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15438980 No.15438980 [Reply] [Original]

Book that explains the growing hostility of society towards men?

>> No.15438987
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>> No.15438990

Clementine Ford isn’t society, she’s just some cluster b personality disorder attention whore

>> No.15439001

I'd say look in the mirror and ask yourself why you're dignifying this outrage porn cottage industry of left wing twitter trolls and giving them the publicity that in this attention economy where "any publicity is good publicity".
Aside form the fact if there was a book about it, you wouldn't read it because this is nothing more than a /pol/ slide thread. The simple fact is you are the problem. You enable her and her type.

>> No.15439003

based and correctdiagnosispilled

>> No.15439006


>> No.15439018


>> No.15439020

For god's sake this. Please stop taking the hot takes of attention whore twitter retards who are just fishing for likes and retweets from their horde of vapid followers (the bulk of whom are bots) as anything resembling the opinions and outlook of wider society.

>> No.15439029

While she is obviously an extremist, there is some kind of misandry in modern society that is socially acceptable.

>> No.15439032

If the post is publicly available, there should be an adequate punishment for this.
I never had twitter. Anyone who is up for expressing their opinion publicly should bear the consequences of that.

>> No.15439033

might as well give it a go, lasses

>> No.15439034

I would be more interested in the phenomenon of men cherry picking bait to get provoke anger in themselves that gives them pleasure.

>> No.15439042

That’s like pointing at Elliott Rodger and saying he’s proof society is misogynist.
Society is misogynist but using a retard as proof isn’t convincing.

>> No.15439045

You are delusional. She has a checkmark. She'll never be banned. She's more likely to work the NYT or any prestigious institution than you. You must really be just shut-ins rebelling at the rise of incel theorizing, because you go to university, or hang out with people who think they're hot shit, feminist or ecology or social justic talking points are the norm.

>> No.15439047

Agreed. Why are men like this?

>> No.15439058

Friendly reminder that the Melbourne government gave her a $$$ grant to write a new book.

>> No.15439068

"Sexually frustrated women" are not society

>> No.15439073

She’s half right though. The world would be a better place if more men died.
It would be better if more women died too.
Don’t get hung up on the misogyny v misandry dichotomy. Synthesize. Misanthropy is the true path.

>> No.15439077

>story 100 characters
>story 280 characters
Those are the equivalent of one and two tweets respectively. You're a twat.

>> No.15439080

Aussies love shitposts

>> No.15439089

She's not "half right." You're the one trying to extract some formal semantics out of natural language and in the process losing the full meaning of the sentence.

>> No.15439092
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>the people who aren't getting butthurt by the now deleted shitposting of a literally who on twitter are the ones who are shut-ins.

>> No.15439093

I'm not talking about her. Of course she is an outlier.
But even outside of "feminist twitter" there is a kind of misandry that is socially acceptable.

>> No.15439101

lol dumb bitch deleted the tweet because of the outrage it caused and made an apology thread on her twatter

>> No.15439106

Her apology was a huge lie

>> No.15439112

A lot of feminist Twitter is Borderline Personality disorder running amok

>> No.15439133

I talk to plenty of you on Discord and I'm pretty certain you all went through the phase, but your overwhelming self-hatred and contrarianism pushed you out of it. Also, I don't know who this girl is at all. Just think people who like to pretend all of this is an inconsequential and isolated phenomenon on twitter are likely coping, forcefully trying to be "whitepilled" because "blackpilled" is now cringe incel 4chin blah blah blah. You don't need to be blackpilled, just be empirical about it.

>> No.15439139

It's because white women are not being beated hard enough. Go marry a chink or something.

>> No.15439183

I don't know about that. Throughout history, most societies have been designed to trick honest men into dying and leaving a more abundant world for everyone else. Women, while not historically invested with many rights, have always been protected as a valuable resource. I don't know that there's much to say about it. People want heirs and every other man on the planet endangers that. People want wealth and every other man on the planet is a risk of stealing it at worst, and another way to split it at best.

>> No.15439185

Leftism. Simple as.

>> No.15439197

Make it good, faggot

>> No.15439226


>> No.15439231

mentally ill shouldnt be taken seriously

>> No.15439236

Your frame of reference is discord and twitter. You have no conception of how people actually are in real life. I suggest you take your own advice and go outside and talk to people.

>> No.15439249
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>> No.15439255

I'm making an observation about people who post on 4chan, specifically this board. Those are the people I was referring to. But congrats on the snarky remark.

>> No.15439260

Go back

>> No.15439263

You are the one who has no conception of what is happening on the real world.

Suppose there is a study measuring if students give better teaching evaluations to male or female teachers.
If males get better evaluation it is because of discrimination.
If females get better evaluation it is because they are better than males and so every teacher should be female.

I agree with "normal" feminists that there should be equality between sex. But modern progressives don't want equality. They want supremacy.

>> No.15439264

If a man said what she said, but about women, the police would be knocking on his door the day after.

>> No.15439266

twitter screencap posters must die

>> No.15439282

That's not true. Just way more people would @ him and threaten him online to show how good they are.

>> No.15439284
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These kinds of feminists actually think that cleaning the house and doing the laundry is "labour" for which they deserve to be compensated by society. For the great majority of human history, social structures have essentially allowed and encouraged married women to be NEETs, just without the social stigma, and centuries of this have ingrained a deep sense of entitlement particularly into white Western women.

>> No.15439310

>It is acceptable to express
Damn, I should really start tagging the shit that I say irl like that. I love the idea that if I just tell everyone "that thing I just said is fine" they'll be like "ok I thought different, but now that you've said it's fine I agree"

I'll probably forget to follow through, but the idea tickles me. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.15439314

Clementine Ford isn’t society, but she is the product of one. She is a socialite who's opinions are carefully refined to please her peers. The thousands of people who like her tweets and enforce her opinions are proof that this is not just one person.

>> No.15439328

>But even outside of "feminist twitter" there is a kind of misandry that is socially acceptable.
Sexism certainly exists and we can always takes steps towards making it less of a problem.

>> No.15439335

She said a whole lot of nothing, what substance it does have is sexist.

>> No.15439353

I've met her, shes totally tame IRL, and loves Tom Cruise, which says a lot

>> No.15439358

No, you're making an observation about people you've talked to on fucking discord, of all things. Again, expand your frames of reference, go outside, and stop being a little bitch.
>You have no conception of what's happening on the real world
>please entertain my hypothetical thought experiment that I constructed out of my ass from years feverishly rage-reading twitter feminists and tumblr blogs.

>> No.15439371

When are you SHEEPLE going to WAKE UP and see the internet is SRS BSNS???

>> No.15439404

this bitch is posting like its 2014, honestly embarrassed for her

>> No.15439408

I'm actually talking about academics and journalists not at twitter feminists and tumblr blogs.

You are just someone who agrees with this kind of bullshit but who is trying to pretend there is no problem to mute criticism of it.

>> No.15439418

please god something based

>> No.15439419

>I'm actually talking about academics and journalists not at twitter feminists and tumblr blogs.
Are you ackshually? Ackshually who are you talking about ackshually?

>> No.15439428

Write the next 3030, anon

>> No.15439460

Academia in general.

If women are cited more often:
>At the aea meeting Erin Hengel of the University of Liverpool presented results showing that papers by women in the most highly regarded journals were cited more often than those with a man among the authors. That, she concluded, suggests that women’s research is held to a higher standard when editorial boards decide what to publish.

If women are cited less often
>Based on this analysis, gender bias—not paper quality—appears to be the most likely explanation for the citation gap, Caplar notes, though factors such as tendency to self-cite, collaboration networks, and conference attendance would also be worth exploring. Scientists choose to cite the papers that have the most value to them, and “whenever it’s a subjective judgment, I feel that women lose,” says Meg Urry, professor of physics and astronomy at Yale University.

You have no idea about how academia is working if you doubted that something like this happens.

>> No.15439469

Nice shadowboxing, retard. I don't agree with what she's saying, I'm just mocking daft sods like you who paint themselves as oppressed every time an obnoxious twitterposter posts something obnoxious. Guardian columnists are about as representative of society as any other mongoloid e-celeb. There are probably more anti-feminist takes floating about than there are "kill all men" takes. You're just too paranoid and tunnel visioned to notice it. Or do they not count as part of society?

>> No.15439527

Here is the Washington Post

Here is the New Statesman

I doubt you will convince more people to put their heads in the sand and pretend there is nothing wrong with modern culture in regards to misandry.

Both misoginy and misandry are bad and neither should be socially acceptable.

>> No.15439583

>you're making an observation about people you've talked to on fucking discord
Yes, /lit/ discords. You stupid fucking moron. Why are you so desperate for this to be false?

>> No.15439589
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>> No.15439675
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>thinking /lit/ discord is representative of anything but particular brand of retards who use discord
Think it's time to go back to plebbit, chum.

>> No.15439708

There's tousands of people in there. It's the main /lit/ discord. But the point is that it is representitive of /lit/, because I was talking about what I think causes /lit/izens to react in that particular way to "blackpill" posting.

>> No.15439713

>political bait
goddamn this board is a third world country

>> No.15439721

I hardly use Twitter and am blocked by her. Does she just have all men blocked?

>> No.15439888
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Beyond Good and Evil, Genealogy of Morals: both by Freidrich Nietzsche. These may supply some worthwhile interpretative tools that you can aim towards the odd anti-masculinity brigade.

>> No.15439965

i liked the part in ecce homo where he said he wished he could exclude his mother and sister from the eternal recurrence of things

>> No.15439971

It’s a fucking joke. A FUCKING JOKE.

>> No.15440176

oh that schnoz

>> No.15440348

lol at how he didnt reply to this

>> No.15440431

Haha we should just beat up all women...


>> No.15440558

Again, you're cherry picking. You ignore the articles arguing against these things, ignore the legions of comments arguing against these things, ignore all the people who have become rich and famous by directly opposing these things, simply because want to feel like a victim - in that regard you're no different from these women.
That discord is about as representative of /lit as r/books.
Unfortunately, I don't spend the bulk of my time on 4chan desperately refreshing the page for my next (You) like some wretched attention starved zoomer.

>> No.15440585

Nice feet

>> No.15440609

Try to find mainstream articles arguing the opposite, that is shitting on women for men's benefit.

>> No.15440684

>At the aea meeting Erin Hengel of the University of Liverpool presented results showing that papers by women in the most highly regarded journals were cited more often than those with a man among the authors. That, she concluded, suggests that women’s research is held to a higher standard when editorial boards decide what to publish.
This I can believe though.

>Based on this analysis, gender bias—not paper quality—appears to be the most likely explanation for the citation gap, Caplar notes, though factors such as tendency to self-cite, collaboration networks, and conference attendance would also be worth exploring. Scientists choose to cite the papers that have the most value to them, and “whenever it’s a subjective judgment, I feel that women lose,” says Meg Urry, professor of physics and astronomy at Yale University.
This not so much.

Congrats on two data points btw, maybe you should publish your extensive research.

I fucked off to do other things.

>> No.15440686

>This I can believe though.
because you're a feminist lol

>> No.15440688

>But the point is that it is representitive of /lit/, because I was talking about what I think causes /lit/izens to react in that particular way to "blackpill" posting.
That made no fucking sense.

>> No.15440692

This. Fuck off for taking literal whos on Twitter for some indicator of society. OP is a fag.

>> No.15440706


I can believe it because I've seen shit like that before, if you don't fit in with who or what the journal wants to publish you have to be publishing something spectacular. It's also probably true for non-white authors, low tier uni authors, or those with extreme or niche politics.

>> No.15440717

you're just a prog who agrees with prog dogma pretending that said prog dogma doesn't exist and dominate universities. you're a dishonest faggot

>> No.15440747

>prog dogma
>prog dogma
>you're a dishonest faggot
Oh how will I ever recover?

>> No.15440759

You won't, you'll just continue being a pathetic faggot who bends over and says whatever you're supposed to, probably including a certain level of self-flagellation which you imagine makes you a conscientious and principled individual, and not the cowardly mindkilled retard you are.

>> No.15440761

"Hey, m-maybe we shouldn't worship men and everything they do just because."

>fragile ass ego incels interpret it as hostility

>> No.15440768

The one you are quoting is not wrong. You are intellectually dishonest. You are not here looking for the truth. You are here to defend your dogma and will ignore all evidence that is not useful for your side

>> No.15440776

13 year old hands typed this.

>> No.15440786


>> No.15440792

You are trying to deflect.
Also, women actually work in more popular areas than men in Economics.

>> No.15440794

Getting upset over a tweet. Fragile.

>> No.15440800

You know you don't have a single opinion that you thought of for yourself, it's literally all shit you were told to think with the not very subtle implication that if you don't think and openly profess it you're off the reservation. The furthest you retards ever go is larping as one of the accepted forms of pseudo-rebellion like communism.

>> No.15440818

What dogma?

>> No.15440840

>You know you don't have a single opinion that you thought of for yourself
Ah, sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to the ubermensch here. Who knew he would be found crying about feminists on 4channel.

>> No.15440855

All you can do is reply with snark like a clone of the 10 million other npcs who could replace you in this discussion with no perceptible change.

>> No.15440866

Have I gone back in time?

>> No.15440883

The progressive dogma. You are a dishonest piece of shit who wants to pretend they are not powerful in order to reduce criticism of them.

>> No.15440905

imagine being such a bootlicker that you think forming your own opinions is something relegated to the status of 'ubermensch'. It's not that I'm special, it's that you're pathetic and barely human

>> No.15440913

>The progressive dogma.
Which is...?

>> No.15440938

What's funny is that you sound like a bot someone programmed to ape 4chan posts from 2017.

>> No.15440945

What's funny is you can't name a single opinion you have that isn't sanctioned by progressives, and you will continue to avoid addressing this point

>> No.15440970

The predictability of the deflective replies is seriously eerie.

>> No.15440972

>What's funny is you can't name a single opinion you have that isn't sanctioned by progressives
I'm vaguely following this, I don't know exactly what you mean by "progressives", it's a buzz word, so if you could go into some detail so you convey actual meaning maybe you can get somewhere with this.

>> No.15440978

Can you please do a vocaroo of you saying that?

>> No.15440989

the two most important things are antiracism and feminism, but you have to follow anything they tell you, they've been obsessed with faggots and trannies for a couple decades now

>> No.15441002


>> No.15441011

I think you'd sound like one of those autismo sci-fi characters from the phrasing, like Spock or Data.

>> No.15441020

>the two most important things are antiracism and feminism
More detail man, more detail.

>> No.15441030

You know exactly what im talking about you snivelling retard

>> No.15441036

No I don't, I'm not telepathic. If you can't describe it it sounds like you don't know what you're talking about, you're beating about the bush so much atm.

>> No.15441044

:( and here I thought someone liked the rhyming

>> No.15441053

Two pretty obvious stances if you think for a second. It's not like they are too fresh either.

>> No.15441061

>all human populations are identical in ability and behavior(sometimes the existence of genetically distinct populations is denied)
>all observed disparities are therefore due to racism from the dominant group, whites, this racism is pervasive and entrenched in every level of society
>to correct this situation counter-measures are needed, hostility is justified, different standards need to applied, legal privileges for nonwhites have to be upheld

feminism is largely the same thing with white replaced by male

>> No.15441073

I'm not him, but yes you do know very well what he is talking about.

>> No.15441101

>all human populations are identical in ability and behavior(
Never saw that position outside of being used as a strawman.
More accurately be "the differences between us are tiny considering the big picture and no reason to treat others worse for being slightly different than the majority."
>all observed disparities are therefore due to racism from the dominant group
Also never saw that used. Racism is what makes the situation for poor negros worse than poor whites but obviously more basic economic exploitation happens to both.

>> No.15441108

Lol, Clementine, you couldn't kill a yeast infection so you have to get a virus to do your dirty work like the coward you are

Come at me sis

>> No.15441111

You're a pathetic faggot. There's an opinion. Also a fact, but that's by the by.

>> No.15441118

You have just reiterated what I said while pretending you don't agree
>the differences between us are so tiny
>poor negros worse than poor whites
Functionally identical.

>> No.15441128

lol you wouldnt even say that in public you dipshit, keep sucking off progs

>> No.15441143

One is somewhat accurate in representation of the stance (and reality) and the other isn't but yeah, no functional difference beyond that though.

>> No.15441156

They are functionally identical in their implications for observed disparities between races you fucking retard. There is also zero evidence for the statements, they're just upheld as sacred beliefs you can never question

>> No.15441167

Kek, do you seriously think people are too scared to say "faggot" in public? Get out more. Do you say all this stuff you're saying in public or are you terrified of getting cancelled so you LARP on message boards?

>> No.15441172

>terrified of getting cancelled
Now why would that be? I thought progressives didnt' actually control anything, and we were overblowing things by focusing on a few anomalies on twitter?

>> No.15441193

Woah, look at the intelligence on this guy, what arguments!

>all human populations
Why are you focused on populations rather than individuals?
>are identical in ability and behavior(sometimes the existence of genetically distinct populations is denied)
>all observed disparities are therefore due to racism from the dominant group, whites, this racism is pervasive and entrenched in every level of society
>to correct this situation counter-measures are needed, hostility is justified, different standards need to applied, legal privileges for nonwhites have to be upheld
Are you being overly dramatic about positive action or discrimination or whatever it's called? It's an excessively minor thing, can you honestly say it has impacted your life in a meaningful way where it does exist?

There certainly are differences between people, but they're generally not that important outside of severe disability. Recognizing the universalizing aspects of being human is what allowed the classical world and the Enlightenment to flourish and increase human excellence.

>> No.15441202

Is your reading comprehension that poor? I was describing what is quite evidently going on in your schizo head.

>> No.15441216

>Why are you focused on populations rather than individuals?
Because these population disparities are the justification used for legislation, and for an entire cultural and political movement.
Yeah nobody ever gets cancelled for saying things progressives don't like, all in my head.

>> No.15441231

The only people that cancelled are those that play their game in the first place. Stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe in real life, instead of just crying about it on here, and you'll have nothing to worry about.

>> No.15441237

>Stop being a pussy and stand up for what you believe in real life, instead of just crying about it on here, and you'll have nothing to worry about.
Either massively deluded, more likely just lying

>> No.15441264

Kek, ok coward, just keep moaning about it like a little bitch on /lit/ then. Imagine being scared of a bunch of feminists.

>> No.15441266

>Because these population disparities are the justification used for legislation, and for an entire cultural and political movement.
Wait, you said that the progressive argument was that there aren't differences, now you're saying the progressive argument is that there are differences. Which is it?

>> No.15441280

Observed disparities means income, educational achievement, crime rates, etc. Progressives believe all populations are the same and that these differences can only be accounted for by racism from whites. I explained this in the first post defining it.

>> No.15441303

>Progressives believe all populations are the same and that these differences can only be accounted for by racism from whites.
Try not to create imaginary positions anon, rather you are putting forward what you call your "progressive argument" or something like that which is... a belief that all *populations* are the same? And it's populations you're concerned about because of legislation? You want more localism in law making?

>> No.15441342

This is not an imaginary position, this is the basis of the Civil Rights Act, and the entire progressive mindset. They constantly repeat these statistics about inequality between racial groups, explicitly stating that the reason for these inequalities is white racism. Academia, the press, and government agencies are inundated in this dogma.

Stop lying and obfuscating, it isn't working.

>> No.15441353

>The only people that cancelled are those that play their game in the first place.
That's not true.

>> No.15441375

What are you arguing for, that each "population" should have its own Civil Rights Act?
>Stop lying and obfuscating, it isn't working.
Try expressing your ideas better, they don't seem well formed and you can't seem to explain them readily.

>> No.15441377

>Either massively deluded, more likely just lying
I don't know if you realized this, but this person is not arguing in good faith.
James Damore did this. And ended up losing his job.

>> No.15441382

>And ended up losing his job.
Truly a martyr of our times.

>> No.15441389

I am arguing that the CRA is an example of the mindset I just described of antiracism and its consequences. I am being perfectly clear, you are trying to weasel out of having to concede to exceptionally obvious facts. You might think you're being clever but you're not, it's just pathetic.

>> No.15441390

Those articles were written without much backlash in large mainstream publications.

>> No.15441399

Backpedalling once shown examples, typical

>> No.15441402

The progression of the economy to be more service based inevitably led it to be more feminine, thus those characteristics are consciously chosen.

>> No.15441407 [DELETED] 

A certain dishonest person said "you'll have nothing to worry about."
Well, Damore had plenty to worry about. He was smeared all over the media and lost his job.

Don't you feel bad about yourself? About being so dishonest? Don't you feel like you are worthless when you act like this?

>> No.15441419

You said "you'll have nothing to worry about."
Well, Damore had plenty to worry about. He was smeared all over the media and lost his job.

>> No.15441422


>> No.15441429

>Well, Damore had plenty to worry about.
Did he? I guess the gubmint better put in place state mandated google jobs, they seem pretty important to living or something.

>> No.15441431
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ITT: /pol/tards unironically arguing that they're individual thinkers

>> No.15441437

>posts coom and misogyny all day long
>in daily “describe your perfect gf” thread post retarded prose about wanting to read to a gentle illiterate sow
>why don’t women like us
this isn’t a question for society, this is a question for women. we can narrow this further actually—women who are not retards. you indulge and reward stupid and selfish behavior in women and so the dumb ones will love and hate you in the way stupid and selfish broads are conditioned to. smart women hate men though because they understand that men are absolute dogs. horny earthworms. imagine wanting to be treated like a person and rejecting the path of least resistance (being treated like a woman, being rewarded for the bare minimum) and you still do not know if people talk to you because you have something interesting to say or because they want to fuck you. imagine cultivating excellence in your field but knowing that in the middle of a lecture, your could start saying something like, “teehee, doopy doo...i don’t...i don’t know how to solve the rest of this equation oops!” and then blush and run off and some non-insignificant number of men in the room would find it endearing and tell you that you’re still a good mathematician. women hate men because men are impossible to interact with in any meaningful way and every interest a woman has can be reduced to a fetish. anything a woman does she is doing as “a woman who likes (thing)” and her expertise is met with salivation. stop being worthless simps and women will stop hating you. don’t menace women with your sexuality. learn to expect excellence from women as you would from men and at least in your small sphere, it won’t seem like “society” (women) loathe you so much. womanhood is a hell you’ve helped to create. be decent.

>> No.15441438

>Did he?
Yes. Would you say he didn't?

>> No.15441442

>progressives have no power
>gigantic corporations like Google fire people for not being progressive
There is absolutely no way for you to win this argument

>> No.15441449

to add, wrt societal attitudes towards corporate feminism it is because neolib capitalists saw a good marketing ploy in third wave feminism and seized it for their own purposes so they can market eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man to proud sluts or whatever

>> No.15441459

You're prancing around a lot and not really thinking about what you're saying. There are a lot of points that you're making that you haven't thought through.

If I were to try and cut through your bullshit, I'd guess this is like "my sports team is the best" crap except you've also built a morality on it. I'd guess you want to talk about populations because you want to get reflected glory of whatever population you imagine you belong to. This is why you're so resistant to the natural idea that if populations are different maybe they could have some level of legislative self determination, you just want a population power ranking so you can fantasize about taking a dump on some people. This is also why you're overly bothered by stuff like the Civil Rights Act.

Maybe I'm wrong, dunno, but try to say something more than "nuh uh!" like having an actual thought about something.

>> No.15441473

post feet

>> No.15441477

Is he destitute? On the streets? He wasn't executed or whatever, google just didn't want to employ him anymore. That's corporate shit, there's no right to work at google and be able to say anything you like. This is why people talk about selling their souls in that kind of business.

It's way more typical for workers to lose jobs for trying to form stuff like unions.

>> No.15441479

i wish for the day when some random nobody spouting bullshit on twitter wasn't basis for discussion.

>> No.15441482

Since you have the reading comprehension of 4 year old here you go:

1. Progressivism dominates many spheres of society, including academia, media, government agencies
2. Progressivism's central dogma has to do with equality/progress, antiracism and feminism are the two most important examples, creeds which are upheld without any evidence, simply asserted as scripture.
3. See>>15441061 for definition of how the logic works. If these populations are inherently equal then observed disparities are due to oppression, justifying countermeasures.
4. The CRA is one such example, there are many others, the effect of this ideology is widespread and influences many aspects of society.

Your ruminations on my motives are no doubt fascinating, but utterly irrelevant to the above.

>> No.15441490

He got fired for spamming other workers with his shit after they weren't interested in it.

>> No.15441494

Then what does that tell us? That unions aren't part of progressive dogma. They're mostly liberals, they don't care about socialism, they just make sure socialists follow their race/gender talk.

>> No.15441502

>Is he destitute? On the streets? He wasn't executed or whatever, google just didn't want to employ him anymore.
He still got a smear campaign against him and still lost his job. He did lose something. Confess that you were wrong.

>That's corporate shit, there's no right to work at google and be able to say anything you like. This is why people talk about selling their souls in that kind of business.
This is irrelevant to the discussion.
You claimed no one loses anything by fighting the progressives. This is not true.

>> No.15441509

That's not true. He posted it once in an internal forum that was about the theme.

>> No.15441521

>Progressivism's central dogma has to do with
So clear anon.

>creeds which are upheld without any evidence, simply asserted as scripture.
Yes, that's dogma anon...

To get to the heart of your idiocy on this, the CRA prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It prohibits unequal application of voter registration requirements, and racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations. In other words you have to give meaningful reasons for why you do certain actions, you can't say "you didn't get the job because you are a black man" you have to more often say "you didn't get the job because you are not qualified". You have to go beyond "grug no like blacks" essentially.

>> No.15441528

the CRA promoted race quotas, it is quite literally the opposite of prohibiting discrimination.

>> No.15441530
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>> No.15441538

No, he posted and updated it several times on the google mailing lists.

>> No.15441554

you'd have to read a thing or two about world history, so as to not discredit "anti-Semitic" "fake news". then, read david icke, I'm pretty sure he covers this.

>> No.15441557

The people that asked him to be fired didn't complain he was spamming him. They complained that his opinions were unacceptable.
Nice try.

>> No.15441577
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I'm a fairly attractive, nice boyfriend. I've had like 6-7 exes, who are all fairly attractive. So inb4 incel comments.

But yeah, I was abused by my mother, like no fucking tomorrow. She sabotaged my chances at an elite university to keep me near her.

And I have been tremendously abused by the women I am around either as colleagues, coworkers, dates etc....

I just went through a really tremendously bad break up. She absolutely ripped my heart out and totally squandered all the effort I put on her. And she rationalizes all of it in her feminist talking points.

Women have become a burden, a petty tyrant class. It's not even that good for them as people, I think it makes them mentally ill and unhappy to have all this social power / pandering, but no real responsibility.

But aside from that, I don't think I'm ever gonna love again. And I think I'm gonna stop saving my virginity for marriage.

I'm going to fuck some virgin 18yo in a cabin and call it a life.... just spend the rest of it from lay to lay, and gf to gf, but with no real loyalty or desire to settle down anymore.

Which is again, really sickening, because from day one I was dedicated to becoming a dad, a husband, and a provider. And now that's simply not a viable option anymore because the womenfolk hate us.

>> No.15441589

Goddamn I use tremendous tremendously much.
Forgive me, sleep deprived, my brain is on Trump mode. Bigly

>> No.15441613

Men are hostile towards each other, you have no right to complain about women treating men like trash until you start treating other males with sensitivity yourself, but you won't because you see them as competition. Throughout my entire life, most of the shit I've had to deal with came from other men, not women

>> No.15441640

Aren't you like ... 18 when you go to uni, hence mom couldn't stop you if she wanted to. And still whining about mommy as a grown men makes the first claims you make hard to take seriously too. Though the incel stuff is pretty authentic, so there is that.

>> No.15441652

Both points mattered. Seeing a coworker say dumb shit once or twice isn't the same as the idiot spamming you with it on the wrong channel.

>> No.15441659

>I think I'm gonna stop saving my virginity for marriage

Don't commit to this path.

There's no reason to squander the sacrifices you've already made. You need to work through your issues with your Mother. Perpetuating the cycle may seem easy and comfy, but it is a betrayal to who've you have worked towards being.

>> No.15441667

>And still whining about mommy as a grown men

A lot of people have unresolved issues with their parents as adults. What is your issue that you feel the need to insult them for trying to understand it?

>> No.15441674
File: 64 KB, 736x568, qt_fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male love is unironically wasted on women. End your slavery and heartache to the inferior sex, and find a nice cute fox femboi to cyberyiff with. The male concept of sexuality is pleasure-centric, whereas for women it's the spoke of their entire life strategy and something to brutalize slaves with.

Male "hostility" is invigorating competition. Males are only hostile to each other if you don't accept your place in the objectively determined hierarchy after the males have fought it out. Women on the other hand poison and destroy the two worthwhile things in life--love and sex--by weaponizing them, and so remove the everyone's last bit of hope by turning pleasure into a nightmare. Hence why women are the cause of so many suicides.

>> No.15441724

Again, they didn't complain he was spamming them. Acknowledge you are wrong. Say it. He was fired for opposing progressive politics.

>> No.15441740

Honestly, women with BPD are some of the worst people you will ever come acorss.

>> No.15441763

My issue is that it's pathetic. The amount of people who indulge in it doesn't make it any less so. Get a grip.

>> No.15441771

Imagine the smell; rolling

>> No.15441773

t. Borderline Male who was in psych ward for BPD more often than is healthy.

>> No.15441774

>objectively determined hierarchy
It's not real, it's just people trying to assert their ego and if you choose not to be their bitch they throw a tantrum and become your enemy. Women are better people in general, men are difficult to be around if you don't want to suck dick

>> No.15441779

Gay as fuck, but then you already know that. You guys will bitch and moan that feminism is masculinizing women, but then unironically say shit like this

>> No.15441780

Might makes right, suck my dick and post tits. Fuck off cunt

>> No.15441782

kek you're the male version of those chicks who say 'i dont like other girls, i prefer having male friends'.

>> No.15441784
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Actually, I was roughly a year younger than the rest of my class, so I was 17.

My mother had undergone a messy divorce with my father during my last year of CEGEP, which took my 90-something average down to a 89 point something.

I have to move out with 4 strange arabs for a week.
I had to live on my grandparents couch for half a year as I finished my Dawson College physics courses.... only for my mother to get a new apartment, coerce me with the extended family to move in with her.... and then make me miss my McGill orientation and first day of school on purpose, because she was angry that I asked to use a washing machine (my grandmother was on the phone, listening to it, so that's like the only time my mother didn't fully get away with taking out her frustrations on me).

My mom then kicked me out after two years on father's day, after forcing us to go have dinner with my divorced deadbeat dad (who hadn't attempted to see us in years). My father spent the entire supper ranting about how shitty my mother and her side of the family was, and hitting on the way too young waitresses to idk establish dominance. My brother came home crying from this, and weeping, and begging for ''the drama and fighting to just stop.'' And my mother hearing this from my brother, and not bothering to ask what happened, assumed I must have done something at the dinner to upset my brother, and kicked me out at the end of the semester. And she kicked me out without warning, and with 1 hour to pack all my things, and move into a broken, waterless wallless apartment with my father, near Christmas eve (while also crying and having a mental breakdown about me leaving her).

My father promised me I could have the upstairs apartment after a while, cause he saw I was suffering.... only to reneg on his offer in order to spite my mother's side of the family, and thus cost himself tens of thousands of dollars, cost me tens of thousands of dollars, and 2 years of my life.

So basically, school-related, my mother and father are responsible for costing me all my savings, two years of medical leave, and making me move 7 times within my first 2.5 years of university.

And that's only to answer your shit on how she affected my university applications with familial pressure, false promises, and gaslighting.

I am also OCD, I developed the condition because of all the fighting and conflict in my home. My mother's idea was not to see a doctor, but instead to beat the disease out of me, from the ages of 7 to 14. Because apparently mental illnesses bring shame to a traditional Italian family or whatever.

They would lie about paying for my therapy on their insurance, and make me lose further thousands on continuing to go to therapy sessions, otherwise they would take it as a ''win,'' as proof that they were right, and they would go right back to beating the shit out of me if I did any OCD cleaning.

And again, that's just a rough uni-summary, that's not everything.

>> No.15441788

they're petty animals
why go through the trouble of getting a gf
when you can rape one and find a riskier, more thrilling experience

>> No.15441802

I'm not going to submit to some dweebs power fantasies, males are objectively difficult to be friends with unless you enjoy power games. I prefer pussy over cock

>> No.15441812

you never played any sports did you

>> No.15441813

If youre male, its over mate. If youre female, stay the same.

>> No.15441816

>Nice try.
You can look it up, it's public knowledge that is was on an internal mailing list and that he updated it several times.

It's also public record that people that both were for and against his email got in trouble, google didn't like the "drama".

>> No.15441821

this nigga can't handle banter KEK

>> No.15441822

Having unresolved issues and blaming the parent for their failure when they didn't even have that much of an effect on it, is childish at the very best.

His mom didn't exactly lock him up with homeschooling or some other shit.

>> No.15441849

I was a gamer as a child, and I had lots of male friends but the older we got the more of them became insufferable assholes. Being around women and gay men is a breath of fresh air, I'm not a homosexual but I don't like 99% of straight men

>> No.15441856

>the older we got the more of them became insufferable assholes
They got married

>> No.15441868

I'm not going to pretend I don't know what you mean but I think you're overstating it. There is also a sort of camaraderie with men you just can't get with women.

>> No.15441869

> coerce me with the extended family to move in with her
Shitty of her but still your call in the end.
> make me miss my McGill orientation and first day of school on purpose
Unless she locked you up or mixed drugs into your food ... this doesn't sound too realistic.
> after forcing us to go have dinner
We're you're a grown ass man by that point?

> familial pressure, false promises, and gaslighting.
And these are all horrible things to do for an adult, especially a parents – I don't disagree with you for a second that you parents sucked at their job ... just none of the shit you mentioned so far would have a critical impact. if YOU made different choices in the situations, which were in your control.

> My mother's idea was not to see a doctor, but instead to beat the disease out of me, from the ages of 7 to 14.
This is a much better case against her and her shittiness affecting your development.

>> No.15441892
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I was born working class.

I got into a private high school on merit. I graduated with 24 extra credits, an 86% high honours average, dozens of awards, volunteering, robotics, regional science fairs (I built a tesla coil from scratch to create ozone within the air, to purify water from the St L River, I deconstructed a microwave to play around with its magnetron, I used a Japanese brainwave reader to read your mood based on your 5 brainwaves and select music based on your mood). I taught myself AP calculus at like 14-15 (shittily, but I would ace it in college), and because of being in Quebec, and being from an immigrant household, I was trilingual.

I got into the CEGEP of my choice, despite my mom trying to sabotage that too. I aced things, I did volunteer work, I got a near 90% average, and a R-score that was like 33 when all you needed to get into McGill physics was a 24 R-score. This is also the first time I began secretly pursuing therapy.

Then McGill happened... my dream school, forced into it too early, without the gap year I wanted... and lied to about having money to pay for it, and an apartment to live in.

My mother and father tore me down from day one. I am now a shadow of my former self, my mother being the primary abuser.

I want to return to McGill, but my GPA is a pathetic 2.7 now, and I've been on medical leave for mental health (and false pretenses of getting yet another apartment) for two years now.

My advisor likes me, some of my professors want to give me undergraduate research, and due to how grad applications are made only the last 42 credits to your degree matter in the decision process (and thus my 2.7 could be completely looked over if I ace everything hereon out).... but at this point, I'm just a shadow of my former self.

Science gives me no pleasure. Academics give me no pleasure. I no longer see myself with a research physics PhD, I no longer see myself publishing books or poetry, I no longer see the rest of my youth as salvageable....

I'm 23 now... the last 5 years of my life have been hell, but the last two in particular have driven me to become nearly homeless and feral.

I will turn 24 come August. I am now penniless due to this pandemic, and my family is giddy to use my new financial weakness to attack me again.

My trad girlfriend of 2 years breaking up with me, ghosting me 7 times, and then giving her virginity to some dude she knew for three weeks (and getting suicidal because of it, and dumping this dude)....that sucked, but it was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Society never had a place for me, all my attempts to stay positive and work hard have backfired. And I'm currently just pondering what suicide method would be best for me and the world (perhaps taking out some globalist politician with myself... but I bet George Soros has good security... unlike that Christchurch dude, I couldn't bring myself to killing average Muslim migrants because they're just trying to live life).

>> No.15441900

Yep, never did sports in his life. Failed faggot retard, blame your parents.

>> No.15441910

His experiences sound pretty relateable. Even the few men who aren't total monkey brains, there is still often that constant ego cockfight and one-upmanship in everything even if its more subtle with intelligent ones. And that's one on one ... if more people get involved, specially women, IQ of so many men just takes a huge drop.

>> No.15441924

Hm it definetly is luck, atleast partially. I fought with my friends, like sparring as we were into boxing etc. and we really bonded greatly over this. A decade later and its still the most chill and relaxing relation I had with a human so far.

>> No.15441928


>> No.15441930

Women are 100% of the problem. Bad male behavior exists solely "impress" women, who are vapid and dumb. Programming Linux in your basement means nothing to a roastie. Being a loud asshole does.

>> No.15441942
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There's more, but I don't wanna write a novel for 4chan. You made the typical ''well you were an adult'' argument. And while you're technically right, I'm just trying to show you there's a huge portion of the story that you're missing.

I think I would like to die by falling on a dagger. Seems very Roman. One way to salvage some dignity in this life. I'm an organ donor, but if I fall on my stomach, I doubt my heart, lungs and kidneys will be affected.

>> No.15441964

Calm your balls, nigga. You're still damn young and your capabilities aren't going down that badly so fast, so "all" you have to overcome is the current mindstate. Obviously still a total bitch to do but others did it before you too.

Why are you even still hanging with this shitty family? Is there no state support for someone in your situation to move the fuck away from them?

>> No.15441977 [DELETED] 


Then why is it acceptable that she demonstrates such hatred?

>> No.15441997

Because she’s a marginal nutter.
Plus she’s the best recruiter anti feminists have.

>> No.15442001

I don't qualify for anything really.... working class young men are disposable. Always have been, always will. It's just shocking to the degree that we are currently disposable to our own families, women and society... it's a recipe for disaster.

Especially if ur white and hetero, they don't have money for your kind. Suicide seems like a comfy way out, really... a declaration of ownership of my meat. As Mishima said, women are beautiful in youth, and men can only be beautiful in death.

>> No.15442005
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Extremely based.

>> No.15442010

Well, there is definite bounding in that aggression thing but even among close friends there is often that weird, animalistic rivalry aspect.

Not really. It might be the deep core motivation but you'll find enough faggots inside of male only spaces that no females enter who still have to compare cocks. "Muh distru is more minimalistic" than yours sort of shit for example.

Outside of that, it's generally silly to blame women if men go retarded in their presence, if we consider men equal and not dogs who can use language. It's just most never learned any impulse control.

>> No.15442029

True true, but as I said its luck. I had friends like those you described and it pushes you to your best because you constantly have to compete and come out on top, but with those guys its pretty egoless, to a certain degree.

>> No.15442037

Based pajeet

>> No.15442038

>oh noo not twitter comments! help /pol/ im being oppressed!

>> No.15442048


>> No.15442053


Our relationships with our parents inform our relationships with everyone else. It's likely the women anon engages, and how he acts towards them in relationships, is related to unresolved issues with his mother.

Calling him pathetic for that is just being abusive. You're being the same bitch, because it makes you feel that same sense of power his mother had. Basically he should tell you to fuck off for being a vulture.

>> No.15442056
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>silly to blame women if men go retarded in their presence
How can you be this much of a baldfaced liar? This is probably the most insufferable thing about women, that they refuse to acknowledge their obvious and glaring power, and how much of a burden their mere presence places on everybody, and how much it demands of everyone, how they're one giant vacuum of suck of resources and attention. And yet they are either "blind" to it somehow, or just are completely adept at never, ever acknowledging it.

The mind of woman is such a mystery. No man could even conceive of how a mind could operate like that, with absolutely no sense of justice.

Their entire existence is one giant disgusting lie that does not even reveal itself to itself.

>> No.15442057
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I'm barely gay, but ok.... I just recognize that living with purpose and dying with purpose seem to go hand in hand, and thus logically my suicide would be an act of salvation.

The only issue is I haven't achieved anything of value yet. And if the life being sacrificed is not valuable, then the death means little.

Mishima's death was valuable because of his youth, his talent, the fact that he COULD have done ''so much more''.

My death will be smaller and sadder, which is why I think I should try and take out someone like Soros, as a more transactional way of making my death beautiful.

But again, ... you're not gonna kill Soros with a dagger. So idk.... I guess I'll just starve in the corner, surrounded by my poems and crap.

I told my ex not to blame herself if I did anything drastic, and that I am under a lot of pressure outside of our difficult relationship as ''friends''. She viewed this as me trying to manipulate her with guilt into coming back. I don't want her back, she violated my boundaries and self-respect with her ghosting. I was genuinely just trying to alleviate her conscience.

No one thing is responsible. This world just doesn't have a place for men like me.

Sky King did it pretty.... he died beautiful

>> No.15442093

Death by your own hand is already something worthy, a last show of determination of the powerless. The meme is about Mishima himself, mostly stemming from one of his books which was very gay. But it doesnt matter, what matters for you is you and your actions.

>> No.15442126

You're missing nuance, Sigmund. Our relationships with the parents having an effect doesn't absolve the person of all responsibility. It adds contexts and explains why some things are harder for people with certain experiences; but the situation describes alone would be insufficient for longer damage without other factors. Some of which are in his hands.

>> No.15442133
File: 34 KB, 700x393, bertrand-tavernier-shutterstock_editorial_10442485b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling a pathetic faggot a pathetic faggot is "angry"
Someone's new

>> No.15442135

>males are objectively difficult to be friends with unless you enjoy power games

They pretend topping and bottoming isn't a power game.

You have to find the right group of male friends with the right games. It's impossible to fully remove the aspects of competition and hierarchy, but it is possible to transform them into behavior more suiting for a human man.

You seem like the top that enjoys table top games. That's an example. Still a winner, a loser, the psychic satisfaction of proving yourself, but without the degradation and debauchery.

>> No.15442141

> obvious and glaring power*
On simps. With all the downsides coming with it, like some simp feeling entitled to harass them, making it not much of a power.

It's just we live in a society which tolerates and even encourages men to be simps.

>> No.15442142

>My death will be smaller
>and sadder

>> No.15442161

>Some of which are in his hands.

Correct, which him posting here is his hands doing that work you're talking about. That this can motivate such anger in others says more about them.

Being motivated to post isn't being impassive.

>> No.15442162
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>nooooo it's the women's fault I can't control myself

>> No.15442164

That as well. No action you make is pointless. All are, or no one is.

>> No.15442171

>The mind of woman is such a mystery.
It's really not, it's just unpleasant. And you're kidding yourself if you think the male mind isn't unpleasant as well, just in a different way. I'm sure partly it's hidden to you, and partly it bothers you less because you're a guy, to women the bare male psyche is more unpleasant. All of this is because men and women have many conflicting desires. Not to mention all the generalized delusion humans have for other reasons than sexual conflict.

>> No.15442194

A bit more than just bitching about it is in the cards. The comments came from focusing on the dumb part that doesn't help anyone, him the least.

Also where do you see anger? Obviously it's hard to read the tone online but come on, there is no hint of it there.

>> No.15442195

>you posted something ergo you are angry
Check out the big brained retard kek. You must be livid yourself.

>> No.15442204

Your moaning is pretty pointless

>> No.15442205

>this is the most popular thread on /lit/ for hours now
dark times

>> No.15442209

Have you walked through a crowd at all? One that has women in it? Do it sometime and you will see literally no one cares about the women in that crowd because at that point they are just people.

>> No.15442223

>still not deleted
The board's been dead for ages now, dunno why I'm not surprised. Nothing motivates the zoomer incels more like the evil femoid horde that is fast coming to rob their penises.

>> No.15442235

I thought its pretty hot ;P

>> No.15442239

>anon pours his heart out about his life troubles and plans for suicide
>4/5 responses are encouraging the idealization of suicide
>one response encourages him to rape

Yep, truly 4chan

>> No.15442244

>male mind unpleasant
The most "unpleasant" thing about the male mind to women is that it wants to experience beauty and pleasure without surrendering resources or being enslaved. A woman is only expected to look pretty, a man is required to modify his personality into that of a suitable slave.

>> No.15442255

You can always leave if you cant understand

>> No.15442272

>Also where do you see anger?

Why fling insults at someone hurting unless you're upset by his mere audacity to voice his pain on this copper fabric magic Ouija?

Nope, just draining your soul.

>> No.15442283

How'd your parents destroy your college stuff?

>> No.15442293

Because it's funny.

>> No.15442306

Your mom was right to abuse you.

>> No.15442311

My mom never had a chance to abuse me :D

>> No.15442327

>waaah why weren't the anonymous users of 4channel more supportive to my good chums autistic self absorbed blogpost
Take it to /adv/, or if it comes to that, you might as well just take it to reddit.

>> No.15442340

I can see why she left.

>> No.15442346

How is pointing out "you act like a baby over THIS one thing" is an insult of anon? I find his reasoning to blame it all on shitty parents silly/funny, and that was the focus of the post. Not insulting him as a person.

>> No.15442354

Youre confusing me with the other anon. Mine left by dying and unironically leaving a perfect legacy behind that way. Faggot.

>> No.15442356

I wasn't the anon who posted the goth japs, I just found the response funny

>> No.15442357

Western Woman's hostility towards men is a form of suicide.

>> No.15442376

They seem to be doing a whole lot less suicide than the men, tho

>> No.15442385


>> No.15442404

>Society never had a place for me

Society is changing. Stay to work as part of that change. You're 23. That's incredibly young. Don't be fooled by some fast pace you may have glimpsed in academia. The knowledge you know has worth to your life will still be there when you get other things sorted out.

Women are difficult, and the modern culture makes them doubly so.

>> No.15442413

hopefully something on licking those soles

>> No.15442417

>No anon, don't focus on the foundational relationships that are probably haunting you in your present relationships


>> No.15442456
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>ruining life over women
Why would you do this? Just ignore them.

>> No.15442523

Because it can't go anywhere from there. It's pointless and best, while also harmful for growth. It's important to recognize when we had shitty ones and not trying to justify abuse with some bullshit but once we got that, it's pointless to further dwell on it when the energy can be spent on relearning the basics instead using shit in the past as excuse for every failure in the future.

>> No.15442633


>> No.15442648


>> No.15442886

Sports is usually the worst unless you get up to a significantly high level or are in a niche sport.

>> No.15443083

>Because it can't go anywhere from there

I disagree. I think facing it and understanding it is the only way to stop it from controlling your future forever.

>> No.15443112

Wagner was such a dedicated antisemite he wrote a book about the pernicious influence of jews on music.

Cosmia was Liszt's daughter, and her maternal grandmother was a Jewess. This would have made her a full-blood German citizen of the Reich, had she lived another five years.

>> No.15443140

look at Wagner's skull, how ridiculous

>> No.15443206

Anger is for numbing the pain retard, it's not that I enjoy it

>> No.15443243

Henry Rawlins

>> No.15443343

Incredibly based homofascist.

>> No.15443363

Women are shit at being masculine, that's the problem.

>> No.15443414


>> No.15443453

this. please, for the love of god, just leave women the fuck alone. sex segregation is the answer. let women achieve greatness absent the male presence and vice versa. gender is broken and without some sort of intervention men will continue to be coomer faggots and women will continue to be babies in whore costumes.

>> No.15443817

beautiful feet

>> No.15444110


>> No.15444130

Isn't it that they are they just fail more at it. (kek)