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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 300x300, girl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15440915 No.15440915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did the autists in this particular board feel the need to gatekeep their hobby against Kat?

Jesus Christ, she's 19 years old and is basically a child. Was it really necessary to make her doubt herself and sip into the years of self-hatred and inner conflict that you have within yourself? Just leave her alone. Not everybody who reads needs to be agonizing.

>> No.15440951


>> No.15441034

>she's 19 years old and is basically a child
Do you work for CNN? Really hope she sees this btw you're doing great.

>> No.15441062

what did we do now?

>> No.15441087

>1 year out of high school
lol you aren't an adult until you can sustain a family

>> No.15441099

>Why does /lit/ hate teenagers who read books?
Because most of /lit/ consists of teenagers who don't read books.

>> No.15441114


Dunno, but this board is full of degeneracy.

>> No.15441134

It reminds /lit/ that reading books is not an accomplishment. Anyone can do it.

>> No.15441138

once a woman bleeds she can sustain a family. she's an adult.

>> No.15441146

She can't sustain shit. Her kid would starve to death.

>> No.15441155
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she should do videos on sociology

>> No.15441189

Yeah, this board is completely sociopathic when it comes to white women or girls. If she was black, /lit/ would be praising her
The contempt for white people is insane

>> No.15441358

>waah muh total and complete independence :(

The idealization of independence is a product of capitalism. Relying on others is completely normal. Her kid would only starve to death if she was a failure socially.

>> No.15441666

more like /shit/

>> No.15441756
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>> No.15441769

I want to tongue kiss her

>> No.15441790


pretty sure i read post here that called toni morrison a worthless nigger who never wrote a good book an hour after she died, but whatever you say /pol/tard

>> No.15441838

Lmao, can't wait for a year from now when she has pink hair, tattoos, and is making a video about being a lesbian

>> No.15441848

I'm obviously not a /pol/tard, you brainlet
/pol/tar is guilty of exactly what I'm talking about, and /lit/ is guilty of it due to /pol/tard tourists

>> No.15441857

She's cute regardless. Unfortunately she's been brainwashed, but she will grow out of it. She has a chance to, at least, being so young still

>> No.15441861

>Was it really necessary to make her doubt herself
>make her
she's a woman buddy, she knows she's worthless.

>> No.15441953

She's ugly. She looks like a little boy. This really says something about you if you're attracted to this girl. She is disgusting and repulsing.

>> No.15442016

What's her twitter handle? Googling her youtube channel name plus twitter returns incorrect results.

>> No.15442043

Ok I was really just looking for that comment on YouTube where an anon destroyed her. But this dumb bitch tweets all day so it's taking forever to scroll through her twitter feed to find it. Help me out

>> No.15442138
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I wonder if she's aware there's an online community of socially-outcasted largely virgin males who routinely debate her physical attractiveness, intelligence, and child-bearing ability (ITT anyway), as well as describe the ways they've projected various fetishes onto their mental image of her. I think it would disturb her if she knew. Pic unrelated

>> No.15442151
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>> No.15442154

well the niggers here don't read so they discuss shit like this or politics

>> No.15442179


>> No.15442180

She’s doing something she enjoys, and she’s talking about books. Why does this guy feel the need to put her in her place? Does she make him feel insecure or angry? If so, why? And why can’t he deal with his issues internally? Why does he need to bully a teenage girl over it?

>> No.15442196

based, give me my 12 yr old adult wife

>> No.15442208

It's actually based. No one can refute anything in his comment, even she couldn't. I think her comeback was correcting her height.

>> No.15442228

No one can prove it either, but what he is doing is revealing his power level (that means AUTISM, newfag). He probably edited that comment as well to make sure it was grammatically sound because it was that important to him

>> No.15442238

I hope she sees this anon

>> No.15442242

You watch a teenage girl talk about books because you want to have sex with her. That's the most cringe thing you could do besides tipping a camwhore. You don't donate to her Patreon do you?

>> No.15442275

I don't watch her at all, but I recognise when some dude is sperging out

>> No.15442298

>I don't watch her at all
Ah, that makes so much sense. That truly does explain why you popped into an off-topic thread on /lit/ about this booktuber.

>> No.15442314

It's on the front page my dude and recent comments are clearly displayed. If she's not worth your time, don't watch her. Don't sit there and analyse her behaviour in a way that confirms your beliefs about women then take the time to write some post about it in the hopes she will read it and change her ways.

>> No.15442335

Holy shit you don't browse with the catalog?
Lmao my fucking guy. You are the newfag!

>> No.15442425

Anyone know any sexy asian booktubers?

>> No.15442604
File: 1.37 MB, 640x358, tenor (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15442624

Here's an Asian booktuber
Most of them are like this

>> No.15442626

Age of Consent should be 25.

>> No.15442631

the catalog was a mistake

>> No.15442641

This, but unironically

>> No.15442655
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minus 13

>> No.15442683

I wanted an Asian immigrant that can barely speak English not an Asian American

>> No.15442709

You're basically an senior citizen once you're 25, if it were the middle ages you would be preparing to die

>> No.15442719

How is she brainwashed but /pol/fags aren't?

>> No.15442827

Who said /pol/fags aren't brainwashed? Cause I sure didn't in that comment. /pol/fags are even worse than liberals, because they're so fucking hypocritical and dishonest. They tend to be more degenerate than those they criticise

>> No.15442869

Don’t fucking respond to me.

>> No.15442897

>lol so insecure
>are you jealous? ;;)))))
The last and favourite recourse of a dumb fuck normalfag with no retort to what was actually said. What she's doing is vapid and an insult to literature or anyone who truly cares about it, she deserves to be put in her place as much as any useless 'booktuber'.

>> No.15442917

The dumb cows responding to her with "emotional support" are hilarious, one of them said it made her cry to read that.

>> No.15442949

who did what to who?

>> No.15442963


>> No.15442991

Funny but also cringe, like an adult pushing a children's head into the sand while lecturing him about power. What did this Cat expect to achieve except "le based epic comedic comment"? Devoted followers missing the point, coming to the rescue and ensuring that the lesson is not learned was to be expected here.

Bonus for the paper crane metaphor, that was actually well chosen.

>> No.15443007

Lol every single one of you in this thread is a fucking moron. Go work on your shit writing if you’re really so desperate for something to do.

>> No.15443050

Including you, babe

>> No.15443064

No clue who she is but she cute

>> No.15443087

excellent comeback my dude

>> No.15443097

peg me, daddy

>> No.15443101

You did say every single one in the thread, dumbdumb

>> No.15443522

Nigga how the fuck is cyberbullying real etc etc like just close your eyes just turn off the computer nigga etc etc

>> No.15443584

Extremely based fuck f*ids

>> No.15443669

not even a joke

>> No.15444178

It's a difficult matter. It is true that 20yo girls have absolutely no idea of what they're doing, but by raising the age of consent to 25 you exclude the possibility of hitting that sweet 19 or 21yo pussy.

>> No.15444198

This, but unironically. Cyberbullying doesn't exist.

>> No.15444410

90% of people on lit are teenage. We pretend it isn't true, but even if that isn't true for people who only use lit, it definitely is for people who view lit as a secondary or tertiary board. Teenagers like to make fun of other teenagers. It makes us feel better about ourselves, and when we can get together with a bunch of others who also share our hatred of others, it makes us extremely happy.
t. 19 year old who started posting on 4chan when I was underage (2016)

>> No.15444501

I don't know why everybody here is accusing her of being an attention whore. 90% of this God forsaken site are autists who spend time posting edgy bullshit to get attention

>> No.15444518

t. 20 year old who started posting in 2011

>> No.15444527


t. another 19-year-old who started posting on 4chan in 2016

>> No.15444530

That's young. What boards did you start on and how fucked up are you now?

>> No.15444808

>election tourist children
lurk for 10 years before posting

>> No.15444852

>/lit/ hates teenagers who read books
but I'm a teenager who reads books.

>> No.15445108

I wanted to KMS when I saw what my friends were reading on Goodreads. They'd be better off watching some of the better TV shows out there.

>> No.15445123
File: 248 KB, 1200x1469, 1514824110687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they are insufferable cunts that think that they are special in some way for reading basic bitch shit.

>> No.15445139

what were they reading?

>> No.15445226

I would unironically pay money to sniff her dirty socks.

>> No.15445233

Literally who

>> No.15445471
File: 12 KB, 259x194, picus son of saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is basically a child
All women are children, cringe
I'm afraid to tell you that this is what propaganda does to people. They do it for free

>> No.15445474

don't pay money, seize her socks and redistribute them

>> No.15445478

Board full of leftist cucks says what?

>> No.15445500
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With exemption for marriage; age of marriage is when the father consents

>> No.15445518
File: 202 KB, 978x1024, there is a thread and now im mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why so mad over angry nerds shitting on an entitled, out of touch attention desperate girl?
>pic related

>> No.15445753


>> No.15445760

You're glowing. Tell your boss we expressed whatever emotion he sees fit.

>> No.15445855


>> No.15445884

i hope she sees this bro
fuck the normies

>> No.15445892
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, cleaning toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is just filled with bitter dudes

>> No.15445923

They're just mad that they can't do the same and get the same level of attention, because they're male, autistic, and awkward. Although I, a 30 yo gay creep, would support them.

>> No.15445974
File: 13 KB, 383x383, 1543123797525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How nu is everyone here? Do people not remember Katie or Oxford Girl? Is /lit/ just entirely reddit election transplants at this point?

>> No.15446019

Oh, the unsung lore of Katie!
It breaks my heart hearing her name uttered.
Do not cite the Dark Magic, anon,
I was there when it was written!