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15443567 No.15443567 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the prerequisite reading for understanding this?

>> No.15443604

Ending the greeks.

>> No.15443610

Descartes, Leibniz, Hume and Plato.

>> No.15443629

This plus the categories of Aristotle. It would also be good to read kant’s Prolegomena.

>> No.15443801

Literally every single sentence written before it.

>> No.15443875
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>> No.15444070

did you try reading the title?

>> No.15444121

Start with the Greeks

>> No.15444258

The Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.15444278

this guide is bullshit lol
always amazes me how much this board's understanding of philosophy is just a patchwork of self-researched wikipedia entries

>> No.15444292


Make a better one, anon.

>> No.15444461

the second post is much closer >>15443610
>Plato -- Five Dialogues, and the Republic
>Aristotle -- De Anima
>Descartes -- Meditations
>Locke -- Essay Concerning Human Understanding
>Leibniz -- Discorse on Metaphysics, and Monadology
>Berkley -- Three Dialogues
>Hume -- Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
>Kant -- Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics
in that order

>> No.15444468

replace plato with aristotle and add rousseau and this is correct

>> No.15444484

So basically the post you quoted but more detailed?
Anyway this is nice.

>> No.15444490

This, though I imagine you can get away w/o your Plato if you’re a really smart cookie. Also helps to know Newton at least in summary since he prefaces a few of his major counter arguments by standing against him (or his philosophical disciples, rather). If you’re really, really pressed for time Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy and Hume’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding should do (though AT LEAST look up Aristotilean/Lockean qualities).

>> No.15444494

>prolegomena before cpr
Wanna know how I know you’re a pleb?

Yeah no.

>> No.15444514

shit i guess i'm an idiot -- the comment i quoted (second one in the thread) is actually correct, i agree with

this comment >>15443875 (the guide) is the one i meant to reply to originally -- it's the bullshit one

>> No.15444516

T.b.h I read it with no background except a bit of Descartes and two shorter work of Kant that weren't that related to it anyway (Groundwork of Metaphysics of Moral and Idea of History from the cosmological standpoint) and it still made sense.
It will be a lot of work whatever your background, but if you commit to seriously reading it it can mostly be understood on its own.

Of course it's better to have background, but don't sweat it if you haven't followed the guides itt.

>> No.15444523

No pbs anon, your guide it still the best itt, that's what matters.

>> No.15444543

>prolegomena before cpr
I actually don't think Critique of Pure Reason is entirely necessary, you can substitute it with Prolegomena which is meant to offer a tidier summary of CPR ideas. It's also generally much easier to digest as he essentially walks people through why they were dumb for not understanding CPR in the first place

>> No.15444586

25 int
13 faith
You have to 2hand it though

>> No.15444628

Basic understanding of the Plato-Aristoteles debate, and a basic understanding of the empiricism-rationalism debate.

Pick up some history of phil. book. That's really all you need.

>> No.15444931
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>> No.15445303

This is the right answer but I'd swap Locke and Leibniz and add Spinoza - Ethics. Also I'm not sure I agree that the Prolegomena is necessary.

>> No.15446130

I only read Descartes' method and Hume's Enquiry. For new readers I would recommend the Prolegomena, which is a better summary of what Kant tried to convey in the Critique..