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15444700 No.15444700 [Reply] [Original]

>BTFOS all the other Gods of the Middle East, Europe, North/South America, Australia and almost all of Asia.
any books that explain how he did it?

>> No.15444711

Being real helps.

>> No.15444721

Idk bruh, the bible makes it clear that other Gods are real, just not as strong as yhwh.

>> No.15444731

>any books that explain how he did it?

From Yahweh to Zion: Jealous God, Chosen People, Promised Land...Clash of Civilizations by Laurent Guyénot


>> No.15444751

He was probably the first god of his sort to become the pure representative of indivisible, almighty, transcendent (and conscious) God archetype besides Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism got dunked on by the retarded cousin of Judaism and Christianity, so the abrahamite God became effectively unstoppable wherever people were compatible with that archetype (Indians are not that compatible with it, for example, while chinks are not compatible at all).

>> No.15444761

>God archetype besides Zoroastrianism
isn't Zoroastrianism older than Judaism and even directly influenced it? How did the disciple btfo the master

>> No.15444768

>Be a Kenite desert God hanging out in a mountain in the middle of fucking nowhere
>See a bunch of sheep herders moving to the Mediterranean coast
>Decide to ditch your old people and digs, promising the wanderers you'll let them rule the world if they take you with them
>They pack you in an electrified box and you end up being shipped all over the country, and finally end up in Jeruslam
>Fuck, Yahweh, what's the game plan now...these people suck
>While all the other gods are making rain and shit, you just yell at your people and have them slaughter each other, then send a bunch of prophets to yell at them more about how all the silver and gold in the world belong to you, and all the other gods are retards
>Your people are utterly bewildered, have no idea why they keep getting conquered despite your promises
>Chemosh defeats your army when he gets a baby sacrifice
>Mess up when trying to dispel ron chariots from a valley
>Fuck, I think I picked the wrong people, these guys suck
>More conquests
>Global empire encompasses your territory, your temple is destroyed again
>Send a Galilean Jew to get crucified by Roman authorities
>A bunch of autistic Greeks think he's God, and put a book together
>Now's my chance!
>Have the emperor win a battle while everyone else is distracted
>He adopts the Greek religion and thinks the Galilean is God
>Their holy book is attached to a bunch of ramblings attributed to your prophets
>Now all the Greeks and Romans worship you by accident
>Holy fuck, what luck!
>See you later Hebrews, lmao
>Your sphere of influence is now worldwide
>Destroy the western hemipshere for laughs using Portugal and Spain

>> No.15444775

It is, but I'm not sure why it didn't take off. It had a good base to spread, too, with the Achaemenid and Sassanian empires shilling it officially.

>> No.15444790

kek, he also kept shitting on Baal. probably jealous

>> No.15444795

Monotheism + luck.

>> No.15444805

Monotheism already existed with Zoroastrianism and even Atenism.

>> No.15444809
File: 1.52 MB, 863x1200, tumblr_ov50jyUTcq1v28nclo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By having cooler aesthetics.

>> No.15444816

thats Roman/Greek aesthetics though...

>> No.15444819

>Indians are not that compatible with it
the Upanishads state that Brahman is indivisible, almighty, transcendent and conscious

>> No.15444833

Those are not images of Christian angels. Those are images of the Erotes, who are the Greek Gods of love. Descriptions of angels can be found The Book of Ezekiel, which is one of the most interesting books of the Bible.

>> No.15444841

I thought Brahman was more of a concept rather than a God, is Brahman personal like YHWH?

>> No.15444848

Conscious how? By attributing the consciousnesses of its constituents to the greater whole? The abrahamic God is sternly singular in that regard, and sometimes quite fickle, too. To my knowledge, the purest form of Brahman possesses no attributes of that sort.

>> No.15444859

Christianity is literally hellenized Judaism tho.

>> No.15444871

Meant to reply to >>15444816 as well.

>> No.15444886

>>While all the other gods are making rain and shit, you just yell at your people and have them slaughter each other, then send a bunch of prophets to yell at them more about how all the silver and gold in the world belong to you, and all the other gods are retards
Pretty much all the Semitic religions (and Sumerian) have a heavy focus on giving money to temple and value and what not.

>> No.15444890

I wouldn't say that, it really has no connection to Ancient Greek Paganism. The aesthetics of Christianity have taken a lot from Ancient Greek art, but that's only because artists had little interest in Christianity, but a great interest in taking huge commissions from the church, so they often submitted pictures to the Church, which bore no relevance to Christianity, but which had Christian names applied to them after the fact.

>> No.15444897

>it really has no connection to Ancient Greek Paganism
>whats the trinity

>> No.15444908

There was no Trinity in Ancient Greek Paganism, Plato believed in sacred numbers, but his beliefs were completely divorced from mainstream religion and he held a lot of numbers and other random things to be sacred, not just three.

>> No.15444926

>I thought Brahman was more of a concept rather than a God
It is more abstract than the standard Abrahamic conception of God (this is not meant to be an insult), but is nevertheless still said by the Upanishads to be the Supreme God without equal who creates, sustains and dissolves the universe back into Himself at the end of every cycle of universal manifestation.
>is Brahman personal like YHWH?
The different Hindu schools disagree on exactly how personal, the more devotionally-inclined schools who espouse classic theism like the Dvaitins and Vishishtadvaitins regard Brahman a fully personal supreme being who is the "abode of all good qualities" as Ramanuja says. Whereas the more ascetic and metaphysically-inclined Advaita says that Brahman's true form is Nirguna (distinctionless) Brahman, which is pure formless immutable luminous bliss-awareness without any thoughts or volition; which doesn't really resemble the typical personal God. But even in Advaita this distinctionless Brahman is still called the Purusa (person), and is regarded to be an all-pervading supreme divine Person who just happens to be non-anthropomorphic and without such human features as having a mind, thoughts etc; an impersonal Person as it were

>> No.15444933

>In the Fourth Century B.C. Aristotle wrote: ‘All things are three, and thrice is all: and let us use this number in the worship of the gods; for, as the Pythagoreans say, everything and all things are bounded by threes, for the end, the middle and the beginning have this number in everything, and these compose the number of the Trinity’”

>> No.15444938
File: 1004 KB, 2863x1830, John_Martin_-_Sodom_and_Gomorrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they're not even actual gods, according to Christianity. They're more like demons, fallen angels, minor spirits, and fairies. They're real but they're not worthy of worship.

Also, >>15444711 has a point. What's a better proof of God's existence than His utter success? Even the nations that don't believe in Him any more still mostly follow His Law, and their non-Christian behavior is actively getting them annihilated by Muslims, which, though they're not Christian, at least profess faith in the God of Abraham. God is actively fucking up every atheist nation in the West as we speak. The West became great by obeying God, and now that the West has turned its back on God, God is destroying them. The message seems to be clear: follow Yahweh, or else.

>> No.15444939

>Infiltrate powerful empire controlling Europe
>Convert the emperor
>Genocide or forcibly convert all opposition
>Watch the empire shatter as it's fundamental guiding tenants are abandoned and it's tradition is lost
>Assume power over the wreckage

>> No.15444947

Aristotle was a student of Plato, and, as I said, he supposed a lot of things to be sacred, poetry, music, triangles, beans. He certainly wasn't thinking of 'The Holy Trinity' as in the mystery when he said that, he was just thinking of 'trinity' as in three things,

>> No.15444966


>> No.15444978

Byzantium continued, it was trying to back Charlemagne's lot and make a power grab that fucked the Western Empire.

>> No.15444985

>Even the nations that don't believe in Him any more still mostly follow His Law

What laws would these be? There's no nation in existence today which isn't strongly defying most of Yahweh's laws, even Israel can't claim to be following them.

>> No.15444991

>Conscious how? By attributing the consciousnesses of its constituents to the greater whole?
According to Advaita it's the reverse, there is actually no separate consciousness in existence as Brahman is undivided and without constituents. The consciousness of Brahman is the only consciousness in existence. What appears to each individual being as their own individual consciousness is actually a false appearance created by the association of the one all-pervading consciousness of Brahman with the limiting adjunct (upadhi) of the unconscious intellects which Brahman endowed with contingent existence

"He is never seen, but is the Seer; He is never heard, but is the Hearer; He is never thought
of, but is the Thinker; He is never known, but is the Knower. There is no other seer than He,
there is no other hearer than He, there is no other thinker than He, there is no other knower
than He. He is your Self, the Inner Controller, the Immortal. Everything else but Him is
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.7.16.

>> No.15444997

how do explain Islam then? they didn't infiltrate any empire but rather started out as a bunch of peasants and slaves in ancient Mecca, whom then evolved into a massive empire

>> No.15445002

>There's no nation in existence today which isn't strongly defying most of Yahweh's laws
muslims follow his laws to the T, even with stoning and stuff

>> No.15445008

Christianity had been firmly rooted by then though.

>> No.15445029

Natural growth + military conquests + weakened Empire leading to military victory

>> No.15445038

They don't follow his law to a T. They've invented laws that Yahweh never wrote (the prohibition against alcohol, for instance) and they ignore laws which Jesus set forth. What would Jesus think about public stoning? "He who is without sin.." What would he think about Arab oil millionaires? "It is easier for a camel..." and son on.

>> No.15445046

Mohammad ran protection rackets in Mecca and Medina, which were major trade hubs.

>> No.15445066

>the prohibition against alcohol, for instance
> they ignore laws which Jesus set forth
as the other anon pointed out Jesus and christianity is a product of hellenization, most of what he said contradicted the older version of YHWH, when I said they follow his laws I meant the original Old testament laws.

>> No.15445079

like I said, they started out as peasants and slaves, the protection that mohammed offered happend after the muslims became a semi-empire.

>> No.15445101

They were peasants and slaves, but then they started racketeering in one of the wealthiest parts of the world and through this they got rich. That's hardly evidence for a divine plan, the Kray Twins did the same thing and so have countless others.

>> No.15445118

that very biased, if you're referring to the Giza tax, then thats absolutely not racketeering, plus again, thats not the reason they became successful

>> No.15445145
File: 772 KB, 1722x1160, Start with the Greeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russell Gmirkin has written two books on he subject, Berossus and Genesis, Manetho and Exodus
as well as Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible. The creators of Modern Judaism started with the Greeks!

>> No.15445151

I'm not claiming to be any kind of expert on Islam, what I heard is that Mohammed and his followers lived in the desert and attacked and robbed the trade caravans of non-Muslims, I heard this story from a guy who was a Muslim (albeit, I know for a fact he liked whisky so maybe he didn't take his religion too seriously) if that's wrong, then I admit to being wrong.

>> No.15445662

yes, actually the first every armed force of islam raided caravans. Islam's first armed conflict is an act of banditry.

>> No.15446681

Being jealous and hateful towards other gods made this demon different.
His endgame is spiritual desert where no gods exist, he is the antigod, the void, the end of any deity. He will not stop until spirituality is barren - atheistic materialism or something stops him in the way.

>> No.15446709

No it doesn't, whenever God mentions them he says 'their gods did not avail them anything'.

This sentence, while admitting they were gods, does not mean they were REAL Gods, it was simply intended to make a valid statement.

>> No.15446712
File: 266 KB, 777x1200, damned infants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he was an anti natalist

>> No.15446714

>pure representative of indivisible, almighty, transcendent (and conscious) God archetype
The OT god is anything but that

>> No.15446719

Yeah this

>> No.15446725

Nice summery there.
Based post

>> No.15448007

What do you mean?

>> No.15448434

you're completely ignoring pre-reinassance christianity

>> No.15449602

A lot of it is attributable to ancient egyptian culture.

>> No.15449756

Not him, but his meaning is plain: the Old Testament God is capricious, foul-mouthed, tribalistic, wrathful, xenophobic, tyrannical, vengeful, limited in his knowledge and seems to view humans the way a master views his slaves. All together, he's a fairly typical example of the kind of gods that were worshipped in Bronze age Mesopotamia. He, just like the Babylonian gods who inspired him, created humans as a slave race, only cares about the specific ethnic group who invented him and possess the same flaws, prejudices and ideas about the world as they do. He's never depicted as being beyond man, to the contrary, like the Babylonian gods he's depicted exemplifying man's worst flaws to their highest degree. He's never depicted as almighty, only more powerful then mankind (a trait which is common to all gods) and more powerful then all other gods (every worshipper claimed that their own god was the most powerful back then). Yahweh is narrow-minded, quick to anger, slow to reason, dismissive of the needs and ideas of anybody else, braggadocious, petty, spiteful, grotesque, violent and just a general, all-round son-of-a-bitch.

>> No.15450020

>I wouldn't say that, it really has no connection to Ancient Greek Paganism.
Please read about and understand the actual experience of paganism in antiquity.

>> No.15450080

>What would Jesus think about public stoning? "He who is without sin.."
lol, that story is fabricated, and even if it wasn't, muslims are still following a divine commandment even if it is "outdated". christians claiming the commandments and punishments god sent down are somehow monstrous and immoral just because they applied to a different time is hypocritical

>> No.15450086

You're going to have to elaborate, what particular elements of Greek paganism do you suppose found their way into Christianity?
Excluding Neo-Platonism which was a cult divorced from mainstream paganism and Aristotelian thinking (which is was also not part of ordinary Greek polytheism) which the Church adopted later on, largely because Aristotle's ideas about the "celestial spheres" offered a safe middle ground between the Babylonian cosmology of the Bible and the observable facts of practical Astronomy.

>> No.15450092


Persian empire was in tatters after a bunch of wars against rome, it was easy to conquer them. Later on they got their shit together but it was already too late so they converted to shia islam so the arabs wouldnt overwhelm them.

>> No.15450099

>Zoroastrianism got dunked on by the retarded cousin of Judaism and Christianity
Byzantine Christians like Heraclius joined forces with Rashiduns to dunk on Zoroastrianism

>> No.15450119

Heraclius actually sided with the Rashidun because he thought it was just a weird Christian offshoot. He thought they were people of the book and could carve up Sassanian empire. Contrary to popular belief, Christians hated Zoroastrians more than Muslim. It's only due to modern geopolitical climate that Christians are starting to find Zoroastrianism exotic and interesting.

>> No.15450376

>chinks are not compatible at all).
Meanwhile, in the real world, the only places experiencing significant growth in adherents of Christianity are China and South Korea.