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15438621 No.15438621 [Reply] [Original]

what's the latest philosophical revelation you had?

for me, it was the unity of consciousness

>> No.15438636

Care to elaborate? Or are you just going to leave that hanging out there with no rationalization?

>> No.15438651

All life is one. Think about it.

>> No.15438662

That's the gayest shit I've ever heard. Some new wave hippy bullshit. You stupid retard read a book

>> No.15438675

Care to elaborate? You are just throwing insults at me but I see no rationalization. t. OP

>> No.15438678

I can justify an assertion like that, but I want to see how you got there. Or are you just having a feeling? Suppose for the sake of argument I were unconvinced, not rather that what you say is true or not, but that you know why you think what you do.

>> No.15438694

dont you dare talk shit about new wave

>> No.15438722

the 'little person' speaking inside you is the same with everyone. Our conscious minds seek unity and belonging.

why do we like going to concerts and movie theatres? The obvious answer is that you like the band or the movie, want some entertainment etc.

We need to go a deeper level to explain a new level of "why"

so why?

Yes we all differ in opinions and characters and all that shit, but the thing that we all have in common are emotions right? I mean we all feel happy or sad or angry the same way. So taking from there, the real reason why we go to these public meetings, or 'rituals'. Is to feel the same emotion with thousands of people at the same time. That is our consciousness seeking belonging, once we all realize that we can evolve to the next level of existence and one step closer to singularity.

>> No.15438745

If by 'we are all one' you mean our souls are made of the same substance then fine, but our souls are individual. After we die they don't combine into some grander soul God thing. From your posts you sound like the type that says God is the sum of all human (and other) souls which is retard tier

>> No.15438778

no your soul is same, and it will combine. Your body however is different, your body cells and millions of bacteria living inside you determine your individuality.

- I don't believe in God as in terms of a man watching every move you make, nor i'd call combining into some grander soul God.

>> No.15438780

So are people, then, fundamentally the same or different? I guess I'm having some difficulty with the notion that at some level you're insinuating that our essence is reconcilable to some total whole; that consciousness can't diverge, escape, establish distance from some re-articulation of itself and remain beyond the grasp of this unity of which you speak.

>> No.15438790

>how you got there

>> No.15438801

oh and also, evolution is conscious too the current theory that all evolution is a lucky genetic 'accident' is so retarded and wrong.

>> No.15438813

You got a problem with my diction? On a lit board? What kind of fucking moron are you?

>> No.15438822

your "soul" is the same with everyone - your individuality comes from your body cells and millions of bacteria living inside you and life events such as childhood traumas.

>> No.15438823
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the universe is a being and all stars are neurons

>> No.15438824

Same substance, as the dualists established long ago. But my bookshelf and my body are the same substance (material, or you could say atoms) but vastly different things. Souls don't combine, why would you think that? You think you and the low IQ pseuds and all the Chads you hate and the Staceys you'll never have are all the same and become one at the end? Then whats the point? Who wants to be part of some soul-conglomerate? That's against nature. A giant chimera soul ball that consumes the universe?

>> No.15438836

I don't actually like to call it soul, because the term sounds too religious but watdo

>> No.15438839

Fuckin lol.

Sure. And apples are oranges.

>> No.15438857

When will the bright minded scientists find out why we take the shape we take? Up to date no one has a slightest idea why humans take the human form, but we assume it's a greater force modeling us in the optimal way with respect to time.

>> No.15438863

That niggers are unsalvageable

>> No.15438872

Are these larger forces also being modeled or are they just the last largest force that would then within reason then be subject themselves to evolution?

>> No.15438874

the guy opened the thread with the word 'revelation', do you think he shares the same conception of philosophy as you?

>> No.15438880

I expect a philosophical revelation to be founded on reason, ya.

>> No.15438896

Behind it all lies God.

>> No.15438899
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no its not against the nature, it is the nature -nature is unified. But yeah still keep thinking in terms of IQ, that'll get us far.. animals are way more "advanced" than humans in a sense of natural sensibility - they're more in tune with nature. Please tell me how does a flock of birds fly as they're a single entity?


Your understanding of the universe and nature is flawed. Yes, I do believe that all the chads and staceys will become one not to mention looking at them as chads and staceys are wrong at its core. You're missing to see the bigger picture, but eventually, we will get there.

pic related

>> No.15438930

>the 'little person' speaking inside you is the same with everyone. Our conscious minds seek unity and belonging.
Nah, bro. That's the devil talking. What you have identified is how the devil speaks to everyone and what you are seeking is a world where everyone is enslaved to the antichrist.

Repent or the LORD is sending your ass straight to hell.

>> No.15438945

Read Aristotle.
Your form is your soul.

>> No.15438957

when I realised that gods, demons, angels are actually real and emergent in liminal space from outside

>> No.15438959

Funny because religion was based on the same concepts I am talking about - yes Jesus and many other Saints were all fucking hippies.

>what you are seeking is a world where everyone is enslaved to the antichrist

What I am seeking is quite the opposite really, where everyone is free as a bird, we will get there - i am hoping it won't be too late.

>> No.15438966

>from outside
Nigga, that's not true. The Gods live in our solar system.

>> No.15438967

So you want to understand consciousness with science. Sure, and if you're Parmenidean then everything is fundamentally one because otherwise it wouldn't interact with itself. I'm just throwing shade on a conception of the universe that fails to recognize the powers of differentiation at work. Everything is not homogenous.

>> No.15438970

A flock of birds is made up of individuals. Each bird is still its own organism, free to abandon the flock if it so chooses. It stays out of necessity

>> No.15438992

Once again the voice in your head telling you that Jesus and all the Saints are behind you is the voice of Satan, that is pride whispering in your ear.

How can you say everyone is "free" when individual souls don't even exist? That's not freedom, that's annihilation, any previous "self" that once constituted you has now been vanquished and subsumed into the whole. This is not the afterlife God wants for us, where we will be resurrected in material body to live in His kingdom on Earth.

>> No.15438994

yea but it doesn't explain how thousands of them can fly in tune? as they're in a way connected with a network.

it all boils down to my first point - we as humans need to get there and we will.

>> No.15438995

I got high and watched Evangelion, got the same revelation afterwards.
>TFW Human Instrumentality was a good thing

>> No.15439014

A computer network is made of individual systems. If you and I had a psychic connection our souls would still be unique and seperate

>> No.15439024

Because their senses are adapted to navigating the sky. Same reason their eyes are on the sides of their skulls rather than front and centre.

If they were linked by supernatural forces millions of them wouldn't be getting lost every year.

>> No.15439025

you my friend, are a faggot

and we are one

>> No.15439037

That every person has their own unique personal history, and it so happens that I'm not the only one with a past.

>> No.15439043

That philosophy is a net negative on my life and pretty much worthless.

>> No.15439046

Too know a limit you must be on both sides.
>you don't know how much of a drug you can handle till you either OD or you hit rock bottom
Character is largely independent of someones beliefs, but circumstance is nearly proportional to it
>someone with horrible beliefs can still have good character and function in society - as long as circumstances allow it. (Their beliefs may effect their circumstance in some cases)
Society requires oppression and blood. All significant objects have a shadow
>Our safety has been bought by the blood of men we now vilify. Not realizing slaughter is necessary to every society will make it happen again. The slaughter of the American Indians (more complex then it is made out to be) was inevitable. Part of the relations that always happen when settled and hunter gatherer societies happen in between.
People are as resilient as you allow them to be.
>resilience has become the trait of fools; notice how many young people are trying to identify with things that allow them to not take accountability for who they are.
>every great man still had an I _____
Even if environmental determinism is only true on an higher order veiw of society
The most horrible truth that most people avoid is that (on this lower plane of experience we exist on) they will always be themselves
>I will never not be myself. And I will die as myself.
Man's greatest delusion is that self sustenance can be achieved

>> No.15439056

The more I think about it the more I realize it is unadulterated bullshit.
"All life is one".
What the actual fuck... the only conciveable sense this could be true is that all life emerged from the same genome millions of years ago, however since then it has become multifaceted and varied. It continues to get further and further away from singularity, because of the hysteresis of evolution: you can go forward, but never go back - there is always atavism in evolution.
But that means the different branches of the tree continue to get further and further away as their histories get more and more unique.
Life is constantly pulling away from itself.
It is constantly in a state of un-one-ing.
The more I think about it the more I realize it's a bullsht phrase, the kind of thing that people who are mimicking profundity flip out because the superficial contradiction in the words is what we expect insight to take the form of, but unlike actual insight it means nothing. It's just virtue signalling, a "deepity", it's a parody of insightful thought.
It's bullshit.

>> No.15439066

that's some good points you've made there, it'll make me think for sure.
I don't, however, believe in absolutes. As in the concept of Satan, only doing bad things - kinda like LOTR - the good vs evil, the real world doesn't really work that you know?
Also why can't we be free in unity? What if we're enslaved now? Once everyone realise why we are this addicted to media will it be the same? Because they're using these cheap tricks that they are aware of to get us addicted to the screens already - away from the free mind.
i don't know where I'm going with this desu.

But there's freedom in unity too.

>> No.15439076

That the only way to live an ethical life (making the most of your potential, so that you're better positioned to help others) is pretty much all the same shit you need in any part of life: practical problem solving, social skills, intelligence, the ability to plan ahead, don't be stupid with money, don't take too many risks, have compassion and humility, learn to look at the "big picture". If you want to help people you still need all of these.

>> No.15439079

Yup. Its the modren equivalent or approximation of 'God works in mysterious ways'

>> No.15439088

fair comparison.

>> No.15439090

how come? it allowed me to see humans in a different way and it works.

>> No.15439105

>The most horrible truth that most people avoid is that (on this lower plane of experience we exist on) they will always be themselves

that's so fucking true

>> No.15439108

Thats more or less what I've been alluding to. The 'un-oneing', or differentiation seems paramount.

>> No.15439113

Have you ever thought that you're just a natural loser and you're blaming the loser you are in life on axillarly activities you participate in instead of looking at yourself and the people around you with a sober eye?

>> No.15439120

Why did God give creatures the possibility to feel and experience it personally and directly by planting magic mushrooms on the Earth?

>> No.15439141

What if the mushrooms are deceiving you? I mean, what if they aren't friendlies man? What if they're just there to fuck with you?

>> No.15439151

no shit sherlock it is the physical 'life' you're talking about and it is so surface level.

The Human 'soul' never changed.

People still made jokes, cried, felt angry, depressed, cheated etc.. thousands of years ago and we will continue to do so thousands of years later.

That's what I am talking about.

> It's just virtue signaling, a "deepity", it's a parody of insightful thought.
>It's bullshit.
funny how you're doing the same thing

>> No.15439153

Evil people and good people don't exist, that much is true. Everyone is a sinner that can only be saved through Christ. But good and evil are very real, there is God and there are those that are against Him.

>What if we're enslaved now? Once everyone realise why we are this addicted to media will it be the same?
We definitely are. The world economy is like a machine that we're all apart of whether we like it or not, any way out is likely illegal depending on your country. This is the Satanic plan in action, you're forced to contribute to a system of greed, brutality and hedonism. No man can buy or sell unless he carries the mark of the beast $£€₪

>> No.15439162
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>> No.15439164

I can tell a woman wrote this, stop with your fake deep bullshit and learn to suck a dick well.

>> No.15439195
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i thought about that too, it's just soo terrifying to look at them that way holy shit.

I mean they already deceive ants right?

>> No.15439200

All efforts inevitably lead to failure, therefore it is never about choosing a winning side but about choosing which failure will be more efficient to manage.

Synthesis of the theses leaves us with two possible outcomes: ditching your position altogether because it is impossible to hold
accepting the fact that managing your failure necessarily means accepting some level of hypocrisy and double standards.

Hypocrisy and double standards are two greatest virtues of mankind because they allow survival of the ideals and continuity of the historical process.

>> No.15439202
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I can justify this assertion, others have evn justified that everything is one, but you need to justify it yourself as you brought it up.

>> No.15439216

I know it's true, but even if it isn't - this philosophy has helped me tremendously with my life and how i see people.

keep living in ignorance cuck.

>> No.15439220
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That our progeny is the continuation of our consciousness
We are in this universe to fulfill God’s mission
God is our ancestor who shipped us off to this universe so we could escape the demise he was facing in his world

>> No.15439227

That sounds like changing the goal posts. Either something is, or it ain't. You can't say that what unites them is differentiation. That's just lexial wordgames.
This is the least coherent collection of platitudinous thoughts in the entire fucking thread. You're calling physical life 'surface level' and vaguely referring to a 'human soul' as one, even though all the behaviors and verbs you used "jokes, cried, felt angry, depressed, cheated" differentiate humans from other life forms, therefore proving my point that life is no in fact one because there's so many variation.
I repeat - that distinguishes one form of life "humans" from others, be it plants, fish, even Octopuses.
>That's what I am talking about.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, and neither do you.
What is "oneness" and how is it different from "twoness" or many you fucking huckster.
Give me concrete examples
Here's a hint - if something cries and something instead sprouts flowers but can't laugh - there isn't a "oneness".
>funny how you're doing the same thing
What vague bullshit did I use?
Who is god? Which God?

>> No.15439239

Tits or gtfo bitch, if its really helped with your life you wouldn't be posting here. All it does is make you feel like your connected to things aren't. It satifies your narcissism and need for a personal narrative that puts you in a special role.

>> No.15439240

>Here's a hint - if something cries and something instead sprouts flowers but can't laugh - there isn't a "oneness".
whoops, I meant to say "but can't cry".
Of course, you'll either
1. Ignore every other coherent argument I made and focus on my misuse of one word as a form of cope
2. mistake the obvious contrast between "cry" and "laugh" as virtually polar opposite emotions as being some kind of hidden deepness. Gross.

>> No.15439241

we're actually building our consciousness using the internet. Think about it - millions of bytes of actual human interaction is uploaded to the internet every single day - one day someone will know what to do with all this data.

>> No.15439245

>universes hot enough allow formation of intelligent species
>intelligent species create AI
>AI creates Singularity
>Singularity uses the energy of the entire Universe to create baby universes
Entire process is looped and perpetual, this neverending creation can be considered "god" itself.

>> No.15439257

>Who is god? Which God?
there we go, Mr Rational mind that couldn't notice he made atheism his religion.

HURR DURR MUH EVIDENCE you sound like an ape

>> No.15439270

I'm rather confused why you can't answer a very simple question. And what's wrong with being "Mr. Rational"? I don't think Apes can be rational.
I never asked for evidence, I simply asked you who you meant by god? That's not a position that can be debated by evidence since it's entirely down to you.

>> No.15439291


>> No.15439300

Quite funny that you assume your view must be right. Considering one is false is like accepting one's free will. But judging is mostly common for who, which deny one's own wrongs, whatever interesting nonetheless.

OP, why do you think most people go to concerts and movies with other people? They don't try to connect with the whole audience, but the people they chose to tag along with. It's like the soulmate hypothesis that one wants to be connected to it's original self, hence we(our souls or whatever) were seperated at birth. Hence marriage is most common in pairs.
Wishful thinking is nonetheless one's own decision to make, comprehending on the other side should be a collective entity.
Though I dislike the fact that there always have to be two sites to one idea. Plus/Minus and nothing seems neutral

>> No.15439306

That’s my thought exactly. Perhaps the creation of baby universes is to avoid the slow ruination of entropy?

>> No.15439349

>OP, why do you think most people go to concerts and movies with other people? They don't try to connect with the whole audience

you do that unconsciously. That is the 'real' reason why we are drawn to these 'rituals'.
Why our consciousness seeks unity?
I have no idea.

But I am a musician and I was lucky enough to perform in front of hundreds of people. I saw first hand how people got into a trance-like state - it was very mind-boggling and a little scary..

>> No.15439372

I didnt know birds got lost. What happens to the lost ones?

>> No.15439381

How have you never realized that before. Are you a narcissist or something?

>> No.15439391

>quite funny that you assume your view must be right
My view is historically accurate.

Let me put this into a simple example:
Christianity started as a small prophetic cult centered around the idea of a Messiah. If it stayed this way, it would very quickly be terminated or melt into dozens of other alike sects. Synthesis of messianism and "pagan" Greek philosophy allowed it to survive at the expense of losing its original Jewish context. If it stuck to its rule of giving away all the earthly belongings and turning the other cheek, it'd immidiately be destroyed by the mightier opponents. Synthesis of the Christian ideology and Roman law regarding military action and cruel punishments for the infidelity allowed it to thrive at the expense of losing the hippie "love thy neighbour".

Christianity the way we know it today exists because it undergone dozens such syntheses, most recent one being the Second Vatican Council, when the Church ditched centuries-long stance that the Catholic faith is the only true faith and everybody else is wrong in order to evolve into being something closer to the UN for all religions.

>> No.15439409
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out of subject - I am actually loving all this discussion.

>> No.15439410

I assume so, yes. This also led me to freeing myself from pessimism and antinatalism into transhumanism and techno-optimism, the very fact that we exist being the proof the theory is true.

>> No.15439433

Unconsciously mh, if people were trying to think rather than act, would be quite inhuman nowadays. I do believe that we 'unconsciously'/ some consciously try to connect with one another to fill there emptiness or lack of one's understanding with him/herself.
Just try to think why are todays neets so common in our society which was really seldom in the past. There's even one popular philosoph who discarded the idea of being in unison with other's.

Well I'm quite fond of music too and the only real audience I played to was in hostel. I merely played for my own enjoyment and they were applauding me, which irritated me for a while.
Also the trance like state, which I don't comprehend is mostly due to more outher effects than only the music. Drugs and the like sadly take a major part in those 'rituals'. Since forever

>> No.15439455

So the ever evolving cicle of human stupidity.

So then, what's the end of the 'progress'? Atheism?

>> No.15439456

Those are not gods. They are the highest and greatest idols of the gods as they are animated, their great size, and for not having been created by humans.

>> No.15439522

Some sort of cosmicism or masonic Great Builder open-theism, with the pope as the god emperor of mankind.

>> No.15439596

That's rather fictional whishful thinking due to lack of historical events.

Can mankind access unification through sheer idealism? There has to be at least an animosity/ a counter entity which tries to subjugate humanity, which is per se fictional.

>> No.15439598

The soul is based on your ancestors right? It kinda explains why black people are naturally more capable of doing music/dancing.

People who are more in 'touch' with it will be able to go deeper and look into our roots.

>> No.15439613

>It continues to get further and further away from the singularity
just because it naturally go away from singularity doesn't mean we can't reverse it retard. But we can do it only by having a consciousness evolution which is happening, slowly but surely - thanks to the internet too.

>> No.15439633
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but I am special, that's what mama used to say

>> No.15439638

that's one egocentric thinking isn't it?

>> No.15439668

“They were applauding me, which irritated me”. Holy shit I hate people like you

>> No.15439677
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>Can mankind access unification through sheer idealism?
No. Future super-religion will need actual technological superiority in order to rule over as many souls as possible. Hence, my transhumanist techno-optimism.

>> No.15439718

Somewhat opposite.
That consciousness has two way relationship with the rest of the world and is dependent on it.
Had that after two days of meditating 6 hours a day.

>> No.15439746

interesting, care to explain it a bit more?

>> No.15439795

What can one say? Rather be hated than forgotten? You must suck at creative activities or you simply misunderstand the concept to play for yourself and not for an audience. Most of the time people would say 'tune down' but whatever suits your small bubble


Nice optimism, anon. Would be fun to rebel against such a future.

>> No.15439859

More like collective consciousness.

When we come up with ideas or desire strongly enough for something to happen, we emit some kind of frequency and others start thinking the same way. In this way, you can kind of cause outside events to happen just by willing it. You start to notice these things happening in practice when you look for it. Just being in the same room with a mentally ill person can make you start feeling different, even if you don’t know they’re mentally ill. Just being in the same room with a person who has a “dark” aura can drain you of energy. These people are called psychic vampires.

Ideas and the spreading of ideology works the same way.

>> No.15439860

lol crying and laughter are almost the same

>> No.15439872

Centralization is the root of all evil

>> No.15439890

What happens if two people with 'dark' aura meet each other? Like in a psychiatric ward?

>> No.15439891
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finally, someone who gets it holy shit

>> No.15439952

Good question, anon. Obviously, some form of unhealthy relationship would occur-only it would be two sided instead of one sided.

Because animals are so instinct driven, they pick up on this far easier.

>> No.15439980

>Because animals are so instinct-driven, they pick up on this far easier.

great scientists, artists, and people throughout history were also instinct-driven.

>> No.15440005
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Yeah OP, i've been having some wicked insights too man
>The beginning presupposes the end, which means that the second something begins it has already ended
>That means that death is really just unbirthing, since death is the end, and the end is the opposite of the beginning, and birth is the beginning.
Now here's where stuff really gets cool
>if death is unbirthing, then birth is undying
Just think about that for a while OP.
And here's something my buddy Goomah told me last night that has really fucked me up in a way so beautiful I spent 40 minutes crying while listening to Syd Barrett
>You know how paredolia means that humans see human faces in everything? Well that means that you can see every human face on the earth, it means you are capable of seeing every single possibility of human face. Ever single smile, grimace, twinkle in the eye... you can see every human emotion for ever, for all eternity.
Man we just got so much love to give and like it's so beautiful we get this chance to un-die you know.

>> No.15440024

>great scientists, artists, and people throughout history were also instinct-driven.

They also have receptive souls, and stronger auras than the average man. The stronger your belief in something is, the more powerful. The world is quite literally subject to your will.

>> No.15440028
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we were listening to PF last night too haha

that's beautiful thanks anon

>> No.15440233

This is only a rationalization that came to me after repeating this insight many times, because such insights are non-verbal in nature and can be quite confusing when experienced for the first time and need repetition to mature.
What people call consciousness or qualia e. g. seeing color and being aware of seeing it has two-way relationship with the world - external things shape consciousness and in turn consciousness expresses itself in shape of thoughts 'I am seeing red and I am conscious of it'. Other dependent phenomena interact in similar way with each other.
These interactions between consciousness and the rest isn't Hard-Problem-of-Consciousness-like. It's more like transformation of information from one modality to some other modality with all of the restriction and potential loss of it's content inherent in translation. If I could freeze image before my eyes I could convey information about every part of my vision and its relations to other parts of it, albeit slowly due to low bandwidth of language and with loss of information. It's similar to how computer cannot output all of it's internal state directly onto your monitor, because both monitor and circuits of a computer aren't designed to do that and are not directly relatable to each other.
But scratch that shit I wrote above, because after ironing this insight out it was apparent that something is missing, that what I was referring to as consciousness i what is called perception in Buddhist framework, and that there is some some subtler consciousness at the base I can't put my finger on.

>> No.15440271
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>and that there is some some subtler consciousness at the base I can't put my finger on.
and that is the Atman

>> No.15440296

Let's not jump to conclusions too early.
When I repeat this insight it kind of btfo the sense of self from my perception and I don't see it going anywhere else.

>> No.15440316
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I don't like going to concerts or movie theatres. The music I like and the movies I like I enjoy on my own.

>> No.15440342

>When I repeat this insight it kind of btfo the sense of self from my perception
Maybe the buddhist understanding of self, but the Vedantic understanding of the self as the most subtlest and innermost consciousness which is not dependent on sensory perception, to which is manifested as an object of awareness the activity of the mind and the mind's processing of sensory perceptions and thoughts; seems to be precisely what you describe. If you want to read about this notion from a Buddhist perspective check out Dolpopa's "The Mountain Doctrine" translated by Jeffrey Hopkins, it's on lib-gen

>> No.15440420
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Life is not worth living. Empathy is a biological dead end that needs to be bred out before it ends up killing us all. Ambition and hope is nothing more than a ploy to keep you generating capital. The bad guys will win. The good guys will lose.

The only answer is to normalize assistant suicide. People shouldn't be forced to live in this hopeless world. We shouldn't be forced to watch this horrific bloodshed and the wars that are about to come.

>> No.15440456

>We shouldn't be forced to watch this horrific bloodshed and the wars that are about to come
Sorry bro they must happen so that the communists and bankers get to further their agenda.

>> No.15440466

You should stop watching anime, mr fellow neet and stop caring for whatever nonsense you probably copied without thinking your own thought

>> No.15440488

We are literally going to die from a world war or global warming within the next twenty years. I don't want to be alive when the nukes drop.

>> No.15440527

>global warming
Just a trick to get the whole world unite as one panicking pack.

>> No.15440536

It just bothers me because applause is such a pure thing. Obviously they enjoyed your performance and wanted to share that with you. It’s like the audience is a mirror and is trying to reflect some of the energy you gave in your performance back to you so you can experience their appreciation or maybe a bit of how they viewed your playing. I don’t understand how you could ever be disappointed with that unless you’re narcissistic or something. And even if you say the music was for yourself, if you ever play music around other people it automatically isn’t for yourself because no one can turn their hearing off, they’ll hear it and be a part of the performance no matter what. It’s just pretentious.

>> No.15440561

nihilism...no wait, that's the one i've always had

>> No.15440668
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The actions of everybody, even animals (maybe inanimate stuff too), are based on egoism

>> No.15440889

>applause is such a pure thing.
you cant say this serious. you have a very very bad ear to hipocrisy.

>> No.15441576

My backlog of things more relevant to my style of practice is already long enough and committing to view less resonating with me based on something pointed by a single insight doesn't seem too wise when I consider my position. It's all the same shit anyway from the perspective of direct insight, except the perceptual difference of feeling self or not.

>> No.15441636


>> No.15441653

My consciousness is not actually "me" and does nothing but illuminate the workings of the mind

>> No.15441686
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The end is the beginning, and absolutely none of this matters in the end. The enormity of this is hard to state, it's nearly impossible to accept or internalize, and so you can't move on, and so you can't begin.

Buddhism has merit. I can't actualize any of this yet, but I can feel it's weight on the periphery of thought, on the edge of belief, on the border of relief. I'm working my way there I think.

>> No.15441695

This is great. Post more like these please.

>> No.15441711

Okay suit yourself, but I would recommend eventually trying to honestly engage with that sort of material whether Vedantic or Vajrayana Shentong just to give them a fair hearing in their own words, so that you can make your own informed conclusion about them; instead of relying on what others say about those writings. Because from what you describe when you reversed yourself in the last few sentences of that paragraph it sounds like you had a direct experience in meditation which conflicts with the views you espouse, it is an insight which has no place in those views. Having undeniable insights which conflict with the views you are following, studying etc is a sign that there is some level of disconnect between them and the truth.

>> No.15441762

I believe more in power of insights that come through meditation anyway. Whether they will bias me towards Vadanta or Emptiness it's up to them.

>> No.15441887

Nice paranoia, anon. War is currently less worth than technology selling, as far as I know, tho the max outport of some countries is in dealing with weapons.
>global warming in 20 years
hahaha, man you should stop listening to some pretentious teenager, it's waaaaay farther apart than 20 years to seriously affect the world. Relocating isn't such a hassle

Welp, try to understand when you ever played before and people kept telling you, that you should tune down your music even if they subtle tell you it sounds nice, it kinda feels less appreciated to play for other's, even if I was kinda disturbing some gossip talk.
I was simply irritated not disappointed at that moment, afterwards I felt kinda happy. Even by chance that you're basking, they seldom appreciate your music.

>> No.15442722

Babby had their first acid trip lel.

>> No.15442834

hm no
we are all separate individuals

>> No.15442870

Babby you are nothin but a shit stain in nothingness bro. You are not individual, you are not original - you are nothin bro, just like every1 else bro

>> No.15442904

Ok this isn't a philosophy it's a pseudoscience

>> No.15442936

nice stuff anon

>> No.15443257


>> No.15443319

t. cheap eastern garbage LOL

>> No.15444646

No it's not. I made it up!
I thought "goomah" was a dead give away.
Here's some more bullshit for you
>sometimes the reason people never "find themselves" is you can't find something unless it's lost

>> No.15444659

why people come to this board of degeneracy?

>> No.15444687

You don’t know what atavism is

>> No.15444724


>> No.15444750

I do know what it means (historical ancestors seen in descendants, especially early stages of development) but it doesn't matter because I'm still fucking right.
"all is one" means nothing of import, it's nothing more than a empty carriage for people who want to sound special.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.15444760

That God is our intrinsic idea of a perfect, fair, just entity. Any religion claiming a wrong-doing to humanity by God, even if "for the greater good" or whatever, is a massive spook and is to be censored so as to not taint the minds of the young, which will easily accept these as truths and not ridiculous claims.

>> No.15444779

I read Kant and then came to the same conclusions as Kant and then re-read Kant and realized that the ideas I thought were my own were literally just my delayed interpretation of his.

>> No.15444783

People have an inbuilt need for friends, family, and lovers. If you are lacking in one, but have the other two, you know the significance of the one you're lacking, and approach it with the appropriate attitude. If you're lacking two, you conflate each one you're lacking, and approach each one with a mix of two attitudes, ending up getting neither. .

>> No.15444798

You’re myopic and misunderstanding the point because your monkey brain can only view everything through biological materialism

>> No.15445084
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>He doesn't even know about the irrefutable truth of Solipsism.

>> No.15445162

Look, I understand that in the 20th century there was the death of the author, I understand that words do not have permanent fixated meanings because the audience brings something to something.
However let's be honest here, these benign paradoxical phrases don't mean anything to begin with, it is entirely incumbent on the reader, there is nothing intrinsic to that sentence or any of the vague soothing platitudes that actually reveals any insight in the world.
Zen Koans are more profound because they actually force you to break the instinct to bring meaning for things.
If I'm "viewing everything through biological materialism" guess what!? That means the phrase is inexpressive, it fails to indicate context - in fact it is designed to do that because then cunts like you can say
>it's your fault it's not profound
No it's not. What makes you any better than Tai Lopez KNawLedge or Tony fucking Robbins? This isn't /lit/ and it certainly isn't useful. It's bullshit. You're bullshiting.
Please explain to me with all your wisdom what "all is one" actually means - prove that you're the one who lacks the myopia.
If you're so aware of what it means, transcend the language and explain it to me. But you won't, you'll just say
>You're mind is closed, you don't want to get it
>You have to figure it out for yourself
But there's nothing to figure out
The Emperor has no Clothes.

>> No.15445180
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Is my friend cringe or based?

>> No.15445193

Cringe but redpilled

>> No.15446387

lol. Why do chicken littles always want to take people with them?

>> No.15446504
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I’ve become convinced that everything physical is a type of illusion, with the only things truly mattering in this world being able to be counted on one finger. Everything seems to orbit around one particular entity, a Metaphysical superordinate principle that can only be expressed through abstract terms considering it’s true existence would be incomprehensible to our feeble limited Human minds. And that principle is God and His love for us, and that love will save the world, and in a way already has. To think that in a different time, long far off from our own, is a baby in a manger, God’s love made manifest to us through flesh, and a fraction of a second later he lays himself as a sacrifice for the entire world to witness Him. His name is Jesus, God is salvation. His name is Emmanuel, God with us. And through him we understand true love; Oh, love! Something that cannot be simply explained by arbitrary mathematical formulas or crystalline molecular structures. Something that eludes the probing of the best philosophers, and yet still is the center point of all of our minds and souls every second of every minute. And yet, Love still is, and now is, and forever will be a force without end. An unconditional source of never-ending faith and hope. A light radiating out into the vast darkness of nothingness, and yet that void does not understand it. It conquers death by going through death, and on the cross made from an ancient tree he is crucified as an act of atonement for us all. And through that nothingness He harrows it, carving a gate for us to go through. And the tomb opens, a magnificent spectacle of death being slain. A firstborn, a new man, God. How beautiful that is.

>> No.15446514

Miller's theory of living systems and how it manages to obliterate the barrier between nature and humanity.

>> No.15446572


Modern social movements such as veganism or feminism and pseudo political stances like communism are taking the place that old religions used to have on our daily life, at least in the west. Seems like we need to blindly advocate for something with religious fervor, even if it's not a religion per se.

>> No.15447243

damn people who think eastern philosophy can actually tell them about the mind are fucking deluded. its one big cope because of the loss of control people feel in physicalist universe.

>> No.15447282

Positivism is fake, all knowledge gained through the senses is either unreliable, ultimately reducible to something unobservable or unknowable, or both. Scientific understandings are at best agreed upon half-truths, at worst vectors of political control. Every peer reviewed experiment is another brick in the altar of a perfiduous God who could not hope to comprehend even the material it was constructed from.

>> No.15447324

I dont know what you mean by positivism but scientific halg truths let you post this comment silly bitch.

>> No.15447559

consciousness is an aspect of nature created by nature separate from itself meant to observe itself

>> No.15447642

well look at mister jaded over here

>> No.15447857

you have it backwards, Consciousness created nature

>> No.15447876

For any given set of characters representing words of a language you understand, the only barrier you have against the perception of its ownership is memory. Any information presented in this manner is otherwise indistinguishable from your own personal thoughts.

>> No.15447958

read some plato then have a fluent english speaker rewrite your shit

>> No.15447990
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I hope all those hours of underage furry scat yiff roleplay will be put to good use.

>> No.15448157

What are you even talking about? Get on my level, you’re stranded forever on the 3D plane of shit, piss and Richard Dawkins while I battle satan on the astral plane. I’m not going to baby and define things for you. Google monism brainlet

>> No.15448201

>why do we like going to concerts and movie theatres?
I don't, not with friends, not with family, not with anybody, not alone. If there was even a social activity that I always hated and found abhorrent, it was concerts or movies. Odd that you even mentioned those 2 specifically.

>> No.15448238
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No one really has any answers for death. By that I mean, no living person knows what it's like to die/be dead. But we all know, innately, that death is around us all the time. It's not malevolent, but it is present. You could quit smoking after ten years to try and improve your life, and the next day, when you're out for a run, you get splattered by a bus. Every day is an opportunity to live and to die, truly.

A lot of people spend their lives avoiding this by shirking the responsibility of death and its explanation -- which there is none that anyone can provide you, only the action itself upon your own being can -- to higher powers. Whether that's pursuing a career, or believing in religion/science/philosophy, raising a family, all of these actions become distractions and surrogates for life against the backdrop of our own deaths.

And we're told to live by certain rules because don't we want to live long, happy lives? We give our deaths to other people, or institutions, or lock it away, because we're terrified of owning something so powerful.

But what about living your life? However long it may be? Why do you give other people your death, anon? No one knows what's out there, beyond that edge. You can't even imagine it. And neither can they.

So I think you should live your life in one hand and hold your death in the other. I'm not advocating suicide, but I can't come up with a good enough argument against it. Whatever you choose to do today, however you choose to live, or die, all I can say is that I hope you find something new, on your own terms. I hope you find you.

>> No.15448623

>People shouldn't be forced to live in this hopeless world.
They shouldn't be forced to die either.
If I became president dictator of the world, I'd kill every antinatalist because they can't do it themselves. If you really believe what you're preaching, you should die, anon.

>> No.15448868

OP it's crazy because I came to this realisation as well a few weeks ago. I do believe the reason why you have had this revelation is inextricably connected to my having this realisation seeing as we are the same and this frequency has been omitted from the greater consciousness. Terrific to be here communicating with you directly. I somehow knew too that this truth would be more intercepted after my/our realising of it. Love

>> No.15448915
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>> No.15448977
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>> No.15448983

bro u just blew my mind

>> No.15449870

You can't hold on to today and swim to tomorrow at the same time.

>> No.15449931

That's no philosophical revelation, it's just common sense

>> No.15450005

prove it

>> No.15450188

>relocating isn't such a hassle
Because refugees are just welcome in with open arms around the world where ever they are fleeing from. Get real. In the Americas a lot of the refugees heading north to the US are leaving because their crops just won't grow anymore, along with conflicts exacerbated by resource shortages. And this is now, barely the beginning of symptoms.

>> No.15450266

Absurd. Yes consciousness created the name and concept of nature, as it is only relevant to humans trying to make sense of what they are observing. But the state of what we call nature (billions of years of natural selection with life filling every niche currently available) led to consciousness as a trait in at least animals, one of which got a big sexy brain, put the observation into a box it could understand, and slapped a label on it.

>> No.15450945

internet will be the brain of t800 in the future

>> No.15451017

Maybe you should read a book, if you think this concept is anything but ancient.