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/lit/ - Literature

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15439362 No.15439362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is a waste of time :3

>> No.15439368

A bit like this thread.

>> No.15439370

Just refrain from procreation and we're good.

>> No.15439413

Based. Schools should stop teaching shit that makes you think and make rough contact sports compulsary like boxing or football

>> No.15439814

based and cutepilled

>> No.15440238

Who is this whore?

>> No.15440242

Certainly for someone like you.

>> No.15440249

I mean she's not wrong. Why would a w*manoid need to think? It's purpose is cooking and procreation.

>> No.15440257

women are so based

>> No.15440933

/lit/ already broke her and made her feel miserable about herself.

Kat is done, move along.

Her channel is not even about books anymore, it's about herself. She's needlessly admitted it because of some autist from here.

>> No.15440944
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>it's wednesday my dudes
how cute was this intro

>> No.15440956

/lit/ doesn't do philosophy anymore... or literature. Its just polemical ranting

>> No.15441056

She is right, somebody like Kat shouldn't have to worry her pretty little head about philosophy. Good girls like her should read women's magazines and cutesy romance novels. Stay away from big books with big words that make her head hurt.

>> No.15441166

I wish this bitch had some ugly face deformity so the betasimps on here would stop posting her.

>> No.15441228

Based. She's cute

>> No.15441559

What kind of Demon is that?

>> No.15441630
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>> No.15441803

Cringe. Schools should teach 25% philosophy/english, 25% sports/practical skills, and 50% math/science to the top 10% of students, everyone else will do 50/50 philosophy/english and sports/practical. Do this and we will see the rise of the society of the future.

>> No.15443269

source of her admitting this

>> No.15443354

Ask me how I know you're a roastie.

>> No.15443465
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>Roastie thinks her opinion matters

>> No.15443500
File: 956 KB, 1242x1237, DB5270E4-571A-4872-81FF-B1FB0470A1EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed...another quality thread...hmm...yes. as always, i am floored by the quality of discourse on 4channel...is philosophy a waste of time? one can ponder...oh, delightful...a toothsome little question to chew upon, indeed...

>> No.15444593

Seconding this

>> No.15444610

Metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics are fake nonsense. Don't take it seriously. But do become an anarchist.

>> No.15444620


def needs a lot of fixing

>> No.15444625

>hey man just make your own thread with an actual focus on discussing something meaningful and have it be ignored or spammed into oblivion haha

>> No.15444653

>ethics are nonsense but become an anarchist
>because the state is oppressing me unfairly!

>> No.15444673

Fake butterfly.

>> No.15444674

Quit misusing :3's symbol. He's a moron but not that stupid.

>> No.15444686

>friends talk about the greeks
>confuse aristotle for plato
>dismiss philosophy
wish i had friends i could debate in the park

>> No.15444692

All ethics are intuitive. What is good is immediately obvious. Basically, everyone secretly wants the same things I want: anarchism.

Weak troll.

>> No.15445317

Shut the fuck up retard you're just mad cause he's attacking your queen

>> No.15445322

:3 is one of the only people here who actually reads. I wish he'd post more.

>> No.15445346

>philosophy is too big brained for me. I don't like thinking.
Isn't this the thot who keeps gloating about her 160 IQ?

>> No.15445388

I was a terrible student in high school but then did great getting an engineering degree in university

>> No.15445402
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spooky means social constructs right?

>> No.15445484

What is it with this board and simping for the most slightly below average looking girls they can find?

>> No.15445693

/lit/ values personality

>> No.15445715

I heard she was a lesbian

>> No.15445770

:3 is genuinely and unironically one of the dumbest people to ever browse /lit

I have no ill will towards him as a human being, but he is not smart. There used to be an anon who used to respond to every post :3 by calling him stupid dense. I miss that anon

>> No.15445829

i had to filter ":3" because of how fucking stupid he is

he has the same problem as most tripfags, mundane posts mixed with weird self-importance. the worst tripfags are the ones who don't use trips. daily reminder to butterfly that i hate her

>> No.15446091

A Jew

>> No.15447534


>> No.15447611
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>> No.15447681

>/lit/ already broke her and made her feel miserable about herself.
Based, as all things should be.

>> No.15447820

I do not hate her because of her book choices, but because she is ugly.

>> No.15447877

Post the fucking video, OP.

>> No.15447899

Philosophy was made redundant by formal science

>> No.15447918
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>> No.15448394

Is butters even around anymore or am I just not looking hard enough?

>> No.15448402

>everyone secretly wants the same things I want

Is this the mentality of an anarchist?

>> No.15448415

Spooky orangutan concerns the fear of the nigger.
In other words, orangutans (niggers) are dangerous for white women.

>> No.15448422
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Based. I love my wife Kat.

>> No.15448461

What do you people even like about her? I tried watching her videos but all she reads is YA bullshit. She cute tho

>> No.15448481

Butterfly I want to kiss your body all over

>> No.15448536

If there was no law or state to stop me i would track down every butterfly poster and savagely tear out their hair with my hands until they are weeping on the floor, i would then dig my nails into their eyes as far as they would go, tie them up, throw them out into the hot sun, and watch as the elements slowly overcome them.

>> No.15449328

I think you meant to say poetry

>> No.15449354

this is a little boy right?

>> No.15449493

she beleted her twitter

>> No.15450547
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>> No.15450594

i kinda wanna pin her down and force myself into her
with my pee pee

>> No.15450667


>> No.15450694

She just implied that it's difficult you utter brainlet cunts

>> No.15451436

Anyone who says that they "dont like thinking" shouldnt review anything.

>> No.15451468

>she cute tho
That’s what they like about her

>> No.15451495

That doesn’t make any sense, how are they too cold when sperm is literally produced outside of the body because it’s too warm

>> No.15451598

Watch the video she says she hated The Republic so

>> No.15451672

low iq cope go farm potatoes that's what you deserve

>> No.15452089

Naw. Not me, anyway
Anarchism is all about bring more freedom to the individual and community. Needless to say that is a very complex thing to achieve. We can arrange a life for everyone better than this archaic status quo.
The fact is our ethics are constructs, no different than our machines. The fridge keeps our food cold, the social rule of being nice to one another holds the peace.
I don’t know what Butterguy is aiming at, seems mostly spot on here though.

Sad if true.

>> No.15452159

kat should be a /lit/ mod

>> No.15452246

wtf does dnf mean

>> No.15452260

Did not finish, I believe

>> No.15452978

What happened to the original butterfly?

>> No.15453031

i miss her bros...

>> No.15453092


>> No.15453423

she cute she cute.

>> No.15453575

Autistic 1337H4k0R decided to dox her, and kept turning every thread into his obsession. Hoping someone would find me and livestream a murder, I guess.

Just lying low for a while

>> No.15453873

Butters if it's you, don't come back

>> No.15453906

It is a waste of time, but whats worst is that it is a waste of talent.
Philosophy majors tend to score high in IQ test and they opt for philosophy because they're lazy.
It is more accessible than math and science but contributes less to the well being of society.
What a waste.

>> No.15454167
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If it is actually you I hope you are okay. One time I remember making a thread about how depressed I was and how sad I got when I found out my iq score was genius level and you were nice to me

Typical anarchist nice as a person but a complete idiot in theory, even if they claim anarchism actually stands on firm philosophical grounding

>> No.15454223
File: 272 KB, 1536x1152, 29B6C1CB-F8F5-4B15-AA3C-B50680540ADC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m well, thanks.
There’s masses of people to the world and they all want to do their thing, they all like freedom as much as they like community. The goals of our project stand on various theories to achieve this end. What doesn’t work ought to be cast aside. But that’s the trouble. “Liberalism” was supposed to do it. But it’s trash. It breaks. It’s sending us to extinction.
We must try something else. “Philosophical grounding” be damned

>> No.15454339

This kids is a STEMfag in his natural cope habitat. STEMfags also known as dirt diggers are the passive observers of a nature.
Sir, sir I have a question !! What is the question Jebediah ? What the fuck is philosophy, who are these faggots that "study" imaginary concepts such as : everything else. Interesting question Jebediah *pulls a gun* *shots the kid. Now kids lets continue our class, open page 112 in your "Cope with imaginary concepts such as math and empiricism to explain everything " book and pee your pants.

>> No.15454510


>> No.15454813

I mean... Aristotle said that philosophy is only useful to itself (even tho it turned out not to be 100% true) so... it can be argued it's a waste of time in the same way you can argue that nothing other than hunting and foraging berries is a waste of time

>> No.15454865

Literally anything could be define as a waste of time from a human perspective

>> No.15455121

just because she hasn't met me

>> No.15455152


>> No.15455168

just go on her channel and find the video of her wearing the red scarf. quote is accurate.

>> No.15455175

Good post

>> No.15455200

i'm not gonna watch a 25 minutes video

>> No.15455258

>it makes my smooth brain hurt so it's useless

>> No.15455287

It’s maths