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/lit/ - Literature

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15456879 No.15456879 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else miserable and using literature as a means to cope with their terrible lives? I am so lonely and feel like people don't understand me. If it hadn't been for books, for the ability to enjoy philosophy and take refuge in fiction, I would have lost my mind a long time ago.

>> No.15456903

Not really. I am quite unhappy, but reading philosophy is not a way of coping with it. It is a way of getting at the truth. With the sorrow, I simply live.

>> No.15457444

It really depends. I don't read that much fiction or narratives, mostly historical stuff with some perennialist pihlosophy and stuff like that and biographies.

Prolonged isolative periods, of +6 months without human contact and reading obscure poetry and escapist stuff can be comparable to some sort of heroin or opium dreams. It really is addictive.

At the moment I could take a 6 year break and live on my savings, use some sort of mild opiates or cannabis and live totally inverted life to most humankind, leaving the house at odd hours etc. This kind of thing can be euphoric, but it can make you eccentric or mad. But it depends.

Small sort of isolation periods can be depressing, but after long time not seeing anybody, using some some sort of escapist drugs coupled with literature, you feel as part of some sort of aristocracy and you meet the worker drones in the morning when they are going to work, while you are heading to a morning walk in forest

The real problem is that how do you explain those +5 years gaps in your resume? I still need some $500k to actually enjoy some poetry.

>> No.15457887

I just want eternal life, so I am retaining myself from sins such as sexual immorality, greed, lust and gluttony. Just need to give up lying, alcohol and I will have a secure place in heaven. Seek Jesus.

>> No.15457926


I used to think that I should look for people like me. Now I'm starting to think that they are mostly dead.

>> No.15457947

I also think about that a lot, I feel like all the valuable and based people, legends, are dead.

>> No.15459054

A monastic asked Caoshan, "It is scorching hot now. Where do we go to avoid the heat?"

Caoshan said, "Into a pot of boiling water or the burning charcoal of a furnace [hell]."

The monastic said, "How can you avoid heat there?"

Caoshan said, "No suffering can reach there."

The monastic was silent.