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15453660 No.15453660 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread had an amusing lack of reading comprehension for /lit/. Any BIGbrains on this board want to throw in their 2 cents?

I’m trying to write a list of axioms of the highest order of wisdom. A system of beliefs that will propel an individual towards their goals, reduce suffering and improve their quality of life. It MUST be accessible to the layman. It must be as condensed and simple as possible. What would you add/subtract/edit?

The idea is to give this to a kid who was never given the tools to survive and it will help them as they begin their journey through this harsh life.

For Young Anons; Cheatcodes for Adulthood.

Preface: You are born mindless, as you grow you are instructed how to think by others (social conditioning), these become your beliefs, these beliefs determine how you interoperate the world (confirmation bias), they can elevate or trap you. Think of your belief system like a tree, your core beliefs at the trunk and everything else steming from them. Unless you examine and deconstruct your belief system you can never be free, you will always be a product.

1. Physical reality is the highest authority.
2. The universe operates on cause and effect.
3. Balance is the universal law.
4. Change is the universal constant.

5. Death is final, absolute and inevitable.
6. You could die at any time, your life is not guaranteed.
7. Death gives life purpose.
8. The purpose of life is to live, to survive and reproduce.
9. There is no objective meaning to life, meaning is a human conception.
10. The subjective meaning of life is whatever you want.
11. Time and energy are finite currencies.
12. Every moment you spend is an investment.

>> No.15453671
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13. You are valuable. Even now, within you, exists enormous, untapped potential.
14. You are simply a point of consciousness (with limited control) observing the largely automated operation of (an inherently flawed) biological machine as it reacts to it’s environment.
15. Take care of your self, your body and your mind, be compassionate.
16. Breathing is the most important thing you’ll ever do.
(Practice mediation. Sit in a comfortable position and pay attention to your breathing, thoughts and emotions will occur, accept them and return to your breathing. Over time deepen and slow your breath. (“theta” binaural beats are a useful shortcut))
17. The most important decisions you’ll ever make is how you choose to eat, sleep and exercise.
(Whole-food, plant-based diet with healthy fats (eg. nuts, virgin olive oil) and proteins (eg. beef, eggs, fish).)
(Set aside 9 hours for sleep every night. Have an hour of relaxation beforehand. Caffeine can cripple sleep.)
(Lift weights and do HIIT cardio. Give yourself ample time to recover and stretch often.)

18. People are inherently, and oft unalterably, illogical, this is because we are almost always driven by our emotions.
19. Humans are animals, civilization is a constructed psychological infrastructure, it doesn’t change our nature.
20. Generally humans are tribal and think according to the herd (ad populum) and/or leader of the herd (ab auctoritate).
21. Our species has a natural inclination to create false dichotomies (splitting) in an effort to understand a world too complex to grasp.
22. Men and women are not equal, they think and behave differently. Generally a man’s highest priority is a discipline and a woman’s highest priority is community.
23. To understand some one look to their motives, and then their history. Only trust somebody to do what they’ve done before.
24. Attractiveness, ability and humor are everything in the social sphere. Attractiveness is a by-product of good health.
25. Honor your parents while they are still alive. If you understand them, you understand aspects of yourself.
26. Friendship and family give life more meaning that philosophy ever could.
27. You can always meet new people doing charity or joining groups.
28. Develop your community.

29. Knowledge without application is meaningless.
30. Everything is made of patterns, if you understand those patterns, you can manipulate them.
31. To fully understand something look at it from as many different perspectives as possible.
32. Genius lies in understanding simplicity. The heart of real skill is mastering the basics.
33. Inner peace is not being a stone beneath the sea, it is to sail the surface and feel free.
34. The ego is just a necessary tool for survival, it’s an illusion who changes over time.

>> No.15453682
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35. Specialization of a single skill is good for the economy but not for the individual.
36. It’s better to play with the hand you have, rather than the hand you wish you had.
37. One can not be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.
38. An intelligent mind can entertain ideas without accepting or rejecting them.
39. Niceness is often a refuge of the weak however it’s truly nice to be nice.
40. Endorsing your appreciation of an action is to promote that behavior.
41. Creatine, lion’s mane, lsd and psilocybin are worthwhile nootropics.
42. Hope can be as crippling as fear yet can also lead you to salvation.
43. You have the absolute freedom to choose what you’re enslaved to.
44. Insults can often reveal more about the donator than the recipient.
45. Love is slow-grown through the shared collection of experiences.
46. Lust is akin to a drug that corrupts logic, it’s often called love.
47. Doing nothing can be more productive then doing something.
48. Randomness, chance and probability are human inventions.
49. Exposing yourself to a fear will eventually eradicate it.
50. The key to strength is the understanding of weakness.
51. Good/Bad, right/wrong are subjective by definition.
52. If you’re smart, you either win or learn, never lose.
53. Permanent happiness is a fictional state of being.
54. Talk sense to a fool and they’ll call you a fool.
55. Nothing is original, creativity is cut and paste.
56. Paths to enlightenment are often demonized.
57. Nothing is free, everything requires a cost.
58. Lying is a highly useful and valuable skill.
59. Reality>Imagination; Actions>Thoughts.
60. Discomfort is an intrinsic part of growth.
61. Contentedness is the core of happiness.
62. The key to freedom is responsibility.
63. Money is a currency of opportunity.
64. Repetition is the way of discipline.
65. Laughter is a defense mechanism.
66. Destruction is a form of creation.
67. Doubt is a means to intelligence.
68. Pain is an opportunity to learn.
69. Knowledge grants power.
70. Drugs are simply tools.
71. Listen to learn.

72. Do not wholly accept these ideas but entertain the meaning behind the words and the possibility of their truth.

>> No.15453697

>1. Physical reality is the highest authority.
>2. The universe operates on cause and effect.
>3. Balance is the universal law.
>4. Change is the universal constant.
>5. Death is final, absolute and inevitable.
>6. You could die at any time, your life is not guaranteed.
>7. Death gives life purpose.
>8. The purpose of life is to live, to survive and reproduce.
>9. There is no objective meaning to life, meaning is a human conception.

Your premises are limp and more like keys to suicide and homosexuality than toward achieving anything important.

>> No.15453712

>9. There is no objective meaning to life, meaning is a human conception.
Then why bother trying win or use "muh cheatcodes" faggot? You might as well have made this rule 1 and stopped there.

>> No.15453728

>49. Exposing yourself to a fear will eventually eradicate it.
Expose yourself to a fire and eradicate yourself

>> No.15453729
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You wanted some sky-daddy?
You would rather lie to people?
>8. The purpose of life is to live, to survive and reproduce.
You're missing the forest for the leaves.

>> No.15453740

AC Grayling's "The Good Book" is a compilation of advice of this nature, scavenged from the Greeks and secular thinkers through the ages. Check it out.

>> No.15453756

>You're missing the forest for the leaves.
No, you are you stupid faggot. In your own terms, that's just meaning you ascribed to the world. If there's no meaning, there's no real purpose to life, and you might as well starve yourself to death right now.

>> No.15453762

Stop wasting your time with axiomatic systems of belief. Read the Quran, read Plato, read the Gita, and cultivate the voice in the back of your mind and the eyes in your heart.

Also, if you're young, highschool young, then get a skilled trade like Paramedicine biomedical technician, something that lets you work on a ship, etc. It takes 8 months, and will let you do way cooler stuff than most university graduates. AFTERWARDS attend university, but you'll be making good money the whole time you're in school and will be the coolest most interesting guy in the room.

>> No.15453793
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lol. I'm sorry I upset you so much that you needed to post 3 times.
>that's just meaning you ascribed to the world
haha only because the world ascribed that meaning to me.
You don't believe in reality anon? Everything is subjective is it?

Thank you very much my friend.

>Stop wasting your time with axiomatic systems of belief.
Why? You desire cognitive dissonance?

>> No.15453807

just trannify yourself retard

>> No.15453820

All I see is rage with little thought behind it, possibly a stimmed out jesus-freak?

>> No.15453876

even if i was christian rage is all you deserve faggot

>> No.15453878

>Why? You desire cognitive dissonance?
Mathematics can't be reduced to an simple axiomatic system, yet you think life itself can be?
Read the Tao and renounce your arrogance

>> No.15453903

Please don't contribute advice unless you are 30+ years old, married, and aren't just rehearsing Plato, biblical poetry, stoicism, christian mystic and confessional literature, post-Kantian ethics, the cao de ching, or confucius all of which everyone on this board is already intimately familiar with. Otherwise you're just wasting time.

>> No.15453934

A collection of proverbs is not an 'axiomatic system', you horrendous fucking faggot.

>> No.15453954
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I studied math, you're talking absolute nonsense in that regard. I know what you mean but you've misinterpreted a conclusion with no context.
>Ironically it's always the arrogant that project their arrogance.

Beliefs develop naturally for any person, they are unavoidable (unless you devote yourself to the way of the senses). So it's inevitable you have a belief system why not try to make it as useful as possible?

You have nothing to contribute. You're wasting time. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15454083

Reminding 20 year-old unmarried losers of how little they have to contribute is never a waste of time. If 4Chan's lucky today then some butthurt retard will derail this useless thread before some other retard arbitrarily refashions his life direction based on the advice of a retard. Fuck off with the jewed out mind control.

>> No.15454108

>41. Creatine, lion’s mane, lsd and psilocybin are worthwhile nootropics

Lion's mane does not have enough science backing it up to consider it worthwhile, and creatine provides only marginal boosts in performance. Nootropics as a whole are a sham industry, about the only truly "worthwhile" nootropic is caffeine.

LSD and psilocybin are not worthwhile. They are SSRIs, meaning that they stop the reuptake of serotonin, thereby flooding your brain with way more serotonin than it's used to. Increased serotonin, commonly found in individuals with mental illnesses (namely schizophrenia) due to brain deficiencies, has been linked to behavior such as but not limited to: mania, seeking extraordinary philosophical or religious heights, identifying causal connections and relationships where none exist, etc.

The idea that psychedelics cause you to learn something about yourself, opening doors to knowledge you wouldn't otherwise have, is retarded. It's not spiritual, it's not philosophical, it's chemistry. The "insight" you gain from these drugs is imaginary. If you are going to take any psychedelic, do so for the enjoyment of the experience, not to learn something.

This is not to say you can't learn SOMETHING from taking psychedelics. From my own experience, psychedelics are a crash course in understanding how intensely and immediately chemicals can change your experience of the world and your mind. In some niche cases, it has shown to be useful in treating serious drug addictions. But to state as a blanket claim that psychedelics are "worthwhile" is irresponsible at best.

>> No.15454110

Not gonna lie, this is the cringiest thread up right now

>> No.15454222
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You didn't prove me wrong, instead you double-downed on your bitter dullard projection.

Perhaps a christcuck?

>Lion's mane does not have enough science backing it up to consider it worthwhile
Debatable but there's some truth in what you're saying.
>creatine provides only marginal boosts in performance
False, it significantly boosts performance.
>LSD and psilocybin are not worthwhile.
False and you even contradict yourself in your own post.
>Nootropics as a whole are a sham industry
Absolutely true.


>> No.15454238

>LSD and psilocybin...
>...are SSRIs
Nigga what are you doing? You have no clue what you're talking about. Unequivocally wrong!

>> No.15454253

That's a lot of rules. Can you summarize?

>> No.15454257
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>> No.15454262

13. Order for efficiency and chaos for fun. A balance of each is needed in life.

>> No.15454265

>LSD and psilocybin are SSRIs
they are absolutely not

>> No.15454268

Hoo prease?

>> No.15454274


>> No.15454292
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Wipe out what you think you know, ask for proof before accepting anything, the rules write themselves.

Very interesting.

>> No.15454299

>Wipe out what you think you know
>ask for proof before accepting anything
I don't know what proof is because I wiped out everything I think I know
>the rules write themselves
Don't know what rules are, sorry. I wiped out everything I think I know.

>> No.15454300

you're asking people to share what they think they know without proving why readers should accept these axioms which you are recording

>> No.15454309

This is pure crap

>> No.15454316
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pedantic faggot ;P

>Everything is subjective, knowledge is impossible.


>> No.15454349

>The universe operates on cause and effect.
can't explain furries.

>> No.15454358

Stopped reading

>> No.15454366

>Death is final absolute, and inevitable
What an absolutely midwit take

>> No.15454370

The most important thing that I've learned in my 31 years of life is that is most important thing is to know your limitations.
I have an around average IQ, I'm bad at math and I spent a bunch of years being miserable trying to major in engineering/computer science and failed.
Listen to me you stubborn little shit and listen good, if you do not have AP calc under your belt by highschool don't bother.
Work on your strengths.
You dont have to do a trade but you sure as hell aint doing STEM.
You can however do webshit.

>> No.15454376
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It's for young dumb people.


Pure cope, prove me wrong.

>> No.15454380

Good advice, I put it in as:
>36. It’s better to play with the hand you have, rather than the hand you wish you had.

>> No.15454383

There are no cheat codes. There is a divide between what you know intellectually and what you have learned from experience. It takes effort to cross this divide. If you expect it to happen automatically, you will be disappointed. Look at your brain, and yourself, rather than something static and unary, but as a collection of processes. The part which self-identifies as itself is just one facet of the process. "You" are a thin veneer over processes which are beyond your direct control, but which can be influenced to develop along a certain path by exercising willpower. Never believe that anything can be done through willpower alone -- this is a trap for idiots.

>> No.15454396

Also if you want to get laid just sell small quantities of drugs.
If you sell a small amount to college students the police won't give a shit.
And if you do get caught you'll do some lame alcoholics anonymous program.
Just don't get carried away and think you're Walter White from breaking bad.

>> No.15454399

Just as adding an odd number to an even number makes the number odd, so does adding nonexistence to existence invalidate that existence external to any linear system of time. Ergo, the soul is immortal.

>> No.15454464

Right idea, wrong mechanism. They are not SSRIs, my bad, but they bind to your serotnin receptors to make more serotonin available. The underlying point still stands: more serotonin = more false causal connections = more fake "insight"

>> No.15454484

How do you internalize truths?

>> No.15454515

There's a lot about your approach that I disagree with though I agree in principle about its objective. The problem with your axioms are that they are basically just a list of truisms born of the rationalist school of thought (this entire post reads like something you might find on lesswrong, a place with which you're either intimately familiar or should consider browsing instead of this site).

Your list is incongruent with your goals. For one, it's too long. For another it's incoherent and unfocused. Why is that bad? Because a system which proposes to improve someone's life has to be something they can apply, day-to-day, year-after-year so as to gradually change their behavior, which also means that it has to be something they can easily remember. The great spiritual philosophers of the past proposed to do exactly the same thing you're trying to do, but consider how they go about it: Jesus tells stories, the Buddha lays out just 4 "noble truths" and 8 aspects of the path, Socrates engages in logic-heavy dialogues. They present their information in ways that can be easily understood by anyone and they do this by either concretizing their knowledge into high-level abstractions that are universal to human experience, compressing their knowledge into a few, parsimonious elements, or underpinning their ideas with a logical structure so that they can be derived from first principles as needed like natural laws. if you want a truism, heres one: "Memory is the beginning of wisdom". If your audience can't even remember your system, how on earth will they. understand it? Let alone change their lives with it?

And there is really not any actionable things on your list. It reads like the contents of one of those "quote-a-day" calendars, except worse, because at least the calendar tells you the date.

What you should do is take this list, compress it, abstract it, create logical connections between its elements until you have something small and easy to remember and apply. Before that, you should put into practice what you're preaching to others, so that you can testify to its effectiveness--which judging from your replies thus far in this thread, doesn't seem to be the case. It seems to me more like you're in the same position of those you want to instruct. You should change yourself first before anyone else.

I myself believe I have found a decent system for accomplishing goals and reducing suffering. It is not my own (it's something I discovered doing research on procrastination and depression) but it is much simpler and far more actionable (and thus far, in my own experience, the only thing that has actually worked to change my behavior) than anything I've tried before (the majority of which was similar what you've posted).

I wish you the best of luck however because your endeavor is noble. And even if your methods fall short of the mark, their end is worthy.

>> No.15454676
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>False equivalence

I did pharmacology as well, you have no clue what you're on about. You have a gist but you're out of your depth and spouting nonsense.

Like anybody with a basic understanding of psychology will tell you, if you repeat something enough you'll eventually believe it. HOWEVER you don't want to. Truth is a pattern that repeats itself over time.

Your first point is something I missed and I will add something to reflect this truth. I agree with most of what you're saying. Thanks for providing your insight my friend.

>> No.15454696
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I'll check it out

>For one, it's too long. For another it's incoherent and unfocused.
This is what I was thinking, nice to have that confirmed.

Thanks for your insight friend, I will reflect on your words.

>I myself believe I have found a decent system for accomplishing goals and reducing suffering.
What was this system?

>> No.15454706

>I agree with most of what you're saying
Everything I said follows logically from my first point. If willpower existed in the way it's commonly believed to exist, the divide between the two modalities of self I referenced would either not exist or diminish to the point of inexistence. The divide either exists, and it follows that there is a segmentation of self into different processes, or the divide does not exist.

>> No.15454719

Well in truth I agreed with your second point, your first point is wrong except in a literal sense. I agreed with everything except your first point.

>> No.15454739

>Sending him off to run into Rokos Basilisk

>> No.15454752

None of these axioms are provable. Go read Kant or Hume you irredeemable faggot. You aren't Spinoza, this whole thread is an embarassing wreck of shitty ideas that only a midwit would find agreeable.

>> No.15454762

Can you define "axiom" for me, and then show me an example of a proven axiom?

>> No.15454766

The homosexual OP just gave you a massive list of what he considers to be axioms.

>> No.15454774

Do you think maybe you're dodging the question?

>> No.15454780

You don't know the definitions of the words your using.
>I bet you''ll triple down out of embarrassment.

>> No.15454784


>> No.15454795

It's pretty rare that you see someone get this casually demolished lmao

>> No.15454810

No one is gonna use this mate

>> No.15454826
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People have in the past and found it very useful so it's no stretch to assume that will happen again in the future.

>> No.15454843

>I’m trying to write a list of axioms of the highest order of wisdom.

> eat nuts
> don't have coffee before bedtime

>> No.15454854

I'm just using your language that you used to define your list (list of axioms as you claim). The OP is just an embarrassing aping of Spinoza and Nietzsche (neither of whom you've understood it would seem) and has little actual value to anyone on this site, in essence this whole thread is nothing more than a spam post clogging up the board with trite garbage.

>> No.15454858

And yes I know what an axiom is commonly used to refer to, but none of your points are very good at fitting that definition since you would need to be a retard to take causality to be self-evidently true.

>> No.15454861

It probably provided a 5 minute thrust of inspiration

>> No.15454862

What's the definition of an axiom and what's an example of a provable one? Nobody respond to this retard until he admits his error.

>> No.15454870
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That's not a very nice thing to say about the early philosophers.

Some guy said he printed it off and put it above his bed. The format was a little different then. Anon you're just being negative! Lighten up my friend!


>> No.15454871


>> No.15454902

Durrr... what is reading comp? I know what an axiom is (self-evident truth/proposition), you can't just go around and pretend that metaphysical propositions can be axiomatic (they can't) and be offended when people find them to be problematic because you defined them as being self-evident. Idiot.

>> No.15454913

C'mon now

You're talking to (at least) two different anons so already you're being a bit dumb assuming there could only be one person who thinks you're wrong.

>> No.15454956

The first five propositions are all metaphysical. For the OP to call a list of problematic propositions axioms is stupid. Why should anyone buy that Causal laws are necessary? Sure, you can call it an axiom all you want, but people are free to call it out as bullshit dogmatism.

>> No.15454966

Okay, but how can you prove an axiom? Why would you find it significant whether or not any specific instance of any axiomatic statement can be proven or not?

>> No.15454987

Because an axiom is supposed to be something that you don't need to prove, it is self-evident. OP's statements are not self-evident. I can say the exact opposite of everything in the first five propositions that OP posted and call that axiomatic.

>> No.15454995

What is the meaning, then, of the statement that an axiom can't be proven, if it's something that you don't need to prove?

>> No.15455010

My point is that OP's statements should not be taken as axioms, I was merely using his terminology to refer to them. If the proposition is not self-evident, then it needs to be proven.

>> No.15455014
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Maybe due to personal belief your first point phyiscal reality being the highest authority is false. Physical reality is merely a manifestation or a "symptome" of processes much larger and incomprehensible to us. I think Cicero stated something in the lines of we should be wary of pursuing the un-knowable.
The great wheel, the strings behind the curtain. Every cough every breath is merely a stroke in this symphony.

The more I re-read your first line the more I take gripe, but I am sure there are some valuable guidances for daily life in the other ones.

>> No.15455049

That's your point now. Your point originally was that none of what he took to be axioms were provable. In fact, if you want to go back and read your entire post >>15454752 that was actually the ONLY thing you said other than insulting him and telling him to go read Kant and Hume. It was important enough to you to let OP know that none of his AXIOMS were PROVABLE. Your words, not mine. Since you're still hilariously trying to slither your way out of this and I'm getting tired of playing with my food, I'll just flat out say it. The way you used the word axiom suggested a fundamental ignorance of what you then had to look up, at which point you engaged in an argument with someone who is entirely unconvinced by your attempts to prove otherwise. The real hilarity is when you take this fundamental ignorance and contrast it with the suggestion to read Kant and Hume. Oh, and then you called him a midwit. This is the only rational interpretation of what you said, because the literal, singular thing of substance you said was WHOLLY PREDICATED UPON a fundamental ignorance of what an axiom is. If you had known what an axiom was, the idea of it being provable would be as hilarious to you as it has been to me.

You're fucking stupid. Next time you want to try to toss your dick around, make sure you have the slightest beginning of an inkling of what you're talking about. Get fucked.


>> No.15455085

Should I re-write the post with sarcastic quotation marks around the word in order for you to understand what I meant? I never considered his propositions to be axiomatic, I was mocking him for calling them axioms. Thus my second post referring to the OP for the definition (considers to be axiomatic); it doesn't matter what it actually means you fucking autistic retard. Obviously none of his first five propositions would be taken as serious "axioms" by anyone with an inkling of education in philosophy or logic. You seem like a genuine spastic, get help.

>> No.15455095

Now I'm no philosopher but my understanding of what an axiom is, is something that is self evident without it having to be proven.
Most of the stuff you posted is not obvious otherwise you wouldn't be posting it.
I believe the term you're looking for is theorems or some other philosophical terms but not axioms.
I also noticed you posted some inspirational quotes, those are opinions or beliefs.
According to you everyone is valuable and filled with untapped potential but that may not be true.

>> No.15455098

You're pretty predictable. You conflate me attacking you for defending OP. I know why I'm responding right now, do you know why you are?

>> No.15455124
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Well you and I disagree, however, by your own thinking wouldn't you abandon the notion of the "incomprehensible" and instead focus on the tangible?

Ha! Seems pretty cool.

Lmao thanks buddy
Cope harder, how many people need to BTFO of you?

It's self-evident through clear eyes, most people see through lenses of what they were taught.

Inspirational quotes?

It's a fact that there is always potential in a human being as long as they are alive because the moment holds infinite possibilities (if you don't believe time is linear) or close enough anyway.

>> No.15455128

You are a dogmatist.

>> No.15455139

Haha yeah that's the entire point of the thread.

If you're referring to the other definition then you are wrong, proof of that is in the thread.

>> No.15455144

Came here to see how the board was after six months, leaving immediately because I can't take how cringy this thread is

>> No.15455150


>> No.15455206

Well there's also the fact that you're trying to derive wisdom through logic.
I don't know if that's possible, but wisdom is conventionally acquired through experience.
And the wisdom of old doesn't necessarily apply to newer wisdom.
In the middle ages old people might have told you that you should join a guild and pick up a trade, then throughout the 20th century old people would have told you to go to college and get a degree, now ironically an old person might tell you to join a guild(union) and pick up a trade.
In the examples above I don't know of anyone who predicted that college might have ended up being a bubble, but life kicked people in the ass and now its "self-evident"

>> No.15455211
File: 92 KB, 680x654, -Cr3vry0M6ud2I9gfScZczmQNPuX6QmBwfobeBPZou4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda agree with your disagreement no time for well thought out response but like in the buddhas spiders web (citation needed) where at every junction there is a droplet of morning dew in which a reflection ad infinite can be seen of every other droplet. Our doing is not always, if ever, restricted to the physical realm . Just the ways we intereact with them are often incomprehensible [emoji thinkg]. There is a lot for use left to understand and somethings left to be not understandable but maybe I just don't like your formulation of the first point and in reality we agree. god bless

>> No.15455266


>> No.15455391
File: 1.40 MB, 2056x2633, 1486207596104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're trying to derive wisdom through logic.
Where on earth did you get that from?


>> No.15455462
File: 29 KB, 485x380, Stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is the worst thread on the history of /lit/, beyond /b/ tier

>1. Physical reality is the highest authority.
>2. The universe operates on cause and effect.
Then is something that can be understood by our minds
>3. Balance is the universal law.
Entropy is the universal law
>4. Change is the universal constant.
Change to a balance?, you are not even trying
>5. Death is final, absolute and inevitable.
>6. You could die at any time, your life is not guaranteed.
No shit
>7. Death gives life purpose.
>8. The purpose of life is to live, to survive and reproduce.
>9. There is no objective meaning to life, meaning is a human conception.
>10. The subjective meaning of life is whatever you want.

Well at this point it's not even funny to comment, anon this is truly a sad post

>> No.15455489

>Entropy is the universal law
...so far. in our observable universe. as far as our theories go.

>> No.15455547

>I am incapable of anything beyond surface level thinking.

>> No.15455631


>> No.15455639


>> No.15455651

Don’t be like Helium atoms, finding equilibrium through non-interaction. Don’t isolate yourself
within narrow bands of ideas, interests, people, or spaces.

>> No.15455671
File: 10 KB, 300x162, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a book or leave. This isn't r/showerthoughts

>> No.15456177

Maybe a few cuckoos in the nest but this is pretty good. Thanks OP

>> No.15456205

Never eat the yellow snow

>> No.15456444

Thank you for posting this. I'll do some thinking.