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15449852 No.15449852 [Reply] [Original]

Best Magical System Edition

PREVIOUS >>15439978

ESTABLISHED DISCORD: https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
UPSTART DISCORD: https://discord.gg/AUK3Rrx
CHARTS: https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki/Charts#Speculative_Fiction
THREADS: >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg

>> No.15449867

Is there any magical system where the magician obtains his power from Uranus? And the more it uses Uranus the more powerful he is?

>> No.15449880


>> No.15449887

Is this some kind of GRI thing?

>> No.15449892
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That doesn't look very sci-fi.

So the deeper he goes in Uranus, the more powerful he is?

>> No.15449904
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Seconding this

>> No.15449913
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Oops, I meant >>15449853

>> No.15449916

Basically he has to accept the gift of Uranus and eat the sacred brown fruit that Uranus brings him. Only then will >>15449867 attain true power of the gods.

>> No.15449920

any books pertaining to the ether the true way energy is dispersed in this universe?

>> No.15449923

This general ha the same policy regarding weebs as it does regarding trannies - fuck off nigger.

>> No.15449934

Has he tried not being so much of a faggot?

>> No.15449935

Tell me about the aspiring writers.
Out of the entire internet, why do they come *here* for advice?

>> No.15449936

Lovecraftian fiction is /sffg/-related. He's asking for that and not trying to discuss a VN.

>> No.15449953

>human x eldritch abomination
>Lovecraftian fiction
Just give up weeb. There is no need to justify your infantile taste.

>> No.15449957
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>getting made over chink drawings

I just want some lovecraftian love stories.

>> No.15449967

They don't.

>> No.15449969

Ane Naru mono

>> No.15449970

Is there some reason that you can't fuck an eldritch abomination?

>> No.15449987


>> No.15449994

This is fucking stupid. Saya no Uta is actually respectful of the source material and doesn't shit all over it.

>> No.15450000

Why are octopusmen even considered "lovercraftian"? Why aren't they more common? I only know of DnD that uses them.

>> No.15450008
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Akshually the proper term is gook drawings, you slanty eyed lover.

Everyone else is going to make fun of you for being foreveralone.

>> No.15450012

Probably because of the Deep Ones in stories like The Shadow Over Innsmouth.

>> No.15450051

were you here in the last thread??

>> No.15450097

Not really.

>> No.15450124

Well, first they frequent a site known of 4chan, then they look at all of the homebrews in other boards and think that they can do the same here.

Except wip book discussions are banned on 4chins for some reason.

>> No.15450131


Squishers in A Song of Ice and Fire too, everyone seems to completely forget about Squishers despite the fact they are really cool

>> No.15450135

>Except wip book discussions are banned on 4chins for some reason.
The quality of those WIP's must have been abysmal.

>> No.15450142

Eh, I don't know, I liked some of the homebrews on /a/, before mods nuked those threads on sight.

>> No.15450166

Can you really blame them?

>> No.15450185

Well, nuking any developing board subtopics is kind of a tradition since moot left, I guess.
I still remember r/a/dio conflicts.

>> No.15450450

I am not aware of such rule.

>> No.15451217

I'm from page 10, I'm sending this one back.

>> No.15451231
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Who /planetaryromance/ here?

>> No.15451279

Fanfiction was bannable. Don't know if it changed. You're supposed to discuss published works, not your diary.

>> No.15451295

Fuck e william brown.

>> No.15451333

The hero we don't deserve.

>> No.15451391

What do your top favorite science fiction and or fantasy books have in common? Have you noticed any patterns?

>> No.15451404

Great story, great plot

>> No.15451405
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>system: Online
>grab meat female
>proceed to activate voice controls
>question: U mad, meat skin boy?

>> No.15451417

big fucking monsters or aliens

>> No.15451454

Why did they remove this from the OP?
It's a great discovery tool to help people who want books similar to what they read.

>> No.15451467

Why do you post this? I saw a "fuck e william brown" as far back as March 2019. What did he do to you to cause this dedicated?

>> No.15451490

how fucking hard is it for will wight to just pump out cradle books no one gives a shit about his other series

>> No.15451493
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>some chink closest to the Canadian criminal
Yeah it's shit.

Must be the quality of his writing.
Fuck Sanderson

>> No.15451529

You don't like killing chutulu for power?

>> No.15451973

I like this “reincarnation of the strongest sword god” but why does the author repeat the same face slap trope every 5 chapters for 2700 chapters

>> No.15452047

But in the second trilogy we get to hear about the Inverse Fire that shows you what damnation is. Are you saying that we never actually find out what you have to do to get damned?

>> No.15452362

>read book 2 of Mortal Mage
>intense torture scene
I never asked for this.

Not difficult but if he rushes, we'll get more half-books like Uncrowned.

>> No.15452363

>journey leads to desert-like area where natives are exceptionally good fighters

>> No.15452392
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>Journey to bad place
>People that have lived there for x-thousands of years are good at surviving in bad place

wowee boyo.

>> No.15452395

not much te do in the desert

>> No.15452486

Yeah you find out at the end of unholy consult what causes damnation.

>> No.15452518

>live in place where almost nothing grows
>have to raid outsiders to sustain yourself
>have to defend yourself from other desert raiders to keep what you take
Anybody too weak or compassionate not to survive this way dies.

>> No.15452584

post it

>> No.15452925

I haven't read this series and it's a bit too dense for me, but could someone just spoiler it for me, what's the actual punchline to the whole damnation thing?

>> No.15453003

if you didn't read the series, why do you want the answer that others had to read 7 books to find out?

>> No.15453043
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I've followed it vaguely for a year or two now but I'm burned out on series that take 20+ years to finish. I'm not going to submit myself to that, but I just want to know what the deal is.

>> No.15453174
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Where do I start when outlining a story? I got the setting, I got the theme, I got some major story events but I dont have the plot or the characters. Rather than just throwing out random ideas to see what sticks, is there a way to figure out the right things I need based on the things I already know? Knowing 3 variables, wouldn't that be enough information to figure out the missing 2 without relying entirely on trial and error?

>> No.15453240
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If you aren't writing a thing for someone like WotC for something like MtG or D&D;
throw it or start over out because by the sound of things you're making a worldbuilder's book.

Your major story events could be fleshed out, start there.
If you don't have enough content from that (which you should if you've done it well enough), then consider writing the heroes journey to see what you want to write about.

>B-but my world
Thinking and worldbuilding (I wish I could make that bold and 100px) is not writing.
Story always comes first.
Fuck what Brandon 'Magic systems are what makes fantasy books sell' Sanderson tells you.

>> No.15453269

/sffg/, please bludgeon my head in with a mallet

I tried to read a scene out to my writing group that I thought was hilarious. what looks like a cute scene of kids huddling together for warmth suddenly turns dark when one turns into a zombie and tries to bite the main character's nipple off, but apparently that came out way, way way way way way WAY more sexual that I intended it to and now every single one of them thinks I'm a pedophile

>> No.15453273

speaking of sanderson, i read the first seven books of wheel of time and then cheated and read the ending spoilers

>> No.15453312

Does Dungeons & Dragons have any decent novelizations? Skimming through lore for character creation I find a lot of it really interesting, especially the study of magic, archaeology, and details on devils and demons and how all the evil creatures actually dislike each other.

>> No.15453328

the drizzt cycle is the famous one. I think people like the dragonlance books as well, but at this point it's been so long since dnd had any dragonlance content in-game I'm not sure I'd even consider it dnd at this point

>> No.15453362

You did yourself a favor. Sanderson is okay for the most part, but his Matt is just bad.

>> No.15453372

>bite the main character's nipple
why the nipple

>> No.15453382

Why do you like these genres? Escapism?

>> No.15453388

kellhus plots with one aspect of the 1000 gods to destroy the consult, in the process turning the mortal world into a butcherhouse for the god to devour while gary stu transcends to the outside. honestly, it's not worth your time. it got sold to me as "a metaphysical/philosophical whodunit" and bakker proceeded to make a horrendous mess of the entire series (both prince of nothing and aspect-emperor). there is only so much black alien semen and gay cannibal rapes mixed in with muh logos and blatantly awful projecting of the author that i can take.

in all seriousness, there's some interesting ideas, characters, and places/lore that get introduced but bakker is incredibly incompetent at storytelling so the vast majority is complete garbage. unless you enjoy a crazy canadian screaming "cRaSh sPaCe oF mEaNiNg!!1!" and can parse what nonsensical philosophy he claims to have invented, you'd best stay away.

tl/dr: there's better GRI out there that isn't slathered in awful prose and the author's masturbatorial dreams.

>> No.15453396

Why should a man be scorned if, finding himself in prison, he tries to get out and go home? Or if, when he cannot do so, he thinks and talks about other topics than jailers and prison-walls?
— J. R. R. Tolkien

>> No.15453404

because I thought it was the funniest place to get bitten that would have made sense. Since the MC is a guy, I didn't think having his nipple bitten off would be sexual, but I was wrong, dead wrong

>> No.15453405
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So Damnation is just the future and main guy sold the entire world out so that he could be a god?

>> No.15453442

Salvatore, Elaine Cunningham, and Jeff Grub have decent Forgotten Realms books
Dragonlance Chronicles and Dragonlance Legends is good even tho is a little generic
Dark Sun has the Tribe of One series

>> No.15453512


guys, buy new stormlight board game with cool art!

great game for great books!

>> No.15453524
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>> No.15453532

Anybody have a few to view subscribestar posts? Wanna see what this guy is posting behind his paywall.

>> No.15453590

technically, he sold the world out to defeat the consult, but he didn't really care what happened to the rest of the world. he put on such an act about being above emotions and all about muh logos but then succumbs to his blind spots. because bakker is shit at explaining the actual "what", it's not clear at first what happened, but his fanboys' forum has pieced together the following:
1) salvation means sealing earwa off from the outside, because the gods are just appetites that devour souls but if the world is sealed off, no cycle of souls to their waiting gullets so death isn't a worse existence
2) kellhus thinks he can kellhus his way to a solution for the world. totally coincidentally, he has a yuuuuuge blind spot to his own human emotions (desire for power, "love" for his wife, obscene arrogance). no one could have seen this coming, it's a totally unique harmartia for this character (/sarcasm)
3) kellhus makes some kind of deal with a god named ajokli to get the power necessary to destroy the consult while thinking he has the upper hand the whole time (and likely remake reality in his image afterward), but in the process unleashes this god IN THE REAL WORLD so he can feast on the souls of the living. the effect is limited because of timely plot turns.

the no-god resumes (yes, the no-god is literally described as some sort of program by the consult) with one of his kids as the new insert. ultimately, the gods/ajokli seem to be foiled in their quest for human souls to consume, the consult and kellhus are destroyed, and everyone other than akka and mimara die while the no-god is on the loose with no heron spear in sight. so the world came to a shitty end that is about as equally shitty as what kellhus was trying to avoid.

there's more to it, and people who aren't so bitter/butthurt about the series would likely spin it in a far more positive light. but i am not one of them. if bakker had had a halfway decent editor who would have pushed back on much of the aspect-emperor series, it might not have been such a letdown. if you're really curious, i think there's decent plot summaries floating around, and the guy who runs the Wertzone blog wrote an 80 page document of the history of earwa that deals with the straight story if you're really desperate

tl/dr: don't read bakker

>> No.15453628

is that Batman fighting a Kzin?

>> No.15453646

What legality does ownership of fan fiction run under? I wanted to write a story based in a preexisting tabletop game world as practice because it interests me, and although I'll probably never be a great writer, I do have a paranoia of my work getting taken by the relevant company because I published it on FanFiction.net or something.

>> No.15453648

What are some other fantasy books with weird abstract stories?

>tfw trying to think of a second twist beyond simulation/non-reality for my book

>> No.15453703

i don't want to be that guy that just repeats what everyone says on this board, but gene wolfe's BotNS series is really very excellent and has a LOT of abstract ideas embedded within it.

i don't have a good idea for anything else, but would be interested in what anyone else has to say

>> No.15453989

You have completely misstated kellhus’s plan, I suggest you reread the final confrontation.

Kellhus was never going to save anyone, his plan was to fuse himself to the satan god, and seal off the world from the other 1000 aspects. This would allow him to rule as the eternal god king of the planet, sidestepping damnation for himself, but burning the rest of the wolrd. He was never going to destroy the consult, his plan was to subsume them and use them to create a factory of souls, farming humans to maintain his existence.[/spoiler.]

>> No.15454145

/sffg/, how can I make my characters's familiars more relevant without having to make full characters of them? Right now, aside from my MC's familiar, I'm kind of just in a situation where they reappear periodically to remind the reader they exist.

>> No.15454156

If they're so unnecessary to the story that you're having this problem then just cut them. Kill your darlings anon.

>> No.15454157

I have only one familiar that is treated like a pet.

So perhaps treat as different pets? Like one is treated as `comes and goes` as if a cat, another is `stay at your side` dog and the third is `sometimes helpful sometimes not` bird..

>> No.15454186

your work is never going to be published

>> No.15454206

It's posted online though. And getting published only makes sense when you are popular enough to break out of obscurity. Otherwise you are going to get rejected or published as a tiny niche series that brings almost nothing.

>> No.15454214

they still have little roles in the story and the mechanic is extremely important to the plot and the thematics. Initially, I was going to give them combat roles but I cut those for these specific characters because people said my ideas were cringey.

>> No.15454219


>> No.15454225


>> No.15454236

I saw anon, I just didn't care

>> No.15454237

See >>15454206

>> No.15454249

reminder sffg is for the discussion of published works this isn't your writefag class make your own thread and fuck off

>> No.15454261

anon, this general has gotten so shitty since I've been gone that I'm honestly improving the quality at this point. Right now you're the one who needs to go back

>> No.15454266

Both of these interpretations make Kellhus sound like a dumb nigger.

>> No.15454278

It would have worked too if only his son wasn’t a soulless abomination, unable to be perceived by gods. Kellhus only sought what all Dunyain seek, to become masters of their own causality. Dunyain only ever act out of their own self interest.

>> No.15454318

Not them.
If any of these
are you; then no, you aren't.

>> No.15454359

okay, got it, this is you, right?

>> No.15454381

Nice try though.

>> No.15454403

Probably because they're just a piece of extinct local folklore. The real Lovecraftian shit in ASOIAF is the oily Black Stone.
>The Seastone Chair
>Yeen, an entire haunted city made of that shit ("a city so evil that even the jungle will not enter")
>worshipped by a heretical Yi Ti emperor who then founded the Cult of Starry Wisdom

>> No.15455068

>why do you like imaginative worlds and cool new concepts?
Truly a question for the ages.

>> No.15455125

guys i'm very tempted to read Gene Wolfe
my reading ability is average i've read Pynchon and Nabokov even Camus (not implying that those are hard big brain reads but their style is very descriptive and rosy) do i stand a chance ? and i want to read the shadow of the torturer
t.english is my second language

>> No.15455173

Don't bother. His books are deliberately obscure and are written like puzzles so unless you read it very carefully you aren't going to even be able to understand the plot. I don't like his writing though, so I'll admit I'm biased.

>> No.15455176

But yes if you can read non-genre writers like Pynchon then you should be fine on a technical level.

>> No.15455674

Stop being poor and give them your money if you want to know.

>> No.15455709
File: 78 KB, 537x952, 84396165_174241897235727_1003503960360747008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird sort of question;
As a dude into Conan 1982 and Conan Exiles (the vidya game), how much of a departure are the they from the books (and vice versa I guess)?
Like, the books will obviously have more concrete explanations and character dev, but am I going in wrong thinking that they will be more of a focus, for example, on the religions or fauna of the Hyborian setting rather than the 'story'?

>> No.15455761

>he thinks people got and stayed rich by spending their money
Klapistan has trained you well anon, go into more debt, have your grandchildren pay off the shit you took out. I will have my books for free.

>> No.15455766

They are barely alike. Book Conan is athletic but not buff, agile and quick wited, and his people are so freedom loving that he would probably kill himself if he ever became a slave.

>> No.15455774

Any good fantasy stand alone?
There are just too many long-running series and I can't stand it or trilogies. I want a nice story that wraps up in one book.

>> No.15455783

If anything, you might think that book Conan is closer to Prince of Persia than movies or games. But written much better.

>> No.15456690
File: 268 KB, 1011x1600, Akivasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self publish it then.

>> No.15456707
File: 742 KB, 1191x455, Akivasha Stygian princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conan Exiles (the vidya game),
I like it i too, or liked before they stating to mess with combat more.

>> No.15456830

Asimov wrote most of them.

>> No.15456851

G0d I wish I were that cat

>> No.15456876

Novels like Berserk? Gimme reccomendations now!

>> No.15456909

prince of thorns
Also Mark Lawrence is great author everything by him is a masterpiece

>> No.15456953


>> No.15456977

Second Apocalypse

>> No.15457199

>As a dude into Conan 1982 and Conan Exiles (the vidya game),
read all of the stories or, as you are an attention deficit pleb, listen to them as audiobooks (this is acceptable because Howard was deeply invested in aural tradition of Texan storytelling

>> No.15457257
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>Also Mark Lawrence is great author everything by him is a masterpiece
Really makes you think.

>> No.15457403

>all that crusty lips from sucking infected dick

>> No.15457423

Just read BLAME!, it's Berserk with less plot and more gun

>> No.15457641

not memeing but i want more plot and less boat

>> No.15457924

She’s pure

>> No.15458510
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>> No.15458539

is it out yet?
is spike doing the audiobook again?

>> No.15458593

Out July I think

>> No.15459053

>leather jacket
He sure knows his audience.

>> No.15459115

He doesn't wear that in the books.

>> No.15459124
File: 439 KB, 1600x1932, Trilby-Lifestyle-v1574209184639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what does he wear?
A trilby?

>> No.15459181

read and find out if you want you fucking tipper.

>> No.15459198

No thank you.

>> No.15459215

You type like a faggot, are you sure you're not a pedo?

>> No.15459223

>characters's familiars more relevant without having to make full characters of them?
Cut them out of the story or make them a character

>> No.15459233

>Also Mark Lawrence is great author everything by him is a masterpiece
Epic bait

>> No.15459736

I have to ask, the whole thing about a character using her pet turtle like a koopa shell being cringey, is the cringey part specifically having it act like a koopa shell, or if she just chucked it at someone's head would it still be cringey?

>> No.15459893

So sffg really is dead?
The shit of the past couple days really drove the nail in the coffin?

>> No.15459932

How do you mean?

>> No.15460051

>A dude in the wrong thread that wants to write sffg-related material.
>A guy that is mad reddit downvoted his posts.
>Some random that's being unnecessarily negative.

That's just chon boyo.

>> No.15460096

Then how you explain the constant page 8s?

>> No.15460116

400 pages into Book of the New Sun. It picked up a bit at the start of book 2 but then it slowed down again. Hopefully there's gonna be a load of time travelling cyborg aliens and then it turns out Severian wrote his own fanfic.

>> No.15460307

dunno about everyone else but I don't post for a thread or two when the cranks are sperging out also I've only been reading chinese stuff so there's not much to actually discuss here

>> No.15460483
File: 290 KB, 600x424, alienraces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the dos and donts for creating good factions/“races”? At this point I know its common knowledge to steer clear from cliches like elves/dwarves dynamics or basing them on a foreign real culture, so what would actually make for something good? Base them around a philosophical or political ideology? A personality trait or emotion? An animal species? A superpower?

If you dont know the answer, think about the factions you like the most and tell me why you think you like them

>> No.15460631
File: 797 KB, 1000x562, Stop picking my brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about fuck off?

>> No.15460716
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I finished Horus Rising which took me only 2 days. I didn't have any expectations for it but I had fun. Since my knowledge of 40K lore is mostly by osmosis, it was refreshing to see the legions be staunchly atheist, abhor words like "daemon" and throw a fit when anyone suggested calling the emprah a God. It wasn't super subtle in its emotional manipulation but the author did succeed in his main goal - by the end of the book I did want to see the nigger Emperor dead and his faggot empire ruined, even though nobody explicitly suggested doing such a thing. My only gripe is that the flatness of most characters is expected and even kinda cute with Astartes autists, but the portrayal of primarchs left me underwhelmed. They're supposed to be these epic demigods posessing unthinkable strength and wisdom, yet all of them whom we see behave like obnoxious, boring elitist retards.
I'll probably finish the "trilogy" and stop there. Mostly because I think Chaos is a lame crutch that ruins the universe, much like Force ruined Star Wars.

>> No.15460779
File: 33 KB, 340x340, MemeWolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the image of Gene Wolfe hammering the Cross into a guy and whatnot?
It's just some image with his face on a guy and he hammers a thing, I can't recall clearly

>> No.15461034

>basing them on a foreign real culture
Worst thing ever, absolute cringe, cheap and low energy but can work if your reader is iq 30 sjw tranny and you use muslim and nigger "cultures".

>philosophical or political ideology
Also not great. Normally a person or being that has an ideology like that is either a philosopher or politician, both imply experience and long studies. That impossible for every character or every member or even a minority of a race to be philosopher or politiciant, just like there are very few humans who live by philosophical or political ideologies.

>If you dont know the answer, think about the factions you like the most and tell me why you think you like them

I would look at the environment that the intelligent creature has grown and evolved in. Someone who has lived in rocky mountains for thousands of years evolved (possibly with help of magic) into a dwarf, the conditions for survival required that they take advantage of their environment, they are short and stocky, they hide in caves underground instead of running, it also required fairly high intelligence instead of fast legs and bruteforce, they are good at working stone and metal because its abundant in the mountains, etc. You have the race now and their environment. Its same with other races, elves, orcs, etc even make up your own.
For all this to be usable in a actual story (not just dnd rulebook), some or all of this information and back story should end up in the main story as a plot device, to be revealed to the reader gradually. This way even cliches and even most generic of races can be used.
Just my 2c, kek

>> No.15461193

animal species can work. If you base them on a trait, emotion or ideology they're going to be pretty flat. My suggestion is start with their natural habitat, use that to derive their biology, and use their biology to determine their psychology and culture.

Case in point: Tokien's Dwarves are infamous for fucking up every aspect of creating a new race. they have no natural adaptations to their life of digging, their entire culture can be summed up 90% of the time as "beards, mining and copious alcohol" An improved version would give them mole rat-like claws and teeth, bad vision, and a sensory organ for detecting vibrations (e.g. a beard made of flesh). The combination of poor sense and lack of dexterity would mean dwarven crafts are functional and easy to use rather than beautiful, and they would have little to no appreciation for gold or gems beyond what they can trade for it. They'd mostly trade it for food as resources underground are scarce.

take ideas like these and run wild with them

>> No.15461288
File: 336 KB, 732x720, 500ms.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on book 3 of Mortal Mage
>MC starts out in the fucking Underrail
>last book in series
>last book in its universe even
>author decides to write two entirely new series' in the two years since its release
fuck people who do this

>> No.15461585

>want to write fantasy
>don't want to write

>> No.15461836

I know the feeling anon.

I think I'm going to take a break for a little while after that whole nipple biting incident. Truth be told I know I'm being lazy but it's a bit disheartening to reach the 100k word mark after two years of writing and still not have regained my passion and talent or developed a level of discipline I can rely on to write. Fuck me, at the rate I'm going it will be another year before I write the last page. How the fuck did I write my first book in 3 months?

>> No.15461887
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It was made because someone who read long sun said it felt like Wolfe was hammering in the Christianity.

>> No.15461889
File: 69 KB, 306x331, 1523669380732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always three months for writing a book? I've been struggling with the first fucking page for like 3 days. I just can't pick a beginning I like.

>> No.15461924

>An improved version would give them mole rat-like claws and teeth, bad vision, and a sensory organ for detecting vibrations (e.g. a beard made of flesh). The combination of poor sense and lack of dexterity would mean dwarven crafts are functional and easy to use rather than beautiful, and they would have little to no appreciation for gold or gems beyond what they can trade for it.
You should read the Diggums character in Artemis Fowl. The dwarf in that was a great take on the archetype.

>> No.15461943

I'm really looking forward to it and Battle Grounds. Really the only good Urban Fantasy I've read even if the first two books are meh.

>> No.15461966

to be fair anon, I'm cherrypicking examples to make my logic feel right. In reality, it took a year to write the first draft and another to edit, but the biggest continuous chunk of the work took place during three months in the middle when I was hypomanic.

also, you might be hearing three months a lot if you've been hearing it here in particular, because I've been bitching since before I started the first one applying the same emotional logic.

that said, emotional logic or no the reality still feels disheartening.

>> No.15462119

/v/ absolutely loves GRRM

>> No.15462121

Time travel kinos?

>> No.15462196

GTFO back there and stay there, subhuman fucking v*dditor

>> No.15462387
File: 147 KB, 434x586, Karl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books about the human spirit (and absolute chads) persevering in the face of a world overflowing with evil?

>> No.15462417

I am at page 245 in WoK, Some newer characters just killed a giant crayfish.

Is this the 'le epic' Brandon Sanderson really at his best?
Because it frankly felt like a pre-highschool kid recapping something from Dragon Ball Z.

Is it even worth pushing on through to 300?

>> No.15462427

>Is this the 'le epic' Brandon Sanderson really at his best?
Yes pretty much. You're also past the best parts of the series as well so it's all down hill from there.
Sanderson is not a good author.

>> No.15462598
File: 394 KB, 1400x2128, 812qMxgC8WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok. I need a break from the Vorkosigan saga. I really like it. But I just need a break on it before I burn out. Pic related is the last one I read, if you want to talk about it.

Please give me a recommendation. I only ask 2 things:
1. You have *personally* read the book, and enjoyed it.
2. The characters are good.
If you gave me a recommendation before, then refresh me on it. I don't commit them to memory.

Here's my reading history so far:
Dune**, Licanius Trilogy*, The First Law, The Broken Earth*, Memory Sorrow and Thorn*, The Wheel of Time**, Nightflyers*, Book of the Ancestor*, A Memory Called Empire*, The Curse of Chalion 1-3**, Penric's Demon*, Penric and the Shaman*, Penric's Mission*

Cradle(Will Wight)**, A Song of Ice and Fire**, The Elder Empire series, Vorkosigan Saga**

The Prince of Nothing, The Book of the New Sun, The Black Company, Malazan, The Song of the Shattered Sands, Borne

**liked a lot

>> No.15462648

>Peace Talks
>Next book is called Battle Grounds
I'm pretty sure I know how its going to go

>> No.15462651

Have you ever read Zelazny, Simak, or Burroughs? Or Larry Niven?

>> No.15462728

I have not.

>> No.15462742

Well, then you probably should.

>> No.15462753

Anything noteable or specific? I'm a young ignorant pup. My entire reading history fits inside of a 4chan post. So preferably something beginner friendly.

>> No.15462781

You'd probably enjoy The City by Simak if you like the Vorkosigan books

>> No.15462788

Well, the most prominent books are:
Zelazny: Chronicles of Amber series
Simak: Way Station, or Goblin Reservation
Burroughs: Princess of Mars series
Larry Niven: RingWorld, or ManKzin Wars. Both are series.

>> No.15462858

Try Neal Asher's Agent Cormac series.

>> No.15462970

June book club poll, trying it through goodreads.


>> No.15463275

>steer clear from cliches like elves/dwarves dynamics
There are worse things to do.

>Base them around a philosophical or political ideology?
Horrible, nothing works like that and you will inevitably end up with extremely stupid characters nobody can relate to.
And since you most likely also have humans in your story you have multiple groups of unthinking idiots with no ability to diverge from some ideology and humanity, which is perfectly able to form different groups.

>A personality trait or emotion?
Even worse, for the reasons outlined above, just more extreme.

>An animal species?
Just no.

>A superpower?
I mean, this is basically just the first point.

As a pinch test. Try describing humanity to an alien race, it simply doesn't work like that. For every possible trait you could name a very good counter example, which applies to a sizable population, exists.
But don't take that as meaning that any alien faction has to be the same as humanity, but breaking down civilizations to traits simply does not work.

>If you dont know the answer, think about the factions you like the most and tell me why you think you like them
I like characters, not factions. Your view on humanity isn't informed through a listing of traits, it is informed through your personal interactions and your knowledge about the history and current circumstance of humanity.
You have to do the same for any alien race if you don't want to degenerate into abysmal cliches.
I personally think the best description of alien life is found in Peter Watson's Blindsight, which defies exactly all the things you listed and delivers something truly unique and inhuman.

>> No.15463297

>it was refreshing to see the legions be staunchly atheist, abhor words like "daemon" and throw a fit when anyone suggested calling the emprah a God
Yes, but that is all a very obvious (but well meaning) lie by the Emperor.
You should read "The First Heretic", there Lorgar debates this with the Emperor and after Lorgar calls out his obvious lies about not being a God (basically laying out what properties a God needs to have and demonstrating that the Emperor has them), the Emperor goes "nah. I am out, see ya".

>by the end of the book I did want to see the nigger Emperor dead and his faggot empire ruined
The emperor did L I T E R A L L Y nothing wrong, except being too merciful towards Lorgar.

>Mostly because I think Chaos is a lame crutch that ruins the universe
How so?

>> No.15463302

>Cradle(Will Wight)**, A Song of Ice and Fire**, The Elder Empire series, Vorkosigan Saga**
>The Prince of Nothing, The Book of the New Sun, The Black Company, Malazan, The Song of the Shattered Sands, Borne
You will burn in hell for that test.

>> No.15463306


>> No.15463346

>How so?
As I said, the same issue as force from Star Wars, or corruption from Warcraftverse. It's a magical narrative device to turn good guys into bad guys for drama instead of coming up with actually ideological motivations for that to happen. As I was finishing Horus Rising I could already see the discontent with the emperor's policies growing inside Horus, and I wish it would be just that, his personal conclusions, but I can already tell that in the end it's gonna be some rape demon from other dimension whispering in his ear to go kill daddy, and that just deflates the tension.
I understand that immaterium is fundamental to the lore of 40K, I just wish they made do without it, or refined it into something more subtle. One example of that is Void Which Binds from Hyperion Cantos, idea possibly liften from 40K altogether, but made much more interesting and vague cornerstone of the lore, without affecting the story on a grand scale. Here's for how void gods are described there:

>> No.15463414

>instead of coming up with actually ideological motivations for that to happen.
It think the Warhammer Universe comes up with pretty good ideological motivations

>but I can already tell that in the end it's gonna be some rape demon from other dimension whispering in his ear to go kill daddy, and that just deflates the tension.
But, it really isn't. I can tell you what happens, but to make it very basic Horus does what he does out of a person choice, while being manipulated by both sides.
In some sense, "chaos" is the representation of the purest ideology, the lore basically describes "chaos" as the moral excess in human emotions.
The fall to chaos is *always* the result of personal failure in that context, as anybody who is morally pure would be totally unaffected by it.
Chaos, in that universe, is (explicitly) the manifestation of, what I would call, human flaws, namely pride, jealousy, lust or anger.

Obviously chaos exists for the drama, but that is basically true of any story.
This doesn't mean it doesn't represent something with a very concrete belief system, you could point to in the real world.
And I genuinely believe that many people would legitimately identify with chaos and it's belief system.

That said, while I do like the Warhammer Universe I am not pretending that it has some world turning revelations to offer, but choas has a pretty clearly defined ideology and the central conflict is meaningful.

>> No.15463513

bad poll everyone has at least attempted to read these

>> No.15463559

basing them on a foreign real culture
This isn't really that bad. Bakker loosely based all his human factions on real world peoples from the 11th century and I don't see anyone complaining about it

>> No.15463574


When reading "the darkness that comes before" I slowly realized that I was actually reading a very imaginative retelling of the history of the Byzantine empire.

>> No.15463585

Try library at mount char

>> No.15463601

>When reading "the darkness that comes before" I slowly realized that I was actually reading a very imaginative retelling of the history of the Byzantine empire.
They had people who used to punch holes in the ground so they can fuck it?

>> No.15463611

>They had people who used to punch holes in the ground so they can fuck it?
No, but they had a slowly crumbling empire which was loosing control in the east and tried to get a crusade there to fuck up the heathens, but ended up getting fucked themselves.

The entire plot is basically just https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Crusade if I recall correctly.

>> No.15463619

Reminder that the "Byzantine" Empire is just the Roman Empire and that the use of a different term is a western propaganda tool designed to legitimize the papacy.

>> No.15463632

Yikes, is "eastern roman empire" any better? Wouldn't want to legitimize the pope...

>> No.15463653

It's not even just the pope, you had an entire country in the west called the "Holy Roman Empire" that had no legitimate descent from the Roman Empire. There's some kind of vested interest in the west where we have to be the "legitimate heir" to Rome or something. It's bizarre.
>is "eastern roman empire" any better?
I don't think you'll get much traction with that if you're including the word Roman.
>Wouldn't want to legitimize the pope...
If you want to do so, do it through honest means. The Donation of Constantine is another example of this whole thing.

>> No.15463667
File: 13 KB, 254x198, Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despised by reddit because he said he wanted to punch Pratchett in the face
>converted to be a catholic after a divine experience
>hates trannies
>actually a great writer
>almost certainly schizophrenic
/ourguy/ for sure.

>> No.15463669

I read that King writes at least 6 pages a day. I think having that kind of target is a good thing. Someday it would come easy but other days it might be 1 hour before deadline/bedtime and there are still 5 and half pages left to write. So what do. People work best under pressure and one just has to do the best he can to finish those 6 pages. I think this is why I like kings work. His writing varies alot. He writes everyday no matter his mental state(sad, happy, miserable, depressed, high on coke etc)and that reflects in his work. It's spontaneous and not static like when someone takes 10 years to write a short book where every sentence took days of pondering to come up with.

>> No.15463698

Was it HRE, or Europe united under Pope, that attacked Constantinople and weakened it enough to fall to Ottoman?
Good thing that Second Rome already had a religion successor, Moscow.

>> No.15463732

>actually a great writer

>> No.15463777

Don't you see he is tipping.

>> No.15463786

I assume that the purpose is to maximize participation precisely because they are some of the most posted about in the thread so that there will be a mix between new readers and previous readers discussing. There has been a dismal amount of participation in the previous reads so this may be a desperate last attempt.

>> No.15463794

Yikes, if it legitimizes the HRE I will continue to call it Byzantine Empire, even if it legitimizes the pope.

>> No.15463832

>Holy Roman Empire
>Not holy
>Not Roman
>Not an empire
It's a unique name at least for how ill-fitting it was.

>> No.15463840

Kellhus IS a dumb nigger. He's the ultimate autist. Ultra smart, able to master everything, but he's basically a robot.

>> No.15463854

I went back to bakker after reading a bunch of chinkshit and realised kelhus is basically just a badly written xianxia protagonist

>> No.15463863

>kelhus is basically just a badly written xianxia protagonist
Why the redundancy?

>> No.15463974

>United states
Still racially and politically divided
>Great Britain
Anything but Great
No Franks to be found

Give me a break. Everybody LARPs, but somehow only the HRE and North Korea get shit for it.

>> No.15464022

"United States" refers to the states being united on a federal level.

>> No.15464036

"Holy" refers to anything blessed by the pope.
"Roman" refers to anything legitimized by Rome (and by Rome, I mean the pope) and intended to safeguard Roman influence.
"Empire" refers to any large state encompassing multiple ethnic groups.

I too can play these games, but good on you not addressing my two other, crushing, examples.

>> No.15464042

No, that's quite literally what "United States" means. I don't have to stretch or bend anything to get that.

>> No.15464056

>No, that's quite literally what "United States" means.
No, that is quite literally what "Holy Roman Empire" means. I don't have to stretch or bend anything to get that.

It is LITERALLY undeniable that it wasn't an empire, and the other definitions are *clearly* what the people who came up with the name meant. I L I T T E R A L L Y have to stretch nothing.

>> No.15464064

Look like fat Harry Dresden from >>15458510.

>> No.15464091

Great Britain:
>The Greco-Egyptian scientist Ptolemy referred to the larger island as great Britain (μεγάλη Βρεττανία megale Brettania) and to Ireland as little Britain (μικρὰ Βρεττανία mikra Brettania) in his work Almagest (147–148 AD).
>Geoffrey of Monmouth in his pseudohistorical Historia Regum Britanniae (c. 1136) refers to the island as Britannia major ("Greater Britain"), to distinguish it from Britannia minor ("Lesser Britain"), the continental region which approximates to modern Brittany, which had been settled in the fifth and sixth centuries by migrants from Britain.
You're correct about France, though.
You are apparently unaware of this, but the post here >>15463832 is an old joke.
>In a famous assessment of the name, the political philosopher Voltaire remarked sardonically: "This body which was called and which still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire was in no way holy, nor Roman, nor an empire."

>> No.15464097

I'm trying this one. I feel like I'm going to regret it. I've had a bad time with male authors writing female protagonists. So that's one red flag there. And the back of the book reads real cutesy. So it's probably going to annoy me with that.

Still, it sounds very different than the Vorkosigan saga. And I need something different right now to cleanse the palate.

>> No.15464098

>You are apparently unaware of this, but the post here >>15463832 is an old joke.
You are apparently unaware of this, but the post here >>15463974 is a joke in reply to that

>> No.15464106

It doesn't come off as a joke but anon being assmad because of the last sentence.
>Give me a break. Everybody LARPs, but somehow only the HRE and North Korea get shit for it.

>> No.15464120

I also assume it's this same person who has some kind of HRE boner >>15463794

>> No.15464139

>It doesn't come off as a joke
Are you legitimately autistic?

>but anon being assmad because of the last sentence.
Because calling the naming of states "LARPing" and complaining that NK and the HRE "get shit" for their names, is obviously totally serious?

Do you unironically have autism?
No sentence which started with "Yikes", has *EVER* been serious.

I mean holy shit, at >>15464036 I even started to parrot you, did you believe I tried to make actual arguments?

>> No.15464149

I assume everyone I'm talking to online is a retard, and I'm correct the majority of the time. If you aren't, oh well.

>> No.15464153

I might be retarded, but I was obviously not being serious.

>> No.15464280

>I assume everything is in bad faith so I respond to everything in bad faith. If it wasn't in bad faith, it it doesn't matter to me.
This is truly a source of many problems.

>> No.15464337

It's the first crusade, not the fourth, but yeah there's a ton of parallels

>> No.15464502

Sure, my memory is quite vague, but the Parallels to the *Byzantine* Empire were very clear.

>> No.15464662

Well even specifically the first crusade.
>Alexios Komnenos subdues some steppe tribe armies shortly before the crusade begins
>Komnenos' mother had an unusual amount of political power
>there's a motley horde of non-soldier crusaders that is sent off to get massacred before the real thing starts
>The byzantines and crusaders travel and fight together until Antioch(Caraskand?) and then part ways before the final leg to Jerusalem because of disagreements about leadership/spoils
There's probably many more parallels that I don't know about between the real life crusade leaders like Raymond of Toulouse and characters like Proyas, idk I'm not a historian I just listen to podcasts

>> No.15464831

>get caught out for sperging over nothing
>y-you didn't know I was joking? hahahaa...

>> No.15464852

>implying xianxia protagonist are well written

>> No.15464857

>sperging over nothing
In what world can anybody believe that >>15463794 is a serious post?

>> No.15464870

We are on 4chan. There are people who believe the shit they type. There was a nutter here last week who was saying that corona is fake, and they want people to stay home so they can get enough time to implement 5g across the world.

>> No.15464949

three months for a quality 90k first draft is reasonable for a full-time professional, although many struggle to do that

>> No.15464973

Fuck the goy know.
Shut it down!

>> No.15465020

Are any of the Halo books worth reading and if so, which ones?

>> No.15465021

What the fuck, how did this get so popular? I remember Arand's top book on goodreads having like 1.5k ratings, and Super Sales was not that popular after it came out.
You stupid coomers.

>> No.15465242

kindle unlimited

>> No.15465284

Through dick, unity.

>> No.15465428

>Warning and minor spoiler: This novel contains graphic violence, undefined relationships/partial harem, unconventional opinions/beliefs, and a hero who is as tactful as a dog at a cat show. Read at your own risk.
Sounds stupid.

>> No.15465527

i set a 500 word daily goal because it seemed reasonable, but I can't always stick to it. admittedly, i can stick to it more reliably than I could years ago, but there's still nights where i can't make the goal. on average, i can stick to it maybe two nights a week. i think my issue was i got worse at saying "fuck it" and forcing myself to write a scene even if it turns out like ass

>> No.15465782

This is NOT starting off well. What the hell is with this thread, and emotionally detached female assassins? This is like the 5th book you guys recommended with this protagonist.

-Book of the ancestor: Girl born to be a natural assassin, fueled by revenge, and lacks empathy.
-The Elder Empire: Girl born to be a natural assassin, and lacks empathy. Not quite fuelled by revenge, but has a doggish loyalty to her friends that forces her to take revenge.
-Song of the Shattered Sands: Girl born to be a natural fighter and assassin, and fuelled by revenge. Not exactly lacking in empathy, but she learns how to be cold , and takes lives as easy as breathing.
-Borne: This is a bit of a stretch. But the main character is a trapper and scavenger. So in a way, she kills using sneaky techniques, while remaining hidden. So in that sense, she's like an assassin. She has plenty of empathy, but she still acts like a cold bitch regardless of how she feels on the inside.
-Cradle: An even farther stretch, because she's not the main character. Though, she shares a lot of screentime with the main guy, and she's even getting more PoV chapters as the series progresses. Another natural born killer. She's not an assassin, but she's a cold blooded killer, fuelled by revenge.

And now I'm getting acquainted with The Library at Mount Char. And so far, it appears I'm dealing with another sneaking, emotionally detached killer. This isn't looking good.

>> No.15465818

Just go on an irrelevant tangent (thats what King does) when you don't know what to write about.

>> No.15465829

Yeah but King does it so well you either don't notice or don't care.

>> No.15465945

>it appears I'm dealing with another sneaking, emotionally detached killer
welcome brother. kill all emotions and set yourself free of society. all feelings are kill.

>> No.15466164
File: 74 KB, 1242x943, 1590322571920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you guys are still talking about fantasy.
In the meantime SpaceX launch has been postponed.

>> No.15466177

>What the fuck, how did this get so popular?
Because of muh dick. Plus he puts out regularly.
He is by far better than the others.
>Simon Archer, Logan Jacobs, Eric Vall, Dante King Harmon Cooper and others are pure shit.

>> No.15466238

kind of, i actually like dark fantasy the most where its "gritty" real life set in a world where magical things happen to exist, like game of thrones, berserk, the witcher or the black company.
but high fantasy is purely escapism for me, forest gods, elves and mostly homogenized white civilisations is my dream world.

>> No.15466358

>There was a nutter here last week who was saying that corona is fake, and they want people to stay home so they can get enough time to implement 5g across the world.
Did he repeatedly use the word "Yikes"?

>> No.15466368

I love Runescape. What is the best fantasy novel for me.

>> No.15466464

There was no use of the word "yikes".
If I see someone use "yikes" I automatically assume they are reddit.

>> No.15466514

/sffg/, what's something I can read in the pits of my depression that will inspire me to write again?

the corona life is boring me to death

>> No.15466566
File: 187 KB, 1088x800, choice-of-magic-fullcover-web_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi , let me just shill this.

Coming of age story set in fantasy world filled magic battles, sword fighting, political intrigue.
It also includes master and apprentice, magical college, spells, fairies, demons. If you are interested then read this book.

>> No.15466571
File: 55 KB, 373x500, 51qninUnshL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15466593
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 51Myat8-L-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already did it earlier in the thread.
I see your Choice of Magic and raise you The Beginning After the End

>> No.15466596
File: 128 KB, 980x652, KanyeWest-TaylorSwift-VMAchristopherpolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15466631

I've read all 7 books and was actually surprised on how good it was.

I thought that it was going to be like one of those shitty Chinese web novel that turns into a manga, but surprisingly, I enjoyed it.

>> No.15466704

What is this? Is this chinese? Also it appears to be a part of a series (Convergence?), do I need to read the other books first?

>> No.15466766

>Also it appears to be a part of a series (Convergence?)
>do I need to read the other books first?
>do I need to read book one before book 5
I don't know. Do you start books in the middle?

>> No.15466889

One of the authors hasn't revealed his/her identity, the other is a woman.
Are there any sex or romance scenes? Does it happen often? What about current day social justice themes?
I am not against any of that, it's just I don't want to read a romantic novel or anything where mc cannot go a day without having a sexual encounter. Again, it's just my personal preference.

>> No.15466924

Pirate Aba is female, you can see it in the writing.
The writing in this feels male. No sex because he is still young, he doesn't have that shit authors write where the MC gets walked over by a female JUST because she has a vagina.

>> No.15467330

you should really get a better cover artist Michael

>> No.15467446
File: 35 KB, 460x345, 1530113259226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the synopsis
>It's Isekai shit

I don't understand why you would even bother posting that.

>> No.15467472

He wouldn't shill in 4chan.
It's cosmerefag. He got hooked on the series. I hope it doesn't disappoint when the audio releases next month (week).

>> No.15467526


>> No.15467635



>> No.15467665



>> No.15467678

bitches and whores man.

>> No.15467927

Latro in the mist

>> No.15468054

>I don't understand why you would enjoy this thing I never read and pretend to know about because I read the blurb

>> No.15468062

That shit is old. I saw something similar posted last year or the year before.

>> No.15468072
File: 54 KB, 260x400, starship troopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this, and really enjoyed it. Not even just for the power armor and the fighting weird aliens, I even liked the boot camp parts which I never like, and the political treatises were interesting. Is there anything else like it, that's as good?
I already have The Forever War and Armor.

>> No.15468175

>power armor
So it's low level mech novel?

>> No.15468192

It's about, like, what it means to be a soldier and the purpose of society and stuff. Not in a way that makes that stuff thematic, it's very direct. And also the soldiers wear power armor that dramatically increases their strength and maneuverability, gives them a heads-up display, and so on.

>> No.15468267

What's the real reason the fat man has gone a decade without releasing TWOW, /sffg/? Money, boredom, too many plots to tie up?

>> No.15468278

He's got fuck you money and is doing what he wants with it. He famously doesn't outline so it's inevitably gonna be a slow process to tie all his plots together when he is writing.

His latest thing is buying a historic railway to restore. Wildcards still getting frequent releases tho lol

>> No.15468408
File: 55 KB, 537x540, Cosmere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't typed about it since I finished it. My last book post was >>15461288
I don't post much about what I read because nobody reads what I read.
This series has better writing and decision making but nothing fun like the goddamn cat

>> No.15468645

Yerin isn’t fueled by revenge. Your reading comprehension must be terrible

>> No.15468651

The Bible

>> No.15468793

how's your night going /sffg/?

The good news is I just had a new character idea. The bad news is I have no idea what I'm doing with the next part of my story and even thinking about it is making me anxious

>> No.15468866

It's pretty obvious he had run out of steam by dance with dragons. What would be the point?

>> No.15469129

>I don't understand why you would even bother actually reading

>> No.15469156

Pepe the frog is coming back June the first.

>> No.15469159

It amazes me that people still care about GURM or Rothfuck. You wanted closure fine but after a few years you KNOW if it does come out, it's going to be shit. All you're doing is fucking yourself over.

>> No.15469372

No way. How is this not dead in the water? 6 fucking years between book 1 and book 2

>> No.15469373

It's why people continue to read Jordan after book one.

>> No.15469384

He went to pharmacy school and other shit got in the way. He finished school year before the last I think, and has been pushing to finish it since.
He even has book three partly completed.

>> No.15469583

Personally, GRRM's worldbuilding autism really scratches that itch I have, and I haven't found anything else yet with a character who's as much of a madlad as book euron and his Lovecraft aspirations either
Something about the low fantasy setting and cthulhuesque shit lurking just under the surface really does it for me

>> No.15469622

Yerin's motivations can be boiled down to "dey killed muh master!" Sure, there are some layers surrounding that, so she isn't such a one-note character. But at the core of it all, she's angry that people/creatures took her family and master away from her.

>> No.15469892

Bottom text.

>> No.15469949

Also gave up on bakker after he got too far up his own ass in the second trilogy (first one was really good though). Can you answer some more questions so I don't have to read the books:
- so what is all this salvation/damnation/judging eye business? You make it sound as if EVERYONE is damned, because the gods/demons want to omnomnom all the souls, so nobody gets a good end whatever they do. What's different about sorcerers then?
- how did Kellhus, being an amoral lying manipulative sociopath WIZARD, not notice that his fucking son is a lying manipulative schizo crazy? That was one of the more jarring bits of TJE for me, there's no way he just overlooks that. Is there a reason or it's just bad plotting?

>> No.15470098

A Will Eternal is so much fucking fun, almost confused by how good it is because I don't like anything else I've read by Er Gen

>> No.15470130

Don't be such a bugmen anon.

>> No.15470155

Not really AWE related, but one would think Jeremy/Deathblade could write an accessible Wuxia/Xianxia piece, and making a fucking killing for 'original fantasy' on the western popular fantasy market.

>> No.15470161

New Daniel Black when?

>> No.15470238

GRRM's combo of character writing and worldbuilding hits the perfect spot for me and he's one of those few writers who I find almost always enjoyable. I don't read for the "closure", but because I like seeing what happens and how.

>> No.15470384

This anon gets it. I still want to believe TWOW will get released and will be actually good, even though I know there's almost no chance of that after 10 years.
Maybe I should reread Dying of the Light instead, I remember it being rather good.

>> No.15470468

>Maybe I should reread Dying of the Light instead, I remember it being rather good.
>A whisperjewel has summoned Dirk t’Larien to Worlorn, and a love he thinks he lost. But Worlorn isn’t the world Dirk imagined, and Gwen Delvano is no longer the woman he once knew. She is bound to another man, and to a dying planet that is trapped in twilight. Gwen needs Dirk’s protection, and he will do anything to keep her safe, even if it means challenging the barbaric man who has claimed her.
Yeah I ain't reading this cuckshit.

>> No.15470536
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Just hire a hooker before you go off to save the world.

>> No.15470545

>Paying money for sex
>Paying money for sex with a human cumrag
No thanks.

>> No.15470567
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So you're off to save the world while m'lady is blueballing you with some "barbaric man"?
Wow you cucks are something else.

>> No.15470577

Say something that makes sense next time.

>> No.15470584
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I am fairly certain that you would enjoy Rothfuss.

>> No.15470589

>Say that I don't like cuck stories
>Tell me that I would like a cuck story
??? Not following you at all here, anon.

>> No.15470598
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Oh and he also had a collab with Chuck Tingle.
Right up your alley so to speak.

>> No.15470619

Is this really the best insult you can muster?

>> No.15470643

Man it's just bantz. It's not an attack on your (or m'ladies) honor.
You must be a blast at the parties.

>> No.15470923

>came up with a pretty humorous way to explain my views on a couple of moral issues
>don't know fucking anything about dinosaurs
Is what I picked up from Jurassic Park enough or would I have to look more into this stuff? How much of science fiction is based on actually knowing about the science part of your story?

>> No.15470964

damn, all this Bakker talk. the books were fine. I read some so fast I hardly remember a lot of it. something is wrong with Bakker and we're never going to see the next trilogy

>> No.15470997

>something is wrong
yeah he doesn't have a publisher lol

>> No.15470998 [SPOILER] 
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here are my absolutely shitty notes of the entire series that I wrote real quick. at no point do I claim these notes to be correct / accurately represent the texts. just postin' for fun..

>> No.15471128

Yikes, bro. Did you actually read and enjoy this book? I need some reassurance that it gets better. Because the first few chapters are pretty cringey. Does the story get good, or what? I'm pretty close to dropping it, but I want to be fair and give a chance. I'm having a real hard time swallowing quirky assassin girl right now.

>> No.15471189

>how did Kellhus, being an amoral lying manipulative sociopath WIZARD, not notice that his fucking son is a lying manipulative schizo crazy?
Stop speed reading. The soulless cunt hid from daddy as much as possible, and manipulated mommy into protecting him. There is a head on a pole behind you also wasn't home much. It's why soulless went after uncle, because uncle was around all the time and saw too much.

>> No.15471200

Never as long as he has paypiggies giving him thousands of dollars a month.
fuck e william brown

>> No.15471237

Just know they had feathers instead of scales.

>> No.15471245

Next thread lads. Also I hated the first book of the new sun. Twas shit.

>> No.15471263

I like it for the characters and their interactions within the house. The plot was also good. If you don't like it drop it. Many others read it and liked, don't force yourself if you are seeing female assassins in every book you read.

>> No.15471343

I'll stop speedreading when bakker stops writing with his dick. The second trilogy had so much pseudophilosophical wankery (and good old regular wankery) I had to skip whole chunks of text to keep my sanity.
>The soulless cunt hid from daddy as much as possible, and manipulated mommy into protecting him.
That makes no sense. It should have been obvious to Kelhus that he's hiding. It's not some random peasant, but one of his potentially most powerful tools, he should have thoroughly examined and trained his son since birth.

>> No.15471359

You liked the interaction? I know it's early for me to judge. Because I've only just been introduced to the librarians. But still, there seems to be major inconsistency in why they do and don't know. Like, how can a character know where to get weed, but then not know what Listerine is? I suppose the library has its own brand of weed?
Or how about they stress how controlling Father is, yet they also call a road the road to tacos, because they're sneak out regularly to get tacos? Huh? If they can just sneak out to get tacos, then what the hell was that whole story in the intro about? Why go through the lengths of showing how brutal punishment is, and then be like "lol, we sneak out to get tacos! XD"

Honestly, it reads like a crappy CW show so far. I'm going to give it a few more chapters though. I hate the feeling that I'm missing out.

>> No.15471378

That sounds like bullshit.

>> No.15471402

Why are the steppe people "masters of warfare" in the first book so surprised by the imperials using sorcerers? Seems pretty obvious that in any setting with mages they'd completely dominate the battlefield

>> No.15471404

>Yikes, bro
Of course a rebbit user like yourself wouldn't be able to stomach non redbit books. If it isn't shilled on rebbit you can't read it.

>> No.15471420

Read the fucking books again then. Speed reading scum.

>> No.15471495

What is this shit with e william browne? Why is he being posted so fucking much? Jesus fuck.

>> No.15471534

He is the only one (besides Randi, who has many other problems) who writes chad self-insert wish fulfillment books without retarded burgerland morals, and white knight MC' who lack ambition, and wit.

>> No.15471535

It was both, depending on the species. It is generally agreed now that dinosaurs and birds are extremely closely related and share many otherwise unique features (feathers, skeletal structure, lung sacs, brooding, gizzard stones etc.).

>> No.15471563



>> No.15471571
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Dude, edgy assassin girls are PEAK reddit. It's all that Arya Stark kind of shit.
Also, literally my entire reading history has been 4chan recommendations so far. Every one. Some of you fucks just have shitty tastes. I bet you unironically like the schoolgirl yandere trope.

>> No.15471606

>bet you unironically like the schoolgirl yandere trope.
I don't even know what that is.

>> No.15471623

>He is the only one (besides Randi, who has many other problems) who writes chad self-insert wish fulfillment books without retarded burgerland morals, and white knight MC' who lack ambition, and wit
Who can only two people write as such? Why self insert?

>> No.15471642

c'mon man. I don't believe anyone can be that ignorant of anime. Stop trying to play me for a fool.

>> No.15471695

I know what anime is, but I'm not /a/. I watched a few, but of the few I watched I avoid the ones with school girls or school in general. Can't take kid shit, or guys having girls walk over him because "it's funny". Never watched a full episode of sailor moon, etc. I'm probably a filthy casual when it comes to anime. Pokemon, cyborg 007, speed racer, digimon, monster ranchers, metabots, etc.

>> No.15471758

He didn’t care about his last pair of sons, they were there to keep Esmenet happy. He already had 2 sons and 2 daughters that he used for his tools. Kel and Sen were too young to be of value to him, so he basically ignored them unless they started causing trouble.

Dunyain only care about things that benefit or hamper their goals. The ordeal was already going, Kellhus was focused elsewhere.

>> No.15471768

>only two people write as such?
I was imprecise with my words. I am sure there are more, these two are just the only ones I know.

>Why self insert?
Because reading it in combination with wish fulfillment releases pleasurable hormones in my brain.

>> No.15471778 [SPOILER] 
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Jesus Christ. And you're calling ME reddit. I shouldn't have to explain what a yandere is to anyone on 4chan. No matter how casual.

Do you know Arya Stark at least?
Imagine a character like Arya, except take away the grounding characteristics that make her a likeable character. All that's left is the girl who is very casual about killing, or even likes it. She pretends to fit in with others, but doesn't really understand how they feel. Like what TV show Arya became in season 7. Cooking Freys into pies, and slitting Walder's throat with a smile on her face, and walking away like the audience is supposed to clap. THAT'S reddit.
That's more or less the characters you guys have been recommending to me.

>> No.15471777

>There was no use of the word "yikes".

>> No.15471788

>but because I like seeing what happens
So you *hate* GRRM from the bottom of your soul?

>> No.15471823

>Because reading it in combination with wish fulfillment releases pleasurable hormones in my brain.
So self insert is for cum brains?

>> No.15471852

>Imagine a character like Arya, except take away the grounding characteristics that make her a likeable character. All that's left is the girl who is very casual about killing, or even likes it. She pretends to fit in with others, but doesn't really understand how they feel
So a yandere is a female murder hobo? You mean that one that likes to lick blood in those few eps I saw of hero academia? Why would people like a female r9k who gets off on murder? Fetishes are fucked.

>> No.15471861

There's a lot of top tier literary fiction with self inserts, so no.
But the sort which Brown writes is for dopamine brains.

>> No.15471938

Uh, I wasn't exactly describing a yandere. In fact, I was only using a yandere as an adjacent example to explain the cringy female assassin trope. Because I thought yanderes were common knowledge here on 4chan... or anywhere really. Honestly, how can you be a general internet denizen and not know what yandere is? Next you're going to tell me that you don't know what long cat is.

But yeah, "female /r9k/ who gets off on murder" is a very nice description of a yandere character. I don't know where you pulled /r9k/ from. Despite claiming to know nothing about yanderes.
That was a very good pull for someone who is supposedly ignorant on the topic. HMMMMMM

But in truth, a yandere doesn't necessarily have to get off on murder. She's only willing to murder, in order to protect her relationship with whoever she's in love with. Love is a key factor in it all. Yanderes are like psycho girlfriends. Sometimes, you don't even know they're your girlfriend. But they know you were meant to be together.

>> No.15472080

>I don't know where you pulled /r9k/ from. Despite claiming to know nothing about yanderes.
>She pretends to fit in with others, but doesn't really understand how they feel.
I was stretching with the r9k, because we both know that robots can't pretend to fit in, they can try, but always give themselves away once they open their mouths.

Also I think I heard of the girls who like you, but pretend that they hate you. It's one of the reasons I ignore those school typey anime.

>> No.15472132

>I totally don't know what a tsundere is. btw I forgot to mention I watched a few episodes of My Hero Academia before, tee hee.
I still don't trust you. Also, you have a different idea of /r9k/ than I do. I was thinking more along the lines of them being so desperate for love, that they do and say insane things.

>> No.15473163

This is legitimately my default mode IRL from browsing this site in my free time. Only since having a child and seeing her wonder and marvel have I realized this is a disgusting way to behave and rarely results in good things happening for you.