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/lit/ - Literature

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15445722 No.15445722 [Reply] [Original]

What's some great German fiction outside of the usual stuff like Hesse, Mann, Kafka, Goethe, etc?

>> No.15445843


>> No.15445849

There isn't.

>> No.15445854

Walter Kempowski
Hans Fallada
Alfred Döblin
Arno Schmidt
Siegfried Lenz
Heinrich Böll
Theodor Storm
Theodor Fontane
Erich Maria Remarque
Christian Kracht
Günter Grass
Erich Kästner

>> No.15445860

Gunter Grass
Heinrich Boll
Thomas Bernhard (Austrian, but fuck you)

>> No.15445953

just fiction?
drama: hauptmann, stramm, wedekind, brecht, hofmannsthal
narrative: jünger, conradi, schnitzler, hermann broch, walser
popular comedy: heidegger

>> No.15445969
File: 45 KB, 306x500, 51kcbYY8ISL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15445985

I mean German language (which is why I included Kafka)

Thanks. Yeah it seems like the Germans are good at non-fiction. Idk throw some in there if you want. Someone might find it useful.

Thank you.

>> No.15446020
File: 1 KB, 1024x683, 1024px-Flag_of_the_German_Empire.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong colours

>> No.15446041

>I mean German language (which is why I included Kafka)
Then, if you like Kafka, try Hermann Ungar as well.

>> No.15446338

Yes I love Kafka's style. Thanks man. I'll check him out.

>> No.15446481

Robert Musil

>> No.15447096


>> No.15447173

I guess R. Walser is pretty similar - to the whimsical short stories at least.

Also bits of Ilse Aichinger. Her Spiegelgeschichte is pretty famous, but there's also some other cool stuff like Der Gefesslte which you'll enjoy.

>> No.15448260

Eichendorff, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Hölderlin.

>> No.15448285
File: 89 KB, 256x256, RMG4G0sW7cqKdQ_QR5yfY5LCgOkpE9zs7m-ho-DuAvs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Great German fiction
>Günter Grass

>> No.15448317

What is the typical entry novel for learners of German. I know Hesse's early stuff (in translation) is pretty easy but I really didn't care for it as much as his later work which was far more challenging.

>> No.15448359

What? Is he not German? Is he not great? Does he not write fiction? Are you capable of anything other than posting cartoon images?

>> No.15448430

Kashubian fucktard who wrote circlejerk Literature about Nazis bad

>> No.15448438

Also I found his prose to just be generally shitty but maybe thats just me.

>> No.15448444

So you don't have a legitimate criticism of his work beside being triggered by politics?

>> No.15448663

His prose is just utter shit, as the bulk of German post-WW2 literature. (Gladly the opinion of a single individual weights heavily in the digital ether.)

>> No.15448699

>His prose is just utter shit

you jews should read his books before writing shit like this

>> No.15448789

To add what has not yet been mentioned:
Heinrich von Kleist
Joseph Roth
Max Frisch
W. G. Sebald
Robert Schneider
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

>> No.15448829
