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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.55 MB, 3694x3760, guide to borges-INCOMPLETE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15455584 No.15455584 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen a "guide to Jorge Luis Borges" chart, so I decided to make one. But I need some help: I'm not that familiar with his poetry (I tried many times, but I cannot enjoy poetry in general, only when it's like the Odyssey and I read it like prose), so if anyone could help me with that it would be great.

THIS LIST IS STILL INCOMPLETE! I will probably change/ad many things on it.

>> No.15455603

>guide to Borges
Yeah it's called buy a fucking book with his name on it, and if you like it, buy more books with his name on them. Simple as. No guide necessary.

>> No.15455634

Basically this.

I bet OP is one of those guys who save a shit ton o charts and lists and never follows them.

>> No.15455644

thanks op. good work.

>> No.15455647

>I bet OP is one of those guys who save a shit ton o charts and lists and never follows them.
got me

>> No.15455648

The whole point of charts is to know which book to buy first and then go from that.

>> No.15455654

I'm convinced I need to read 1001 nights and quijote before starting Borges. So, for now, I'm having him on the backlog.

>> No.15455678

How about publication order?

Or just do like a normal person and read his best known work first.

>> No.15455681
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If you are interest in a LatAm chart look at this.

>> No.15455711

I don't see why I would need a chart for a bunch of short stories.

>> No.15455740

Yeah, imagine starting with universal history of uniquity and thinking that Borges is a hack forever.
Not all of his works are on the same level. Not all of it represents his writing well. Some require reading others, in order to understand Borges's development as an author.

>> No.15455765

>I'm convinced I need to read 1001 nights and quijote before starting Borges.
OP here. not true (in particular for the quijote). I would say that if you really want to get his references there are many books more relevant than those two (I am planing on adding some of them on this list), but you don't actually need read them either. yeah, if you read Swedenborg you might know where he took some concept from, but I don't believe it adds that much to the first reading.

>> No.15455786

fully agree. I'm doing this because I started with an edition Brodie's Report that was lying on my parent's house years ago and didn't like it at all. only 5 years later I gave a second shot reading Fictions and since then he is one of my favorite writers.

>> No.15455814

those are collections of short stories. Each of them was written at a very different age and has its own very particular characteristics.

>> No.15456597

>not a single Brazilian work
Brazil produced some of the most original literary works of the past century.

>> No.15456615

God I fucking hate charts. It's like the Netflix queue of literature. None of you mouth-breathing Charters can think for your fucking self.

>> No.15456626

>I've never seen a "guide to Jorge Luis Borges" chart
Is it necessary? At least in Argentina we have complete anthologies of his prose and poems, it's a matter of buying a book or two.

>> No.15456670

Take a chill pill

>> No.15456680
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Imagine taking wetbacks seriously.

>> No.15456784

Yeah, I’m not opposed to charts as a concept but you can get a 500 page book that has all of his stories included. And if you want poetry there’s a single book for that. Same with nonfiction. Borges is the author that needs a chart like this the least

>> No.15456794
File: 3.26 MB, 3370x3464, guide to borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the final result. I gave up on adding people Borges constantly quotes because it was way too much work to do it properly.

>> No.15456822

of course you can, but, as >>15455786 said, if you just start from the beginning and go chronologically you aren't going to enjoy it a lot.

>> No.15456833

sorry, as >>15455740 said

>> No.15457169

Nice job.

>> No.15457172

Thanks for the contribution anon

>> No.15457319
File: 3.48 MB, 3370x3464, guide to borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*I misspelled Labyrinth

>> No.15457363

What do you need a guide for?
Once you’ve read one Borges Gimmick story you’ve read them all

>> No.15457599

Ya existía uno, pedazo de idiota.
Producto de /SpGT/.

>> No.15457600

Was about to say that, at least Machado de Assis should be mentioned

>> No.15458567

Postéelo entonces, imbécil.

>> No.15458657

El Aleph should be your first read, not Ficciones

>> No.15458694

This is idiotic.

>> No.15459876

I support your project. I tried to create a Gaddis chart but a bunch of zoomers and morons fucked the thread.

>> No.15460091

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

>> No.15460101

learn spanish, get his complete story omnibus for 10 usd

>> No.15460139

Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.

All the listed above can go suck a fucking DICK.
You are the CANCER OF /lit/. You motherfuckers. Grow a pair and contribute.

>> No.15460160

this is great thanks anon

>> No.15460201

>can't buy a book unless a chart made by a faggot on 4chan tells me to buy it

>> No.15460217

Fuck you, you fucking moron. Go be a disappointment somewhere else.

>> No.15460255
File: 1007 KB, 2685x4485, guide to harry potter books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but how else would you know what order to read stuff in or useful material to understand first?

>> No.15460256

Unlike you I don't need for others to tell me to do things to do them; I've been one all my life. Stop being such a huge fucking faggot holy shit.

>> No.15460372


>> No.15461461

Looking for a guide to structuralism into post structuralism. I'm reading Foucault and Barthes at the moment and really enjoying

>> No.15461480

Based non-lit poster

>> No.15461489

i'm glad somebody made this chart, i found harry potter incomprehensible without a thorough understanding of hubbard's dianetics

>> No.15461925

Damn. Would be interested in that

>> No.15462458

No, for Borges hated his early works.

>> No.15462740

So just read them chronologically. You don't need a fucking chart for that.

>> No.15462982

why? OP here, I recommended borges many times for many people (I did this chart for myself first) and, from my experience, since Ficciones is weirder from the start, most people are more willing to embrace it than El Aleph. Maybe if you are well read enough the opposite may be true, but, as I said in the chart, you can start with either.

And for all the people saying "just buy the complete work" have one of you fags ever opened it? If you do it's very clearly stated (on most editions) from which book each short story comes from! just skip A Universal History of Iniquity and you would be fine. Imagine carrying so much about time that you feel like you have to read books chronologically?

Now a defence of charts: do I have to tell all of you that you don't have to follow them??? They are, in my opinion, more useful for people to have an overview of the autor than as a very clear and defined manual. getting angry because someone is giving a fucking recommendation is so dumb that I am quite sure that it's mostly not even bait.

>> No.15463058

Great work OP. Thanks.

>> No.15464233
File: 31 KB, 1287x475, borges posting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15464239

Add Foucault's "Wordies and thingies" as complementary lecture to understand "Pierre menard author of the Quixote"

>> No.15464780

You buy the complete works, they are usually two tomes and then you choose what to read. From there you got to other well known works like LGM or conferences and maybe some piglia or hadis to understand his works better. So you don't need this fag reddit charts to read an author, start with one story from ficciones and that's it.

>> No.15466068

Do you have a chart on that, you big fucking tart?

>> No.15467063
File: 134 KB, 600x789, yo-el-supremo-augusto-roa-bastos-D_NQ_NP_929966-MLA27397504256_052018-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book should be added to the list