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File: 409 KB, 720x1020, tradarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15437868 No.15437868 [Reply] [Original]

Books on the trad movement, specifically architecture and theory? Also any trad critiques of Islam

>> No.15437892
File: 220 KB, 347x440, 1587480638938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trad this, trad that

>> No.15437906

Looks modern alright.
Any what's with the obsession with criticising Islam?
Just call them shitskins and be done with it.

>> No.15437916

Weren't they not modern? lol retarded LARPers, maybe in 2100 TikTok will be trad

>> No.15437919

trad trad trad trad trad trad trad trad trad trad
fuck off bug man

>> No.15437924

How is this not modernistic

>> No.15437934

That's gotta be a fucking joke right?

>> No.15437958


>> No.15437967

Is this satire?

>> No.15437976

I feel like there's a person on /lit/ who springboards off of every post I make

>> No.15437990

Modernism generally finds its genesis in the 1850s, so all of this is modern.

>> No.15438002
File: 56 KB, 329x544, seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based trad retard

>> No.15438005

What's your bet on OP's age?

>> No.15438014

>all the loser itt who feel the need to correct this guy on what he incorrectly called "modernism" because he couldn't be arsed to learn all the savvy terminology of architectural movements of the 20th and 21st centuries.

you all know what he means. A lack of ikea prefab entirely glass or metal eyesore exteriors.

>> No.15438016

I just... yeah I fucking love the way this tweet is worded and everything. I need more just blatantly offensive tweets passed off as scientific by reputable organizations.

>> No.15438039
File: 67 KB, 512x384, _gsn_LKS1sqlNPARZWHclzcKtYaO0lo4kX3UbSygcHi8-8HJsr9LIKfRvuKITSFYl9Qy0V0XeDuK8mrIOTkxHX5zWSfrArahRJmzlz9sQBVQRbGXpSuP3-T_90eGDWs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition

>> No.15438044
File: 16 KB, 291x193, mudhut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition

>> No.15438046
File: 42 KB, 600x450, BsxMYIFCAAEfJxa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior architectural movement coming through.

>> No.15438048
File: 223 KB, 677x658, e27 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition

>> No.15438051

>you all know what he means
I literally don't. He needs to speak clearly and precisely before I'll bother treating his opinion earnestly. If that expectation is a filter, well, he (and you) has to go back.

>> No.15438065
File: 366 KB, 2000x933, 1224239_AJ06_Nordpark_Cable_Railway_Photographer_Werner_Hutmacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These trad architecture faggots are such retards. They don't seem to understand that today's tradition is just yesterday's innovation.

>> No.15438068

Looks like something from the DDR to me.

>> No.15438094

If you LITERALLY don’t understand him you might be brain dead. You’re acting high and mighty yet you’re in this thread and responding. All you’d need to do is look at a picture of Manhattan today and spot the difference to see what he is complaining about. None of the newest skyscrapers look anything like the ones in OPs picture.

>> No.15438097

True, but you forget that many of the worst offenders of glasssteelgood architecture aren't shaped that way for functionality, but are simply shaped that way because they can be.
Many of these glass behemoths are actually functionally inferior despite technological supramacy.
The innovation of this decade will be building styles that functionally minimize the impact of buildings on the environment and have a structure that allows for easy climate control and plenty of usable space.
These innovations will stick around. The glass steel eyesores won't. People hate them now and will hate them later. Much like the trash from the 50s.

>> No.15438101

What? that's still modern. Although the image captures the mindset of average tradlarper.

>> No.15438105

>If you LITERALLY don’t understand him you might be brain dead.
No. But he might be.
>You’re acting high and mighty yet you’re in this thread and responding.
Right, I know what modern architecture looks like. I'm here to make fun of him.
>All you’d need to do is look at a picture of Manhattan today and spot the difference to see what he is complaining about.
Nah. Though, I bet I would if he'd known what he was speaking about.
>None of the newest skyscrapers look anything like the ones in OPs picture.
Yeah. Okay.

>> No.15438112

>minimize the impact of buildings on the environment
That's never going to be a major trend.

>> No.15438114

that's just elongated commie-block aesthetics a.k.a burgerstyle.


>> No.15438116

That is a bunch of blobs though.

>> No.15438133

The good stuff will stick around, the bad stuff will fade from memory. In 300 years from now some of these supposed glass and steel monstrosities will be considered "hyper-based and "hyper-trad" by retards on the hyper-net.

>> No.15438140

You actually took the time to greentext an entire post in order to say nothing at all.

>> No.15438144

I sure did. I said nothing in response to a nothing post. It's almost as if I'm shitposting in a shitposting thread.

>> No.15438145

Those buildings aren’t made to last.

>> No.15438153

So you’re saying you’re as retarded as the kid in OPs image. Glad we agree on that.

>> No.15438162

You are a wondrous failure.

>> No.15438170
File: 164 KB, 1180x885, doric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's just a bunch of cylinders though

>> No.15438174

Ok, so we know cathedrals are peak trad so a 10, and buildings built last year are least trad so a 0. In that scale of 0-10 how trad are commiblocks?

>> No.15438177

Yeah, and they're the ones that'll fade from memory.

>> No.15438187

Arguably, all buildings made after the 1900s wouldn't be trad (along with quite a few built in the previous century), so Commieblocks would be a 0 on the trad scale.

>> No.15438209
File: 15 KB, 257x196, Muslimclerickissingboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject Modernity,
Embrace Tradition

>> No.15438211

and your inspiration

>> No.15438214

>Ok, so we know cathedrals are peak trad so a 10, and buildings built last year are least trad so a 0. In that scale of 0-10 how trad are commiblocks?

>> No.15438217

Does that mean in 100 years they'll be considered trad?

>> No.15438226


>> No.15438235

Why not?

>> No.15438241
File: 120 KB, 620x413, 1498532821786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moscow Metro is pretty trad despite the fact that it was built by commies

>> No.15438261

Because they'll still be examples of modern architecture. What exactly counts as "traditional" here? I've seen quite a few distinctive architectural styles called trad here, and I'm beginning to think that term has no real meaning for /lit/ or for people versed in architecture.

>> No.15438289

I want every person who unironically idea the word "trad" to kill themselves desu.

>> No.15438292

Nothing in this picture is traditional, there's literal skyscrapers. Trad just seems to means "Kinda old-timey" at this point. Way to completely ruin the word retards.

>> No.15438298

I have no clue. I asked how trad buildings are as a joke, and got what seems serious answers. Traditional architecture far as I understand means either built with traditional methods, or designed utilizing sacred geometry or symbolism that has been passed forward by chain of tradition.

>> No.15438325

It doesn't mean anything. It's just "old thing good, new thing bad" applied to architecture.

>> No.15438329

Keeping in mind that I have no idea what "traditional methods" ought to mean, I can at least make more sense of your definition than I've thus far been able to make of "trad" architecture.

>> No.15438332

Building with concrete as well as glass and steel is still soulless and modern. Its hilarious that Americans, the people of a country founded on Masonic liberalism, think they were ever traditional.
>Books on the trad movement, specifically architecture and theory?
There isn’t much of a movement outside of the internet these days. Look into neogothic architecture. Trad theory is not especially rigorous if it’s the main goal of someone’s belief system, their are many philosophers who describe the importance of tradition as a part of a larger whole. I suppose Guenon could be what you’re looking for as more trad focused.
>Also any trad critiques of Islam
Most trads in modern times (see Guenon and Schuon) concert to Islam. You could get more general critiques of Islam from someone like pascal, but how are current western trads going to criticise a culture that has a much stronger hold of tradition than they do?

>> No.15438381
File: 105 KB, 852x1500, 7f1dd64b1abe4d816dbce0642b8bb4e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The theory of architecture implicit in our world today is bankrupt. More and more people are aware that something is deeply wrong. Yet the power of present-day ideas is so great that many feel uncomfortable, even afraid, to say openly that they dislike what is happening, because they are afraid to seem foolish, afraid perhaps that they will be laughed at.

>There is one timeless way of building. It is thousands of years old, and the same today as it has always been. The great traditional buildings of the past, the villages and tents and temples in which man feels at home, have always been made by people who were very close to the center of this way. And as you will see, this way will lead anyone who looks for it to buildings which are themselves as ancient in their form as the trees and hills, and as our faces are.

>> No.15439062

Modernist garbage, pass.

>> No.15439072

>Moscow Metro is pretty trad despite the fact that it was built by commies
That's because both "trad" and communism are modernist

>> No.15439085

huh, it's almost like these tradtards have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.15439099
File: 64 KB, 500x513, 745FAFA7-CC94-49DB-B3D7-04A66BAD3D7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject tradition, embrace modernity.

>> No.15439115

I genuinely cannot work out what is shitposting and what's not anymore. Things have gotten too retarded. Poe's Law is the death of all communication and discourse.

>> No.15439144

>not shitposting on both sides
c'mon anon, join the fun

>> No.15439166

where you goin?
where you at?
you bitches don’t know me from jack
but I feel like the mack

>> No.15439168
File: 29 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling around in your own shit for attention isn't fun.

>> No.15439233

You don't wanna live near one of those.

t. lived near one of those

Seriously, the traditionalists are completely right on this one. Modernism might be interesting in theory and in photographs, but actually living in a modernist city is terrible. It depresses you. It annoys you. It offers you no escape. You feel like you are at your job all the time. You constantly feel that you are owned, and that the place wasn't built for you. It's horror.

>> No.15439254

yes it is

>> No.15439278

>"trad good"
>go apeshit when muslims do it

>> No.15439293
File: 217 KB, 850x517, NOAH-A-proposed-sustainable-eco-urban-Arcology-architecture-and-ecology-structure-that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reject Modernism
>Embrace Futurism

>> No.15439295

The only reason they don't like Muslims is because they're brown. The agree with all their political and religious positions.

>> No.15439318

I wouldn't necessarily call it pro-trad, but From Bauhaus to Our House by Wolfe.

>> No.15439351
File: 123 KB, 1136x852, 5cacfa5f92c88607aa23e323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15439364

If you're a retard or a pig, I guess it might be.

>> No.15439395
File: 10 KB, 241x209, 1544730898944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modernism looks bad
These buildings don't look bad
Thus, these buildings are not modernist.

>> No.15439412

>These buildings don't look bad

They look like absolute trash

>> No.15439429
File: 45 KB, 640x326, Return to tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15439436
File: 140 KB, 1600x900, bwjftcz5ingfji28la3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditional western architecture

>> No.15439446

I'm pretty sure those buildings are modernist, no?

>> No.15439476

Reject postmodernity, embrace modernity.

>> No.15439478

No. The International Style is the start of Modernist architecture, essentially. Art Nouveau -- which is what's largely in that image -- is right before.

>> No.15439487


>> No.15439505

Stop it already with that nonsense, everyone knows what is meant. Architecture degenerates and older iterations were more inclined to conform to a superior taste. They're not talking about an academically defined period of modernism, they mean new stuff and the picture is a good example of a still aesthetically pleasing living space (at least in comparison) dealing with demands of advanced industrial society.

>> No.15439577

This. That tweet is fucking retarded.

>> No.15439602

>art deco

>> No.15439606
File: 239 KB, 396x454, 1586342214832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing it for attention
I do it because its fun

>> No.15439647

More than 80 posts and not a single book recommendation on the subject.

>> No.15439730

Incorrect, you fail to see the reason why old architecture is appreciated, is that it is beautiful, and the reason trad people like it is because it was also made as to be beautiful, this way they, rightly so too, appreciate.

>> No.15439760

>the disease of modernism
>posts modernist architecture
why do so many people claiming to be "trad" refuse to educate themselves on what they're talking about on even the most basic level?

>> No.15439833

Based and tedpilled

>> No.15439852

t.110% architecturally illiterate

>> No.15439865
File: 350 KB, 1200x966, 1200px-Image-Grand_central_Station_Outside_Night_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15439873

we actually call that hotdogstyle

>> No.15439901
File: 376 KB, 604x394, peepeepoopoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15439917
File: 723 KB, 1280x1696, barch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world needs more concrete jungle utopia of based brutalism

>> No.15440080

for me it's the 50s propaganda-approved traditional way of life, now THOSE were some good times

>> No.15440086

>why yes I have a big ass SNES what gave it away

>> No.15440098

trad architecture = a mud hut

>> No.15440124
File: 181 KB, 626x360, 20190821_185206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gaudy, out of touch with its surroundings and impersonal.

Ever since the wars people have been trying to predict the future with aesthetics instead of building upon the reality of the present and the foundation of the past. 60s atomic Jetsons nonsense was not the future, 80s geometric bladerunner/rollerball cheese was not the future, and this dumb bloby pyramid thing will not be either.

We don't need to strictly adhere to tradition but we'd get better continuity and appreciation for our cities as a whole if every architect didn't feel the need to throw out heritsge and invent thier own visual language. 15 minutes of praise from some snooty academic for thier "bold and innovative ideas" seems worth years of scorn and disinterest from the general public.

There's been so much "groundbreaking" design in the last 100 years that it's all become underwhelming. Maybe my grandpa would have been shocked by this shit but when I see artists painting with period blood and face tat SoundCloud rappers going off about ultraviolence my face is always Pic related.

>> No.15440150

Hypertrad hypertards

>> No.15440197


I always felt uneasy with the left's admiration of brutalism. like it's fine for you to briefly dip your toes and visit an art gallery/library for a day before returningto your nice conventional home, but others have to live in and around these granite monstrosities

>> No.15440205

Wut, lol, I live there.

>> No.15440212

>80s geometric bladerunner/rollerball cheese
what does this refer to, t. architecturally illiterate
good post though.
>15 minutes of praise from some snooty academic for thier "bold and innovative ideas" seems worth years of scorn and disinterest from the general public.
this is particularly infuriating now that you mention it

>> No.15440215

>before the disease of modernism

>> No.15440268

The definitive proof that it's a satire account. Pretty good bait ngl

>> No.15440278

It will if it also means they are cheaper to operate, like with efficient interior climate control and water drainage.

>> No.15440285

I know

>> No.15440360
File: 175 KB, 862x524, 22CE067A-54E8-4842-B117-1891584EC310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All glass structures are most certainly modernist trash, all style, breaks no boundaries on our typical concepts of architecture. Futurism is all about the concrete, brutal, but still manages to be beautiful and does things surprising and new.

>> No.15440384

Thanks for the laugh OP. Good to see shitposting is still allowed here.

>> No.15440421


>> No.15440463

>before the disease of modernism

>> No.15440480

I liked the part in King Kong where the empire state building is portrayed as a giant penis

>> No.15440528

this guy is based and dabbing on your pretensions to be anything other than bougies, the McMansion is the most honest modern architectural form.

>> No.15440562

i wonder what r*ghtoids would do if brutalism had been a preferred fascist style

>> No.15440639

I have to admit that there's something about brutalism that I enjoy, but only in places like pic related where it completely dominates the landscape. One brutalist building by itself is just an eyesore. A whole campus of brutalist buildings like this, with shapes that look straight out of a motherboard are oddly compelling. It legitimately feels like a unique environment you want to explore, like you're living in a science fiction novella.
I don't want any more brutalism than we already have, but I can't bring myself to agree with the guys who want it all demolished ASAP

>> No.15440661 [DELETED] 

discord . gg/mVNUytg