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File: 179 KB, 840x637, darkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15455755 No.15455755 [Reply] [Original]

>the soul exists because music is beautiful
Do atheists really believe this?

>> No.15455767

They don't believe in a transcendental soul usually, just an amalgam of consciousness that equates to what spirituality calls 'soul' without any of the otherwise assumed metaphysical properties.

>> No.15455771

Low quality bait. See me after class.

>> No.15455805

>a sky daddy made the universe in seven days then made the first human and then put him in a garden and then ripped out his ribcage to make the first woman but then the woman ate an apple because a talking snake told her to so both of them were ejected from the garden and then the man, the woman and their three male children repopulated the human race
Do Christians really believe this?

>> No.15455954

Atheists believe life started from a single cell organism which slowly evolved into a fish that could walk. That one fish that could walk reproduced to create land based-animals. I don't see how a man, women, and three male children couldn't also spawn all humans. It's literally supported by science and evolution.

>> No.15455957

Do you have the complete quote?

>> No.15456062

seems legit

>> No.15456086

What is your argument exactly

>> No.15456093


>> No.15456129

A molecule that replicates due to chemical reactions is a bit different from a species of complex mammal that requires genetic diversity

>> No.15456147
File: 421 KB, 1276x1600, Detail-Roman-copy-portrait-bust-Aristotle-Greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the soul exists and it's physical and impermanent
How does one man be so based?