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/lit/ - Literature

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15451812 No.15451812 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15451821

Anon, this is not literature. You're reading pages and pages of the author jacking himself to the thought of people reading this.
This is intellectual cuckoldry at best and intellectual sodomy at worst.
(Unless it's legitimate mathematics)

>> No.15451823

What the actual hell are you reading? This looks like torture.

>> No.15451822

I hope you're counting the letters from the words themselves, as they're crucial for real understanding of the text :)

>> No.15451850



>> No.15452098

It’s Aristotle’s organon. An entire section of the book is like this

>> No.15452112 [DELETED] 
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>analytic """"""""philosophers"""""""" think this is what was going through Plato's mind when he said man was a featherless biped

>> No.15452185
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This is what I'm reading. It's trying to define the soul in terms of computer science, and also how a soul could be captured digitally and immortalized inside a nondegradable CD-ROM.

>> No.15452222

what the fuck. this sounds insane

>> No.15452232

sauce me

>> No.15452233

Embarrassing display of pseud-ery on the part of the author. Worse on your part for reading it.

>> No.15452234

>blind people have smaller souls
At last, I truly see.

>> No.15452327

"On the Soul" by Ed Fredkin

>> No.15452349

Don't tell me you people have trouble with this?
Either everyone in this thread is trolling or /lit/ is seriously retarded.
It makes perfect sense

>> No.15452358


>> No.15452367


>> No.15452371

this is fucking insane.

>> No.15452373

Are you clinically retarded? This is utterly basic stuff.

>> No.15452377


>> No.15452386

Aristotle is the most important figure in Western philosophy. Show some respect.

>> No.15452390

Unironically this
How is this board so retarded?

>> No.15452396

You will never attain a GED, mouthbreather.

>> No.15452397
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I couldn't imagine having to sift through that.

>> No.15452398

ironically this.
why am i so smart?

>> No.15452401

stop wasting your time with this trash

>> No.15452405

STEMcels are actually so retarded that they don't even get what the complaints are about. Holy shit.

>> No.15452413

actually true
I go to Caltech

>> No.15452417

Explain it to me as if I were a child.

>> No.15452420

Who said anything about "STEMcels" dumbfuck? The Organon is an elementary introduction to philosophy that has been in continuous educational use for thousands of years. Get a grip.

>> No.15452442

>too stupid to understand multiple variables
/lit/ doesn't seem to suit you that well. Let's find something more your speed.

Take your pick:

If any other anons have a nice containment board for the mentally retarded, please don't hesitate to post it. Let's help this man get to where he can really shine.

>> No.15452450

a whole thread of shitposting and still not a single explanation

never change /lit/

>> No.15452533

it really is basic logic, just presented in an extremely impenetrable way. Better variable names would make it a lot easier to read. At the very least it should have occurred to the author that defining C->A->B is stupid when you could instead define A->B->C. whoever the author is, hes a brainlet so its not worth your time.

>> No.15452548

>He thinks it's saying C->A->B
was right. This board is retarded.

>> No.15452577

>whoever the author is, hes a brainlet so its not worth your time.
The author is literally the inventor of logic.

>> No.15452579

do you take issue with the ordering I read, or do you not like that I used arrows? or is this just a shitty bait attempt?

>> No.15452586

Aristotle invented logic. Get over it. It's important because it was the first attempt to systematize it.

>> No.15452601

Back then you were expected to take your time with it, read it and re-read it. It was meant to be a lifetime lesson. Sort of like a university course.

The way /lit/ reads books, just rushing through them trying to complete them, so they can claim to have read X amount of books is not what the Greeks had in mind.

>> No.15452892
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>It's trying to define the soul in terms of computer science, and also how a soul could be captured digitally and immortalized

>> No.15453466

Finally a sensible post.

>> No.15454021

It's so BASIC though. What are you, RETARDED???? I read it by tracing the words with my ballsack while reading Pynchon with my cock. Are you trying to tell me you're one of those literal idiots who can't physically osmose information? Get a load of this fucking dunce, I bet he can't even read 500 pages an hour.

>> No.15454034


I just read Euclid's 2.10 in connection with Waterfield's treatment of the Pythagoreans. This is the good stuff you idiot (except when attributes are haphazardly tossed out as in the above and mal-adapted to later masquerade as legitimate theology per Aquinas et al, a venerable tradition with roots in Aristotle's questing nonsense.)

>> No.15454185
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>> No.15454436

From what the excerpt says, I'm deducing that the author is talking about fixed propositions A and E and classes, of propositions, B C D F G H which relate to A in a certain way. B the consequences, C the things to which A is a consequence and D the things which cannot be true at the same time as A.

>> No.15454440
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Computronium is rael.

>> No.15454443


>this kills the soul

>> No.15454456

>if a certain C and a certain F are identical
>it is necessary that A should be with every E
nah that's not actually true at all

>> No.15454614

is there a reason he couldn't have drawn a picture?

>> No.15455147

It makes sense
Was it the certain part that threw you off? They are necessarily present, it will be for all examples of them not just the certain ones that we see here

>> No.15455169

>16 to 100 GB

i highly fucking doubt it

>> No.15455198

>it really is basic logic, just presented in an extremely impenetrable way
Logic in a nutshell...

>> No.15455221

Yeah, it's almost like logic is just breaking down big concepts into their composite truths and axioms. Who could have known?

>> No.15455230

>logic is just breaking down big concepts into their composite truths and axioms
this is your brain on 2500 years out of date logic lmao

>> No.15455508

You have C implies A and E implies F = C for some C and F. Therefore you have E implies A.

>> No.15456001


>> No.15456023

It's odd how everyone knows Aristotle's name but you can completely skip reading him and have a seamless experience moving through the canon

>> No.15456113

>the soul is your memories + your gene sequence
I mean, there are a lot of flawed assumptions here but that one is at the top.

>> No.15456308

pick a pin and paper and draw a diagram dear anon
don't be a bitch nigga

>> No.15456325

Lmao get fucked. I doubt anyone reads those parts

>> No.15456338

What did you expect? Flowery prose? Would you open an advanced calculus textbook and read it like a novel?

>> No.15456365
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Do all these plebs really don't recognize Aristotle? This board is embarrassing.

>> No.15456405
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>> No.15456413
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>nondegradable cd-rom
hahaha pic related

>> No.15456491

It's really very straightforward anon.

>> No.15456510

Your soul is gonna need a DVD

>> No.15457107
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>again it is useful to exclude visual tasks in a first estimate

>> No.15457307

If you have any interest in philosophy, Aristotle is the only part of the 'canon' that you CANNOT skip. He is the first real philosopher who left extensive writings that survived antiquity, and there's a reason for that. He is absolutely essential.

>> No.15457439
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> wittgenstein is dumbfuck in logic
> aristotle is not essential for philosophy
> transfer soul on cd
this thread

>> No.15457531

This is why fictional allegories are so important.

>> No.15457567

OP I am reading the Organon right now, and I think I even remember what section of the book this is in: it's the 'Posterior Analytics', correct? Where he goes over Syllogism and Paralogisms...

Yes this is an important part of the book. Is there anything you need explained?

>> No.15457581

>He is absolutely essential
No he isn't, subhuman parrot.

>> No.15457601


>> No.15457606


>> No.15457707

Based schizo

>> No.15457747
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>> No.15458129

do a Venn diagram

>> No.15458155

Aristotle should've done one for me.

>> No.15458159

>he only needs 10gb to store his soul