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15434216 No.15434216 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the character of venom snake ? i find it extremely interesting
for the uninitiated
Venom snake is a only a body double of the big boss the series' villain he just accept his fate and continues on being the boss waging wars and ultimately dying as the boss
Miller leaves him , everybody abandons him
it's a very tragic character
if anyone who knows about it , what else would you recommend with the same feels ?

>> No.15434363


>> No.15434700
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My diary desu

>> No.15435894

>if anyone who knows about it , what else would you recommend with the same feels ?
Kojima's mentioned Mishima in the past; has a few other authors if you comb through interviews. The character design calls back certain historical figures like Otto Skorzeny (heavily scarred face; participated in the Mussolini extrication and organized early PMC/asymmetric warfare conferences post-war in Spain), likewise Robert Duvall's character harkening back to him in the film The Eagle Has Landed.

Python Selkan's channel has some interesting takes on V/Silent Hills continuity, especially with MGSV as the S3 program itself, and Ocelot/Miller (+ Zero) being the primary conflict over Venom's programming. The biggest tell is the opening scene with Skullface -- look in the glasses' reflection of the guard opening Chico's cell,-- it's a beige suit/vest, as everyone from Zero, Campbell, Decoy Octopus, Hot Coldman, Miller, and Ocelot all have been seen wearing. Skullface's clothes are clearly all black, plus the man's affliction itself mirrors Venom's wounds.

That said, the firey whale and Pegasus Ocelot/Venom is too conspicuous to ignore -- Moby Dick is a must.

>> No.15436677

Yo thanks a lot man ! that's a lot of stuff to dig into ! exactly what i want
there's another channel called Futuresound production who borders on autism but highly enjoyable that goes into detail in analyzing MGS
another favorite is their deep dive into GTA Vice City and the book 1984 really worth a watch

>> No.15436685

i remember watching it back in the day doesn't really hit that scratch , but thanks dear anon
Thanks boss!

>> No.15436960

I have never played any MGS but I kinda get the story, at least the part about Big Boss having a body double just because in the first games they had to make two similar bosses due to technical limitations
I thought that was pretty interesting

>> No.15436992

Yeah i admit that it got real stupid but i think kojima did it well enough that I and many people still think about it