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/lit/ - Literature

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15435243 No.15435243 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: words that give away reddit-tier scholarship/critique of fiction
>Mary Sue
>""subvert"" / ""subversion""
>trope """inversion"""
>character flaw
>[weird metaphysical accounting of every character's virtues and flaws to make sure each has an equal number both and so qualifies as a "good" character with """depth""" who is ''''''human""""]
>character development
>character motivation
>inner conflict
>back story
>["interesting"/experimental narrator]
>[""interesting"" narrative POV]
>["""intriguing"""/unique narration style]
>"""expository""" writing, dialogue, narrative
>[any critique that betrays and/or advocates reading for plot, setting, characters, ideas, etc.]

>> No.15435284

>Morally gray characters
>pretentious prose
>Purple prose
>Hero’s journey
>Campbellian arc
>”I identify/don’t identify with the character(s)”

>> No.15435295

“A Hideo Kojima Game”

>> No.15435301

The most obvious
>Holy....I want more!

>> No.15435345

>Creates a pity hierarchy where the character they pity the most by default is their favorite character

>> No.15435347
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 24214505752_7e8729961c_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining that there are too many complicated words and that the sentences are too long
>complaining that there are too many descriptions and that the writer needs to "get to the story!"
>complaining about the non-linear plot saying you can't tell what's a flashback or not
>complaining about writers who don't use quotation marks and saying you can't tell what's dialogue or narration
>complaining that something's "boring" and leaving it at that

>> No.15435358

Based criticism:
Cringe criticism:
>everything else

>> No.15435503

Exquisite post anon

>> No.15435514
File: 418 KB, 600x802, 1574651616962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you supposed to call tropes other than "tropes"? I realize that word has been ruined by the retards at TVTropes but there has to be a good word out there for ideas and concepts repeated in multiple works of art.

>> No.15435557

Motif kinda fits

>> No.15435567

Does anyone here actually enjoy reading and discussing literature? Just curious.

>> No.15436156

>midwits like OP caring about the people who use words and is offended deeply by it

>> No.15436190
File: 98 KB, 844x960, HUGE PLOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character development
>world building
Yeah who needs those when you can have HUGE ANIME TIDDIES

>> No.15436221

“The dark souls of books”

>> No.15436231

Gtfo here and go back to Redit, that is a total leddit-tier description of a book

>> No.15436235

Analysis on who uses what words is midwit now? You just wrecked the entire discipline of linguistics man

>> No.15436248

>typing this whole thing out

>> No.15436251

Sure, just drop the bullshit.

>> No.15436261


>> No.15436270

t. deeply offended OP's words

>> No.15436906

ah yes instead I much prefer the 4chan method of posting frogs, wojaks, gigachads, and calling things [fotm adjective] and then never elaborating upon it and instead personally attacking those who disagree with me

>> No.15437044


>> No.15437064


>> No.15437100
File: 79 KB, 720x704, 1421110409042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bechdel test
>world building
>manic pixie dream girl

>> No.15437107

I get a lot of these but
Am I not allowed to say something is or isn't multi-faceted now?
>character development
Am I not allowed to talk about a pretty significant part of writing? Must all characters go unchanged?
Yeah, that's good. If a character isn't consistent, people are allowed to say "this character changed motivations seemingly randomly"
>anything that advocates writing for anything other than prose
You're just saying there's only one point to reading at this point. You're just saying art has a single purpose, deemed by you, and everyone who disagrees isn't as smart as you.

>> No.15437108


>> No.15437273

You have to go back

>> No.15437382

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

>> No.15437404


>> No.15437447

>Show don't tell

Anyone who says this without adding any clarification should not be trusted.

>> No.15437483

this. OP and everyone else in this thread is retarded

>> No.15437523

to where
I've probably been here longer than you have
lmao stay mad retard

>> No.15437528

The fact you don’t know what this refers to pretty much guarantees you are a reddit tourist

>> No.15437553

No retard I knew exactly what you were talking about I just didn't want to humor your parrot response to anything that upsets you

and plus I only use reddit for porn lol

>> No.15437601

>Morally gray characters
Why reddit wants only GOOD and BAD people in books?

>> No.15437604

too much super hero movies?

>> No.15437608


>> No.15437658

Topos/topi you fucking pleb

>> No.15437675
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 300px-Crying_Cat_screaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15438165

TvTropes isn't that bad. It reinvents the wheel and mainly focuses on pop culture, but everyone on 4chan is signalling how edgy they are by acting like they browse no other websites. It's cringe. Not everything has to be racism and irony 24/7 you tryhard fags.

>> No.15438175

>>Purple prose
What does that mean, non-anglo here

>> No.15438285


>> No.15438347

Especially when it's something that doesn't even remotely resemble Lovecraft

>> No.15438354

you didn't read correctly

>> No.15438592

The DNA of the soul.

>> No.15438603

Basically any cringe failed attempt at maximalism.