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15446239 No.15446239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The sexual revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.15446242

I can hardly think of a revolution that wasn't a disaster for the human race.

>> No.15446245

switch from tighty whiteys to boxers

>> No.15446250


>> No.15446253

Definitely one of the worst things that happened in the world history.

>> No.15446254

Sad state of affairs, men don’t crave relationships anymore, it’s very rare to hear guys wanting to have families and marry where I live, you can just cheat by clicking on a mouse or using your phone for 5 minutes, I hate this shit so bad. Wish people would stop acting like purposeless cunts.

>> No.15446258

Very true. But people are waking up, and the pendulum is swinging back to the right.

>> No.15446272

wtf why is there an incel conference in /lit/?

>> No.15446273

It’s not the case in the West.

>> No.15446278

What qualifies my post as "incel" content? I’m a woman btw.

>> No.15446293

>tfw unless you join a cult you will never live in a community that supports each other in having large families


>> No.15446294

>I can hardly think of a revolution that wasn't a disaster for the human race.
is this your post

>> No.15446299

A third of the male population are incels. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this will have severe repercussions for future events.

>> No.15446304

lmao it wont

>> No.15446305

Basically this

>> No.15446312

Implying it already isn’t happening.

>> No.15446316

are you an incel?

>> No.15446325


>> No.15446330

We're basically heading for Japan where half the population consists of 30 year old virgin NEETs and people pay by the hour for a pretend gf.

>> No.15446333

No, but I have friends that are and I can sympathize with them.

>> No.15446335

Your lack of ability to talk to women isn't a societal problem, not that society is perfect in any way, it's just that incels are addicted to a feedback loop of suffering and self pity. You espouse your beliefs which shock normies and you get backlash, so you go hang around incels to fit in. I get it, it's an understandable circumstance, but it's not inescapable.

>> No.15446350

mass literacy was a mistake prove me wrong

>> No.15446351

I feel like you're simply LARPing. can you post a pic of your hands?

>> No.15446367

get him some hookers like a true bro

>> No.15446375

The agricultural revolution was a mistake, we should have stayed cavemen desu

>> No.15446378

suck his dick. just make sure to swallow like true pal.

>> No.15446382
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>The sexual revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.15446388

No they haven't. The disaster of the West was the simultaneous evisceration of manufacturing that occured across Europe and North America(Japan went full retard for good measure).

The unhappiness stems from the fact that despite the increase in their r rights, legally speaking, they've had a commiserate decrease in real choice. The fact that women cannot choose to be stay at home mothers, that they must work their whole lives or marry up in social class in order to live. That is what drives their unhappiness. This is not a consequence of the sexual revolution, this is a consequence of globalism.

If there were still stable jobs that provided for an entire family, women would be happier than ever. Most women are happy as stay at home moms, or only working part time.

If the average wage of the American worker had not been decimated by the destruction of manufacturing and subsequent destruction of organized labour by vultures, women would not engage in the workforce nearly as much.

They would, however, feel like they had a choice in the matter, and be much happier for that knowledge.

>> No.15446391
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>Definitely one of the worst things that happened in the world history.

>> No.15446399
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>> No.15446408

>I have holes btw

>> No.15446415
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Only a retard would deny it.

>> No.15446417


looked up the article

the whole article seems mostly like the author trying not to betray her feminist credentials, but the conclusion finally is that more rights leads to women having higher expectations which aren't being met in (cruel) reality. That seems plausible. But she adds that women in the pre-1970s were probably only reporting higher happiness levels because they had less expectations and were probably just thinking about whether their household affairs were in order. That seems to treat women of the past like brainwashed tunnel vision robots or something, idk. As if only people in the present are able to 'think critically'. Ugh.

The last line was funny in a sad way.

>Declining happiness among women may seem depressing. But who ever claimed an expanded consciousness brings satisfaction?

>> No.15446418

Who would know indulging in excessive lust could bring harm?

>> No.15446421

multicellular life was a mistake
>tfw no flagellum

>> No.15446431

What's the source on this?

>> No.15446446

The past sucked. The present rules. Deal with it, nerds.

>> No.15446451

The evolution of primates and its consequences have been a disaster for panlogistic universe.

>> No.15446454

I have found a subreddit called Blackpillfeminism, it is incredibly based and redpilled.

They think we are all murderous pedophiles:


>> No.15446459

>it's not inescapable
women can't fuck all the time, they have to sleep eventually. sex is a scarce resource, how do you decide how it's distributed and if there is no fundamental right to sex you're not only undermining the moral basis of legalized alternative sexualities but you're also creating a de facto caste system

>> No.15446483

This place is great. It's exactly what a forum for misandrist female incels would look like. I love it
tfw all men are pedophiles and all women fuck dogs

>> No.15446489

lmao fucking based

>> No.15446500

being trans doesn't disqualify you from your inceldom

>> No.15446505

They entered the capitalist labor market instead of being socially shetlered from it and now that they are starting to feel the same alineation as the rest of the population. After all, freedom does not bring happiness only truth.

>> No.15446507
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Why does this happen?

>> No.15446538

Cherrypicking distorted fragments of virtual information to create memetic propaganda.

>> No.15446569

Do you think love can bloom, even on the battlefield?

>> No.15446579

Ok but why does that specifically picked cherry happen?

>> No.15446581

I’m born with an uterus. There are no options anymore, you can only lead an existence of solitude or degeneracy.

>> No.15446590

this is the best one yet, top lol


>> No.15446595

a fellow crumps follower i see

>> No.15446596

Literally just go to a church. Any church. Some dude will snap you up.
What are you even doing here?

>> No.15446601

Mgtow and mra subreddits are banned, but this is allowed to stay? Atleast allow both genders to vent, or even better, put them into same subreddit.

>> No.15446610

I dont get these people's problems with anything remotely wholesome.

>> No.15446615

>hat are you even doing here?
I don’t have anyone to talk to, I’ve been raised in a very strict conservative family, didn’t develop the proper skills to socialize and bond with a man. Also the fear of being betrayed or lied to doesn’t make things easier.

>> No.15446629

What's your discord? I'm good looking let's start talking

>> No.15446630

>People no longer believe that they are required to abide by standards of moral propriety to receive personal intimacy
I agree with the writer it's pretty based

>> No.15446631

Do ya like video games? I could talk to you about video games.

>> No.15446635

Wow, fish on. See, this is retarded. Any woman can snap her fingers and 5000 men show up.
Make a dating profile, you will get 10000 messages instantly. 9000 will be retards. 900 will make less than six figures. 20 will be creepy, and then you will have your 80 chads.

No go away.

>> No.15446639

>Your lack of ability to talk to women isn't a societal problem
It obviously is in most cases. It's societies job (parents as well obviously) to socialize children right in their formative years so they don't turn into isolated incel fuckups.

>> No.15446641

Don’t have discord or any social media for the matter.
I’m too old for it now I think, can’t enjoy it like before.

>> No.15446649
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to society

>> No.15446666

Vacuous attention from sexually depraved men doesn’t fulfill a sane woman’s craving for care and affection from a man.

>> No.15446694

I can't believe this is real

>> No.15446695
File: 58 KB, 781x387, Screenshot_20200525_110835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Ok let me give you an example, back in 2015 /g/ was all over this for at least a month, by itself this mere comment was basically pure TOLD and it became a symbol of everything wrong hapenning inside the free community, I believe it lasted around a month and produced 150+ replies threads every time.

Now, let's contextualize it:


Do you see the rest of the comments? How after a while is about how it was blown out of proportion? Which seems far closer to the truth if you just take some steps backs, the thing is that the issue was never really important to anybody except for maybe 1 or 2 persons, the rest just wanted to subvert the issue and feed their ego with it by making it about things that never actually were, therefore it became a symbol over which they could rally, pretty much like as in another example: How politicians never actually say anything meaningfull but people act like they did because they fill the void with their own ideas.

So going back to the image, this is modern propaganda; is not about how great we are or how great we are going to make things, it's about taking the ideas of the other side and subverting them therefore hijacking their internal ideological process to justify your own, it's quite an ingenious and insidious technique, and hence what otherwise would have been some lowly expressed comments that are probably unrelated or in the minority but that are about how the "other" views the world are decontextualized and repurposed to feed the legitimacy of other communities that need to view themselves as the guardians of truth in times when everything is dark, creating a feedbad loop of megalomania and narcissism but also of tribalism which also serves as a surrogate for the need of community and control that is so hard to get these days.

>> No.15446727


>> No.15446774 [SPOILER] 
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>The Industrial Revolution
>The French Revolution
>The Matrix Revolution
By God you're right

>> No.15446797

The Culture of Narcissism

>> No.15446810

Read the scum manifesto. Blackpilled women are awesome. Personally I look forward to the future where most male fetuses are aborted and we're kept as breeding/hard labour cattle

>> No.15446811

hi i'll marry you lol

>> No.15446823

you will never pass as a woman

>> No.15446827

Why are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.15446830

whats wrong tranny, did you forget to dilate?

>> No.15446838

We all have holes anon.

>> No.15446841

Never needed it, you seem to be well versed on the subject for a "man"

>> No.15446874

It's the sad fate of the reactionary to always be right, but at the same time always lose since at least 10,000 BC

>> No.15446920

God I hope you're sarcastic

>> No.15446943


>> No.15446978

A bit. But I do think we're moving closer to a society where women are clearly seen as the superior gender--not an apocalyptic dystopia of state enforced femdom, but certainly one where women (who I do think are generally smarter than men) will be the chief member of the household, expected to earn more and more socially allowed to cheat like men used to be, and where men take the supporting role women used to play, doing part time physical labour or taking care of children. This is starting now, with women generally performing better in education and going into university in higher numbers, I think they're better fit for modern society than men are. When the current generation of male business owners and CEOs dies and are replaced with women, the gender pay gap will completely close. (Of course, the main obstacle to this is violence. Men are stronger than women and have very fragile egos, and might not accept this future meekly)
I don't think it's a bad thing btw, clear hierarchy can make society more harmonious.

>> No.15446986

Based Lasch

>> No.15446994

>who I do think are generally smarter than men
How do you get this disconnected from reality?

>> No.15447008

The sexual revolution is in and of itself a consequence of global capitalism. Increasing the share of manpower to suppress wages is merely one of the first barriers to be removed.

>> No.15447010 [DELETED] 

>who I do think are generally smarter than men
You're just wrong. This is a catastrophic error. Women cannot replace men. Women cannot even work in groups.

If you want to be horrified, try to find any all-female company that has accomplished anything, ever. It simply does not happen. A group of women cannot function and achieve. They are fatally flawed.

It's a function of patriarchy nearly destroying the planet last century.

>> No.15447017

Always pay attention to adverbs. The average woman is smarter than the average man. Super geniuses are irrelevant, men are generally dumber.

>> No.15447027

It's going to be homosexual men. Gay men combine the consumerist tendencies of women with the high productivity of men. Once artificial wombs are created the gays will be the alpha+ of the capitalist hive.

>> No.15447034 [DELETED] 

This is just wrong. Men have larger brains and millions more neurons. A group comprised exclusively of women has never accomplished anything, ever, without men. But it doesn't matter. Men nearly destroyed the world last century. So we shifted gears to "pretend women can compete with men and give them endless hidden support and free stuff" mode.

>> No.15447036

Male intelligence deviates quite more than female intelligence. And so while female intelligence often tends to revolve around 90-110 IQ, male intelligence can go around 75-125. This leads to a predominant amount of mentally retarded people (actual clinical use rather than the insultive use) being male, but also to the overwhelming majority of great geniuses (160+) being male. And so to say that females are more intelligent than men is simply false, and it contradicts the fact that most of the world changing minds throughout humanity, were male.

>> No.15447056

I've thought about that too, but the fact of the matter is that most men aren't gay and cannot be turned gay. A replacement for the patriarchy of old cannot be based on 3% of the global population.
That's another thing women have going for them. The idea of sex with another woman doesn't disgust the vast majority of them like the idea of sex with another man disgusts us, so I wouldn't be surprised if the idea of a married woman sleeping with other women becomes more prevalent. The socially acceptable cheating I mentioned.

>> No.15447064

Why do women, on average, outperform men in education nowadays?

>> No.15447074

Hidden affirmative action. You can dig up all the research on it from MGTOWs, but it doesn't matter, hence I deleted my post. The ideologues are just completely stubborn and immovable, and so they win. The only thing to do is run and hide, further and further away, in smaller and smaller places, until the productive are all enslaved by the retarded, and we all starve.

>> No.15447093
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>And so to say that females are more intelligent than men is simply false, and it contradicts the fact that most of the world changing minds throughout humanity, were male.

Yeah, it has absolutely nothing to do with women not being allowed to pursue any intellectual endeavor.

>> No.15447094

Super geniuses are certainly relevant to an average.
Your kind of femdom society would also completely ruin them and stifle any prospect of further high civilization.
You probably meant median or something like that. Even then it would be a very bizarre claim. It's certainly false in IQ, but I assume you won't even listen to that. Men are generally more intelligent in every respect. Have you ever tried assessing a random woman abilities of spacial representation? and all that entails in her failing the most basic representation of formal structures in general?

>> No.15447114

Precisely my point! For the first time in history women as a whole are allowed access to education and lo and behold, they outperform us.

>> No.15447129

>no blacks
whoa what?

>> No.15447130

Any exclusively male institution will outperform women to such an insane degree that it would be pathetic. Hence, it is never allowed. Everything is muddled and mixed and fudged. It's sad. Men are just paying for the sins of the 20th century. However superior we are mentally and physically, we still fucked up. So woman worship it is, by any means.

>> No.15447164

Men have a higher brain to body ratio than women do, so the reason for which geniuses tend to be predominantly male sure as hell isn't because of muh patriarchy and systematic and academic oppression of women

>> No.15447165

I don't know what shithole you come from, but here (France) women have had access to 'education' for centuries.
Second, education in the sense you are using it (muh diplomas) is entirely worthless by itself. If anything, having more education but lower actual high achievements after it is even more pathetic. The number of relevant female scientists has actually declined in the second half of the 20th century compared to the first (see Murray's Human Accomplishment). Not that it was ever anything but very low. Diplomas are a promise of excellence, not a proof of it and even less excellence themselves.
Third, talking about diplomas is even more comical when you look at what they graduate in.

>> No.15447218

>First woman to be granted the Baccalauréat was in 1861.
>Not even 2 centuries.

>> No.15447225

Shouldn't smarter beings be outperforming their inferiors by a wide margin in schools?

>> No.15447226

Here you go again with diplomas...
Even then it wouldn't explain a shift happening among amerimutts in the 1990s. Nice try ignoring the rest of the post too.

>> No.15447240

No because retards are also overwhelmingly men
Women are just decisively mediocre

>> No.15447252

This is dumb. Id also sy that arguably all the technology and advncement we have had has not made us happier.

>> No.15447258

This statistic is also well paired up with the one that shows mothers would overwhelmingly prefer to actually do the motherhood thing than being wagies

>> No.15447266

School does not measure intelligence, as you are implying.

>> No.15447268
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noooo the sexual revolution has been terrible i can't find a virgin girlfriend because all women are whores now

>meanwhile reality

>> No.15447272

>sexual revolution
Yes, clearly it has nothing to do with massive pollution, consumerist economy, and ubiquitous wage/debt slavery
Fucking internet babies

>> No.15447283

And yet you all spend all day every day bitching about the consequences of the American revolution and the Liberal world order it brought with it

>> No.15447284

Certainly measures socially valuable intelligence. If we're talking about emotional intelligence, women outperform men too, being capable of providing and asking for emotional support in generally larger social groups, which leads to less suicides.

>> No.15447307


>> No.15447309

I dont but I remember people saying that happiness has more to do with relative deprivation than absolute deprivation, I remember seeing shit about how tribes in africa suffer from.way more physical problems but they dont have problems of depression like the west. I think you just have to look at the news to see that people still are not massively happy and report mental illness. Someone linked an article about womens happiness being lower because expectations are higher. I think that applies to everyone.

>> No.15447331

"Nothing could be madder, in the treatment of women, than to take them from conditions that are natural to women, and then put them in conditions that are unnatural for anybody. Nothing could be madder, except calling it the emancipation of women. There is no old crazy tale to compare with the notion of making a free wife and mother dependent on a commercial monopoly, and then calling it the economic independence of women. The men of Gotham who fished for the moon in the pond, are but faintly figurative of the folly of those who fish for the light of liberty in the muddy pool of modern industrialism. The same philosophers, when they imprisoned the cuckoo in a hedge to keep the spring, were wiser than their followers who imprison woman in a factory to free her soul. And in the end the English laughter will open like an earthquake and swallow them. We shall never return to social sanity till we begin at the beginning. We must start where all history starts with a man and a woman, and a child, and with the province of liberty and property which these need for their full humanity."
GK Chesterton

>> No.15447341

That's a direct consequence of the sexual revolution though, which fits with OP.

>> No.15447407

>socially valuable intelligence
The eternal female/simp and seeing everything in terms of social interaction. But I'll humor it.
Have you ever worked in a competitive technical environment? The only 'socially valuable' thing are your raw technical skills, your risk taking capabilities (men have much more of that), you innovations (the same), your capability to explain what you want and not deviate from it (again), camaraderie, sticking to the division of tasks and a low number of mood swings (male endocrine system is saturated with stabilizers).

>> No.15447475

This dude's the perfect specimen of a stereotype of a blustering windbag. Just say what you mean, fag. Schopenhauer would have a field day with J.K. Chestnut's writing "style."

>> No.15447478

This will never happen. Read the Bible.

>> No.15447523

I agree, the same applies to women and men and everything is devoid of all beauty, all virtue.

>> No.15447532

If it were 1-2% - fine - as Raskoljnikov says, someone has to make up the statistic, our thirsty God.
But it is so far above that.

>> No.15447551

I thought the first one was written by a man who was trying to justify being attracted to children

>> No.15447602

The whole idea of that forum is that men aren't socialised into being terrible, they are born terrible and can only maybe be changed through selective breeding. All men want to rape fifteen year olds, all men will physically abuse and cheat on their partners eventually, all men hate their children and want to impregnate as many women as possible, etc etc
It really is incel ideology turned on its head (they even have their own version of "betas" women who are not enlightened and keep pursuing genetic trash). However, I suspect that, while the source of incel traumas is rejection, the source of these women's traumas is sexual assault, which makes the whole thing quite sad.

>> No.15447852

Take away the Civil Rights/Equality laws and all this goes away.

>> No.15447923

The sexual revolution was just bring neoliberal market politics into sexual relations. Capitalism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.15448023

Humans are a disaster anyway. Nothing they ever do will redeem them.

>> No.15448153
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I think a lot of posters ITT are making the mistake of viewing the sexual revolution as some kind of choice, but I think in some important ways, specifically the invention of the birth control pill, it's an inevitable consequence of change of circumstance.

>> No.15448210

It's called collecting disability and food stamps. Make sure you own a large rural property first.

>> No.15448219
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>> No.15448224

why is that?

>> No.15448230

Based. More single mothers coming soon.

>> No.15448233

The Mosaic revolution.

>> No.15448235

lapse in judgement, more like.

>> No.15448236

Nah, women are sad because they thought that if they just liberated themselves from men, men would still subsidize their lives. They wanted freedom and gibs. Well, too bad.

>> No.15448244

Single mothers are based, because they breed more criminals, which corrodes the system from within, and weakens the stranglehold of the elite.
Best thing to happen for accelerationists.

>> No.15448264
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This is not /pol/, OP.

>I’m a woman btw.
Pic related

>> No.15448287


>> No.15448321

How much feminist propaganda have you been reading, anon?