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15438783 No.15438783 [Reply] [Original]

Books for a khv who has ocd and sex obsession

>> No.15438795
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>> No.15438796
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Liveblog by Megan Boyle

>> No.15438835
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Is that Eric Roberts’s Daughter?
You should get in shape and have a relationship, or at least have sex. You don’t need constant sex to be happy, but you need to do it at least once

>> No.15438841


Get some book about CBT and stay away from 4chan. You'll probably find someone after some years away.

>> No.15438855

I'm in shape.
I'm rather small (5'10 145 lbs) but I have a decent body and am muscular.
I just can't socialize. I find it hard to talk to people because it's boring.
I'm not saying in particular that they are boring, I'm sure they are lovely people, but the act of making conversation is very boring.

>> No.15438866

At what point did skin tight clothing become socially acceptable?

Like at that point you may as well be naked, what's left to imagine? This shit is why we need shariah desu.

>> No.15439461

Just get a whore. And don't give me that "I want affection and love not just sex" or "sex isn't as good when there's no love" bullshit, women are incapable of loving men.

>> No.15439520

those shoes are fucking ugly

>> No.15439558
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Is it normal to think about Emma often?

>> No.15439564

I want to be wanted.

>> No.15439568


You aren't muscular if you're 5'10 and 145 lbs

>> No.15439581
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>I'm rather small (5'10 145 lbs)
>tfw I am 5'11 and 120 lbs

>> No.15439610

He’s probably one of those twinks who thinks that he’s muscular when in reality he’s just very lean.
With that being said getting muscular won’t help with women. I’ve been lifting for years and I’m 6ft tall 195lbs at approximately 10-12% bodyfat and I’m still khv.

>> No.15439625

read some psychoanalysis

>> No.15439626
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why live? Why fucking live? I am a 20 year old khv, on meds for OCD and psychiatrist said i had sex obsession (obsessed with the concept of sex despite never having it) and thus i revolve my daily life and conversations around the subject of sex (even when i did nofap, i constantly thought of marriage and afraid of being raped by a girl and sent to hell). Imagine that everything you fucking say is creepy. I can't help it. I lost 2 friendships with girls, one whom i played games with and another whom i talked for 3 hours with over skype on webcam two days in a row. That was when i bought a rope.

Fuck this life. Fuck this curse. I was robbed of a youth. I have been deprived of physical and emotional connections. Imagine being surrounded by people with legs and arms and gloating about it, but then telling you, when you inevitably complain about it, that you will eventually grow some - and to give it time.

>> No.15439632
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Is that a beer belly or is she just pregnant?

>> No.15439642

What I mean is that I have good musculature and low body fat, not that I'm Arnold.

Thank you for critiquing your mental image of my body and not addressing the actual point though, it really showed how superior you are to me physically.

>> No.15439643

>I was robbed of a youth
>20 years old

you have time anon

>> No.15439784

what it is a khv?

>> No.15439788

kissless, handholdless, virgin.


>> No.15439856

Stop blaming others for what you've failed to provide yourself with. Sounds like you need to stop obsessing over sex. It really isn't all that you think it is. Although my grasp of OCD is limited, I've struggled with mental illness in the past. Channel into hobbies. Build a personality, spend less time on 4chan. Unironically, go outside. Eat healthier. Start lifting. Likely you're depressed because you spend your time living an unfulfilling life and suckling the teat of the internet but blaming it on sexual experience, or lack thereof. At the height of manic episodes, I would fuck random roasties a few times a week. Here's the thing, it didn't make me less depressed. Quite the contrary.
You don't have low body fat.

>> No.15439862
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I am 20 as well, khhv, 5’4, on meds for ADD and anxiety, have a micropenis and phimosis. Even if i were to have sex i wouldn’t enjoy it. Are ancestors made sex the highest reward in our brain and equated it to survival so we want it really bad. Porn addiction is even worse, try fixing that and masturbate in moderation to your imagination and what not because if you truly believe you are khhv for life, which i believe is the case for me, then you need to find a way to cope because the world is certainly unfair and promises us nothing.

>> No.15439902

>You don't have low body fat.

I never said i did retard. That manlet aint me. Every day i browse this site for social interaction and i get bombarded with the blackpill and the redpill.

>> No.15439977

Then stop browsing the site, dipshit. It seems it's making you a vitriolic, diffident person.

>> No.15440100

is that piss?

>> No.15440109

it's organic vegan piss. Has all the vitamins and protein to start the day with energy

>> No.15440132

are you a broad? if not, eat some fucking food dude.

>> No.15440169

>i browse this site for social interaction and i get bombarded with the blackpill and the redpill.
Some people truly are hopelessly stupid lol

>> No.15441335

>I would fuck random roasties a few times a week
>it didn't make me less depressed

>> No.15441347

Why are you writing in some semitic language anon?

>> No.15441374

Cock and ball torture won't help this guy at all

>> No.15441465

Particules Elementaires by Houellebecq, you will 100% identify with the character of Bruno

>> No.15441670

>you have time anon
In the psych ward
>i constantly thought of marriage and afraid of being raped by a girl and sent to hell

And this isn't your blog loser, it has nothing to do with /lit/

>> No.15441719

If you're still here, do you happen to be in a residential treatment facility for sex addicts and other people like that in Colorado?

>> No.15441940

if you are a KV for life with certainty, why do you try no-porn? Does it even matter then? I thought the idea was to reverse insensitivity towards average women. I am V but because of autism only (23 y.o.). I know I look good/decent, even girls told me. I just cant talk like a human being. My last resort are prozzis. In germany it is legal and I would rather go to a hooker weekly than living in V mode for ever. It is my alternative plan if my self improvement plans dont do shit. Can you get a prostitute? I know it is not even close to love but it is an important human experience anyways. Maybe you can do that atleast. A lot of human desire is primitive and getting a prostitute regularly might even relieve the lonliness quite well.

>> No.15442753

>Being such a virgin you have 0 clue about female body
kek'd 8/10
you mong

>> No.15443106
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Stephen King's novel "N" is about a person with ocd who must do psychotic rituals to keep demons away

>> No.15443350

I recommend Houellebecq

>> No.15444353

have to be a chick, even during my stim binge days I could only get down to the low 160s at 5’11

>> No.15445501

The Lake by Kawabata