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15450534 No.15450534 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it

>> No.15450541

Plato is irrelevant, read Wittgenstein

>> No.15450543

it's satire

>> No.15450549


Never read it, isn't it about politics or something?

>> No.15450554

Not meant for Americans.

>> No.15450555

Plato is a retard.

>> No.15450569

It's a metaphor for the soul but also some real political opinions thrown in. Also btfos the social darwinist retards on this board.

>> No.15450570


>> No.15450578

You're not supposed to start with the Republic

>> No.15450611


>> No.15450615


>> No.15450625

have sex

>> No.15450628

I never read it but people regard it as one of the most important philosophical works ever. What do I gain from reading the Republic?

>> No.15450633
File: 87 KB, 810x362, 62EF9A2A-C5D9-417A-BD7D-A6B99AE87556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m about done with book VII and I agree. I had no trouble understanding the first 7 dialogues I read, but this one just seems overly obscure.
Plus I really hate all of the assumptions that Socrates relies on for his arguments.
>So then because of X all men must do Y all the time, right Glaucon?
>That is certainly so, Socrates

>> No.15451579

>leading with the conclusion without referencing the premises stating the relation between x and y
>not posting with examples or citations
>just wants to emotionally rant like a woman
Typical 2020 /lit/

Also I don't believe you when you say you don't get it, OP. You're full of shit. The Republic has nuances, but to say you didn't get any of it makes no sense.

>> No.15451583

Read it.

>> No.15451586

Then you're not going to make it.

>> No.15451593

Plato's just another authleftist. Read libleft and centre-left stuff like Lenin

>> No.15451609



Correct. If you think anything otherwise, you're a brainlet.

See >>15450569. It's really a dialogue about the soul, both how you can understand it through the forms and how you can improve it through living a just life. Plato also throws in some anti-democracy shit because he's bitter about Athens executing Socrates, but anyone who tells you the Republic is about politics probably hasn't read it.

>> No.15451634

i do lol ur low iq

>> No.15451663

It shows the limits of politics by showing the impossibility of an ideal regime due to the irreconcilability between the human types.

>> No.15451738

You didn't get it.

>> No.15451745

Keep in mind that the entire political theory of the republic is primarily an analogy for the soul/mind. I think you should also treat it as a philosophical education. If you disagree with the arguments then analyse them, try and see where they're wrong, construct counter-arguments, research which philosophers objected to those arguments and read their works.

>> No.15451848

Is it making you think critically about the structure of government and how power is distributed? Because it doesn’t matter if it’s ironic or not and it doesn’t matter if his system works or not and it doesn’t matter how virtuous you are. It’s about learning to think for yourself about these subjects.

>> No.15451877

I think that's the nature of a Platonic dialogue, it wants to make you think. As far as The Republic, it is satire insofar as Socrates is ironic. Besides that, its main question is 'What is justice?' This is dangerous business, especially in the Athens of Socrates which is why he was condemned to drink the hemlock. Plato had to avoid the same fate so had to stick to a procedure I don't agree with or advocate. In any case, in order for there to be irony Plato implies an order of human nature and the philosopher shows up to be the best of men. I don't agree with this. I also don't agree with his results in regard to the nature of the political city and the stance between the city and the philosopher.

>> No.15452057
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Plato puts a spell of Kassandra around the ring of gyges.

It's a story of bromance: trying to rescue potential tyrants from spiralling into a life of misery due to their own ignorance

Socrates telling the reader
Don't do it bruh. it ain't worth it
Channel your Eros into seeking wisdom instead of collecting heads.

>> No.15452430

Anyone else notice the complete lack of eros?

>> No.15452473

No because I read it with your mom

>> No.15452483

I vaguely remember Socrates using Glaucon's lust for boypussy in order to explain the philosophical lust for wisdom.