger man in my 30's, my worldview continues to evolve slowly, but my largest issue is that some of those views are somewhat incoherent. Over time I believe they will resolve themselves.

So yes, experience is crucial, assuming you have enough intelligence to absorb it.

>> No.15464530

>I think people who're radicalised can use them as stepping stones to deradicalisation.
why would anyone want that.

>> No.15464565

Admittedly, I don't know much about Contrapoints besides watching Alt-Hype vids on her/him, but I'm pretty sure that everybody who got involved with JBP as an impressionable apolitical/libertarian teenager has either moved further to the right or dropped politics alltogether. He has very milquetoast centrist takes that you might find profound at first but quickly get bored of and start exploring other viewpoints. And anybody who still considers him a wise intellectual after the benzo addiction thing is either completely clueless or some weird cultist.

Haven't read it, but this takedown was fun to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxalrwPNkNI

Politics are bad for your mental health.

>> No.15464628

>Politics are bad for your mental health.
Quite possibly yes, but radicalization does not necessarily have to be political.

>> No.15464633

Put Destiny on there

>> No.15465013

sad that this is what most people think about the canonical texts. we deserve everything coming to us

>> No.15465050
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>Petersonian thought overcame my Dawkinsian skepticism, and I am quite the firm believer in Judeo-Christian tradition.

>> No.15465337

Lmao why is Mike from RLM there? He only talks about movies.

>> No.15465445
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You don't sound like an idiot. You're exploring, and beyond anything else, that's good.

I like Sam. He's a bit of a bugman (in that he really likes rationality and science), and I don't like his views on religion, but he has interesting people on his podcast and I appreciate his views on secular Buddhism / rational Buddhism / mindfulness / whatever we're calling it. I was raised Catholic and I've done an OK amount of studies in philosophy and at the current moment, some sort of Buddhism / Buddhist ideals seems to be the way to go - assuming the goal is personal contentment / spiritual enlightenment, etc.

My worry is like the worry of many here (some of whom seem to be pushing Christianity hard). Science just can't explain it all, and there's a deep and strong need, at least within my personally, to get at some spiritual capital-T Truths. I know I will never get to them but it's always good to strive towards them. Dare I say it but that's like VERY rewarding and human thing to do. And science just seems like such a dead end in that domain. I'm sure I'm contradicting myself here cus Sam would say "Well secular Buddhism is great and we're all atoms and chemicals and there no-self according to science and that totally coincides with what the Buddha said so just meditate and experience ego death and eat your veggies". For a while, and maybe on my death bed, I may resubscribe to Catholicism or something of that sort, admittedly on the grounds of psychological comfort.

And I know next to nothing about Peterson other than he says to clean your room and that he is or was addicted to benzos. I'm not trying to be dismissive or funny here - that's just all I know about the guy. Oh and he's from Canada.

Anywho. If you think you know something, you probably don't.

>> No.15465520

He's a classic and extremely dangerous narcissist.

>> No.15465769

>whaaah, the people I don't like are dumb dumb poo poo heads!

>> No.15465800

they are though

>> No.15465858

I get that, but all of Sam's emails are identical:
>I didn't misrepresent you, please address this short aside that may not even have been directed at me.
>P.S. Stop speaking in such an aggressive tone it'll look bad for you when I publish all this.
It's like he couldn't read the shit Chomsky wrote. And while I disagree with Chomsky on many things I can't see how Sam can ignore Chomsky's point that maybe the government is lying about why they dropped a bomb, and hey here's some FOIA docs that show they were lying.

>> No.15465905


These guys, and 99.9% of pop thinkers are entry level by definition. They have large followings because they're easily digestible, usually somewhat agreeable, and most importantly you don't have to come in knowing anything. Read books by real intellectuals and challenge yourself. You'll still be a know-nothing faggot at the end of the day but you'll be somewhat more erudite.

>> No.15466043

no u

>> No.15466144

Lol fan of the quiz boi

>> No.15466313

oh hey it's me