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/lit/ - Literature

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15434997 No.15434997 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite piece of Chinese literature.

>> No.15436448

The romance of the three kingdoms

>> No.15436473
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For me, it's Fortress Besieged by Qian Zhongshu, Cat Country by Lao She, and Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an.

>> No.15436493
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For me, it's Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation

>> No.15436885
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>> No.15436974

Dragonball GT

>> No.15437006
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>> No.15437007

You just posted it.
And apparently shaolin monks like to act like Sun Wukong

>> No.15437105

I was wondering, how come Sun Wukong is the only character people talk about from Journey to the West even though the protagonist is actually Sanzang?

>> No.15437121
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I haven't read Journey to the West, but Sagacious Lu is easily the best character in Outlaws of the Marsh even though Song Jiang is the leader of the rebellion.

>> No.15437139

really not that well written. Good concept and story but the writing itself is meh compared to other xianxias

>> No.15437150

because side characters of chinese novels are usually better than the straightlaced protagonists

>> No.15437169

Sanzang is a whiny bitch, Pig is and asshole and Friar Sand is... just there.
Sun Wukong is an asshole too, but he is a fun asshole.

>> No.15437600
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Lu Xun's Diary of a Madman and Other Stories, the William Lyell translation

>> No.15437775

Hanyang Type 88

>> No.15437794
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He's also really cool in peking opera:

>> No.15437839

Why do westerners like it so much? It's literally is Asian equivalent of the hobbit, only kids and child adults read it

>> No.15437851

You mean, Lord of the Rings?

>> No.15437862

>only kids and child adults read a 2000 page novel
>a novel that is considered one of the "four great classical novels" of an entire civilization is the equivalent of The Hobbit
How can one person be this dense? Journey to the West is more analogous to Beowulf. Do you also compare Macbeth to genre fiction because it's got witches in it? The Chinese Hobbit would be more like The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

>> No.15437866
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>For me it's jin ping mei

>> No.15437880

>Long is good and not for children
>Great classics
For historical values and not much else
>Do you also compare Macbeth to genre fiction because it's got witches in it
Yes, If macbeth in it's entirely is about witches casting spells for funsies and wacky adventures

>> No.15437886


>> No.15437900
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Besides the I Ching, Tao te Ching, and Taichi Classics...

the Secret of the Golden Flower is pretty neat

>> No.15437909

This, Sanzang did not deserve to become a Buddha, all he did was being a little bitch until the very end and fuck up all the time

>> No.15437922

Six records of a floating life was a nice read. Currently reading the Scholars, which is surprisingly fun once you start writing down the names.

Lu Xun is to moralistic for me. It is really good literature for being so political, but this overly teaching attitude turns me off.

>> No.15437932

Whose translation of Journey to the West should I read? I've taken a look at both of the major ones and Anthony C. Yu's is complete but it seems rather stiff, while Waley's is highly abridged but comes off as better written.

>> No.15437950

personally i prefer translators who are great writers over scholarly translators

the best translators of Chinese lit i've come across are Waley, Watson and Hanan

>> No.15437955

in addition to Lu Xun, here are some Chinese novels I enjoyed:

Liu E - The Travels of Lao Can
Wu Jianren - The Sea of Regret (i guess I like moralistic lit)
Chen Diexian - The Money Demon
Liu Heng - Black Snow
Zhang Xianliang - Grass Soup
Mo Yan - Life and Death are Wearing Me Out
Cao Naiqian - There's Nothing I Can Do When I Think of You Late at Night

>> No.15437973

I tend to lean the same way so I'm glad someone agrees. I'll look into the other names you mentioned as well.

>> No.15438004

That one book where the chinks stole Christmas from the burgers.

>> No.15438172


>> No.15439279

>heroes wander through the mountains
>little poem about mountains beauty
>some demon with some magic artifacts steals the monk to eat him
>Sun Wukong fights the demon
>little poem about the fight
>Sun Wukong defeats the demon and they continue their path
>Optionally: demon defeats Sun Wukong and he asks Sky Emperor/Bodhisattva Guanyin/Buddha/Jesus/Putin/Trump for help, then the demon is defeated and they continue their path
Enjoy the template above used chapter after chapter with minor alterations for almost four tomes. Author truly was paid by the line for his original battle shounen.

>> No.15439496

Why do people talk about the Joker when the protagonist is actually Batman? Because the trickster is a way more interesting/fun character.

>> No.15439645

The book does not start with the Sanzang. It start with monkey becoming important and wrecking the sky until rocked by Buddha.

>> No.15439819

nothing wrong with that

>> No.15439826

Governor of Nanke simply because it's the only one I can think of.

>> No.15439835

My favorite part is when they get pregnant

>> No.15440188

Sounds just like Iliad

>> No.15441460

As a child I was impressed by Big Lin and Little Lin where chinese communist children killed capitalists with little iron balls.

>> No.15441661

Sounds great.

>> No.15442106

What are the Taichi Classics?

>> No.15442146
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>> No.15442190
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What do you guys think of 'White Deer Plain'?

>> No.15442240

Sun Tzu's Art of War.

>> No.15443198

The T'ai chi Classics is a collection of over 100 articles on the Chinese martial art of t'ai chi ch'uan written by the art's master practitioners over the centuries. They cover everything from the underlying Taiji philosophical principles, to methods of practice and application. Previously passed down in secret from generation to generation in whole or in parts through various lineages, they achieved classical status as they became public starting in the mid-1930s. Together they now serve as the single authoritative guide for the development and usage of Taijiquan skills.

>> No.15443945


also look at Baguazhang and Qigong documents and songs, particularly translated by Dr Yang

>> No.15444944

chikky charlie chang wang chikka chaka choka cha lmao

>> No.15444951
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>All this ancient bullshit

/lit/ I...

>> No.15445067


>> No.15445202

Ancient literature is generally better. This is true of all cultures.

>> No.15446303

The Kingdom

>> No.15446321

>implying The Hobbit isn't based

>> No.15446327

Duhhhhh based?

>> No.15446349

I wish I could have finished it, but the Water Margin.
I rented it out from the university library but I graduated and had to turn it in.
It's probably one of the most entertaining and comfy books I have ever read, and doesn't have a good western equivalent.

>> No.15446360
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Bought pic related recently. What am I getting into bród?

>> No.15446393

Why is it called both "Water Margin" and "Outlaws of the Marsh"? Also, what does "Water Margin" mean?

>> No.15446414

>Why is it called both "Water Margin" and "Outlaws of the Marsh"?
Difference in translation styles. 'Water Margin' is closer to the literal meaning, whereas 'Outlaws of the Marsh' was probably a decision to try get the basic plot of the story across. 'Water Margin' refers to the 'margins' or vicinity around a body of water. Marshland, more or less; which is where the heroes set up their base.

>> No.15447531

When are they going to translate 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'?

>> No.15447560

does Balzac and The Little Chinese Seamstress count?

>> No.15447585

Nice thread
Come to think of it, I haven't read much Chinese lit.
I read Wolf Totem, but that was in highschool.
Now I'm going to get Inner Chapters by Chuang Tsu (or whatever the correct transcription is) from the library.

>> No.15447806

I just read War & Peace (Maude trans.) and I need something similar.

the 1925 translation supposedly has bizarre spellings of names, but how else is it? The only other option I see is a 1991 one, which is sold both as abridged and unabridged

>> No.15447816

>Author truly was paid by the line for his original battle shounen.
Aeneid still turned out ok though

>> No.15447892
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>> No.15447908

This article makes me lean more towards the 1925,

but apparently the first native speaker translated into english recently.
>Yu Sumei is a professor of English at East China Normal University. She has translated several English language books into Chinese and is the first native Chinese speaker to translate The Three Kingdoms into English.
The amazon page has a review quote from the "former Consul for Cultural Affairs for the PRC and advisor to the President of China", so it must be good

>> No.15447996

t. JC x WWX shipper

>> No.15448039
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>> No.15448057

My sister is going to study Chinese in high school - what is some good supplementary material? I've already bought her a compilation of Tang poems.

>> No.15448191

wtf is a tang poem? like the orange drink?

>> No.15448267

bruh tf no, JC is not even a good character

>> No.15448278

imagine being this retarded on /lit/

>> No.15448289

tell her to read the 4 classical novels

>> No.15448348

imagine thinking chinks have literature

>> No.15448511

Are you sure 1000 years old poetry will help her with learning chinese in high school?

>> No.15448546

Seething mutts

>> No.15449202

>Tuttle published a new, three-volume translation of the novel, by Yu Sumei, edited by Ronald
C. Iverson. According to its publisher, this translation is an unabridged "dynamic translation" intended to be more readable than past English translations of the novel
What does "more readable" mean?

>> No.15449207

Isn't that a movie?

>> No.15449525

Dream of the Red Chamber is incredible

>> No.15449540

gayest shit i've seen all day

>> No.15449584
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Probably just that it flows better? This is the only picture I can find of the translation if you want to compare it to other translations. I'm comparing it to the Brewitt-Taylor translation and it is pretty different.

>> No.15449733

the remains of the day by kazuo ishiguro

>> No.15449890

Which translation did you read?

>> No.15450379

Thanks anon. I found plenty of Roberts vs B-T, but not much Sumei

>> No.15450434


compare the opening lines

>Unity succeeds division and division follows unity. One is bound to be replaced by the other after a long span of time.


>The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.

the choice should be obvious

>> No.15450462

One famous opening line might not be indicative of the rest of the work though

>> No.15450470

chinese make for some of the worst translators of chinese

>> No.15450487

i don't hold out much hope for a work that made it to the presses with that as an opener, why did no one saying anything...

>> No.15450492
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what else could i choose?

>> No.15450504

we're talking about Mao's fave book right above

>> No.15450510

I'm confused as to which one is supposed to be the bad one?

>> No.15450725

This doesn't seem to have a translation despite being a 27 year old book. How am I supposed to read this?

>> No.15450768


>> No.15450780


>> No.15450792

I do not have the time to do that.

>> No.15450798

Then don't read it, I guess.

>> No.15450990

that part is great in the movie

>> No.15451000

does every good book require existential crises and fornication?

>> No.15451098

Which movie? The Cave of the Silken Web (1927), Princess Iron Fan (1941), Alakazam the Great (1960), Havoc in Heaven (1961), Princess Iron Fan (1966), The Cave of the Silken Web (1967), Doraemon: The Record of Nobita's Parallel Visit to the West (1988), A Chinese Odyssey (1995), A Chinese Tall Story (2005), Saiyūki (2007), Monkey King vs. Er Lang Shen (2007), The Forbidden Kingdom (2008), Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (2013), The Monkey King (2014), Monkey King: Hero Is Back (2015), The Monkey King 2 (2016), A Chinese Odyssey Part Three (2016), Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back (2017), Wu Kong (2017), or The Monkey King 3 (2018)?

>> No.15451600

The Analects

>> No.15451625

that one where they celebrate cannibalism and generally act like savage animals

which one was that again?

>> No.15451731

Journey West?! Me too!

>> No.15451871

For me, it's The Three-Body Problem.

>> No.15451891

>that one where they celebrate cannibalism
>and generally act like savage animals
>>15434997 fits. >>15451871 too.

>> No.15451914

Very degrading.

>> No.15451920

I am highly doubtful that such a description applies to a book written in this century.

>> No.15451956

Cannibalism is literally the culmination and the central point of >>15451871

>> No.15451987

Why do you keep quoting >>15451871? Is the title like Voldemort where you can't say it?

>> No.15452000

Hmm... Now that you mention it, let it be this way.

>> No.15453319


>> No.15453568

>what am I getting into?
a based fat, glutton drunk BTFO'ing Buddhists and then learning the true meaning of the religion, cheating whores getting murdered and cucks getting blackmailed into joining the rebellion, Li Kui fucking everything up for everyone in every chapter he's in, and the most extreme example of filial piety ever portrayed in fiction

>> No.15453702


>> No.15453827

You don’t like The Hobbit :(

>> No.15454112

Yeah I doubt any of this is good.

>> No.15454712

The world needs to unify very soon, or we are doomed.

>> No.15454856

This is it.