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/lit/ - Literature

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15443717 No.15443717 [Reply] [Original]

I have this deep fear that I've been missing vital things in books I've read, I want some pointers to at least have a better idea of how to read, tips and what not

>> No.15443734

Meme. Just read the wiki article.

>> No.15443818

its only useful for non fiction

>> No.15444039

It can also be useful for fiction, unless you read fiction solely for entertainment.

>> No.15444079

how else are you supposed to read fiction?

>> No.15444707

>It can also be useful for fiction, unless you read fiction solely for entertainment.
what did he mean by this

>> No.15444712

Will this help me read Illiad

>> No.15444723

watch Troy after reading, it is guaranteed fun

>> No.15444727

1. research for your own fiction writing
2. as a source and reference in academia to display, oh I don't know, "the working class English perception of sex workers in late 19th century literature" or "The middle class dream: the symbolism and status signalling of furniture in mid 20th century pulp fiction"

>> No.15444755

how do I know how to read the book "How to Read a Book"?

>> No.15444836

read it to find out

>> No.15444877
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most people on here just recommend skimming that book for the relevant bits, or consulting a summary.

>> No.15444896


What? No, read the freaking book. It is an quick read, but definitely skip the irrelevant parts. The science part says that it is useful mainly for historical texts, so I didn't really bothered reading it.

>> No.15444950
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Not any one thing will help you gain 100% understanding of what you read.

However, this book was instrumental in giving me a methodology and how to go about reading difficult books, how to evaluate what's worth reading etc.,

I was a brainlet in high school. Reading this was influential showing me how to be an autodidact. Helped me get through uni and instill lifelong reading habit. Actually have read it ~8 times and got some of Adler's other books. Nothing ever really came close in terms of quality/impact.

Start with chapter 5 and the closing chapter 21. Probably, the most benefit for least effort.

Probably not too popular on this board because it seems obvious to people exposed to a formal liberal arts education & close reading.

>> No.15445248
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I just finished the book, honestly read it it will make you a better reader