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File: 125 KB, 576x788, DJD8B3lWAAASazu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15438193 No.15438193 [Reply] [Original]

Architects have done more damage to the West than drug dealers have. Any books that explain why modern world has turned so aesthetically ugly?

>> No.15438200
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>> No.15438207

the crisis of our age by pitirim sorokin

>> No.15438215

>post photos showing distinct, yet equally vapid architecture
Just stop. You're turning a movement into a meme.

>> No.15438228

Permanent structures were a grave mistake

>> No.15438334

Anything by Christopher Alexander.

>> No.15438362
File: 25 KB, 295x475, i-nicolai-bukharin-imperialism-and-world-economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started with the destruction of the two imperialist wars, so the explanation starts here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/bukharin/works/1917/imperial/

>> No.15438370

Beauty by Roger Scruton, and watch his documentary Why Beauty Matters on youtube, only the one with Portuguese subtitles is available since it's been silenced

>> No.15438377

Das Kapital

>> No.15438395
File: 326 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Collins_St_architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an extremely liberal and cosmopolitan city Melbourne preserved its architecture quite a lot

>> No.15438398

and polluted it with endless Chinese style spreadsheet apartments

>> No.15438818

>Melbourne preserved its architecture quite a lot
can't you see what's right before you eyes?

>> No.15438919

that documentary is pure garbage that disregards everything on philosophy about beauty

>> No.15438946
File: 73 KB, 803x382, images (99).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UofA is pretty comfy desu, I like going here, far better than soulless Flinders

>> No.15439052

This is a very complicated question I wish I knew the answer. Some of it is clearly ideological which is observable in the visual arts in general. Some of it is economic in the basic sense of rationalization and in the broader concerning democratization. But it seems to me that the fundamental reason has to be spiritual. The uglyness of architecture does not seem like an improper reflection of society in general. I have not heard of any thinker who has been able to conclusively explain what is going on, people who try tend to produce lamentations.

>> No.15439061

>For an extremely liberal
pretty sure they vote labor you dipshit

>> No.15439070

It's a building, who the fuck cares.

>> No.15439138

Bottom is better.
Fuck motifs and aesthetics.

>> No.15439219

Comparably you retard

>> No.15439243

Even if an architect would design something beautiful, it would turn out ugly once the the building firm starts buying the cheapest materials for everything

>> No.15439261

Impressive mental gymnastics you have going on there, l*ftoid.

>> No.15439271

Now try living in it.

I live in a modernist city with a small historic center and people always gather around the old buildings because they offer the only spaces where we feel truly at home.

Modernism is just terrible. There's no excuse for it. Is there good modernism? Yeah, people like Frank Lloyd Wright were good, but they built houses for millionaires, while for us normal people modernism is basically commieblocks all the way.

>> No.15439400

This, retards on the internet can be all contrarian and jerk off about how the old evil buildings are only liked by white incels or whatever the fuck but I live in a similar situation, almost everyone I've ever talked to or heard talk about it fucking hates the new modernist buildings and loves the old stuff.

>> No.15439415

This is the norm everywhere I have ever lived.

>> No.15439426
File: 34 KB, 768x487, heinkel-111-large-56a61c4a3df78cf7728b6485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right anon
here are some architects on the way right now

>> No.15439623

personal cars ruined cities more than modernist architecture

>> No.15439661

I don't usually blame capitalism for everything. But it IS more economically efficient to cut costs on mere aesthetic design.

>> No.15439752

Do you not wish
To love your home?

>> No.15439770

materials used

>> No.15441103


>> No.15441131

Holy based
Cage haters rise up

>> No.15441133


>> No.15441195


>> No.15441225

I don't see anything special about the building on top

>> No.15441240
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Check out Debords writing

>> No.15441511
File: 27 KB, 400x383, josef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurrrrrr old building good. look at these cherry picked pictures! survival bias? never heard of him.

>> No.15441522

depth aside, the 2015 picture is a lot more superficially ugly.

>> No.15441563
File: 241 KB, 1280x960, 1454856847550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In short term, yeah. But isn't it better in long term for the country to promote the mental well-being, creativeness, spirituality or perhaps cultural belonging of the generations that will live in there?
Can you imagine places like these fostering productive members of society that will want to remain and benefit their community and not immigrate elsewhere?

>> No.15441596
File: 519 KB, 1224x700, Scottish_Parliament_Building_Holyrood_Edinburgh_da56574-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my political philosophy is whatever will bring the people who make things like this to justice

>> No.15441616
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>> No.15441626
File: 275 KB, 1000x667, bav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sort of thing was built in comparably total poverty and ignorance.

>> No.15441633

so you can reward them? that is a beautiful building

>> No.15441637

Just put some trees in the inside, problem solved

>> No.15441641
File: 645 KB, 2560x1702, EdinburghScotland-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15441651

Now just imagine the same street with a bunch of trash and a bum pissing in the alley

>> No.15441669
File: 238 KB, 1200x800, NUB_Mannheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now compare to this
sort of thing built by advanced industrial civilization with a broadly educated citizenry.

>> No.15441681
File: 136 KB, 1024x1001, stadt-kassel2-jpg-DW-Reise-Kassel-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this.

>> No.15441696


>> No.15441697

Love the bridge, not a fan of the apartment buildings but they aren't the worst

>> No.15441702


>> No.15441732
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>old good, new bad

>> No.15441741

I didn't select for worst, I chose what you find everywhere. If anything those apartments are among the less insulting contructions.

>> No.15441757

you mean automobile infrastructure

>> No.15441758
File: 656 KB, 800x534, 101_Tokyo_SeanPavonePhoto_iStock-482744023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the street view.

>> No.15441786

These buildings are like one in ten million

>> No.15441787

Unironically better than any Victorian era garbage, I'll take vibrant colors and fun over sexually repressed elf huts

>> No.15441795
File: 306 KB, 850x1063, altstadt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15441798

>Why can't everything look like these famous tourist areas!

>> No.15441801

That looks awful

>> No.15441808

My biggest complaint about Japan is all the electrical wiring and telephone poles out in the open

>> No.15441810

Reminds me of elderly people

>> No.15441811
File: 23 KB, 640x335, 4ntdyi1mc2a41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure the first ones are built in total poverty and ignorance but were restored to our romanticized view of before. these buildings never looked like that in the past.

>I didn't select for worst
you did. notice how the good old buildings are basking in sunshine or have a beautiful sunset behind them while the new stuff is portrayed with an ominous grey sky.

>> No.15441830

i like the intimate chaos they got going on with the wiring

>> No.15441833

Why are bugmen like you even on /lit/?

>> No.15441843

>a whole city of ugly buildings
What did you mean by this?

>> No.15441852
File: 71 KB, 860x572, vogelsiedlung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These might have become famous but reality is that there are thousands of them. There's no famous architect or whatever who built that, neither have these places been of national or even particular regional importance. It's an aestethically fortunate but not unusual construction. Just houses of normal people the equivalent of which would be pic related.

>> No.15441860

It's actually a very young student town and the university is a 15 minute walk from that spot.

>> No.15441865

These ominous pictures came up, I just googled for a city I know.

>> No.15442034

>Any books that explain why modern world has turned so aesthetically ugly?
Essentially, aesthetics is literally the face of much deeper paradigm shifts of the 20th Century.

Crap architecture traces its roots to Brutalism in the 1960s. Brutalism itself descends from Socialism and Modernist art. All of these ideas are the natural consequence of our technological advances. Socialism was caused by Industrialisation. It hardly made sense to own ones means of production before there any means other than ones own hard labour. Modernist art is caused by the camera and the radio, the birth of the celebrity, popular (throwaway) culture.

Technology changes everything. In some ways, the rise of the Internet has changed things for the better, but our education systems in the West are still in total ruins

>> No.15442066

ITT no one knows the difference between beauty and aesthetics

>> No.15442125
File: 2.14 MB, 2919x2092, Koeln_1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because Brits destroyed the comfy architecture

>> No.15442159
File: 105 KB, 540x675, tumblr_p91e5ykqtc1sby8suo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come join our comfy Tom Wolfe thread where we talk about how Wolfe was right about everything (in this case, his "From Bauhaus to Our House" essay).

>> No.15442177

And here he is now, off to make another ugly building, and once it's finished he'll say 'here lies the difference between aesthetics and beauty'. Because where there is no difference there is also nothing of any value.

>> No.15442191

I'd rather have truth over beauty, wouldn't you?

>> No.15442211

you could just have both. Architecture is so expensive, and its effects on everyday life so prominent, that I don't really appreciate these experiments, it's just arrogant to impose some half-baked conceptual piece on people like this. Just save it for sculpture or painting or something.

>> No.15442216

>implying there's a difference

>> No.15442229

Beauty is truth, truth beauty, —that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know”

>> No.15442247

Very amusing that both pictures showcase the result of a similar trend, ie official attempts at removing the historical complexities of a city in favor of a more uniformized and easier-to-navigate style of building.

>> No.15442249

Is truth a half-baked conceptual experiment?

>> No.15442268

I'm currently seeing Seeing like a State by James C. Scot pop up a lot, and it might help you understand a general trends that contributes to this.
On a rather different angle, and much shorter, from the Bauhaus to your home by Tom Wolfe is more explicitly about architecture.

>> No.15442284

I'm mostly impressed that the top picture looks good in comparison.

>> No.15442290

This is so dizzying it borders on surreal, like you've got a surrealist movie playing in your window 24/24. Were the brutalist architects...unintentionally based?

>> No.15442305

That's actually less boring and soul-deadening than appartments blocks.

>> No.15442320

Neo classical and baroque architecture were founded on high minded ideals and on core Western values, which is why it still looks good centuries later — “high art”. Modern architecture like brutalism is based on economy and temporary fads, so it ends up looking like shit to people 10 years down the line — “low art.”

>> No.15442329

Maybe the difference is efficiency. Lesser efficiency means less power to carry out a reductionist vision, means vitality still manages to creep in unexpected. So the older one looks better because the older architects had less means to squeeze the life out.

>> No.15442343

You don't think neoclassical and baroque are similar do you?

>> No.15442352

Yeah decades after throwing away the entire concept of beauty, they have slowly discovered some basic aspects of it

>> No.15442386
File: 194 KB, 620x910, montparnasse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the Big Black Tower of Montparnasse.

>> No.15442393

Marx is the root reason for western decadence

>> No.15442403

To be fair, the view from the top of these towers is amazing.

>> No.15442409

This is a half billion dollar building. The comparison would be a cathedral.

>> No.15442411

at least commie blocks are honest about the despair they embody
dressing it up in wacky bendy whimsical schizophrenic architecture makes you both depressed and question your sanity

>> No.15442415
File: 307 KB, 643x758, 94B41492-4C65-4B1A-A20E-7411A647CE03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't have an architecture degree (unlike me, I have one) shouldn't be allowed to have any opinions on architecture. Regardless, coming into threads like these is a fun trip to the zoo: a bunch of retarded monkeys shitting themselves over muh old architecture and muh evil modernists with no nuance.

>> No.15442416

>the best place to be is where you can see everything else except it

>> No.15442424

This makes me so angry. Fuck that architect and fuck the government there.

>> No.15442443

Nuance is what I have to wipe off my arse cheeks after a messy shit

>> No.15442454

Yes, why not? Give me one good reason why we, with all our technological might and resources, cannot make everything look this beautiful. Hard mode, explain it without bugman reasoning about corporate profits and margins for the boss' Canary Islands bank account.

>> No.15442455
File: 1.70 MB, 2923x2782, 5690E9E4-74D1-4BF0-AD31-E52419CE08FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brutalist architecture is the best architecture

>> No.15442461

People with degrees in architecture are obviously the last people to lecture in questions of beauty. Unlless the recipient is a rebel this sort of thing is more shameful than a degree in gender studies.

>> No.15442468

based retard who contributed nothing

>> No.15442478

Yeah, precisely. It's a huge flex on the proles, which is based unless you're one of the proles being flexed on (I am).

>> No.15442489

I for one like a building that makes me question my sanity.
Honesty was actually a big factor in making those block complex popular in the architecture community, not sure it's a virtue to be emulated here.

>> No.15442552

Jesus wept

>> No.15442567

This is the great truth which everyone ITT needs to understand. Nevertheless, surely you acknowledge that “honest” soviet-style blocks are depressing?

>> No.15442642

that's fucking comfy
cities should be divided between the old center and the new outskirts
the arabs figured this out a long time before

>> No.15442678

that building is a testament for the big black cock of the world being firmly rooted in Parisian ass

>> No.15442712
File: 39 KB, 678x452, Neobrut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct and correctpilled

>> No.15442756
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, 1588661211658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benthamist architecture is best architecture.

>> No.15442792
File: 544 KB, 2174x914, 12EA0846-58A1-4FE9-98CE-B62D7510B86C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate commies, but I love their buildings

>> No.15442800

Architecture is one of the most respectable degrees out there.
It’s at the crossroads of art and engineering.
No, I didn’t get a degree in architecture. Mine was in MIS

>> No.15442805

Efficiency and cost

>> No.15442828

Stalinist architecture is great, don't lump it in with brutalist crap

>> No.15442830
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>> No.15442849

Isn’t Stalinist Architecture just a subcategory of Brutalism?

>> No.15442876

why. no literally. why?

>> No.15442877
File: 107 KB, 900x508, A335-10-Prime-Examples-of-Brutalist-Architecture-900x508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gay. Brutalism is good.

>> No.15442885

I bet you listen to black metal as well, edgelord.

>> No.15442920
File: 68 KB, 1000x584, shutterstock-169704719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalinist architecture came to prominence in the 1930's. It grew out of the socialist realism art movement, and mostly has its origins in the neoclassical movement of the 19th century. Meanwhile, brutalism first emerged in the 1950's in the west out of the earlier Bauhaus movement by architects like Le Corbusier who wanted a top-down, socially progressive architecture that was focused entirely on functionalism instead of aesthetic concerns.

Ironically, the main link between brutalism and Stalinist architecture is that if you ever criticize brutalism and post a picture of some shitty 1970's concrete slab that's falling apart from rain damage, its defenders will give you a line about 'That wasn't true brutalism, true brutalism has never been tried'.

>> No.15442921

I'm not saying that it is inherently shameful but with the reality being what it is they are the defilers of public spaces. They uglify the world and put their boot on the human soul. When I look at that Montparnasse cancer I feel like everyone involved in this should be sentenced to death in a public trial. It's not funny to me.

>> No.15443017

Not everything is always going to be to your taste, anon. Instead of wishing death upon others, learn to find beauty in new things.

>> No.15443041

Do you accept that architecture is a public thing, not just another opportunity for the artist to jerk himself off? People can choose whether they go to an art gallery or concert hall. They can't choose whether or not to see the buildings around them. I don't mean to suggest that you should design buildings specifically to appeal to the plebs, but if your supposed masterpieces are actively distateful to many people, don't you think you have a duty to take that into account?

>> No.15443060
File: 249 KB, 1024x576, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: faggots who spend their whole life in front of a computer screen and only experience the world through google images.

>> No.15443071

and you chose them

>> No.15443076

>All that dead, empty space
>That concrete that's falling apart and will need insanely expensive renovations in ten years or so
>That design which gives no indication of what the building's purpose is, or even basic information like where the entrance and exits are

Imagine not only failing by every classical definition of good architecture, but also failing by your own definition of good architecture

>> No.15443089

>I don't mean to suggest that you should design buildings specifically to appeal to the plebs,
That's exaclty what you're asking for, though. All this supposedly ugly modern architecture is just an expression of the avant garde. You're just a pleb that can't grok it -- you were never meant to.

>> No.15443108

The avant-garde are themselves plebs play-acting as the aristocracy they will never be, who created architecture that was appreciated by everyone. Imagine actually being taken in by this bullshit, embarrassing.

>> No.15443123

>you were never meant to.
So what the fuck are you doing? You're just wanking yourself off with these oh-so-clever high-concept buildings that only you and your architect mates appreciate, while everyone else has to put up with them. It's clear you're not even interested in everyone else, which would be fine if your designs weren't plastered on every street for everyone to see every day. You have a public duty that you don't care to fulfil. That's why modern architecture makes people angry.

>> No.15443127

I seek justice. And this isn't a matter of taste, it's aesthetic aggression against the populace. It's a shared space and what these people are doing is criminal and on that level it's also intentional. This is the architectual equivalent of going on stage and shouting obscenities through a megaphone during a classical concert. It has nothing to do with something being new or old.

>> No.15443131
File: 9 KB, 250x234, Soyjack1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>classical definition of good architecture
I can tell you have have 0 architectural knowledge. Pic related is you.

>> No.15443134

you sure showed him by posting a soijak and saying absolutely nothing

>> No.15443138

they are intended to be depressing, soulless and to crush aspiration. communism could not function otherwise

>> No.15443143

You can call them plebs, but they're the one's building things while you're whining on the internet.

>> No.15443147

Great you support Mcmansions too, since they're being built, in larger number too

>> No.15443153

>You're just wanking yourself off with these oh-so-clever high-concept buildings that only you and your architect mates appreciate, while everyone else has to put up with them.
Yes. Tough shit for you. Art was and always will be an aristocratic endeavour.

>> No.15443154
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, 3266399017_766b8b799c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about modernism being too functional and not aesthetic
>complains about aesthetic building having all that dead, empty space

It's a library built in 1970 btw and its fucking amazing. Heres a picture that doesnt make it look like some evil building from a dreary dystopian world.

>> No.15443165

Nothing begets nothing.

>> No.15443168

i have to look at the shit you make you retard, it forms the physical material reality that i have to live in
i shouldn't need to go to college to have a bunch of book niggers explain to me why literal garbage actually is good and i should be grateful for the privilege of looking at it. art that requires any explanation (much less a specialized degree) to abate the feeling of physical disgust it gives to the uninitiated viewer is beyond worthless, it actually has negative value. i would literally pay money to not have to see this absolute fucking garbage polluting my vision every time i visit a city (any city, they're all like this)
nobody ever had to explain to me why the things i find at least bearable to look at are so. my reactions to buildings produced prior to about 1900 have ranged from feelings of wonder and amazement to not actually producing any reaction at all, but i've never felt anything close to violent hatred of them. modern architecture is a unique phenomenon in this respect and it takes years of "education" to twist that innate feeling of displeasure into "well ackshually if you knew the history of blah blah blah you'd know blah blah" that people say when you point out to them that it's shit, it's literally shit
i mean this in absolute seriousness that i think you people are in serious bodily danger if there was ever a breakdown of law and order and people start looking for scapegoats, given how visible and recognizable your work has to be

>> No.15443170

There is nothing aristocratic about this architecture, the people who design this stuff despise the entire concept of aristocracy.

>> No.15443175
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>> No.15443177

>since they're being built, in larger number too
Since when is stuff like >>15442877 "built in larger numbers"?

>> No.15443180

He actually made a post with points

>> No.15443189

The mcmansions are being built in larger number. your metric of quality was apparently being able to get someone to build your design.

>> No.15443194

You're making a good point using terrible examples

>> No.15443208

Yet they remain the arbiters of the good and beautiful, willing their creations into existence, while preventing the plebs from doing the same. They don't care about "the people", only their singular will to beauty.

>> No.15443213

>Art was and always will be an aristocratic endeavour.
Well that's clearly nonsense. And anyway, the main thing I was trying to get across to you is that architecture is not just art. It serves a public function too. So the standards and expectations of the public cannot be irrelevant in the way they would be for other forms of art. If you don't get that, or refuse to countenance it, then you do a great job demonstrating why public spaces have gone to shit.
Back when there was a real aristocracy, aristocrats generally perceived themselves as having some kind of public duty. This nose-in-the-air disdain for everyone else isn't an aristocratic attitude, it's a spoiled liberal one.

>> No.15443216

He said nothing.

>> No.15443222

>why can't we just live in lego houses

>> No.15443224

It's not will to beauty, they don't even believe beauty exists, and the plebs build plenty of their own architecture.

>> No.15443229

If you're too stupid to read a post that literally bullet points what it's saying that's on you.

>> No.15443232

That's not what they're doing. They want to get rid of beauty, that why this stuff looks like it does. It's anti-architecture. They also don't want to create, they want to undo creation.

>> No.15443235

Where did I ever say it was metric for quality?

>> No.15443237
File: 302 KB, 936x1170, arch_grap_20200409_212002_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15443239

imagine thinking you'd ever see baroque architecture if you were some rando living in the 17th c

>> No.15443253

>aesthetics is not a matter of taste

Please pick up a book on aesthetics sometime so you can do justice to the word

>> No.15443255

You don't know anything about art or aristocracy.

>> No.15443264

What do you think all those churches were?

>> No.15443266

Care to enlighten me? Or are you too aristocratic for that?

>> No.15443267

It's still an aesthetic expression. It doesn't matter if you don't like it, it wasn't meant for you (the plebs).

>> No.15443271

Do you actually believe this horseshit? Aristocrats are all sexual deviants and wasters

>> No.15443274

It was on him to say something worth responding to.

>> No.15443276

He's entirely right, the insecure managerial sneer of the progressive is written all over the disgusting shit they build.

>> No.15443279

Dumb metaphysical argument that has no basis in reality

>> No.15443285

It's a shit aesthetic expression that will be torn down and nobody will remember it

>> No.15443288

too far away?

>> No.15443289


>beauty make brain feel good
>ugly make brain feel bad

>> No.15443295

An aristocratic taste is be defintion singular. It doesn't have to be for the sake of "the people", or for the sake of anything.

>> No.15443312

Yeah just like most buildings. The good stuff will stick around.

>> No.15443316

>source: my diary desu

>> No.15443318

And yet the art of the actual aristocracy, when there was one, not random larping bureaucrats, is widely appreciated.

>> No.15443322
File: 146 KB, 797x565, New chancellery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're not really getting anywhere, post beautiful architecture.

>> No.15443324

>its fucking amazing
ok chaim

>> No.15443330

The aristocracy rarely produced art.

>> No.15443335

Well, thankfully you wrote that sentence and not I. I disregard the notion that putting that thing there could've been done without understanding that it breaks the harmony of its surroundings. And even if it were a matter of personal taste it would still be unfathomably rude to disregard the sentiments of millions of neurotypical observers and inhabitants.

>> No.15443340

Nope. New architectural styles were always met with resistance.

>> No.15443341
File: 277 KB, 1279x827, St Georges chapel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15443346

>people change history
im laffin

>> No.15443348

they commissioned it and set the standards. The church also played this role

>> No.15443351
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>> No.15443358
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this is Frank Gehry, say something nice about him

>> No.15443367

Old architecture was a free energy power system that was dismantled for big oil. The materials and aesthetics were both altered so no one would stumble on the physical qualities.

>> No.15443390
File: 1.31 MB, 3002x1955, Constance_Perkins_House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard Neutra is the definition of user-friendly modernism

>> No.15443393

>You're going to put my body on display in a hermetically sealed case where everyone can look at me forever
Why did anyone take this dingbat seriously?

>> No.15443398

No the academies set the standards, based on that of previous artists

>> No.15443406

The same people who confuse beauty with the experience of beauty?

>> No.15443409

You will share in that reward.

>> No.15443418

>thinking that's comfy
anon are you an ant

>> No.15443433

I like how he gave you only one limiting criteria and you still failed.

>> No.15443455

Churchill would have firebombed Germany if the Reich had never built a single rocket or fielded a single solider.

>> No.15443476

That's based.

>> No.15443488
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>> No.15443490

He failed with cost but efficiency is something else

>> No.15443516

It wouldn't even matter in this context as I am pleading for the sanctity of the public space but I do think yours is a silly notion. It is patterns that create meaning in whatever form and the intention of theirs is to disrupt them. It is hostile and invasive. It's also so repetitive, all of the arts are churning out this nonsense it's just that in architecture it becomes desecration and they love that. It makes them feel as if they were actual artists.

>> No.15443532

And he would have been right to do so. That's just what industrial warfare looks like, it was his responsibility.

>> No.15443542

I didn't see the soldier part, that's nonsense nvm.

>> No.15443616

FUCK i just lost in counter strike

>> No.15443625
File: 59 KB, 457x500, 1529070047303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys I have a degree in drawing rectangles, you're animals compared to me

>> No.15443658

>It’s at the crossroads of art and engineering.
No it's not, you're drawing rectangles, saying you're an artist because you're an architect these days is like saying you're a virtuoso because you touched your friends guitar once.

>> No.15443798

>NOOooooo modern buildings are actually beautiful you just can't appreciate the heckin builderinos
Amazing how nobody ever has to write a 10 000 word op-ed on how baroque, Victorian, etc. architecture is actually beautiful and is just misunderstood

>> No.15443843

Where do you think Gothic (for example) got its name from? These styles weren't always thought to be beautiful.

>> No.15444301
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>> No.15444330

>give me one reason
>oh yeah and you aren't allowed to use the main reason
Explain why those things aren't the biggest factor to why buildings are built the way they are

>> No.15444339

What difference is the experience of beauty to the experience of disruption?

>> No.15444359

The French find it hard to resist anything long and black.

>> No.15444364

Companies just don't want to pay millions of more dollars to build their buildings. You can't really complain about it when their business goal is to make profit at the expensive of having a nice looking building. Besides 2010s architecture has been a lot nicer than what its been in the past 50 years

>> No.15444373

Sounds like you are the one having a hard time not thinking about it.

>> No.15444382

cheap designs
cheap construction
cheap labor

>> No.15444389

when discussing left/right on a site with majority american user base it is easiest to use liberal/conservative

>> No.15444400

Living in a building like that would promote creativity.

>> No.15444421
File: 5 KB, 247x250, crycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they killed the bridges

>> No.15444423

More concerned that someone finds the Ponte City Tower to be "comfy" than the French love for long black things.

>> No.15444429

I understand the thought process and reject it since I do believe in hierarchies but what I lament is that they force people to participate in this niche neurosis. The environment around it has evolved in aesthetic symbiosis. the patterns compliment each other and sing. They want that gone, that's the purpose. They want to destroy it for everyone. It's an obscene act even if you are a relativist. It's terrorism.

>> No.15444500
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This is the sirius building in sydney. Public housing. Dirty looking building and feels out of place when viewed from the harbor bridge, but cant ever stop staring at it.
Will be knocked down soon and some chink building will go up.

>> No.15444544

Another thing to mention is that it is dilettantism. By seperating yourself from the evolved structures you can only produce mathematical drivel because you have seperated yourself from the cultural pool of knowledge.. It's like a child vandalizing the painting of an old master. 'See, I created disruption, great art of equal value to what I have destroyed'.

>> No.15444571
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Books on New-Urbanism?

>> No.15444803

Is it the forcing that is the issue or the neurosis? If people have a tendency to 'destroy' then can't they also claim there is a problem that they are forced to participate in an overbearing structure of 'beauty', as arbitrary as the term has been since the 18th century? The structure doesn't work for them the way it is intended, is representative of excess or decadence of aristocratic regimes, etc. In this case it is not obscene but liberating and necessary.

>> No.15444850
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>> No.15444857

As a current architecture student, I can definitely say that the admiration for clever design and artistic innovation goes as far as architects not only developing "trained eye" and so their own sense of aesthetics, divorced from what the public may look for in a building, but also to neglect to a degree the actual comfort and day-to-day practicality of their buildings, which gets overlooked by the brilliant ideas of the designs.
So the architect as an artist gets into conflict with the architect as a builder. The most famous modernists architects frequently got into bitter arguments with their clients. If you study say the Ville Savoye, it's an insane work of genius and to me, deeply beautiful, but the owners left it after a couple of years because it was unpractical. The roofing was bad, and layout akward, etc. Another example is the Vancouver House by BIG. I'm sure Bjarke Ingels has a wonderful very convincing tale about how much of an asset the building is to the city and whatnot, but when you look into the floorplan of the units, they're godawful, because that got overlooked in the vision.
These problems I think are inherent in the figure of the architect. Before, architects weren't known and so styles were just copies and gradual evolutions of preexisting models of design, so they were sort of an expression of the public environment by themselves. While when you have a single "Mastermind" directing it, it's bound to look for self-expression and to search for an artistic outlet in its craft, and architects get influenced by other architects and they form this sort of bubble all artists get into where they're divorced to an extent from the rest of the world.
That's also why I think the obvious "just return to tradition" is not the answer, it's simply impossible. The architect is a necessary figure in modern urbanism, when thousands of buildings need to get built every day, and cities need to be carefully planned out and codes followed. And as long as architects exists, they will try to make something unique to themselves, and expressive of their own times (modernity), and form cliques with eachother, and definitely not give up their own individuality.
Also I think to an extent the general dislike for modern architecture is due to it being an expression of a era that is not, well, liked. Anything created in the 20th and 21st century is gonna reflect to a degree the stress of urban living, the growing social control and paranoia, alienation, the expansion of the realm of technology, etc. If a new, more agreeable architecture comes, I think it will be as part of a broader social change in the whole structure of our society

>> No.15444914

>NOOOOO you can't just take out the heckin cute little roofs and windows and spirals it reminds me of HARRY FUCKIN POTER and Hogwarts. I like the hustle and bustle of big buildings but they need to have the nuances MY WAY.

>> No.15445023

If you want to take that route (and I would advise against it) you would propably need a democratic license to liberate all these poor folks from beauty but you know as well as I do that people hate this destruction. So really we are looking at, to use your word, aristocrats destroying the patterns of life of the masses without their consent, usually even encountering, besides their disgust, also their opposition. We're also usually talking about coporate entities like banks here, so let's not get too teary eyed in describing what kind of revolution you're actually involved in.

But really it is nonsense that evolved architecture can be reduced to buzzwords. You're observing a highly complex structure reflecting human beings through time. That's what's so weird about these authoritarian styles (which includes what we're talking about), they represent simple motives and ideas that some idiot thought profound. Even if they don't try to destoy everything their created spaces always end up empty and soulless. It's unavoidable. Architecture proper cannot be performed in this solipsistic manner.

I gotta go to bed now, have a good one.

>> No.15445031

I'm not really picking a side just looking at the language used to describe why one side is better than the other, more metaphysically true, etc.

>> No.15445033

The foreword on that is brutal because he tells us how he overreacted and that things were not destroyed to the extent he feared. Of course a few years after that he wouldn't have written that.

>> No.15445074


>> No.15445111

I hate it, but I'll also miss it in a way.

>> No.15445158
File: 268 KB, 1056x1080, 1056px-Hudson_Yards_from_Hudson_Commons_(95131p).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern skyscapers look alright. Things are a lot more glassy now a days than 70s concrete blocks

>> No.15445212

What the fuck are you talking about that building fucking rocks. Fuck the ethereal buildings of the past, I want these depressive buildings, concrete everywhere. A reminder of the world we live in

>> No.15445214

that is disgusting

>> No.15445224

I can't ever wrap my head around how much cement it takes to make a building like that one. I did an 8x8 slab with my dad a while ago and it took about 40 bags of 80-lb cement mix. We did it all with a wheelbarrow and I felt dead at the end. Even with modern machinery and an army, these buildings seem absurd.

>> No.15445225

Based retard.

>> No.15445239
File: 1.77 MB, 1024x681, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you reactionaryfags act like there isn't still countless old buildings around

>> No.15445268

I hope someone burns your shitty architecture as part of an "avant garde" performance.

>> No.15445321

I'd be okay with that, but trad architects are too pussy to do anything cool like that.

>> No.15445327

Those are pretty nice.

>> No.15445335

What building is that? Looks cool.

>> No.15445814

Read the Punchline section of Mitchell Heisman's suicide note. He goes into the root cause of the aesthetic, political, and ethical discrepancy between the modern "West" and the European traditions prior to the 20th century. He especially nails the sociobiological aspect of the shift.
Also, for those with the inclination, a Jew's refreshingly honest meditation on the JQ (as posed by Aquinas/Wittgenstein/others throughout the European canon, not Hitler's version)

>> No.15445856

>just make skyscrapers out of bricks lol

>> No.15445862


>> No.15445883

they'll never accept the truth that beauty is objective and their shit is ugly
never speak with most architecture majors

>> No.15446044
File: 63 KB, 564x383, TLauluten__T5B9785_PRINT-300dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Edvard Munch museum, it's so fucking ugly. What a shame

>> No.15446059
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>> No.15446083

It was going to be entirely glass until building regulations fucked it over, so they put that cladding on it.

>> No.15446096
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>> No.15446097

>McDonald's commercial vs reality

>> No.15446169

this is actually nice

>> No.15446207

This building looks good when you are only looking at parts of it. Its looks ugly from a birds eye view.

Looks like a cooperate headquarters. Looks like an underwhelming capital building.

>> No.15446214

same thing lmao

>> No.15446223
File: 343 KB, 680x713, dctc22c-70571ba4-3978-4978-bafc-21b853a6e5f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15446224

This buildings exterior is underwhelming but its got a insanely beautiful interior.

>> No.15446251

The Neutra near my house just got demolished.
The person purchased it and tore it down.
That building in Hanover is cool.

>> No.15446255

Yea but they look to much like each other.

>> No.15446297

I've long had the idea of starting a new post-modernist art movement called "involuntarism". It would consist in kidnapping modern artists and internsectional social scientists, tying them to a metal chair in some basement and breaking their hands and legs with a sledge hammer, while telling them that they will be freed if they transfer me all their money. However, once they agree, I would continue crushing their bones with the sledge hammer. It would be a postironic comment on the existential state of a modern man, metamarxist critique of capitalist neoslavery, as well as a novel artistic reflection on the injustice of the cisgender partiarchal society.

>> No.15446440

Churchill wouldn't have been in power if Germany had never built a single rocket or fielded a single soldier

>> No.15446442

I recently read an article about some guy from an architect agency, and he said "beauty" is not a goal in modern architecture. He was seriously asking why should buildings look aesthetically pleasing, and said houses should above all be functional. And that's the only thing they care about when they plan new buildings, apparently.

>> No.15446460

>comment on the existential state of a modern man, metamarxist critique of capitalist neoslavery, as well as a novel artistic reflection on the injustice of the cisgender partiarchal society

This comment is why art sucks these days

>> No.15446466

Yeah man I want to fucking stand there "contemplating" in aesthetic indifference every time I try making it to work in the morning

>> No.15446470

That road is too wobbly to drive on and where are safe zones for pedestrians to cross? Are Europeans retarded?

>> No.15446634

>tfw playing hide and seek

>> No.15446683
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Unironically this

>> No.15446708
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>> No.15446766
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dont forget to mention that they laser cars on the street and blind people in neighboring skyscrapers

>> No.15446831

This type of argument is insufferable. People aren't denying their existence, they are lamenting what is replacing them. There is this thing called concern over the future based on current trends.

>> No.15446842

polished turd

>> No.15446862

Tokyo is an over-industrialized shithole. One of the most soulless cities on Earth.

>> No.15446913

The new age is soulless. It concerns not one bit about the spiritual realm encapsulated in architecture.
Brutalist architecture is literally bad for your mental health. It presents force with no spirit.
Apparently modern architects do not ask themselves "how will this make the person feel" but rather "how much of a circlejerk can I generate around being le original and different".
These people only are concerned about themselves and their ego, their attack and shoehorning of their nonsense upon society, an act of differentiation and individualism, distancing, unwelcome feeling. And the people attack, subconsciously, with their litter, in response to the feeling of antagonism, as out of disrespect. This architecture does not respect anyone and none does it receive.

>> No.15447061

Atheism (of the rich) mainly.
As >>15446913 said without owing your work selflessly to god and maybe the good your people, it will ultimately be expressed as a stroke of ego with no care to principles of architecture.

Architects aren't held accountable to produce beautiful works anymore because we have no faith and our self-perpetuating industrial system favors pure efficiency with minimal regards to human well-being.

Just look at this shit:
Even the last surviving author admitted in the 80s that they were too rash with their ideas and ruined beautiful environments for thousands of families with their commieblocks and cubes.

We abandoned the spiritual tenents of integritas consonantia and claritas. And the practical ones of e.g. the Vitruvian triad in which every building should be beautiful, useful and durable.
Read Vitruvius, Vignola and Palladio.

Keep in mind that beauty adds to a buildings durability as its beauty will motivate people to maintain it and protect it, whereas a modern block or skyscraper could be demolished without many missing it.

>> No.15447128

The world is a lot bigger and more complex now and architecture as a discipline has expanded in scope. Beautiful buildings are still out there, they're just not the sole jurisdiction of architecture. It's as simple as that.

>> No.15447140

With a car, you can go anywhere you want.

>> No.15447150

But if the architecture was good like it used to be, that would also remind you of the world we live in, that being a much better world due to the higher quality of architecture.

>> No.15447154

Unironically yes, why are you phrasing it as an unreasonable question?

>> No.15447160

Go live in a retirenment village if that's what you want.

>> No.15447170

>Not everything is always going to be to your taste, anon
You're right, and the data shows that new "modern" architecture is to absolutely nobody's taste. It deals a measurable harm to our psyche and depresses us, that's why people gather around old city centers with good architecture, as stated earlier, and why tourist spots are those beautiful little rustic european towns, and the grand sweeping cathedrals, rather than the Big Black Tower of Montparnasse.

>> No.15447189

So your only answer to the complaint that the highest population centers are coveried in ugly, soul-deadening architecture, is to tell people to run away from it, and by extension, civilization?

>> No.15447193

Making pretty buildings cost money, and behind each construction are a bunch of people and companies looking to maximize profits.

>> No.15447199

Architecture is the greatest art. It is the most practical one as it is in intercourse with engineering, it implicitly affects us mentally by the imposition of its appearance and the style and form reflects the soul of the culture in which it was made. It can tell a story as the Caryatids who carry the shame of their traitor husbands. Etc.
Unlike other arts it can be of use by both the blind and those both blind and deaf as they can appreciate its space.

The problem arises when building solely for the deaf-blind.

>> No.15447206

Leaving aside the fact that "the data" runs into the survivorship bias problem, the fact of the matter is that these "depressive" buildings are the condition of present modern existence. Give people the option of doing away with modern buildings, on the condition that it means doing away with modern life, most are going to say no. The topic of avant garde architecture is a different matter altogether -- it has always, by definition, pushed buttons, even "trad" darlings like Gothic.

>> No.15447222

Modern life necessities accordingly modern structures, including phsyical ones -- why does this surprise you people? The answer to your question is "yes".

>> No.15447223

Those buildings always look filthy and abandoned, even when in daily use

>> No.15447224

Ultimately this is the root of it, but then the few times architects are allowed to be artistic, it turns out everyone in the field is a fucking postmodernist and you end up with garbled messes that are, at best, dizzying to look at.

>> No.15447231

You can construct a building that houses a lot of people AND looks good on the outside, can't you?
Even if you can't, what's better, cramming 1,000,000 people into commie blocks, or fitting 900,000 people into an enriching and productivity-inducing environment?

>> No.15447236
File: 125 KB, 975x650, 01_BrutalistArchitecture__GeiselLibrary_iStock-1170019760-975x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they don't. Go outside.

>> No.15447238

To be fair to the French, after this tower was completed they banned any further developments in the area and kept these eyesores to the business district

>> No.15447239

>company approaches the architects
>"how cheaply can you design something with 4 walls and a roof?"
>get varying spins on "concrete box"


>> No.15447241


>> No.15447248

Do you have an example that doesn't look filthy and abandoned? The only thing remotely warm-looking about this site is the sparse plant life struggling to grow around it. Unironically looks like a post-apoc zombie shelter.

>> No.15447250

No, you can't. Modern life correlates with modern architecture, just as archaic life correlates with archaic architecture. Or do you draw no distinction between modern and archaic life?

>> No.15447264

>faggot needs all his buildings to be warm and fuzzy

>> No.15447304
File: 44 KB, 464x661, Gothic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't look filthy and abandoned
So you don't like Gothic? Woah bro, that isn't very trad

>> No.15447321

i have physically seen it, it is just as bad in person

>> No.15447330

They rebuilt the bridge near the cathedral exactly like that. Still a nice city, some historical buildings have survived, like the Rathaus (city council building). And just yesterday I passed the tower on the right side while strolling around the Rhein.

>> No.15447373

>isn't it better in long term for the country to promote the mental well-being, creativeness, spirituality or perhaps cultural belonging of the generations that will live in there?
Property developers don't have the foresight or empathy to consider anything beyond immediate profit and cost cutting. Fucking scum

>> No.15447386

new reaction image

>> No.15447387

mixes sublime and beauty in a harmony. For example as an acoustic instrument has a timbre with many overtones, where the note is the basic shape, the overtones are the ornaments and details that give richness.

only sublime, there's no overtones only what looks like a foundation by digital square waves

>> No.15447396
File: 49 KB, 540x720, 05dbf0221511f916c5b53be98d89ad54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uhh anyone read any good books lately?

>> No.15447447

Interesting. I'm the opposite. I see only the sublime in the Gothic, but perfect harmony in the brutalist piece.

>> No.15447486

>modern life is depressing so let's design depressing buildings to make it even worse

>> No.15447506

The depressing buildings came before the depressing life.

>> No.15447528

if life is going to be depressing then the aesthetic should at least be honest about it
i don't like feeling like i'm in a mental hospital with pastel walls and sappy inspirational artwork everywhere, it's humiliating and dehumanizing

>> No.15447541
File: 131 KB, 800x405, template-harmony-superfluous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brutalist one looks like a template (fig 31 pic related), it's monotonic, though its many edges give it a superfluous appearance. The gothic one has many tones but may seem a bit superfluous in detail (fig 34). Figure 33 is the most harmonic and the ideal with its harmonic relations outlined in 32b.

>> No.15447550

that looks sick though

>> No.15447583

I see 33 in the brutalist one.

>> No.15447598

if it was the only building that looked like that, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, because it would just be a novelty
but i have to live in a world full of these schizophrenic monuments, so the novelty goes away and i'm just left with a deep sense of spiritual vertigo and alienation when i look at a landscape covered in things specifically made to be novel, different, weird
if i was just visiting, i wouldn't mind. but i have to live in it, see things like it every day, and the end result is that i feel like i live in a jackson pollock painting

>> No.15447607

These are three things that I can think of:

Elite-favoured ideologies of 'art' that are explicitly anti-beauty and pro-ugly as a means to gatekeep/elitify. Elitism tends to come from making up distinctions to exclude others and reinforce some nepotistic cabal they've already established (and I believe this is what's happened with art). The validity of liking ugliness and hating beauty is irrelevant because by default we like beauty so the most elitist thing that can be fabricated is going against our nature. Btw this doesn't make elitism invalid, if you are better then you are better, but popular/fabricated elitism certainly is as it's often stupid and ignorant.

Economic concerns: architect's or artist's careerism (slavishly following trends, in-group version of commercialism) and practical things like needing to quickly and cheaply mass produce housing. From this comes cities with buildings completely incongruent with eachother (probably more important than specific designs) and anti-human urban spaces.

Last is simply a decaying of aesthetic sensibility and effort in the culture in general. People like beauty but don't place much priority on it or have much skill in bringing it to life. This applies even to the basic habits of a person, the way they talk and walk. No doubt the above two heavily reinforce this one. The first stops aesthetics being taught in school and actually makes aesthetics invalid as a topic or consideration. The second immerses a person in soul-crushing ugliness.

>> No.15447608

I think architects often get carried away, but I don't think it's an issue of egotism. We live in the most amazing times for new construction technology, and because huge buildings are relatively rare compared to other kinds of technological innovation there's constantly room to do things that have never been done. To see what we're capable of and build structures man has never seen before. It's really exciting, but it is certainly easy to forget that if it's not the success you dream of, it's going to be really ugly for a long time.

>> No.15447663

you are the have architectural equivalent of tone deafness then

>> No.15447668

you have the*

>> No.15447743


>> No.15447810
File: 452 KB, 1120x697, arnobreker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15448229

>it's not ugly! look, it has all these shiney commercials plastered on!!

>> No.15448298

Yes and it shouldn't be. Liberal has a specific ideological meaning that applies to both modern conservatives and progressives (which are relative terms). Somebody advocating for democracy and corporate capitalism then insulting someone by calling them "liberal" is completely lacking in self-awareness

>> No.15448380

Looks cool
Also kinda scary but cool
Imagine living at the first floor and shouting at the window lol

>> No.15448390


WITH /b/tards, /pol/tards, /a/, /g/ and /k/

>> No.15448457
File: 219 KB, 454x520, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck are you talking about that building fucking rocks. Fuck the ethereal buildings of the past, I want these depressive buildings, concrete everywhere. A reminder of the world we live in

>> No.15448593

>Ctrl+F "Christopher Alexander"
>only one match
>everyone posting brainlet takes instead of books

>> No.15448800

People on this board love LARPing like they’re aristocrats a few hundred years ago. In reality they’re products of dead-end tier genetics who pretend to like classical architecture to garner (you)s and upcummies from fellow online dead-ends